Nesonannus, Usinger, 1946

Usinger, Robert L., 1946, Hemiptera Heteroptera of Guam, Insects of Guam II, Honolulu, Hawaii: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Bulletin 189, pp. 11-103 : 91

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new genus

Genus NESONANNUS , new genus

Elongate-oval, naked except for long antenna! bristles. Head strongly declivqus and pronotum moderately so. Ocelli distinct, contiguous to eyes. Eyes relatively small, scarcely longer than anteocular portion of head and about one third as wide as interocular space, overlapping anterior angles of pronotum, the first two segments short and stout, the last two long and slender and beset with several bristles which are longer than the segments.

Pronotum twice as broad as long, with a deep, transverse, arcuate impression at anterior fourth. Propleura moderately inflated beneath the eyes. Scutellum half as wide as pronotum and half as long as wide, the disk deeply, transversely impressed.

Hemelytra complete, membranous, extending well beyond apex of abdomen, costal margins very thick and without a fracture. Venation unique, with only two free veins in apex of wing, the third vein curving upward to join second and form a closed discal cell. Vein along hind margin of clavus not crossing clavus before apex.

Under surface largely obscured but with coxae apparently only moderately enlarged, legs relatively slender, the tibiae cylindrical and beset with very short, inconspicuous hairs. Tarsi 3-segmented, the clavus simple, without aroHa. Male genital capsule asymmetrical, with a long slender black process crossing to the right side of capsule and then briefly bent posteriorly. In addition there is a broad, sickle-shaped organ on the right side of capsule which has a small, subapical, fingerlike process directed forward and to the left.

Genotype: Nesonannus saileri , new species.

Nesonannus clearly pertains to the Schizopterinae as defined by McAtee and Malloch [ U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 67(13): 3, 1925] but has a relatively larger scutellum, only two free veins in the apex of the hemelytron and a distinctive basal venation. R. I. Sailer kindly compared this specimen with the extensive material in his charge at the U. S. National Museum and found no close relatives.

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