Drymaeus scoliodes Dautzenberg, 1901

Breure, Abraham S. H., 2011, Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Royal Belgian Institute of Sciences, Brussels, with descriptions of two new species, ZooKeys 101, pp. 1-50 : 23

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scientific name

Drymaeus scoliodes Dautzenberg, 1901


Drymaeus scoliodes Dautzenberg, 1901 Figs 13B, 13ii

Drymaeus scoliodes Dautzenberg 1901c: 309, pl. 9 figs 6-7; Fischer-Piette 1950: 170.

Drymaeus (Drymaeus) scoliodes (Dautzenberg); Breure 1979: 114.

Cochlorina scoliodes (Dautzenberg); Breure 1975b: 1149, pl. 2 fig. 5.

Type locality.

"Rio Mixiolla, province Huallaga, Pérou”.


"Rio Mixiolla prov. / Huallaga Pérou”, in Dautzenberg’s handwriting.


"Long. 63, diam. maj. 22 millim."; figured specimen H 40.7, D 21.3, W 6.8.

Type material.

RBINS/MT2377, one paralectotype, Baer leg. (Dautzenberg coll.).


The specimen is not marked as type, but corresponds to the data as given by Dautzenberg (1901). The holotype designation of a specimen in the MNHN collection ( Fischer-Piette 1950) has to be interpreted as lectotype designation (Art. 74.6 ICZN); the measurements of this specimen closely match those given by Dautzenberg ( Breure 1975b). The RBINS material should thus be considered a paralectotype as Dautzenberg states he had seen two specimens.

Current systematic position.

Bulimulidae , Drymaeus (Drymaeus) scoliodes (Dautzenberg, 1901).