Entogoniopsis lineolata (Greville) J. Witkowski, P.A. Sims, N.I. Strelnikova & D.M. Williams, 2015

Witkowski, Jakub, Sims, Patricia A., Strelnikova, Nina I. & Williams, David M., 2015, Entogoniopsis gen. nov. and Trilamina gen. nov. (Bacillariophyta): a survey of multipolar pseudocellate diatoms with internal costae, including comments on the genus Sheshukovia Gleser, Phytotaxa 209 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.209.1.1

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scientific name

Entogoniopsis lineolata (Greville) J. Witkowski, P.A. Sims, N.I. Strelnikova & D.M. Williams

comb. nov.

10. Entogoniopsis lineolata (Greville) J. Witkowski, P.A. Sims, N.I. Strelnikova & D.M. Williams , comb. nov.

(SEM: Figs 128–141 View FIGURES 128–135 View FIGURES 136–141 ; LM: Figs 142–144 View FIGURES 142–144 , see also Figs 145–148 View FIGURES 145–148 )

BASIONYM: Triceratium lineolatum Greville (1863 , Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, New Series 3: 233, pl. X, fig. 16).

TYPE:—‘Barbadoes deposit, from Cambridge estate’ (BM2743, holotype! = Fig. 142 View FIGURES 142–144 ; see Williams 1988: 55).

Triceratium quadratum Greville (1865b: 104 , pl. IX, fig. 19).

TYPE:—‘Barbadoes deposit, Cambridge estate’ (BM3263, syntype! = Fig. 143 View FIGURES 142–144 ; see Williams 1988: 58).

Triceratium turgidum A.W.F. Schmidt (1882 : taf. 77, fig. 18).


Biddulphia quadrans Boyer (1922: 4 , pl. I, fig. 5).

TYPE:— ‘Barbados’ (ANSP SchAR3459, holotype! = Fig. 144 View FIGURES 142–144 ).

Trigonium quadratum (Greville) Hustedt (1959a : taf. 470, figs 7–8).

Valves tri-or quadripolar in valve view, with high, slender polar elevations bearing small, hemispherical pseudocelli at the summits ( Figs 128–129 View FIGURES 128–135 , 136, 139 View FIGURES 136–141 ). The valve face is gently depressed next to the marginal hyaline ridge in some specimens ( Fig. 130 View FIGURES 128–135 ), but always conspicuously domed at the centre ( Figs 130 View FIGURES 128–135 , 136 View FIGURES 136–141 ). On the central dome, there is an irregular ring of rimoportulae ( Figs 133–134 View FIGURES 128–135 , 140–141 View FIGURES 136–141 ). External openings of the rimoportulae in the form of short, non-buttressed tubes ( Fig. 133 View FIGURES 128–135 ). Internal openings as slightly raised slits ( Figs 134 View FIGURES 128–135 , 141 View FIGURES 136–141 ). Poroid areolae are aligned in radial rows, and generally increase in size towards the valve face margin ( Figs 128 View FIGURES 128–135 , 136 View FIGURES 136–141 ), excepting few areolae scattered within the ring of rimoportulae. Mantle steeply downturned, relatively shallow ( Figs 135 View FIGURES 128–135 , 139 View FIGURES 136–141 ), with a hyaline margin, slightly expanded toward the interior ( Fig. 132 View FIGURES 128–135 ), and sometimes also toward the exterior ( Fig. 139 View FIGURES 136–141 ). Mantle areolate, with rows of areolae parallel to the pervalvar axis near the mid-point of each side, becoming divergent next to the valve poles ( Figs 130 View FIGURES 128–135 , 136 View FIGURES 136–141 ). The mantle areolae adjacent to the marginal hyaline ridge sometimes tend to be elongate ( Fig. 130 View FIGURES 128–135 ). Small tubercles are scattered on the distal face of the hyaline ridge adjacent to the mantle ( Figs 135 View FIGURES 128–135 , 139 View FIGURES 136–141 ). Numerous spinules are arranged in more or less well-defined rings on the valve face ( Figs 133 View FIGURES 128–135 , 139 View FIGURES 136–141 ), and parallel rows of granules are present on the mantle ( Figs 135 View FIGURES 128–135 , 139 View FIGURES 136–141 ). Short internal costae are distributed in irregular intervals along each side ( Figs 131 View FIGURES 128–135 , 137 View FIGURES 136–141 ), reaching only a short distance toward the valve face centre ( Figs 132 View FIGURES 128–135 , 137–138 View FIGURES 136–141 ). Measurements (n =10): average side length: 50.3–134.7 µm; 1 costa in 10 µm measured along the valve face margin; 3 areolae in 10 µm measured near the valve face margin; 2–10 rimoportulae.

Geographic and stratigraphic distribution ( Fig. 10, sites 8, 14, 16; records of T. turgidum below are marked with an asterisk): (a) specimens: Middle Eocene : North Atlantic Ocean: DSDP Site 6, Bermuda Rise: BM stub P.1353 ( Figs 136–137, 139–141 View FIGURES 136–141 ). Middle-late Eocene transition: Indian Ocean: DODO-123-D1 dredging, Mascarene Ridge: BM stub P.174 ( Figs 128–135 View FIGURES 128–135 ). Middle Eocene-early Miocene: Barbadoes: BM coll. Adams: GC3447* ( Fig. 148 View FIGURES 145–148 ), TS266*; SchAR3459 ( Fig. 144 View FIGURES 142–144 ); Oceanic

Formation outcrops at Cambridge Estate: BM2743 ( Fig. 142 View FIGURES 142–144 , holotype), BM3263 ( Fig. 143 View FIGURES 142–144 ), BM coll. Adams F1403 ( Fig. View FIGURES 145–148

145); Chalky Mount: BM61114*; Joe’s River: BM stub P.1351 ( Fig. 138 View FIGURES 136–141 ), BM coll. Adams TS929 ( Fig. 147 View FIGURES 145–148 ); Springfield:

BM61113*, BM coll. Adams: GC3445*, GC3448*( Fig. 146 View FIGURES 145–148 ); Newcastle: BM coll. Adams GC 3446*.

(b) records:

Middle Eocene-early Miocene: Barbadoes: Boyer (1922: 4, pl. I, fig. 5), Schmidt (1882: taf. 77, fig. 18*), Hustedt (1959a: taf. 470, figs 7–8); Oceanic Formation outcrops at Cambridge Estate: Greville (1863: 233, pl. X, fig. 16; 1865b: 104, pl. IX, fig. 19).

Observations:— Beside the difference in number of poles, Triceratium lineolatum Greville and Triceratium quadratum Greville are morphologically indistinguishable, suggesting that they are tri-and quadripolar variants of the same species; Greville identified both from the same locality, Cambridge Estate ( Greville 1863: 233, Greville 1865b: 104). Williams (1988: 58) indicated that in the protologue for T. quadratum, BM 3263 is given as a slide number only, and illustrated as a syntype a fractured specimen from BM2902 ( Williams 1988: pl. 70, figs 2–3), which is annotated with MF coordinates. In this study, we located a complete specimen on slide BM3263 (see Fig. 143 View FIGURES 142–144 ), and consider this the second syntype of T. quadratum .


Phytotaxa 209 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 21

The specimens of E. lineolata reported from the Indian Ocean resemble Greville’s holotype specimen ( Fig. 142 View FIGURES 142–144 ) as both have the same areolation pattern and valve outline. However, a number of tripolar specimens have been examined from various Barbadoes deposits, which resemble E. lineolata but differ in valve outline. These specimens ( Figs 145–146 View FIGURES 145–148 ), with distinctly convex central part of each side, match the image of Triceratium turgidum ( Schmidt 1882: taf. 77, fig. 18), thus we consider T. turgidum a synonym of E. lineolata under the assumption that this taxon displays considerable variation in valve outline; some slides in BM that contain specimens resembling T. turgidum have been mislabelled as E. inflata because of the valve outline (BM61113, BM61114, BM Coll. Adams TS266; see discussion under E. inflata , above).

Another species that we considered is Biddulphia quadrans Boyer (1922: 4) . Boyer (1922) did not comment on any similarity between B. quadrans ( Fig. 144 View FIGURES 142–144 , holotype specimen) and T. quadratum . Instead, he suggested a close relationship with Entogoniopsis dutertrei (= Triceratium dutertrei Pantocsek & Tempère in Pantocsek 1889: 90). Boyer may have considered B. quadrans as distinct from T. quadratum because of the slightly different valve outline: Greville’s line drawing of T. quadratum shows a precisely quadrate specimen ( Greville 1865 b: pl. IX, fig. 19) but the syntype of T. quadratum has slightly concave sides and strongly resembles B. quadrans ( Fig. 143 View FIGURES 142–144 ), further confirming the valve outline variability. The holotype specimen of B. quadrans ( Fig. 144 View FIGURES 142–144 ) is indistinguishable from the quadripolar specimens of T. turgidum ( Fig. 148 View FIGURES 145–148 ), which lends further support to our hypothesis that E. lineolata is synonymous with T. quadratum , B. quadrans and T. turgidum .












Entogoniopsis lineolata (Greville) J. Witkowski, P.A. Sims, N.I. Strelnikova & D.M. Williams

Witkowski, Jakub, Sims, Patricia A., Strelnikova, Nina I. & Williams, David M. 2015

Biddulphia quadrans

Boyer, C. S. 1922: 4

Triceratium quadratum

Greville, R. K. 1865: 104
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