Chaunax penicillatus McCulloch, 1915

Ho, Hsuan-Ching, Roberts, Clive D. & Stewart, Andrew L., 2013, A review of the anglerfish genus Chaunax (Lophiiformes: Chaunacidae) from New Zealand and adjacent waters, with descriptions of four new species, Zootaxa 3620 (1), pp. 89-111 : 99-102

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Chaunax penicillatus McCulloch, 1915


Chaunax penicillatus McCulloch, 1915 View in CoL

( Figures 9 View FIGURE 9 A–C, Table 2 View TABLE 2 )

Chaunax penicillatus McCulloch, 1915: 167 , Pl. 33, fig. 2 (Holotype: AMS E.5488; paratype: AMS I.13605 (1); type locality: 60 km SW of Cape Everard, Victoria, Australia, depth 293–366 m). Le Danois, 1979: 34 (in part); Stephenson, 1971: 238, fig. 4; Caruso, 1999: 2022; Paxton et al., 1989: 282; Gomon & Ho, 2008: 377; Paxton et al., 2006: 651; Ho & Shao, 2010: 53.

Chaunax tosaensis Okamura & Oryuu in Okamura & Kitajima, 1984: 275, Pl. 192. (Holotype: BSKU 36101. Paratypes: BSKU 99 specimens; type locality: Mimase fish market, Tosa Bay, depth probably 200–300 m). Chaunax sp. B: Roberts et al., 2009: 532 (listed).

Specimens examined. 17 specimens, 91–269 mm SL. New Zealand: AIM AK 1000, 120 mm, E of Alderman Islands, 356–475m, trawled, 8–12 June 1969. NMNZ P. 032640, 108 mm, NE of Great Barrier Island, 35º24.4'S, 176º10.1'E, F/V Albatross II, stn. OBS 0864/035, 400–402 m, bottom trawl, 17 Jul. 1995. NMNZ P. 033033, 126 mm, Mernoo Bank, Chatham Rise, 43º10'S, 175º44'E, F/V Petersen, 430–470 m, Oct. 1995. NMNZ P.033901, 106 mm, SE of Alderman Islands, 36º57.305'S, 176º16.84'E, F/V Drysdale, stn. DRY 9602/007, 403–406 m, bottom trawl, 20 Oct. 1996. NMNZ P.033933, 108 mm, SE of Alderman Islands, 36º55.975'S, 176º16.81'E, F/V Drysdale, stn. DRY 9602/001, 395 m, bottom trawl, 18 Oct. 1996. NMNZ P.034457, 124 mm, Kermadec Ridge, N of Raoul Island, 28º50.8'S, 177º50.4'W, F/V Santa Maria, stn. OBS 1021/003, drop line, 7 Jul. 1997. NMNZ P.036972, 105 mm, Southern Colville Ridge, 36º51.7'S, 176º16.8'E, R/V Kaharoa, stn. KAH 9604/035, 384–390 m, bottom trawl, 18 Apr. 1996. NMNZ P.038479, 214 mm, SE of Tora, Wairarapa, 41º33.8'S, 175º37.1'E, F/V Venture K, stn. OBS 1660/032, 336–353 m, bottom trawl, 9 Jul. 2002. NMNZ P.046324, 65 mm, E of Cape Kidnappers, 39º41.8'S, 177º41.2'E, F/V Venture K, stn. OBS 2827/026, 343 m, 7 Apr. 2009. New Caledonia: NMNZ P.027438, 157 mm, Seamount B, S of New Caledonia, 24º56.7'S, 168º21.7'E, Beryx 2, stn. 1, 505– 577 m, bottom trawl, 23 Oct. 1991, coll. C. Roberts. NMNZ P.027449, 188 mm, Seamount B, S of New Caledonia, 24º26.6'S, 168º21.1'E, Beryx 2, stn. 5, 522– 575 m, bottom trawl, 24 Oct. 1991, coll. C. Roberts. NMNZ P.027481, 269 mm, Seamount B, S of New Caledonia, 24º54.2'S, 168º21.7'E, Beryx 2, stn. 19, 510– 519 m, bottom trawl, 30 Oct. 1991, C. Roberts. NMNZ P.029370, 263 mm, Seamount B, S of New Caledonia, 24º55.75'S, 168º21.4'E, Beryx 11, stn. 6, 505– 620 m, bottom trawl, 15 Oct. 1992, coll. C. Roberts & C. Paulin. NMNZ P.029415, 2, 137– 227 mm, and NMNZ P. 042786, 137 mm, Seamount B, S of New Caledonia, 24º55.1'S, 168º21.55'E, Beryx 11, stn. 3, 502– 610 m, bottom trawl, 14 Oct. 1992, C. Roberts & C. Paulin. NMNZ P. 042784, 91 mm, Seamount B, S of New Caledonia, 24º54.2'S, 168º21.7'E, Beryx 2, stn. 19, 510– 519 m, bottom trawl, 30 Oct. 1991, coll. C. Roberts.

Diagnosis. Dorsal-fin rays III, 11–12 (modally 12); anal-fin rays 6–7 (7); pectoral-fin rays 11–13. A species in the C. pictus -species group with a black and very deep illicial trough, an extremely short illicium and esca with numerous stout black (anterior face) and white (posterior face) cirri ( Figs. 9 View FIGURE 9 B–C). Gill rakers: GRi = 13–14 (3–4+9–10); GRii = 8–10; GRiii = 8–11; GRiv = 7–8. Lateral-line counts: AB = 10–12 (mainly 11); BB' = 4–5 (5); BD = 2–3 (2); CD = 6–7; EF = 3–5 (4); FG = 3–4 (3); GH = 10–13 (11–12); BI = 35–40 (36–38).

It can be distinguished from C. stigmaeus Fowler, 1946 in its extremely short illicium, lacking a black ring on illicial stem, and distinct markings of rings or blotches on dorsal surface of body when preserved; and from C. pictus in having a relatively short tail (all three values of tail lengths relatively small), blackish blotches usually present on dorsal surface, and a relatively narrow head.

Distribution. Widespread in the Indo-west Pacific, including Kenya, South Africa, Madagascar, Japan, Taiwan, South China Sea, Australia and New Zealand ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ). Bathymetric range 343–620 m in the present study area.

Remarks. This is the only member in the C. pictus -species group that occurs outside the Atlantic Ocean and is also the widest distributed species of the genus in the Indo-Pacific region. Chauanx tosaensis is a junior synonym proposed by Caruso (1999) and confirmed by comparisons of both morphological characters and Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences made by the first author (Ho, unpublished data). First record of family Chaunacidae in New Zealand waters was by Stephenson (1971), who accurately identified, diagnosed and figured this species.

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