Cormocephalus hartmeyeri Kraepelin, 1908

Thofern, Detlef, Dupérré, Nadine & Harms, Danilo, 2021, An annotated type catalogue of the centipedes (Myriapoda: Chilopoda) held in the Zoological Museum Hamburg, Zootaxa 4977 (1), pp. 1-103 : 53-55

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Cormocephalus hartmeyeri Kraepelin


80­. Cormocephalus hartmeyeri Kraepelin View in CoL , 190­8

Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13

Kraepelin 1908: 119–120, plate XII, fig. 16 (as Cormocephalus hartmeyeri View in CoL sp. n.) Type locality and specimens. Fundnotizen [locality notes]: Die Art liegt mir von 13 verschiedenen Fundpunkten vor, die sich von Stat. 165, Albany, und Stat. 162, Torbay, im äussersten Süden über Stat. 160, Cranbrook, Stat. 158, Brooms Hill, Stat. 146, Boyanup, Stat. 145, Donnybrook, Stat. 144, Bridgetown, Stat. 142, Bunburry, Stat. 137, Collie, Stat. 136, Harvey, Stat. 133, Pinjarra, Stat. 129, Jarrahdale bis Stat. 103, Guildford bei Perth, erstrecken. [Specimens of this species are available to me from 13 different collecting stations between the far south and Perth].

Dimensions. Die Länge des grössten Exemplares beträgt 65 mm, bei 5 mm Breite [The length of the tallest specimen is 65 mm, the width 5 mm].

Type material. Syntypes 36. AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: ( ZMH-A0000592 , ZMH-A0009272-9273 ) , Torbay (station 162) [ca. 35°01’S, 117°39’E]; ( ZMH-A0000593 , ZMH-A0009274-9285 ) GoogleMaps , South Albany (station 167) [ca. 35°01’S, 117°53’’E]; ( ZMH-A0000594 , ZMH-A0009286-9290 ) , Bunburry (station 142) [ca. 33°19’S, 115°38’E]; ( ZMH-A0000595 , A0009291-9295) GoogleMaps , Bridgetown (station 144) [ca. 33°57’S, 116°08’E]; (ZMH- A0000596, ZMH-A0009296-9302 ) GoogleMaps , Harvey (station 136) [ca. 33°04’S, 115°05’E] GoogleMaps .

Preservation. 5 jars. Jar 1 ( ZMH-A 0000592, ZMH-A 0009272-9273): Label 1. Hamb.S.W.Austral.Exp. 1905 162 Torbay 19. VIII. (imprint); Label 2. Cormoc. hartmeyeri Krpln Torbay S.W. Austr. Coll. Michaelsen VI.08 (Kraepelin handwriting). Jar 2 ( ZMH-A 0000593, ZMH-A 0009274-9285): Label 1. Hamb.S.W.Austral.Exp. 1905 167 South Albany 16. VII. (imprint); Label 2. Cormocephalus hartmeyeri Krpln Typus Albany S.W.Austr. Coll. Michaelsen VI.08. Jar 3 ( ZMH-A 0000594, ZMH-A 0009286-9290): Label 1. Cormoc. hartmeyeri Krpln Bunburry W. Austr. Coll. Michaelsen VI. 08; Label 2. Cormocephalus hartmeyeri Krpln Co-Typen Bunburry W.Austr. Coll. Michaelsen VI. 08. Jar 4 ( ZMH-A 0000595, A0009291-9295): Label 1. Hamb.S.W.Austral.Exp. 1905 144 Bridgetown 30./31. VII. (imprint); Label 2. Cormocephalus hartmeyeri Krpln Co-Typen Bridgetown W.Austr. Coll. Michaelsen VI. 05. Jar 5 ( ZMH-A 0000596, ZMH-A 0009296-9302): Label 1. Hamb.S.W.Austral.Exp. 1905 136 Harvey 27. VII. (imprint); Label 2. Cormoc. hartmeyeri Krpln Harvey W.Austr. Coll. Michaelsen VI. 05.

Old type catalogues. Weidner (1960), p. 66, No. 21. Syntypes 8 and paratypes (number not specified).

Type status. Kraepelin (1908) did not specify the number of specimens in his description and Weidner (1960: 66) listed 8 syntypes from Albany and additional types (on file card 17 “ paratypes ”) from Bridgetown, Harvey, Bunburry, Collie, Torbay and Guildford. All specimens are syntypes.

Additional type material. There are additional syntypes from Albany at the ZMB (no. 4632-37) .

Collection remarks. All specimens were collected by Wilhelm Michaelsen during his expedition to Western Australia 1905. Considering the pronounced local endemism in this biodiversity hotspot ( Rix et al. 2015; Harms et al. 2019), it is possible that these syntypes represent multiple species.

Current systematic position. Cormocephalus hartmeyeri Kraepelin, 1908 .


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (Zoological Collections)














Cormocephalus hartmeyeri Kraepelin

Thofern, Detlef, Dupérré, Nadine & Harms, Danilo 2021

Cormocephalus hartmeyeri

Thofern & Dupérré & Harms 2021

Cormocephalus hartmeyeri

Kraepelin 1908
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