Atypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai ( Alexander,

Podenas, Sigitas, Podeniene, Virginija, Seo, Hong-Yul, Kim, A-Young, Park, Sun-Jae, Byun, Hye-Woo, Kim, Heung-Chul & Aukštikalnienė, Rasa, 2017, Limoniinae crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) new to Korea II, Journal of Species Research 6 (3), pp. 258-279 : 269-272

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2017.6.3.258

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Atypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai ( Alexander,


Atypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai ( Alexander,


Dicranomyia machidai Alexander, 1921: 113 View in CoL .

Dicranomyia (Microlimonia) Savchenko, Krivolutskaya, 1976: 149-150 ; Savchenko, 1983: 139-140; 1985: 126-127; 1989: 312.

Atypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai Starý, 1981: 116 View in CoL ; Geiger, 1986: 53-54.

General: Coloration grayish-brown to dark brown. Body length of male 3.8-6.4 mm, of female 5.1-6.9 mm.

Head: Blackish brown, dusted with gray. Eyes nearly reaching each other dorsally. Antenna ( Fig. 4A View Fig ) entirely dark brown, 1.1-1.6 mm long in male, 1.2-1.6 mm in female, reaching base of wing in male and middle of prescutum in female if bent backwards. Scape narrow, nearly cylindrical, pedicel pear-shaped, nearly as long as scape. Flagellum 12-segmented, basal segments oval, distal segments more elongate, apical flagellomere 1.5 times as long as penultimate, distinctly narrowed beyond middle. Flagellomeres with distinct apical pedicels. Longest verticils as long as respective segments. Rostrum and palpus dark brown.

Thorax: Grayish-brown dorsally, pale ventrally. Cervical sclerites blackish. Pronotum grayish brown, margins narrowly blackened. Mesonotal prescutum brownish yellow, with grayish brown median stripe, that widens posteriorly. Lateral stripes missing, but lateral margins of sclerite and pseudosutural fovea darkened. Scutal lobe grayish brown, postero-lateral angle yellow. Area between lobes yellow. Scutellum and mediotergite grayish brown. Pleuron grayish-brown dorsally, with distinct dark brown longitudinal stripe extending from cervical sclerite to base of abdomen, pale ventrally. Ventral part of katepisternum slightly darkened.

Wing ( Fig. 4B View Fig ): Length of male 4.8-7.1 mm, of female 5.7-7.5 mm. Uniformly brownish, subhyaline with light brown oval stigma. Veins dark brown. Venation: Sc long, Sc 1 nearly reaching to middle of Rs. Sc 2 at tip of Sc 1. Rs medium-long, arched at base. Free end of R 1 short, transverse. R 2 slightly beyond tip of R 1. R 3 and R 4+ 5 slightly arched, parallel to each other. Discal cell 1.5 times as long as wide. Basal deflection of CuA 1 slightly before base of discal cell. Anal lobe widely rounded. Length of male halter 0.7-1.1 mm, of female 0.8-1.1 mm. Halter grayish-brown, base of stem pale-yellow. Fore coxa dorsally dark brown, ventrally yellow, middle and posterior coxae pale-yellow. Trochanters pale-yellow. Leg grayish brown with narrowly yellowish base of femur and dark brown three distal tarsomeres. Male femur I: 3.8-4.3 mm long, II: 3.9-5.5 mm, III: 4.2-5.2 mm, tibiae I: 4.7-5.6 mm, II: 4.0- 5.2 mm, III: 4.6-6.1 mm, tarsus I: 4.9-5.8 mm, II: 4.4-5.1 mm, III: 3.8-5.6 mm. Female femur I: 4.1-5.2 mm long, II: 5.0- 6.9 mm, III: 4.2-5.1 mm, tibiae I: 4.7-6.6 mm, II: 4.6-5.3 mm, III: 4.6-5.5 mm, tarsus I: 5.1-5.7 mm, II: 4.4-5.1 mm, III: 4.1-4.3 mm. Claw with long spine near middle ( Fig. 4C View Fig ).

Abdomen: Dark brown, ventrally with three large grayish-yellow spots at basal parts of three basal sternites. Yellowish spot at base of fourth sternite small or indistinct.

Genitalia: Male terminalia same color as distal abdominal segments, but penis grayish-yellow ( Fig. 4E View Fig ). Ninth tergite widened distally, with small emargination at posterior margin. Gonocoxite elongate with rounded subapical ventro-mesal lobe. Gonostylus wide and rounded at base, distal part long and narrow, distinctly arched, spineless. Paramere with long narrow distal part, that bears small subapical tubercle. Penis long and narrow, reaching to about middle of gonostylus, apex shallowly bifid. Ovipositor yellowish brown ( Fig. 4D View Fig ). Tenth tergite slightly elongate. Cercus long, narrow, distal part raised upwards. Hypovalva long and straight getting narrower towards distal end, reaching to about middle of cercus, blackened at base.

Elevation range in Korea: Sea level to> 1,300 m.

Period of activity in Korea: Beginning of May through September. Species is attracted to light.

Bionomics: Larvae found on slopes of mountainous rivers covered by deciduous forest, settlements on mountainous streams surrounded by deciduous shrubs, trees and small farms. Larvae develop in dead trees and fungi ( Savchenko, 1985). Adults are attracted to light sources.

Distribution: Species is widely distributed throughout the Palearctic.

Examined material: Holotype, male, (wing and genitalia slide-mounted), Japan, Nakana, May 28, 1920, H. Machida ( USNM); 1$ (pinned), North Korea, Seren Mts., alt. 4000 ft., VIII-4, 1938, Yankovsky ( USNM); 1♂ (pinned) S. Korea, #9, Central National Forest , 18 mi. NE Seoul, alt. 400-500 ft., 29 May 1954, G. W. Byers ( SMEK); 1♂ (pinned), S. Korea, #12, Hwy. #20, 8 mi. SW Kangnung, 128°47 ʹ E, 37°42 ʹ N, 8 June 1954, alt. 1925 ft., G. W. Byers ( SMEK); 2♂♂, 1$(pinned) S. Korea, #17, Central National Forest , 18 mi. NE Seoul, alt. 350-500 ft., 20 June 1954, G. W. Byers ( SMEK); 1$ (pinned), S. Korea, #22, Central National Forest , 18 mi. NE Seoul, alt. 400-500 ft., 11 July 1954, G. W. Byers ( SMEK); 1♂, 2$$(pinned) S. Korea, #24, Central National Forest , 18 mi. NE Seoul, alt. 400-500 ft., 27 July 1954, G. W. Byers ( SMEK); 3$$ (pinned), S. Korea, #25, Central National Forest , 18 mi. NE Seoul, alt. 400-500 ft., 14 August 1954, G. W. Byers ( SMEK); 1$(pinned), S. Korea, #28, Central National Forest , 18 mi. NE Seoul, alt. 350-500 ft., 22 August 1954, G. W. Byers ( SMEK); 1♂ (pinned) S. Korea, #35, Cheju [Jeju] Island, 9 September , 1954, G. W. Byers ( USNM); 2♂♂ (pinned) S. Korea, #36, Cheju-do , Halla San (volcano), alt. 1500 ft., 10 September , 1954, G. W. Byers ( USNM); 1♂, 1$ (pinned) S. Korea, #37, Hill 1468, 16 mi. NW Chunchon, 127°30 ʹ E, 38°00 ʹ N, alt. 4300 ft., 16 September , 1954, G. W. Byers ( USNM, SMEK); 1♂ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gangwon-do , Pyeongchang-gun , Jinbu-myeon , Dongsan-ri , Odaesan NP, N 37.73920, E 128.59398, alt. 794 m, 2012.06.22 (1), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1♂ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Gapyeong-gun, Buk-myeon, Hwaak-ri, N 37.99363, E 127.52102, alt. 810 m, 2014. 08.20 (1), S. Kim, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 2♂♂ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Gapyeong-gun, Buk-myeon, Hwaak-ri, N 37.98402, E 127.52676, alt. 579 m, 2014. 08.20 (2), S. Kim, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 2♂♂, 4$$ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Gapyeong-gun, Buk-myeon, Jeokmok-ri, N 38.02982, E 127.44310, alt. 560 m, 2014.08.20 (3), S. Kim, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 2$$(in EtOH), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Hongcheon-gun, Naemyeon, Yuljeon-ri, N 37.73849, E 128.34566, alt. 798 m, 2014.08.21 (1), S. Kim, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 2$$(in EtOH), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Pyeongchang-gun, Yongpyeong-myeon, Nodong-ri, N 37.67212, E 128.46118, alt. 733 m, 2014.08.21 (3), S. Kim, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 5♂♂, 2$$(in EtOH), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Pyeongchang-gun, Yongpyeong-myeon, Nodong-ri (auto camping area), N 37.70303, E 128.48302, alt. 802 m, 2014. 08.21 (4), S. Kim, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 2♂ (in EtOH and pinned), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Chuncheon-si, Dongsan-myeon, Bongmyeong-ri, KNU experimental forest, N 37.77906, E 127.81564, alt. 233 m, 2014.08.22 (1), S. Kim, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 9♂♂, 3$$ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Pyeongchang-gun, Jinbu-myeon, Jangjeon-ri, ( Moss valley ), N 37.47153, E 128.54305, alt. 769 m, 2014.08.22 (2), S. Kim, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 60♂♂, 37$$ (pinned and in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2014.08.24, S. Podenas, with net and at light ( NIBR); 1♂, 3$$(pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2014.08.25, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 5♂♂, 1$(in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollabuk-do, Buan, Jinseo-myeon, Naesosa-ro, Byeonsanbando NP, N 35.61789, E 126.58573, alt. 67 m, 2014.08.26 (2), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1♂ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollabuk-do, Buan, Byeonsan-myeon, Junggye-ri, Byeonsanbando NP, Jigso Pokpo (waterfalls), N 35.62675, E 126.57020, alt. 141 m, 2014.08.27 (1), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 7♂♂, 13$$ (in EtOH and pinned), S. Korea, Jeollabuk-do, Buan, Boan-myeon, Udong-ri, Byeonsanbando NP, N 35.62864, E 126.63441, alt. 52 m-N 35.62896, E 126.63461, alt. 105 m, 2014.08.27 (2), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1$ (pinned), S. Korea, Gyeongsangnam-do, Masanhappo-gu, Gusan-myeon, Yusan-ri, N 35.12904, E 128.57147, alt. 58 m, 2014.08.29, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 2♂♂, 2$$, 1 specimen with unknown sex (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeongsangnam-do, Masanhappo-gu, Jindong-myeon, Dagu-ri, N 35.11149, E 128.53142, alt. 11 m, 2014.08.31 (1), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1$ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2015.05.01 (3), S. Podenas, at light ( NIBR); 1♂, 1$ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2015.05.02 (4), S. Podenas, at light ( NIBR); 1$ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2015.05.03 (3), S. Podenas, at light ( NIBR); 1♂ (in EtOH, wing slide-mounted), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Paju-si, Munsan-eup, Majeong-ri, N 37°52 ʹ 53.52 ʺ, E 126°45 ʹ 24.89 ʺ, alt. 32 m, 2015.05.25, T. A. Klein, H.C. Kim, LED trap ( NIBR); 1$ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Paju-si, Munsan-eup, Majeong-ri, N 37°52 ʹ 53.52 ʺ, E 126°45 ʹ 24.89 ʺ, alt. 32 m, 2015.05.29, T. A. Klein, H.C. Kim, LED trap ( NIBR); 2♂♂ (in EtOH and pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27177, E 127.57146, alt. 490 m, 2015.06.27 (1), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 4♂♂, 1$(in EtOH and pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27177, E 127.57146, alt. 490 m, 2015.06.28 (1), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 2♂♂ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2015.06.30 (1), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 2♂♂, 1$ (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2015.06.30 (3), S. Podenas, at light ( NIBR); 3♂♂, 1$ (in EtOH and pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27448, E 127.56378, alt. 593 m, 2015.07.01 (1), S. Podenas, V. Podeniene ( NIBR); 2$$(pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2015.07.01 (3), S. Podenas, at light ( NIBR); 1♂ (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27177, E 127.57146, alt. 490 m, 2015.07. 02 (2), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1$ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2015.07.02 (4), S. Podenas, at light ( NIBR); 1$ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Yangyang-gun, Seo-myeon, Osaek-ri, Seoraksan NP, N 38.08420, E 128.45026, alt. 415 m, 2015.07.07 (2), S. Kim, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1♂ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Yangyang-gun, Seo-myeon, Osaek-ri, Heullim 1 gyo (bridge), Seoraksan NP, N 38.09512, E 128.41309, alt. 800 m, 2015.07.07 (3), S. Kim, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 2♂♂, 2$$(in EtOH), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Hongcheon-gun, Duchon-myeon, Cheonhyeon-ri, near Mt. Garisan , N 37.84840, E 127.98879, alt. 304 m, 2015.07.08 (3), S. Kim, S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1$ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Gangwon-do, Gapyeong-gun, Buk-myeon, Jeokmok-ri, N37.97627, E127.441601, 2015.IX.27, Yeonjae Bae, at light ( KU); 1♂ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27177, E 127.57146, alt. 490 m, 2016.06.03 (2), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1$(in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26586, E 127.58090, alt. 448 m, 2016.06.03 (4), S. Podenas, at light ( NIBR); 1$ (in EtOH), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.26586, E 127.58090, alt. 448 m, 2016.06.04 (2), S. Podenas ( NIBR); 1♂ (pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun, Toji-myeon, Naeseo-ri, Piagol valley , N 35.27123, E 127.57133, alt. 534 m, 2016.06.04 (5), H. Baek, S. Podenas, at light ( NIBR); 2♂♂ (in EtOH, wing and leg slide-mounted), S. Korea, Jeollanam-do, Gurye-gun , Toji-myeon , Naeseo-ri , Piagol valley , N 35.26590, E 127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2016.06.04 (6), V. Podeniene, at light ( NIBR). GoogleMaps

Helius Lepeletier and Serville, 1828 ( Latreille et al., 1828)

(characteristic in Podenas and Byun, 2014)


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


National Institute of Biological Resources


Kyungpook National University


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas


Atypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai ( Alexander,

Podenas, Sigitas, Podeniene, Virginija, Seo, Hong-Yul, Kim, A-Young, Park, Sun-Jae, Byun, Hye-Woo, Kim, Heung-Chul & Aukštikalnienė, Rasa 2017

Atypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai Starý, 1981: 116

Geiger, W. 1986: 53
Stary, J. 1981: 116

Dicranomyia (Microlimonia)

Savchenko, E. N. 1989: 312
Savchenko, E. N. 1985: 126
Savchenko, E. N. 1983: 139
Savchenko, E. N. & G. O. Krivolutskaya 1976: 150

Dicranomyia machidai

Alexander, C. P. 1921: 113
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