Chamaecrista fagonioides (Vogel) Irwin & Barneby (1982: 654)
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Chamaecrista fagonioides (Vogel) Irwin & Barneby (1982: 654) |
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10. Chamaecrista fagonioides (Vogel) Irwin & Barneby (1982: 654) View in CoL ≡ Cassia fagonioides Vogel (1837: 50) ≡ Cassia hispidula var. fagonioides (Vogel) Bentham (1870: 131) ≡ Grimaldia fagonioides (Vogel) Pittier (1945: 375) . Type:— BRAZIL. “ In Brasilia: inter Campos et Victória , Espiritu Santo ; Inter Victória et Bahia. ”, F. Sellow s. n. (lectotype K 000056439! Designed by Irwin & Barneby (1978: 275); isolectotypes BM 000793270!, E 00296868, F 0057527 F!, G 00370955!, HAL 0135099! LE 00002329!, LE 00002328!, P 00836008!, P 00836009!, W 0028535!). (Figs. 19 and 20)
= Cassia killipii Rose In Standely (1927: 167) View in CoL ≡ Grimaldia killipii (Rose In Standely 1927: 167) Britton & Rose (1930a: 301) View in CoL ≡ Cassia hispidula var. killipii (Rose In Standely 1927: 167) Schery In Woodson et al. (1951: 255) View in CoL . Type:— PANAMA. near the Tapia River, Province of Panamá, 09 December 1917, (fl.), E.P. Killip 3281 (holotypeUS00037061!; isotypes US 00368124!, NY00003637!).
= Grimaldia decora Britton & Rose (1930a: 301) View in CoL . Type:— MEXICO. Guerrero: from Cicinity of Acapulco, October 1894, (fl.), Palmer 501 (holotype US00002167!, isotypes K000478169 ! (*part of the branches corresponding to Ch. hispidula View in CoL indicated in the exsiccata), NY00004396 !).
= Grimaldia baileyorum Britton & Rose (1930b: 203) View in CoL . Type:— VENEZUELA. Bolívar: Ciudad Bolivar and vicinity, on the Orinoco , 27 February 1921, (fl.), L.H. Bailey & Ethel Zoe Bailey 1392 (holotype NY00004398 !, isotype NY00004399 !) .
= Chamaecrista fagonioides var. macrocalyx (H.S. Irwin & Barneby) Irwin & Barneby (1982: 661) View in CoL ≡ Cassia fagonioides var. macrocalyx Irwin & Barneby (1978: 276) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Bahia: Barreiras, on road to Posse (Goiás), 12 April 1966, (fl.), H.S. Irwin, G. Souza & Reis dos Santos 14601 (holotype UB0037195!, isotypes C10011966!, F0057566F!, GH00053167!, HUEFS89762!, K000056441!, LE00002330!, NY00003793!, RB00539459!, S-R-8812!, UC1418641, US 00001438!) Syn. nov.
= Chamaecrista punctulata (Hooker& Arnott) Irwin & Barneby (1982: 661) View in CoL ≡ Cassia punctulata Hooker & Arnott (1840: 420) View in CoL ≡ Grimaldia punctulata ( Hooker & Arnott 1840: 420) Britton & Rose (1930a: 300) View in CoL . Type:— MEXICO. “ Hab. Tepu ”, s. dat., (fl.), Barclay s. n. (holotype K000478171!, isotype K000478170!) Syn. nov.
Subshrubs perennial, creeping or decumbent, branches up to 40 cm tall, in both cases with diffuse growth. Root nodules absent. Branches green-brown, setose-viscous or hispid-viscous and puberulent indumentum, including stipules, petiole and rachis; non-exfoliating bark. Stipules 1–4 mm × 0.4–0.6, lanceolate, persistent. Leaves altern atespiral,regularly distributed along the stem, plagiotropic; petiole 0.5–2.7 cm long; rachis 3–11 mm long; leaflets 2 pairs, 0.4–2.6 × 0.5–2 cm, distal pair slightly larger than proximal pair, oboval, oboval-elliptic, oblong-elliptic or suborbicular, apex emarginate or rounded, base round or subcordate in the proximal pair and cuneate or rounded in the distal pair, papyraceous, concolorous, olive or dark green, sometimes opaque, villosule on both sides, setuloseviscous along the veins on the abaxial surface, rarely glabrous or glabrescent; margin entire, flat or slightly revolute, ciliated or not; secondary veins 4–5 pairs, conspicuous on the abaxial side and imprinted on both sides. Leafy appendix inter-petiolule absent. Racemes 2–30 cm long, sessile, 4–45 flowers, lax, terminal, suberect with slightly sinuous axis, setulose-viscous and villous, including pedicel, external face of bracts, bracteoles and sepals. Bracts 1.5–4 × 0.4–1 mm, lanceolate, persistent. Bracts 1.5–2 × 0.5 mm, similar to bracts. Buds 4–10 × 3–6 mm, ovoid or globoid, apex obtuse or rounded.Flowers 1.3–1.8 × 1.5–2.5 cm; pedicel 1.5–4 cm long, straight and ascending even when fruited; sepals 4.5–11 × 1.8–5.4 mm, elliptical, apex obtuse, reddish-yellow externally; 4 flat oboval petals, the abaxial one being larger than the others and 1 inner falcate-curled petal, 0.7–1.7 × 0.8–2 cm, orange or reddish, rarely yellow; stamens 10, 4–5.5 mm long, anthers not barbulate; ovary 2.5–4 × 1.5 mm, setulose-viscous and puberulent; style 8–12 mm long, curved in upper third, glabrous. Legumes 2.5–3.7 × 0.4–0.7 cm, linear-oblong, setulose-viscous and sparsely puberulent, dark brown. Seeds 5–7, 3–4.5 × 3–4.5 mm, obovoid, blackened.
Geographical distribution and habitat:— Chamaecrista fagonioides occurs from Mexico to Brazil and Bolivia (Fig. 38C). In Brazil it is not registered only for the South region, but it is more common in the Center-West region. It usually inhabits typical and rupestrian cerrados, rupestrian fields, on clayey or sandy-clay soils or between rock crevices, but it is also recorded for restinga, swamps, riparian forest edges, in addition to anthropized environments such as roadsides and pastures between 50–1450 m altitude.
Flowering and fruiting:—Species found with flowers and fruits throughout the year, but with more abundant flowering between March and July.
Conservation status: —The extensive range of occurrence of Ch. fagonioides in the American continent led us to recognize its conservation as Least Concern.
Taxonomic history and adjustments:— Cassia fagonioides was described in the work “Generis Cassiae Synopsis” by Vogel in 1837, considered as a variety of C. hispidula by Bentham (1870) in Flora Brasiliensis (= C. hispidula var. fagonioides ) and transferred to the genus Grimaldia in 1945 by Pittier (= Grimaldia fagonioides ). Irwin & Barneby (1978) placed it in Cassia subseg. Lasiohegma ser. Absoideae , performed its lectotypification, assuming that its holotype deposited in the Berlin Herbarium (B) would have been destroyed during World War II, and described C. fagonioideas var. macrocalyx . In 1982, they transferred the species to Chamaecrista and admitted the taxa Cassia killipii , Grimaldia decora and Grimaldia bailayorum as synonyms, arguing that they did not differ in any way in terms of the characters that defined them (e.g. leaflet and flower size).
The degree of polymorphism observed in Ch. fagonioides reflects its wide and discontinuous distribution. Specimens with smaller, narrow leaflets and flowers with smaller dimensions (4.5–6.5 × 1.7–3.2 mm long, petals 7–13 × 3.2–7 mm; anthers 2–3.5 mm long). mm long) from Minas Gerais and the Atlantic coast of Espírito Santo, the Caribbean and Mexico has been identified as the typical variety ( Ch. fagonioides var. fagonioides ); whereas specimens from the Brazilian Central Plateau with rounded leaflets and slightly larger flowers (sepals 8–10.5 × 3.4–5.4 mm; petals 13–17 × 7–12 mm; anthers 3.1–4.2 mm mm long) are interpreted as Ch. fagonioides var. macrocalyx . The analysis of a vast number of collections from the species’ distribution area allowed us to conclude that the characters used by Irwin & Barneby (1982) are continuous and, consequently, we admit Ch. fagonioides var. macrocalyx under synonym of Ch. fagonioides var. fagonioides .
In the same way we subordinate Ch. punctulata , a Mexican species described by Hooker & Arnott in 1840 as a synonym of Ch. fagonioides since the authors of the first differed from the second only by the size of the sepals (7–10.5 mm long) and yellow or light orange petals. Our decision was due to the fact that Ch. fagonioides present the variations contemplated by Hooker & Arnott (1840) when establishing Ch. punctulata , and considering that both species share the same area of occurrence in Mexico.
Characterization and morphological relationships: —although it has a wide geographic distribution and, consequently, exhibits a certain morphological variation at the level of leaves and flowers, we believe that Ch. fagonioides in the concept here admitted is a species easily recognized and distinguished from the other congeners admitted in this work, by the association of the following characters: decumbent and diffusely branched subshrub habit, stem with branches almost always setulose-viscous, supporting on other plants or creeping; leaves with two pairs of papyraceous or membranous leaflets commonly with indumentum on both sides and with or without revolute margins; globose buds with obtuse or rounded apex, sessile and always terminal inflorescences, flowers with orange or reddish petals, rarely yellow-orange.
Specimens examined:— BELIZE. Near Manatee , 05 October 1940, (fl.), P. H . Gentle 3409 ( NY) ; Cayo: Mountain Pine Ridge, along Coona Cairn Road , 17°03’00”N, 88°55’00”W, 600m, 22 March 1987, (fl., fr.), G GoogleMaps . Davidse et al. 3303 4 ( NY) . BOLIVIA. El Beni: 37 km E of Riberalta on road to Guayaramerín , 11°05’00”S, 65°45’00”W, 230m, 21 May 1982, (fl., fr.), J. C GoogleMaps . Solomon 7720 ( L / U, NY) . BRAZIL. Amapá: Macapá, road to Amapa, km 48, 07 July 1962, (fl., fr.), J. M . Pires & P. B . Cavalcante 51999 ( NY); ib., road to Amapa, vic. Km 108, rio pedreira, 19 July 1962, (fl.), J. M . Pires & P. B . Cavalcante 52224 ( NY); ib., Maruanun, 31 October 1980, (fl., fr.), B . Rabeto 984 ( NY); ib., km 92 da BR-156, 00°40’00’’N, 51°22’00’’W, 50m, 27 July 1988, (fl., fr.), N. M. S GoogleMaps . Costa et al. 2128 ( CEN); Porto Grande, BR-156, km95, a 400m da margem da estrada, localidade areial, 23 September 1999, (fl.), C. A. C . Ferreira 11640 ( INPA). Amazonas: Canutama, Joana D’Arce, 08°39’27’’S, 64°21’39’’W, 95m, 04 May 2007, (fl.), P. L GoogleMaps . Viana 2713 ( BHCB, INPA) . Bahia: Cocos, estrada para Itaquari, ca. 4 km W de Cocos , Pedra Preta , 14°12’13”S, 44°33’55”W, 570m, 16 May 2001, (fl., fr.), F GoogleMaps . França et al. 3568 ( IBGE, HUEFS); ib., Fazenda Olhos D’Água, 14°54’26’’S, 45°49’22’’W, 710m, 06 July 2001, (fl., fr.), R. C GoogleMaps . Mendonça et al. 4437 ( EAC); Formosa do Rio Preto , 15 May 1982, (fl.), A . Fernandes & Matos s. n. ( EAC 11326); próximo ao córrego Riachão , 08 April 1989, (fl.), R. C . Mendonça et al. 1405 ( IBGE, NY, UB); ib., Fazenda Estrondo ca. 2 km W da porteira voltada para Formosa do Rio Preto, Riachão , 11°06’50’’S, 45°28’20’’W, 502 m, 02 May 2009, (fl.), L. P GoogleMaps . Queiroz et al. 14440 ( HUEFS); Ilhéus, Cerca de 20 km S de Ilhéus , 15°03’01’’S, 38°59’56.4’’W, 30 June 2005, (fl., fr.), V. C GoogleMaps . Souza 30694 ( ESA); Lençóis, 05 September 1996, (fl., fr.), A . Fernandes & E . Nunes s. n. ( EAC 24277); ib., BR 242 , 3 km a NE da entrada para Lençóis , 12°28’00’’S, 41°18’00’’W, 400m, 05 September 1994, (fl., fr.), G. P GoogleMaps . Silva et al. 2618 ( CEN); ib., Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina , cerca de 5 km de lençóis ás margens da rodovia, 12°32’41.1’’S, 41°22’15.6’’W, 464m, 02 July 2011, (fl.), I. A. C GoogleMaps . Coutinho et al. s. n. ( VIC 35832); Rio de Contas, cerca de 2 km N de Rio de Contas , próximo a barragem, 13°34’11’’S, 41°49’41’’W, 1020m, 16 July 2001, (fl., fr.), V. C GoogleMaps . Souza et al. 26152 ( ESA); ib., ca. 3 km SE de Rio de Contas na estrada para Livramento de Nossa Senhora , 13°36’36”S, 41°48’20”W, 860m, 13 June 2012, (fl., fr.), L. P GoogleMaps . Queiroz et al. 15686 ( HUEFS); ib., ca. 1 km ao sul de Rio de Contas na rodovia para Livramento de Nossa Senhora , 13°36’11.7”S, 41°48’44.2”W, 893m, 11 May 2017, (fl., fr.), A. O GoogleMaps . Souza et al. 2055 ( UB, UFG); São Desidério, BR-463 de São Desidério em direção a Sítio Grande, 12°24’46.3”S, 45°01’52.4”W, 663m, 14 May 2017, (fl., fr.), A. O GoogleMaps . Souza et al. 2095 ( UB, UFG) . Ceará: Barbalha, 20km de Crato, sítio Barreira , 22 July 1964, (fr.), L . Duarte & A . Castellanos 472 ( NY). Distrito Federal: Brasília , 20 November 1976, (fl.), E. P . Heringer 16250 ( VIC); ib., região Buracão perto da BR-020, 15°34’00”S, 47°28’00”W, 12 March 1981, (fl.), J. H GoogleMaps . Kirkbride Jr. 3990 ( INPA); ib., na DF-100 a 99,7km do CENARGEN/EMBRAPA a esquerda da estrada, 15°53’00”S, 47°23’00”W, 05 May 1992, (fl., fr.), T. A. B GoogleMaps . Dias et al. 51 ( CEN); ib., DF 290 de Luziânia em direção a Santo Antônio do Descoberto em cerradão, 14 February 2014, (fl.), A. O . Souza et al. 910 ( UFG) . Espírito Santo: Conceição da Barra, Itaúnas , 14º21’30’’S, 48º25’10’’W, 14 July 1991, (fl.), P. C GoogleMaps . Vinha 1259 ( UFG, VIES); ib.,14º5933’ S , 39º7322’’W, 09 September 1992, (fl.), O. J . Pereira 3825 ( UFG, VIES); ib., área 213, 24 August 1993, (fl., fr.), O. J . Pereira & J. M. L . Gomes 4800 ( VIES); ib., área 157 da Aracruz, 25 October 1993, (fl.), O. J . Pereira et al. 5170 ( VIES); ib., Parque Estadual de Itaúnas, trilha do Buraco do Bicho , 18°40’00”S, 39°70’00”W, 27 March 2013, (fl.), W. O. Souza et al. 61 ( VIES); ib., Itaúnas, 18°59’00”S, 39°73’00”W, 16 September 2014, (fl.), L. A . Silva & J . Freitas 474 ( VIES) . Goiás: Água Fria de Goiás, Rodovia GO 118 km 56 em direção a São João da Aliança , em cerrado rupestre, 20 June 2013, (fl.), A. O . Souza et al. 388 ( UFG); Alexânia, Serra do Ouro , estrada que dá acesso a uma draga, 16°10’23.6”S, 48°25’29.1”W, 26 March 2003, (fl.), M. L GoogleMaps . Fonseca et al. 4437 ( EAC); Alto Paraíso de Goiás, ca. 19 km N . of Alto Paraíso , 1250m, 20 March 1971, (fl.), H. S . Irwin et al. 32776 ( UB); 5km antes de Alto Paraíso, em cerrado rupestre, 04 April 2013, (fl.), A. O . Souza et al. 236, 237, 245, 247, 248 ( UFG); ib., Rodovia GO 118 km 156 em direção a Alto Paraíso , em cerrado rupestre, 14°07’16.9”S, 47°45’29”W, 1157m, 22 June 2013, (fl., fr.), A. O GoogleMaps . Souza et al. 456, 457 ( UFG); ib., morro do Chapéu a 10 km atrás do Morro da Baleia , 13 July 2013, (fr.), A. O . Souza et al. 598 ( UFG); ca. 17 km ao norte de Alto Paraíso de Goiás em direção Teresina, ca. 1, 5 km a dentro do lado esquerdo da GO118 , 14°00’9.6”S, 47°31’26.1”W, 1453m, 25 March 2017, (fl.), A. O GoogleMaps . Souza et al. 2009 ( UB, UFG); Caiapônia, Serra dos Caipôs, a 40 km de Amorinópolis para Rio Verde , 17 April 1971, (fl.), J. A . Rizzo et al. 6203 ( UFG); ib., ca. 30 km S of Caiapônia, 29 April 1973, (fl., fr.), W. R . Anderson 9381 ( F, UB); ib., 35 km O . of town, 25 July 1977, (fl.), G. G . Hatschbach 40080 ( NY); Catalão, Contraforte Central , ca. 20 km N. E . of Catalão , 23 January 1970, (fl.), H. S . Irwin et al. 25179 ( NY, UB); Cavalcante, ca. 12 km South of Cavalcante, 09 March 1969, est., H. S . Irwin et al. 24157 ( UB); ib., 05 February 1990, (fl.), M. M . Arbo 3678 ( NY); ib., Mata (clareira com afloramento de arenito), 17 April 2001, (fl.), G . Pereira-Silva et al. 4934 ( CEN); ib., estrada para Araí, 13º40’16.8”S, 47º28’30.2”W, 1088m, 13 April 2004, (fl.), M. L GoogleMaps . Fonseca et al. 5050 ( UB); ib., aproximadamente 4km antes da Fazenda Pouso da Curriola em direção a RPPN Serra do Tombador em cerrado ralo, 13º32’48”S, 47º31’35”W, 1221m, 03 July 2015, (fl.), A. O GoogleMaps . Souza et al. 1749 ( UFG); Cocalzinho de Goiás, 15 km N . of Corumbá de Goiás on road to Niquelândia, in valley of Rio Corumbá. Serra dos Pirineus , 17 January 1968, est., H. S . Irwin et al. 18690 ( NY, UB) ; Colinas do Sul, arredores de Colinas, 5 km by road W of Monte Alegre de Goiás, March 1973, (fl.), W. R . Anderson 6832 ( NY); Corumbá de Goiás, GO-225 ca. 3 km de Corumbá de Goiás em direção a Águas Lindas , 15°54’58.9”S, 48°46’20.4”W, 1111m, 16 February 2018, (fl., fr.), A. O GoogleMaps . Souza et al. 2238 ( UB); Edéia , 02 April 2013, (fl.), C. E. B . Proença et al. 4476 ( UB) ; Goiás, Serra Dourada, ca. 15 km (straight line) S of Goiás Velho , 10 May 1973, (fl.), W. R . Anderson et al. 10031 ( NY, UB); Formosa, Rio Tiquira , 18 April 1967, (fl.), E. P . Heringer 11409 ( UB); ib., Camping Club do Brasil (ao lado da Indaiá), 15°23’50.5”S, 47°28’21.4”W, 1040m, 20 March 2003, (fl.), M. L GoogleMaps . Fonseca et al. 4385 ( UBGE); Hidrolândia, Morro Feio , 5 km N Hidrolandia , 16°54’00”S, 49°14’00”W, 950m, 07 June 1988, (fl.), R. R GoogleMaps . Brooks et al. 15 ( NY); Iporá, Rodovia GO 060 entre Mossâmedes – Iporá, 2 km antes de Iporá , 16°24’33”S, 51°05’17.3”W, 608m, 05 November 2012, (fl.), L. M GoogleMaps . Borges & B . Loeuille 974 ( SPF); Minaçu, margem direita do rio Tocantins, 13º32’35’’S, 48º05’39’’W, 310m, 10 March 2001, (fl.), G GoogleMaps . Pereira-Silva 4849 ( CEN); Monte Alegre de Goiás, 8 km by road W of Monte Alegre , 600-700m, 11 March 1978, (fl.), W. R . Anderson 6832 ( NY); Montes Claros, área da Votorantim, aproximadamente 3km do centro urbano, 16°2’16’’S, 51°20’54’’W, May 2007, (fl.), M. S GoogleMaps . Mendes 168 ( BHCB); Morrinhos, arredores da cidade, 28 January 1976, (fl., fr.), G. G . Hatschbach 38121 ( INPA, L / WAG, SP); Mossâmedes, Parque Estadual da Serra Dourada , proximidade do Areal, 02 July 2011, (fr.), M. J . Silva 3736 ( UFG); Niquelândia, km 18 da estrada de chão em direção a Mina de Níquel , cume de morro pedregoso, 14°21’30”S, 48°25’10”W, 25 April 1995, (fl.), F. C. A GoogleMaps . Oliveira et al. 290 ( EAC, NY); Paraúna, Rodovia Paraúna – Rio Verde km 4, 17°02’00”S, 50°28’00”W, 690m, 14 July 1993, (fr.), G. P GoogleMaps . Silva et al. 1497 ( CEN, HUEFS); ib., estrada para Serra das Galés, 15°44’20”S, 49°29’00”W, 649m, 31 May 2013, (fl.), J. E. Q GoogleMaps . Faria et al. 3637 ( UB); Posse, Nova Vista , 11 January 1977, (fl.), G. G . Hatschbach 39414 ( L / WAG, NY); Silvânia, Floresta Nacional de Silvânia , Trilha da casa do vigilante, 30 May 2012, (fl., fr.), M. J . Silva & J. P . Basílio 4254 ( UFG); Trilha oposta à entrada da sede, 04 February 2013, (fl.), A. O . Souza & R. C . Sodré 108 e 109 ( UFG); Trilha paralela à trilha interativa, 14 March 2013, (fl., fr.), A. O . Souza et al. 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210 e 214 ( UFG); Vianópolis, 16°46’00”S, 48°32’00”W, 21 March 1989, (fl.), B. M. T GoogleMaps . Walter et al. 171 ( NY) . Maranhão: Balsas, Projeto Geral de Balsas , 10°35’00”S, 46°05’00”W, 23 March 1997, (fl.), X. C GoogleMaps . Oliveira et al. 713 ( ESA); Loreto, Ilha de Balsas region, between the Rios Balsas and Parnaíba, about 40km South of Loreto near place called “Picada”, 07°26’00”S, 45°07’00”W, 250m, 25 March 1962, (fl.), G GoogleMaps . Eiten & L. T . Eiten 3807 ( SP); São Félix de Balsas, along main road to Pastos Bons, 3.2km east of Buritirana , 06°56’00”S, 45°06’00”W, 04 March 1970, (fl., fr.), G GoogleMaps . Eiten & L. T . Eiten 10816 ( SP); São Raimundo das Mangabeiras, ca. 45km due NNE of Balsas, or ca. 45km due WSW of São Raimundo das Mangabeiras, 07°10’00”S, 45°50’00”W, 300m, 15 March 1962, (fl.), G GoogleMaps . Eiten & L. T . Eiten 3657 ( FLOR, SP); ib., BR-230, estrada São Raimundo das Mangabeiras à Santa Tereza , 26 April 1979, (fl.), E. P . Nunes & P . Martins s. n. ( EAC5941 About EAC ) . Mato Grosso: Água Boa, Xavantina- Cachimbo road 105km from Xavantina , 03 June 1966, (fl., fr.), D. R . Hunt 5767 ( NY); Barra do Garças, Cerrado perturbado no pé da Serra ao lado do Residencial JC Faria , 27 June 2014, (fl., fr.), A. O . Souza et al. 1105 ( UB, UFG); ib., Cachoeira da Usina , cerrado no topo do morro do lado da cachoeira, 27 June 2014, (fl., fr.), A. O . Souza et al. 1113 ( UFG); ib., Serra Azul, Escadaria do Cristo , borda de cerrado, 7 June 2014, (fl., fr.), A. O . Souza et al. 1121 ( UFG); General Carneiro, BR-070 km 101, entre General Carneiro e Colônia Mururé , 15°33’49”S, 52°57’09”W, 548m, 18 April 2005, (fl.), L. P GoogleMaps . Queiroz et al. 10438 ( ESAL, HUEFS); Nova Xavantina, Rio Turvo , ca. 210 km. N . of Xavantina. Serra do Roncador , 28 May 1966, (fl.), H. S . Irwin 16170a ( L / U, NY, UB); ib., 10 km S . of the Base Campo of the Expedition , 01 June 1968, (fl., fr.), J. A . Ratter et al. 1614 ( NY, UB); Rondonópolis, Serra da Petrolina , 29 July 1974, (fl., fr.), G. G . Hatschbach 34725 ( NY); Sonora, Rod. BR-165, km 811, 03 May 1995, (fl.), G. G . Hatschbach 62167 ( NY) . Mato Grosso do Sul, Aquidauana, Piraputanga , 18 February 1970, (fl.), G. G . Hatschbach 23792 ( NY); ib., 22 June 1985, (fl., fr.), A. O. (alunos de Biol) s. n. ( LUSC5587 ); Campo Grande, estrada Campo Grande – Cuiabá , BR- 163, 30 January 1979, (fl., fr.), E. P . Heringer 993 ( IBGE, NY); Figueirão, Serra das Araras , ca. 2km (straight line) E of Figueirão , 26 March 1974, (fl., fr.), W. R . Anderson 11181 ( NY, UB); Sonora, Rod. BR- 165 km 811, 03 May 1995, (fl.), G. G . Hatschbach 62167 ( NY); ib., Cia Agrícola Sonora Estância, terras de Usina Sonora, 16º22’46’’S, 49º50’17’’W, 17 December 2000, (fl.), G. F GoogleMaps . Árbocz 7262 ( CGMS, UFG); Três Lagoas, estrada vicinal, 20º28’42’’S, 52º30’10’’W, 27 February 2008, (fl., fr.), A GoogleMaps . Pott & V. J . Pott 14979 ( CGMS, UFG) . Minas Gerais: Belo Horizonte, Cardoso , 31 March 1933, (fl.), M . Barreto 6009 ( SP); ib., Campus UFMG , próximo a Física , 08 May 1980, (fl.), J. M . Ferrari 173 ( BHCB, NY); ib., Estação Ecológica UFMG , 25 July 1990, (fl., fr.), E . Tameirão Neto 91 ( BHCB); Cabeceira Grande, Fazenda São Bento, cachoeira do rio Bezerra , margem esquerda, 16°01’32”S, 47°17’50”W, 12 March 2003, (fl.), A. A GoogleMaps . Santos & J. B . Pereira 1918 ( CEN); Catas Altas, Serra do Caraça , 01 April 2000, (fl.), R. C . Mota 724 ( BHCB); Iguatama, Campus FEUASF, March 2000, (fl., fr.), S. G . Rezende 472 ( PAMG); Lagoa Santa , 16 January 1864, (fl.), J. E. B . Warming 281 ( NY); Mateus Leme , km 56, s. dat., N. M. S . Costa 4175 ( PAMG); Montes Claros, 6 km by road S of São Francisco on road from Montes Claros to Januária , 520m, 17 April 1978, (fl., fr.), W. R . Anderson 9014 ( L / U, NY); Oliveira, Fazenda 3 córregos, 30 March 1990, (fl., fr.), B. Q . Silveira et al. 4530 ( ESAL); Ouro Preto, Curral de Pedra – Samto Antônio do Leite, s. dat., M. B . Roschel s. n. ( OUPR18607 About OUPR ); ib., Fazenda da Canéria , 12 March 1980, (fl.), M. A . Furto 25368 ( OUPR); Prata, 2 km de Prata na estrada Prata-Campina Verde , -/1966, (fl.), M. S . Labouriau 174 ( L / U, NY); Ritápolis, Floresta Nacional de Ritápolis , 21°32’60”S, 44°16’38”W, 921m, 30 March 2011, (fl., fr.), M GoogleMaps . Sobral et al. 13963 ( HUFSJ, UEC); Sabará, Tapera, 29 March 1933, (fl.), M . Barreto 6008 ( BHCB); São Roque de Minas, Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra , 27 April 1994, (fl., fr.), J. N . Nakajima & R . Romero 341 ( HUFU); Uberlândia, Estação Ecológica do Panga , 04 March 1988, (fl.), A. A. A . Barbosa 235, 236 ( NY); ib., trilha do Cerrado , 13 March 2009, (fl., fr.), P. K. B . Hemsing et al. 49 ( HUFU); ib., próximo ao córrego do Panga , 19 January 2010, (fl.), P. K. B . Hemsing et al. 184 ( HUFU); ib., 22 January 2010, (fl.), P. K. B . Hemsing et al. 210 ( HUFU); ib., parte final da trilha da Cachoeirinha, 27 January 2010, (fl.), D. Marques et al. 78 ( HUFU); ib., borda da estrada, 28 January 2010, (fl.), D. Marques et al. 93 ( HUFU); Unaí, Fazenda São Bento, cachoeira do Rio Bezerra , margem esquerda, 16°01’32”S, 47°17’50”W, 12 March 2003, (fl.), A. A GoogleMaps . Santos & J. B . Pereira 1918 ( CEN). Pará: Alenquer, Sete Varas airstrip on Rio Curuá , 04 August 1981, (fl.), J. J . Strudwick et al. 4014 ( INPA, NY) . PIAUÍ, Brasileira, Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades , 27 May 1997, (fl.), L. P . Félix & M. F. O . Pires 7855 ( BHCB, FUEL); Campo Maior, 04°52’01.1”S, 42°04’18.2”W, 95m, R. R. S GoogleMaps . Farias 492 ( TEPB); Curimatá, 06 July 1979, fl. (fr.), M. R . Del’Arco s. n. ( EAC6693 About EAC ); Gilbués , 07 July 1987, (fr.), A . Fernandes & A. J . Castro s. n. ( EAC 15364); Ribeirão Gonçalves, Estação Ecológica , Uruçuí-Una , 15 April 1981, (fl.), A . Fernandes & Del’Arco s. n. ( EAC 10009) . Rio Grande do Norte: Coronel João Pessoa, Mata Redonda, Serra São José , 18 July 1991, (fl.), M. A . Figueiredo et al. 258 ( EAC); Doutor Severiano, ca. 8 km de Encanto, BR 226 , 06°09’09’’S, 38°21’83’’W, 396 m, 18 April 2015, (fl.), E. O . Moura et al. 360 ( UFRN) . Roraíma: Bonfim, margem da estrada para o Cantã , 02°50’00”N, 60°35’00”W, 01 August 1986, (fl.), E. L. S GoogleMaps . Silva 605 ( F, INPA, NY) . TOCANTINS, Itacajá, 65 km de Goiás, 08°15’00”S, 47°63’00”W, 14 April 1988, (fl.), L. A . Skorupa & J. N . Silveira 487 ( CEN); Lagoa da Confusão, Ilha do Bananal , ca. 5 km da sede do Parque Nacional do Araguari , ca. 1 km do Vrajão , 10°27’49”S, 50°27’22”W, 195m, 24 March 1999, (fl.), M. A GoogleMaps . Silva et al. 4108 ( EAC); Natividade, Serra da Natividade , a uns 20 km de Natividade , 14 March 1974, (fl.), J. A . Rizzo 9641 ( UFG); entre Natividade e Bonfim , 11°49’45”S, 47°38’41”W, 16 January 2008, (fl.), J. F. B GoogleMaps . Pastore et al. 2484 ( CEN, HUEFS); Palmeirópolis, Fazenda São Cristóvão, torre 86, 13°06’50”S, 48°13’35”W, 1246m, 27 February 2008, (fl.), J. B GoogleMaps . Pereira & G. A . Moreira 79 ( CEN) ; Paranã, sítio 3, ponto 11, Fazenda São João , 12°53’23”S, 47°36’01”W, 374m, 25 March 2004, (fl.), A. C GoogleMaps . Sevilha et al. 3754 ( CEN); ib., 12°52’29”S, 47°35’41”W, 354m, 26 March 2004, (fl., fr.), A. C GoogleMaps . Sevilha et al. 3827 ( CEN); ib., estrada de acesso ao Rio Custódio km 39, 12°55’13”S, 48°09’38”W, 300m, 11 June 2006, (fl., fr.), G GoogleMaps . Pereira-Silva et al. 10576 ( CEN); ib., estrada de acesso à vila Rosário km 15, 12º53’16’’S, 48º10’35’’W, 300m, 26 March 2007, (fl.), G GoogleMaps . Pereira-Silva & G. A . Moreira 11596 ( CEN); São Salvador do Tocantins, eixo A da barragem São Salvador , 12°48’12”S, 48°14’52”W, 250m, 21 February 2002, (fl.), G GoogleMaps . Pereira-Silva et al. 5909 ( CEN); ib., Canteiro de obras do UHE São Salvador, margem esquerda do Rio Tocantins, 12°47’51”S, 48°14’45”W, 260 m, 12 June 2006, (fl.), G GoogleMaps . Pereira-Silva et al. 10602 ( CEN) . GUYANA: Mt. Ayanganna, Pakaraima Mountains. Near Chinowieng , 08 February 1955, (fl.), B . Maguire et al. 40602 ( NY); Rupununi, Rupununi Distr. , Manari. 30 July 1995, (fl., fr.), M. J . Jasen-Jacobs et al. 4687 ( NY) . MEXICO. Chiapas: Agvacate, Palenque , 16 June 1939, (fl.), E . Matuda 3788 ( NY); Cintalapa, near junction at las Cruces on road to La Ciénega , 18 September 1981, (fl.), D. E . Breedlove 52856 ( NY) . Jalisco: steep mountains 11-12 miles south of Talpa de Allende, in the headwaters of a west branch of Rio de Talpa , 1200-1700 m, 23 November 1960, (fl.), R . McVaugh 21374 ( NY); El Tuito, 15-20 km al SW de El Tuito, caminho al Llano Grande de Ipala , 27 November 1979, (fl.), A. S . Magallanes 2126 ( XAL); Tecalitlán, 13 km de la carretera Teclitlán-Pihuamo, brecha a Jilotlán , 31 August 1979, (fl.), J. A. S . Magallanes & P . Basurto 1767 ( XAL); ib., 5 km de la brecha que conduce a Jilotlán de Dolores , 16August 1986, (fl.), A . Rodriguez C . 529 ( XAL); michoacan: Ziracuaretiro, 5.5 km al W de San Andrés Coru , 11 August 2001, (fl.), S . Zamudio & R . González T . 11764 (XAL). Nayarit: El Nayar, steep slopes with Pinus and Quercus along unused road from Mesa del Nayar to Santa Teresa , 1850m, 12 August 1980, (fl.), D. E . Breedlove & F . Almeda s. n. ( NY 554111) . Oaxaca: Flores Mágon , 3km al NE de Flores Mágon, 16°23’00”N, 97°45’00”W, 18 November 1982, (fl., fr.), P GoogleMaps . Tenorio L . et al. 2738 (XAL); Heroica Ciudad DE Ejutla De Crespo, Tramo Zaachila-Ejutla, subestación Huejutla , 27 February 2001, (fl.), R. A . Palestina 3096 ( XAL) . PANAMA. Coclé: La Pintada, Mountains beyond La Pintada, 06 February 1935, (fl., fr.), A. A . Hunter & P. H . Allen 521 ( NY); Nata, 12 September 1938, (fl.), P. H . Allen 813 ( NY); Olá, Between Paso del Arado and Olá , 09 December 1911, (fl.), H. F . Pittier 5014 ( NY) . SURINAME: Sipaliwini savanna area on Brazilian frontier. East Sip. sav. on N . hill of “4- Gebroeders” Mts. , 19 September 1968, (fl.), F. H. F . Oldenburger et al. 138 ( NY) . VENEZUELA. Anzoátegui: 35 km se of El Tigre, 27 July 1984, (fl.), C . D. Johson 3401 ( NY) . Bolívar: Gran Sabana; ca. 10 km SW of Karaurin Tepui at junction of Río and Río Asadon ( Río Sanpa ), 02 May 1988, (fr.), R. L . Liester 24131 ( NY); Heres, Cantera El Rubí. A 6 km de carretera de Palma Sola , 24 July 1996, (fl., fr.), W. A . Diaz et al. 2877 ( NY); Piar, Isla en el lago de Guri (sector Las Carolinas ). 15 km al E de la Presa R . Leoni , August 1990, (fl., fr.), G. A. A . Corredor et al. 8813 ( NY) . Monagas: Santa Barbara, Ca. 5 km SSW (ca. 35° w. of S.) of Santa Barbara, 07 February 1967, (fl., fr.), R. A . Pursell et al. 8007 ( NY) ; Sucre: Sucre, 8 km directly S of Santa Fe by road, 19 November 1981, (fl.), G . Davidse et al. 19084 ( NY) . Trujillo: Betijoque, Carretera Maracaibo-Agua Viva, aprox. 10 km al noroeste de Agua Viva , o sea 34 km al SE de La Raya, 31 May 1981, (fl., fr.), G. S . Bunting 9905 ( NY) . Zulia: Near Mene Grande , 28 October 1922, (fl.), H. F . Pittier 10582 ( NY) .
F |
Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department |
K |
Royal Botanic Gardens |
BM |
Bristol Museum |
E |
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh |
G |
Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève |
Martin-Luther-Universität |
LE |
Servico de Microbiologia e Imunologia |
P |
Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants |
W |
Naturhistorisches Museum Wien |
H |
University of Helsinki |
NY |
William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden |
J |
University of the Witwatersrand |
C |
University of Copenhagen |
L |
Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch |
U |
Nationaal Herbarium Nederland |
M |
Botanische Staatssammlung München |
B |
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet |
N |
Nanjing University |
S |
Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History |
EMBRAPA Recursos Geneticos e Biotecnologia - CENARGEN |
A |
Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum |
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia |
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais |
Reserva Ecológica do IBGE |
Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana |
R |
Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile |
Universidade Federal do Ceará |
UB |
Laboratoire de Biostratigraphie |
V |
Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium |
Universidade de São Paulo |
I |
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University |
Universidade Federal de Viçosa |
O |
Botanical Museum - University of Oslo |
Universidade Federal de Goiás |
T |
Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics |
Federal University of Espírito Santo |
GO |
Philosophical Society |
Universidade de São Paulo |
Wageningen University |
SP |
Instituto de Botânica |
Q |
Universidad Central |
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina |
Universidade Federal de Lavras |
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul |
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais |
Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG) |
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Campus Universitário |
Universidade Estadual de Campinas |
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia |
Universidade Estadual de Londrina |
Universidade Federal do Piauí |
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte |
Instituto de Ecología, A.C. |
NE |
University of New England |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Chamaecrista fagonioides (Vogel) Irwin & Barneby (1982: 654)
Souza, Alessandro Oliveira De, Cavalcante, Raphael Guarda & Silva, Marcos José Da 2022 |
Chamaecrista fagonioides var. macrocalyx (H.S.
Irwin, H. S. & Barneby, R. C. 1982: ) |
Irwin, H. S. & Barneby, R. C. 1978: ) |
Chamaecrista punctulata (Hooker& Arnott)
Irwin, H. S. & Barneby, R. C. 1982: ) |
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1930: 420 |
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1840: ) |
Grimaldia decora
Britton, N. L. & Rose, J. N. 1930: ) |
Grimaldia baileyorum
Britton, N. L. & Rose, J. N. 1930: ) |
Cassia killipii Rose In Standely (1927: 167)
Woodson, R. E. & Schery, R. W. 1951: 167 |
Britton, N. L. & Rose, J. N. 1930: 167 |
Standely, P. C. 1927: ) |