Paspalum lanciflorum Trinius (1830: 286)

Delfini, Carolina, Souza, Vinicius Castro & Zuloaga, Fernando Omar, 2017, Taxonomic revision and nomenclatural update of Paspalum sect. Pectinata (Poaceae, Panicoideae, Paspaleae), Phytotaxa 323 (1), pp. 1-26 : 13-17

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.323.1.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Paspalum lanciflorum Trinius (1830: 286)


5. Paspalum lanciflorum Trinius (1830: 286) View in CoL . Fig. 1S–V View FIGURE 1

Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: Cuiabá, “in collibus declinius glereosis”, 1829, G.H. von Langsdorff s.n. (LE 480.1!, isolectotypes LE 480.2!, LE 480.3!, US 80075! (fragment ex LE)).

Paspalum contractum Pilger (1898: 709) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated here):— COLOMBIA. Meta: Los Llanos de San Martín , August 1868, M.A. Stübel 190a (B 10 0365549!, isolectotype US 2942134! (fragment ex B)).

Paspalum echinotrichum Mez (1921: 125) View in CoL . Lectotype (designated by Judziewicz 1990: 485):— BRAZIL. Acre: “Auf Campos zwischen Surumu u. Uniam; Rio Branco”, September 1909, E.H.G. Ule 8033 (B 10 0365530!, isolectotype US 2854675! (fragment ex B)).

Paspalum aureolatum Swallen (1951: 22) View in CoL . Type:— VENEZUELA. Territorio Federal Amazonas: summit of Cerro Duida, 1025–1200 m, 2 September 1944, J.A. Steyermark 58234 (holotype US 1911652!, isotype F 73478!).

Paspalum piligerum Swallen (1951: 24) View in CoL . Type:— VENEZUELA. Bolívar: Gran Sabana, between Kun and Uaduara-Paru, in valley of Rio Kukenan, S of Mount Roraima, 1065–1220 m, 1 October 1944, J.A. Steyermark 59090 (holotype US 1911660!, isotype F 73473!).

Caespitose to shortly rhizomatous perennial, 45–120 cm tall. Culms erect, compressed, nodes glabrous; aestivation conduplicate. Sheaths usually longer than the internodes, disposed at the basal and apical portions of the culms, striated, glabrescent, sparsely pilose to densely hirsute, with simple and hyaline papillose-trichomes, 1–2 mm long. Ligules 1.5–3 mm long, triangular, membranous, brown, the margins serrate. Blades 6.5–35 × 0.3–1.2 cm, linear to lanceolate, flat, hirsute to densely hirsute; the apex acuminate, the margins entire to slightly serrate, frequently involute, ciliate, hyaline cilia, 1–4 mm long; nerves conspicuous; adaxial and abaxial surfaces hirsute to densely hirsute, with simple and hyaline papillose-trichomes, 1–4 mm long. Inflorescences 4–20 cm long, 2–10 racemes, racemes 4–18 cm long, subdigitate, axillary inflorescences absent; peduncle 3.5–40 cm long, glabrous. Rachis 3.5–7 mm wide, ending in a naked point, linear to slightly sinuous, glabrous, apical spikelet absent. Spikelets 4.8–7.3 × 1.2–2.5 mm, solitary, arranged into two series along the rachis, pedicellate, pedicels glabrous; lower anthecium 1–3 mm larger than the upper anthecium; upper glume pale yellow, oval-lanceolate, not winged, 3-nerved, the nerves conspicuous, midnerve present, the apex acute, the margins ciliate, hyaline cilia, 1–4 mm long, the base rounded, the surface pilose at the base, hyaline trichomes, 1.5–2.2 mm long; lower lemma subequal or slightly smaller than the upper glume, pale yellow, lanceolate, not winged, 3-nerved, the nerves conspicuous, midnerve present; the apex acute, the margins papillose-ciliate, hyaline cilia, 1–4 mm long, the base cordate to rounded, the surface glabrous to pilose at the apex and between the nerves, hyaline trichomes, 1–2.5 mm long; upper anthecium 3–4.5 × 0.7–1.8 mm, pale yellow, sessile, elliptic, with some trichomes at the apex of the upper lemma; upper lemma and upper palea minutely papillose, the midnerve absent, the apex acute. Anthers 1.3–1.7 mm long, purple. Styles 2, stigmas plumose, purple. Lodicules 2. Caryopsis 0.5–2 mm long, elliptic, brown.

Distribution and habitat: — Panama (Herrera), Colombia (Arauca, Meta and Vichada), Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, Bolivia and Brazil (from Roraima to Minas Gerais), between sea level and 1200 meters ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ). Paspalum lanciflorum is commonly found in sandy, rocky or limestone soils of fields and open savannas subjected to periodic fires, margins of rivers and disturbed areas.

Comments: — Paspalum lanciflorum is a very variable taxon, characterized by having hirsute blades with involute margins, inflorescences 2–10-racemose and the upper glume not winged. This species superficially resembles P. cachimboense ; however, they are easily separated by the life cycle and by the dimensions of rachis and spikelets, as previously discussed in P. cachimboense .

When P. lanciflorum was described, Trinius (1830) did not provide any information regarding the type collection in the protologue. Denham et al. (2002) stated that the holotype of P. lanciflorum is kept at LE; however, there are three sheets in that herbarium and one fragment at US under Langsdorff s.n. The specimen LE 480.1 with the label information “in collibus declinius glereosis. Cuyaba. Brasil ” is designated here as lectotype of the name P. lanciflorum because it includes the original drawings of Trinius’s publication, which perfectly matches the protologue description.

There are two sheets in different herbaria under Stübel 190a, the original material of Paspalum contractum . The complete specimen held at B (10 0365549) is designated as lectotype of the name.

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Acre: Rio Branco, Campos da divisa do Brasil e Venezuela, cabeceira do rio Mea, October 1927, General Rondon s.n. (RB 110832); Tacatú, November 1927, General Rondon s.n. (RB 110834); Without additional data, 29 September 1909, E. Ule 8033 (MO). Amazonas: Humaitá, Estrada Humaitá–Jacarecangas, km 62, campina, solo arenoso, areia alva, 17 June 1982, L.O.A. Teixeira 1197 et al. (INPA, RB). Novo Aripuanã, Transamazon highway, 9 km W of rio dos Pombos, ca. 1, 5 km E. of Igarapé dos Pombos, and ca. 64 km E. of the Aripuanã, in open area of white sand campina, 18 June 1979, C.E. Calderón 2559 et al. ( US). Bahia: Abaíra, Distrito de Catolés: Água Limpa, campo rupestre perto da chácara de café, 1300 m, 13 April 1992, W.G. Ganev 144 (CEPEC, HUEFS, MO, NY, SPF). Barra da Estiva, km 16 da estrada Ituaçú–Barra da Estiva, próximo ao Morro do Ouro, campos gerais, 1150 m, 22 May 1991, E.B. Santos 261 (CEPEC). Camaçari, without additional data, 30 November 1982, L.R. Noblik 2179 (HUEFS). Distrito Federal: Brasília, beira da estrada DF 14, margem direita, 23 April 1980, E.P. Heringer 4490 et al. ( US); Beira da estrada DF 14, margem direita, km 1, 23 April 1980, E.P. Heringer 4491 et al. ( US); Bacia do rio São Bartolomeu, campo rupestre, 2000 m.s.m., 5 May 1980, E.P. Heringer 4615 et al. ( US); Bacia do rio São Bartolomeu, encostas de morros, 14 May 1980, E.P. Heringer 4793 et al. (IBGE, RB); Fazenda Sucupira, campo sujo ao lado da estrada de entrada, 18 April 2007, G.D. Vale 441 et al. (CEN, RB). Guará, 12 km S of Guará, cerrado, 20 March 1968, H.S. Irwin s.n. et al. ( US 2539623). Goiás: Goiânia, vinicity of Goyas capital, sterile sand and gravel campo, about 1000 m.s.m, 20–22 March 1930, A. Chase 11402 (RB). Goiás Velho, Serra Dourada, s.d., A. Rizzo 4102 (RB). Pirenópolis, Serra dos Pireneus, na base dos três picos, cerrado, campo rupestre, 5 May 1971, J.A. Rizzo 6272 (UFG). Santo Antônio do Descoberto, ca. 5 km de Santo Antônio do Descoberto, 27 March 1980, T.S. Filgueiras 699 (MAC). No municipality identified, Serra da Arruda, 15 June 1898, A.F.M. Glaziou s.n. ( US 1127492). Maranhão: Balsas, Gerais de Balsas–Área de Preservação do lote 17, s.d., R.C. Oliveira 1398 (CEN). Carolina, Cachoeira do Garrote, margem esquerda do rio Garrote, ca. 4, 3 km a oeste da BR, solo arenoso, relevo suave e ondulado, cerrado, 150 m. s.m., 24 February 2005, G. Pereira-Silva 9637 et al. (CEN); Carolina to San Antonio de Balsas, 20–25 March 1934, J. Swallen 4029 (RB); Perto de Carolina, cerrado, 26 May 1950, J.M. Pires 2232 & G.A. Black ( US 2205806, US 2205643); No municipality identified, wet sandy open ground, 20–23 March 1934, A. Chase 11425 ( US); No municipality identified, wet open bank near swamp, 20–23 March 1934, J.R. Swallen 4029 ( US); No municipality identified, low wet muddy place, black sandy soil, 20–23 March 1934, J.R. Swallen 4059 ( US). Mato Grosso: Alta Floresta, Fazenda Pontal, March 1997, V.C. Souza 15104 et al. (ESA, UB). Apiacás, 90 km ao S da Serra de Apiacás, March 1997, V.C. Souza 1549 et al. (ESA, UB). Barão de Capanema, entre Barão de Capanema e Utiarity, campo misto, April 1918, General Rondon 2662 (RB). Nova Xavantina, Xavantina–Cachimbo road, cerrado, 29 February 1968, D. Philcox 4387 & A. Ferreira (RB, US); Near the base camp of the expedition, close to the Xavantina–São Fidelix road, cerrado, 6 April 1968, J.A. Ratter s.n. ( US 2689978). Primavera do Leste, Rodovia BR 070 km 164, entre Primavera do Leste e General Carneiro, Paredão Grande, fazenda Vale da Serra, 19 April 2011, G.H. Rua 1006 (UB). Santa Cruz do Xingu, Fazenda Najá, zona de amortecimento do Parque Estadual do Zingu, vegetação degradada e mata secundária, 276 m. s.m., 11 March 2011, D.C. Zappi 3284 et al. (RB). Vila Bela da Santísima Trindade, Serra de Ricardo Franco, topo da serra, 2 km W da ponte sobre o rio Paraíso, fazenda Pelicano, cerrado aberto, relevo ondulado, solo rochoso, 750 m. s.m., 20 March 2014, M.F. Simon 2151 et al. (CEN, RB). No municipality identified, Projeto RADAMBRASIL, 5 July 1977, J. Oliveira 02 (RB 180775); No municipality identified, Projeto RADAMBRASIL, 5 July 1977, J. Oliveira 03 (RB 180786). Minas Gerais: Taquaraçu de Minas, Ribeiro e Taquaraçu, s.d., A. F.M. Glaziou 20084 (RB, US). Pará: Belém, rio Parú do Oeste (Tiriós), campo de terra firme, 24 June 1960, P. Cavalcante 849 ( US). Conceição do Araguaia, Redenção, area of cerrado vegetation about 4 km west of town center along highway PA 150, 20 February 1980, T.C. Plowman 8956 (INPA, US); Redenção, area of cerrado vegetation about 4 km west of town center along highway PA 150, 20 February 1980, T.C. Plowman s.n. ( US 2985982). Marabá, Serra dos Carajás, Serra Norte, Clareira, 18 April 1970, P. Cavalcante 2313 & E. Silva ( US). Parauapebas, FLONA de Carajás, área N1, parte mais seca do campo úmido-canga, 702 m, 16 March 2011, R.C. Oliveira 2572 et al. (UB). No municipality identified, Tapajós, Rio Cururú, 8 February 1960, W.A. Egler 1262 ( US). Piauí: No municipality identified, próximo a Chapada das Mangabeiras, campo-cerrado, 20 March 1978, W.N. Fonseca 181 (RB). Roraima: Território do Rio Branco, Aldeia do Tucham Paulo, para a base do Roraima, October 1927, General Rondon s.n. ( US 2454780). Tocantins: Araguatins, rodovia Transamazônica, campo cerrado, solo arenoso, 27 March 1976, G. Hatschbach 38424 & R. Kummrow (MBM). Babaçulândia, km 64 da BR 226, ca. de 7 km NE de Valderlandia, cerrado pouco denso com vegetação rasteira esparsa, solo arenoso muito friável, 350 m. s.m., 16 March 1985, J.F.M. Valls 8338 et al. (CEN, RB). Couto Magalhães, 16 km west of Piquizeiro along GO–70, 25 February 1980, T.C. Plowman s.n. et al. ( US 2988977). Miracema do Tocantins, Aldeia dos índios Xerentes, a ca. 20 km de Miracema do Norte, cerrado, 200 m. s.m., 11 April 1988, L.A. Scorupa 434 & J.N. Silveira (CEN). Nova Olinda, Estrada de Nova Olinda a Palmeirante, campo cerrado, solo bem drenado semi arenoso, 6 February 1999, M.F. Simon 144 et al. (UB). Palmas, Ribeirão Taquaruçu, s.d., A.F.M. Glaziou 20084 ( US); Ribeirão Taquaruçu, 26 March 1892, A.F.M. Glaziou s.n. (US 1127490). Tocantinópolis, Ribeirão do córrego, cerrado, 27 February 1980, T.C. Plowman s.n. et al. ( US 2985973). COLOMBIA, Arauca: Cravo Norte, al S del río Meta, s.d., J. Blydenstein 1468 (US). Meta: La Macarena, 13 km O de La Macarena, vía a Conejos, s.d., R. Callejas 6886 & O. Marulanda (SI); Area de La Reserva de La Macarena, 13 km O de La Macarena, vía a Conejos, 7 August 1988, R. Callejas 6894 (MEXU). Vichada: Puerto Carreño, base Terecay, s.d., Amat 03 & Castillo (COL). GUYANA. Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region: savanna and bush at margins, frequent burning, white sand, rock outcrops, 975 m, 22 May 1990, T. Mcdowell 2725 & D. Gopaul (US). Rupununi Region: savanna Rupunini, 31 August 1995, M.J. Jansen-Jacobs 4965 et al. ( US); Rupununi Northern Savanna, grassland with scatlered trees, 350 m. s.m., 7 October 1963, R. Goodland 923 ( US); Upper Takutu–Upper Essequibo, South Rupununi savanna, 30 July 1994, H.W. Henkel 3947 & R. James ( US). Without province identified: Mount Roraima, 4000 ft., 26 October 1927, G.H.H. Tate 157 ( US); Without province identified: upper Ireng River, 1932, J.G. Meyers s.n. ( US 1539466); Without province identified: Upper Takutu–Upper Essequibo, South Rupununi savanna, 9 September 1973, T.H. Henkel 2812 et al. ( US); Without additional data, 8 July 1958, S.G. Harrison 1403 (US). PANAMA. Herrera: Las Minas, 10 Km WS of Las Minas on road to El Toro, 24 January 1981, K.J. Sytsma 3216 (MEXU). SURINAME. Sipaliwini savanna area on Brazilian frontier, s.d., F.H.F. Oldenburger 03 (US); Sipaliwini savanna, dry hill, 26 August 1967, J.V. Donselaar 3601 (US). VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Puerto Ayacucho, savanna, 13 April 1978, G. Davidse s.n. & O. Huber (US); En los sitios poco húmedos en el redor del bajo río Cataniapo, 88 m, 23 May 1940, L. Williams 13088 ( US). Santa Barbara, Alto Rio Orinoco, frequent in sabana huachapana, left bank of rio Orinoco 30 km, above Santa Barbara, 15 September 1957, B. Maguire s.n. et al. ( US 2240338); Santa Barbara savanna, junction of Ventuari and Orinoco rivers, east of settlement, in moist pocket, low-lying park-like savanna, 22 February 1951, B. Maguire s.n. et al. ( US 2040259, US 2040261).Anzoátegui: Distrito Bolívar, rocky mountain savanna, just S of El Zamuro, Fila El Purgatorio, 9 airline km NE of Bergantín, open grassland without shrubs except in gullies and draws, 1100 m, 24 November 1981, G. Davidse 19314 & A.C. González (MO). Bolívar: Bolívar, between ciudad Bolívar and El Cristo, sabana, 100–300 m, 27 April 1946, E.P. Killip s.n. ( US 1855224). Gran Sabana, without additional data, February 1946, F. Tamayo s.n. ( US 1916951); San Ignacio de Yuruaní, sabana seca, pedregosa inclinada, 1000 m, 13 August 1989, F.O. Zuloaga 4413 et al. (SI, US); Open savanna with a narrow zone of gallery forest along river, soil white sand, 1300 m, 3 October 1973, G. Davidse 4697 ( US); Entre el Cerro Acopán y el Upuima, October 1947, P. Cardona 2225 ( US); San Ignacio de Yuruaní, open wet area in savanna along stream, 850 m, 4 May 1988, R. Liesner 24197 ( US). Heres, sabana de Topapo, frente a Arekuna, en la ribera a oeste del río Caroní bajo, 400 m, 30 August 1983, O. Huber s.n. et al. ( US 3463112). Piar, Pie de la Roca to Guayaraca, talus slope ascent to first level of the southern base of Auyan-tepui, 600–850 m, 25 November 1982, G. Davidse 22647 & O Huber (MO, NY, VEN). No province identified: Mount Roraima, southwest-facing slopes between base of mountain at quebrada Ka-hua-parú and Glycon swamp, 1200–1980 m, 1 December 1944, J. Steyermark s.n. ( US 1869578). Portuguesa: San Rafael, Ilu-Tepui, Gran Sabana, savanna between San Rafael and Enemasic, 1200 m, 5 February 1952, B. Maguire s.n. ( US 2078764); Ilu-Tepui, Gran Sabana, 1200 m, 30 March 1952, B. Maguire s.n. ( US 2078778).

6. Paspalum pectinatum Nees von Esenbeck ex Trinius (1828: 117) . Paspalum pectinatum Nees von Esenbeck (1829: 34) , as “ Paspalus pectinatus ”, nom. illeg. Anastrophus pectinatus (Nees von Esenbeck ex Trinius) Schlechtendal ex Jackson (1893: 118) . Fig. 1X–Z View FIGURE 1 Lectotype (designated here):— BRAZIL. “Brasilia”, 1827, F. Sellow s.n. (LE 505.1!, isolectotypes B 10 0367474!, B 10 0367475!, B

10 0367476!, BR 6886318!, BR 6886646!, G (not seen), LE 505.2!, LE 505.3!, SI! (fragment ex LE), TUB 8889!, US 2942525!

(fragment ex B), W 19160035232!).

Caespitose to shortly rhizomatous perennial, 30–110 cm tall. Culms erect, compressed, nodes glabrous; aestivation convolute. Sheaths usually longer than the internodes, predominantly basal, striated, glabrous to pilose mainly at the apical third, with simple and hyaline papillose-trichomes, 1–2 mm long. Ligules ca. 1 mm long, triangular, membranous, brown, the margins serrate. Blades 4–32 × 0.3–0.5 cm, linear, flat, densely pilose to glabrescent; the apex acuminate, the margins entire, papillose-ciliate, hyaline cilia, 1.5–2 mm long; nerves conspicuous; adaxial and abaxial surfaces densely pilose to glabrescent, with simple and hyaline papillose-trichomes, 1–2 mm long. Inflorescences 4–17 cm long, 2–3 racemes, racemes 4.5–7(–16.5) cm long, subdigitate to conjugate, axillary inflorescences absent; peduncle 25–30 cm long, glabrous. Rachis 1.2–2.7 mm wide, ending in a naked point, linear to slightly sinuous, glabrous, slightly scabrous at the margins, apical spikelet absent. Spikelets 6–8 × 2–4 mm, solitary, arranged into two series along the rachis, pedicellate, pedicels glabrous; lower anthecium 1–2 mm larger than the upper anthecium; upper glume pale yellow, lanceolate, widely winged, 3-nerved, the nerves conspicuous, midnerve present, the apex acute, the margins ciliate, hyaline cilia, 0.5–1 mm long, the base cordate, the surface glabrous except at the apical portion; lower lemma slightly smaller than the upper glume, pale yellow, lanceolate, not winged, 3-nerved, the nerves conspicuous, midnerve present, the apex acute, the margin ciliate, hyaline cilia, 1–3.5 mm long, exceeding the margins of the upper glume, base cordate, surface pilose between the nerves, hyaline trichomes, 1–2 mm long; upper anthecium 4.5–6 × 1–1.7 mm, pale yellow, sessile, elliptic, with a conspicuous tuft of trichomes at the apex of the upper lemma,; upper lemma and upper palea minutely papillose, the midnerve absent, the apex acute. Anthers 2–2.7 mm long, purple. Styles 2, stigmas plumose, purple. Lodicules 2. Caryopsis 2.3–2.8 mm long, obovate, brown.

Distribution and habitat: —A widely distributed species, occurring in southern Mexico, Central America ( Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras and Panama), Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil (from Roraima to Santa Catarina states), Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay, between 10 and 1900 meters ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 ). Paspalum pectinatum grows mainly in savannas on sandy soils with rocky outcrops, grasslands, in secondary forests, riverbanks, in temporarily flooded soils, on cliffs, roadsides and in degraded places. It is also frequent in areas with periodical fire and dried fields.

Comments: — Paspalum pectinatum is characterized by inflorescences 2–3-racemose and trichomes of the lower lemma exceeding the margins of the upper glume. Very close to this species is P. cordatum , which can be distinguished mainly by features of rhizomes, inflorescences and spikelets, as previously discussed (see under P. cordatum ).

In the original publication of P. pectinatum there is no specific information about where the type material is housed. Denham et al. (2002) stated that types are kept at LE, but were unable to examine them. There are three sheets at LE gathered by Sellow in Brazil and labeled as “ holotype ”. One sheet, LE 505.1, includes original drawings and Trinius’s handwriting, and agrees with the description in the protologue. We designate this sheet as the lectotype of the name P. pectinatum . Isolectotypes are housed in numerous other herbaria, as noted above.

Specimens examined: — BELIZE. Cayo: Mountain Pine Ridge, 3 mi SE of Blancaneaux Lodge, roadside bush, dry ridge, 16 August 1970, J.R. Wiley 362 (MO). Toledo: Cowpen, in open pine ridge, 150 f., 5 July 1942, P.H. Gentle 4044 (MO). No province identified: Along Manatee (or Coastal) highway, 7.4 S of turnoff to Gales Point, 6 miles N of junction with Hummingbird highway, savanna, 5-20 m, 1 June 1996, M.H. Nee 46904 & D.E. Atha (MO). BOLIVIA. La Paz: Luisito, Sabana húmeda, oeste del río Beni, sartenejal seco, 180 m, 30 August 1985, R. Haase 630 (MO). Santa Cruz: Ñuflo de Chavez, Serranía de San Lorenzo, 10 km W of San Javier, chain of hills, precambrian shield, open savanna, 800–900 m, 22 October 1987, T. Killeen 2833 (US). Serranía San Lorenzo, 10 km W os San Javier, chain of hills, precambrian shield, open savanna, woody cover less than 1%, 22 October 1987, T.J. Killeen 2833 (MO). Santiago de Chiquitos, 4 km W of Santiago de Chiquitos, recently burned wooded savanna, 700 m, 15 October 1987, T. Killeen 2782 ( US). Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, 10 km al N de Los Fierros y 3 km al Sur, sabana arbolada con predominancia de gramíneas, suelo arenoso, presencia de piedras, rojo, 225 m, 1 July 1993, B. Mostacedo 780 et al. (MO). BRAZIL. Acre: Rio Branco, Serra do Sol, frontier between territorio of Rio Branco, Brazil and Bolivar, Venezuela, savannas on east slopes of Serra Marico, 1100 m.s.m., 16–18 December 1954, B. Maguire 40351 & C.K. Maguire (RB); In savannas on slopes of serra Marico, 1100 m, 16–18 December 1954, B. Maguire s.n. & C.K. Maguire ( US 2182189). Amazonas: Lábrea, SB–20–ZD, ponto 2A, cerrado, terreno arenoso, campo natural, 8 July 1976, C. D.A. Mota s.n. (INPA 60581). Novo Aripuanã, Transamazon highway, 53 km west of Aripuanã river, 28 June 1979, C.E. Calderón 2708 et al. (NY, US). Prainha, Nova Prainha, SB–20–ZC, ponto 07, campo natural, terreno arenoso, 22 July 1976, C.D.A. Mota s.n. et al. (INPA 60662). Distrito Federal: Brasília, Fazenda Água Limpa, UNB, ca. 1 km S da Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, cerrado, área queimada, solo argiloso, 6 December 1989, M.H. Pereira Neto 495 & F. C.A. Oliveira (IBGE, RB); Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, cerrado em frente à nascente do córrego Escondido, área queimada há 47 dias, 2 October 1986, R.C. Mendonça 663 & S. Doi (UEC); JBB Campo, logo após a área de lazer, campo cerrado recém queimado, solo argiloso, relevo inclinado, 1025–1150 m.s.m., 7 November 1997, R.C. Oliveira 906 & K. Calago (MBM); Parque Nacional de Brasília, latossolo vermelho, cerrado típico queimado recentemente, 25 November 2010, R.R. Silva 1160 & V.B.C. Albuquerque (IBGE, SP); Chapada da Contagem, 1000 m, 4 September 1965, H.S. Irwin s.n. & R.R. Santos ( US 2529185); 3 km E of Taguatinga, rocky campo, 1125 m, 23 November 1965, H.S. Irwin s.n. & R.R. Santos ( US 2529106); Thick rootstock, burned campo, 700–1000 m, 7 September 1964, H.S. Irwin s.n. & T.R. Soderstrom ( US 2565511); Chapada da Contagem, ca. 20 km E. of Brasília, 1000 m, 14 October 1965, H.S. Irwin s.n. et al. ( US 2529207); Creek valley, córrego Gama, between Gama and Brasília, near road to Anápolis, 1175 m, 26 September 1965, H.S. Irwin s.n. & R.R. Santos ( US 2528704); Ca. 20 km S of Brasília on road to Goiânia, near to Rio Melchior, 1125 m, 25 September 1965, H.S. Irwin s.n. & R.R. Santos ( US 2528711). Goiás: Alto Paraíso, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, cruzeiro, ca. 23 km de Alto Paraíso, cerrado em afloramento rochoso, 1405 m, 12 November 1996, F.C.A. Oliveira 647 et al. (CTES, RB, IBGE); Rodovia GO 327, a oeste de Alto Paraíso, campo rupestre da Chapada dos Veadeiros , solo arenoso, 1200 m alt., 16 October 1990, G. Hatschbach 54620 et al. (MBM). Cabeceiras, Serra do Rio Preto, gallery forest ca. 14 km. E of Cabeceiras, 1000 m, 16 November 1965, H.S. Irwin s.n. et al. ( US 2528694). Caiaponia, Serra do Caiapó, campo, ca. 35 km S. of Caiaponia on road to Jataí, 800– 1000 m, 19 October 1964, H.S. Irwin s.n. & T.R. Soderstrom ( US 2642600); Campo island, ca. 37 km S. of Caiaponia on road to Jataí, 800–1000 m, 22 October 1964, H.S. Irwin s.n. & T.R. Soderstrom ( US 2642674). Corumbá de Goiás, ca. 9 km S of Corumbá de Goiás, 1000 m, 1 October 1965, H.S. Irwin s.n. & R.R. Santos ( US 2528727). Cristalina, Serra dos Cristais, ca. 6 km S. of Cristalina, 1175 m, 5 November 1965, H.S. Irwin s.n. & R.R. Santos ( US 2528662). Ipameri, Campo Limpo, 18 October 1994, H.G.P. Santos 414 et al. (CEN). Minacu, Serra da Mesa (Area 1–Proposta P–Unidade de Conservação), mais ou menos 3 km de entrada Norte do Canteiro, vereda (locais mais secos), solo arenoso, 490 m, 19 November 1991, B.M.T. Walter 724 & F.O.V. Silva (MO). Niquelândia, estrada Niquelândia– Colinas do Sul, 59 km da saída de Niquelândia, campo sujo arenoso-pedregoso, 492 m. s.m., 1 December 2003, R. Dias-Melo 65 et al. (RB); Macedo, morro à esquerda do trevo para Macedo Velho, solo serpentino, 30 May 1996, F.C.A. Oliveira 602 et al. ( US); Macedo, ca. 20 km de Niquelândia, 4 August 1992, T.S. Filgueiras 2430 & R.D. Lopes ( US). Pirenópolis, Serra dos Pireneus, cerrado recém queimado, 10 July 1983, T.S. Filgueiras 1096 (UEC). Santa Rita do Araguaia, between rio Ortega and rio Babilonia, red clay and sand, campo with low bush, 4 May 1930, A. Chase 11777 ( US). No municipality identified, Serra Dourada, 1969, A. Rizzo 4470 (RB); Reserva Ecológica de Emas I.BD. R., 30 October 1984, C.A. Joly 17761 (UEC); Serra do Urbanó, 29 July 1894, G. Glaziou 22426 (RB, US). Without additional data, s.d., A.M.F. Glaziou 22427 ( US). Maranhão: Balsas, Agrovila Nova de Carli, depois da escarpa, campo sujo, 447 m, 5 July 1998, R.C. Oliveira 1258 (MOSS). Mato Grosso: Barra do Garças, 12.8 km along main road S of turnoff road to base camp, cerrado, 6 October 1968, G. Eiten 9151 & L.T. Eiten ( US). Chapada dos Guimarães, Vicinity of Véu da Noiva, Chapada dos Guimarães, cerrado on laterite and gravel slope, 720 m, 14 October 1973, G.T. France s.n. et al. ( US 2769644); Road behind Véu de Noiva, Chapada dos Guimarães, 720 m, 18 October 1973, G.T. France s.n. et al. ( US 2769645). Cuiabá, Expedição de Cuiabá a São Miguel, Campos Novos, campo, May 1918, J.G. Kuhlmann 1670 (RB). Garapú, ca. 1 km NE of Garapú, savanna, 300–400 m, 2 October 1964, H.S. Irwin s.n. & T.R. Soderstrom ( US 2642537). Nova Xavantina, ca. 90 km N of Xavantina, 300–400 m, 12 October 1964, H.S. Irwin s.n. & T.R. Soderstrom ( US 2642625); 70 km N of Xavantina, 300–400 m, 10 October 1964, H.S. Irwin s.n. & T.R. Soderstrom ( US 2642634); Ca. 12 km SE of base camp, burnt cerrado, 5 October 1968, R.E. Harley 104–80 ( US). ca. 270 km of Xavantina, 8 km NE of the base camp of expedition, recent burned cerrado, 25 June 1968, J.A. Ratter 1969 et al. (RB, UEC); 8 km NE of the the base camp of expedition (base camp ca. 270 km N of Xavantina), cerrado, 25 June 1968, J.A. Ratter s.n. et al. ( US 2689972). Rondonópolis, between Rondonópolis and Santa Rita do Araguaya, campo-cerrado, 13 April 1930, A. Chase 12009 ( US). No municipality identified, road 10, ca. 12 km SW of base camp, near lago de Leo, cerrado, 28 September 1968, R.M. Harley 10330 & R. Souza (K, RB); Ca. 12 km SW of base camp, burned cerrado, 5 October 1968, R.M. Harley 10480 (K, RB); Fazenda Urubú Branco, cerrado, 7 December 1967, J.M. Pires 11317 & N.T. Silva ( US); Braço do rio Arinos, 26 September 1943, J.T. Baldwin s.n. ( US 1833853). Mato Grosso do Sul: Campo Grande, Cerrado, E.F. Nienstedt 415 (RB). Rio Brilhante, Rodovia BR 267, entroncamento, campo cerrado aberto, 22 October 1970, G. Hatschbach 25048 (MBM). Rio Verde de Mato Grosso, Fazenda Capão da Taquara, 29 August 1975, G. Hatschbach 32479 (MBM, US); Rodovia BR 163, campo cerrado, 13 November 1973, G. Hatschbach 33152 & C. Koczicki (MBM); Região do rio Verde, campo, May–July 1923, General Rondon s.n. (RB 111444). Sidrolândia, rodovia BR 163, campo–cerrado aberto, 27 October 1970, G. Hatschbach 25264 (MBM). Minas Gerais: Belo Horizonte, 2 km da Serra da Moeda, campo rupestre, 1550 m, 15 November 1987, P.E.M. Borges 11522 (MO). Diamantina, Serra de San Antonio, white sand and gravel, open summit of serra, 1400 m, 17–20 December 1929, A. Chase 10350 ( US); Serra do Espinhaço, scattered on hillside, ca. 10 km SW of Diamantina, valley with very steep, rocy sandstone sides sloping down to gallery forest with sedge meadow (brejo) just above forest in places, 1250 m, 3 February 1972, W.R. Anderson s.n. et al. ( US 2990049). Jaboticatubas, Serra do Cipó (the highest part of the log narrow Serra do Espinhaço), along the road at km 134–135 (5–6 km along road north from crossing of the stream, “Rib. Andrequice” at Fazenda Palácio), 1250 m, 21 November 1965, G. Eiten 6746 & L.T. Eiten ( US); Serra do Cipó (the highest part of the log narrow Serra do Espinhaço), along the road at km 134–135 (5–6 km along road north from crossing of the stream, “Rib. Andrequice” at Fazenda Palácio), 1250 m, 21 November 1965, G. Eiten 6760 & L.T. Eiten ( US); Serra do Cipó, along the road at km 122–123, vegetation burned-over, 1150 m, 24 November 1965, G. Eiten 6827 & L.T. Eiten ( US); Serra do Cipó, perto do hotel Palácio, 5 April 1951, G.A. Black 51-12028 & N. Magalhães ( US); Serra do Cipó, perto do hotel Palácio, 5 April 1951, G.A. Black 51-12029 & N. Magalhães ( US); Ao longo da rodovia Lagoa Santa–Conceição do Mato Dentro–Diamantina, 10 December 1971, J. Semir 440 et al. ( US). Lavras Novas, Lavras Novas–Ouro Preto, próximo a Mina de Fábrica, campo sujo, 1075 m, 6 November 2008, S.G. Rezende 3041 (BHZB, ESA, IBGE). Ouro Preto, 13 January 1972, A. Macedo 5217 (HB, MBM). Poços de Caldas, Campo do Saco, 5 November 1980, A.C. Gabrielli 382 et al. (UEC); Campo do Saco, 2 December 1980, L.A.G. Mathes 642 (UEC); Campo, slope, 1100–1500 m, 18–20 January 1930, A. Chase 10655 ( US). Prados, campo rupestre recuperando-se de queimada, 1260 m.s.m., 26 February 2011, M. Sobral 14465 et al. (RB, HUFSJ); Campo rupestre recuperando-se de queimada, 1260 m, 26 February 2011, M. Sobral 14465 et al. (HUFSJ, RB). No municipality identified, Serra da Moeda, campo rupestre na parte úmida, 1550 m, 15 February 1987, B.D. Madureira 11485 (MO); Heargreaves, 1350– 1400 m, 21–22 December 1929, A. Chase 10230 ( US); Heargreaves, campo, 1350–1400 m, 21–22 December 1929, A. Chase 10249 ( US). Without additional data, May 1915, J. Kuhlmann 5998 ( US). Paraná: Balsa Nova, Ponte dos Arcos, campo seco, 1 November 2005, C. Kozera 2468 & A. Sanches (MBM); Ponte dos Arcos, campo seco, 7 December 2005, C. Kozera 2733 & O.P. Kozera (MBM); Serra de São Luís, campo limpo, solo turfoso úmido, junto a borda da Cuesta Devoniana, 27 December 1984, G. Hatschbach 48811 (MBM); Tamanduá, campo, L.T. Dombrowski 12017 & P. Scherer (MBM); without additional data, 12 October 1999, A. Dunaiski Jr. 1343 & W. Amaral (MBM). Curitiba, Cidade Industrial, campo limpo, seco, 11 October 2006, R. Rodrigues 58 (MBM). Jaguariaíva, ca. 2 km ao sul, cerrado, 17 December 1991, A.C. Cervi 3511 et al. (MBM); Rio das Mortes, campo, 31 October 1997, C. Kozera 619 (MBM, UPCB); Arredores de Jaguariaíva, campo cerrado, 12 October 1978, L.T. Dombrowski 9784 (MBM); Arredores de Jaguariaíva, campo cerrado, 11 October 1978, L.T. Dombrowski 9985 (MBM); Without additional data, 5 November 1928, F.C. Nechas s.n. ( US 1503353); 23 October 1911, P. Dusén s.n. ( US 601213). Palmeira, Recanto dos Papagaios, campo, local úmido, 26 November 2003, A.C. Cervi 8561 et al. (MBM); Santa Rita, campo limpo levemente úmido, 26 October 1982, G. Hatschbach 45697 (MBM); Recanto dos Papagaios, campo limpo, 6 October 2008, J.M. Silva 7013 et al. (MBM); Beira de estrada, campo, 26 October 1977, L.T. Dombrowski 9037 & P. Scherer (MBM); Rio dos Papagaios, 7 November 2004, M.G. Caxambu 662 (MBM); Recanto dos Papagaios, campo limpo seco, 28 October 1996, O.S. Ribas 1586 & M.F. Luz (MBM); Santa Rita, campo limpo, 26 October 1982, G. Hatschbach 45697 ( US); Fazenda Santa Rita, 26 October 1982, G. Hatschbach 45697 (MBM, MEXU). Piraí do Sul, rodovia PR 090, para Ventania, cerrado de topo, humoso e arenoso, 14 January 2004, H.M. Longhi-Wagner 8939 et al. (ICN, MBM). Ponta Grossa, arredores de Ponta Grossa, campo limpo seco, 23 October 1991, C.B. Poliquesi 73 & D. Guimarães (MBM); Capão da Onça, campo limpo seco, 21 November 1999, C.B. Poliquesi 672 et al. (MBM); Furnas, campo alto, seco, solo arenoso, 25 October 1976, L.T. Dombrowski 6517 (MBM); Estação experimental, dried campo, 29 January, J.R. Swallen 8344 ( US); Capão Grande, 21 December 1903, P. Dusén s.n. ( US 558028). Tibagi, rodovia Castro–Tibagi, campo limpo seco, 19 October 1993, G. Hatschbach 59648 & J. Cordeiro (MBM). Ventania, Arapoti, 6 km para Ventania. Savana, 26 November 1981, R.M. Klein 12080 & P.F. Leite (MBM). Without additional data, 18 December 1903, P. Dusén 2770 ( US). Roraima: No municipality identified, rodovia BR–174 à 7 km de Santa Eelena (Venezuela), quadrícula NA–20–ZD, campo, 1000 m, 21 June 1974, Pires 14564 (MO). Santa Catarina: Caçador, 72 km W of caçador, dry field, 1 December 1971, L.B. Smith 15569 ( US). Mafra, campo west of Mafra on the road to Barracas, 800 m, 7 December 1956, L.B. Smith 8445 & R. Klein ( US); Campo novo, 750 m, 12 December 1962, R. Klein 3916 ( US). São Paulo: Campinas, Fazenda Grande, 18 December 1938, H. Krug 3265 et al. (UEC); Fazenda Campo Grande, 4 December 1938, A.P. Viegas s.n. ( US 1761504); Fazenda Campo Grande, 18 December 1938, H. Krug s.n. et al. ( US 1761506); Without additional data, s.d., C. Novaes 1272 ( US). Itapetininga, 27 May 1987, Colector? 267 ( US). Itirapina, campo cerrado, 16 December 1998, J.L.C. Tannus 340 et al. (HRCB, MBM). São Paulo: São Paulo, Vila Esperança (Penha), 22 November 1947, A.B. Joly 575 (RB); On a high campo, 1 January 1941, B. Pickel 5152 (US). No municipality identified, Fazenda Boa Vista 4–5 km SE em linha reta da estação Engenheiro Hermílio, cerrado, 22 November 1959, S.M. Campos 111 ( US). Tocantins: Goiatins, Comunidade indígena Krahó-Kapey (União das Aldeias), mata próxima ao campo de pouso, solo arenoso, borda de mata ciliar, 266 m, 28 September 2001, A.A. Santos 968 (CEN). COLOMBIA. Boyacá: No municipality identified, near Orocué, open Llanos, growing in dense bunches, 140 m. s.m., 27 March 1939, O. Haught 2709 (RB, US). Cauca: Chisquio, grassland ground, 1700 m, 6 February 1940, E. Asplund s.n. ( US 2207028); Popayan, rio Sucio to rio Piedras, west of Popayan, grassy hills, 1500–1800 m, 3 July 1922, F.W. Pennell s.n. & E.P. Killip ( US). Dique: Cravo Norte Arayca, 40 km al SW, entre rios Casanare y Ariporo, 19–22 December 1963, J. Blydenstein 1562 ( US). Guaviare: San José del Guaviare, río Guaviara, 240 m, 11 November 1939, J. Cuatrecasas 7649 ( US). Meta: Carimagua, grassland with palm forest along the rivers, generally very flat countryside, burnt frequently, 200 m, 18 September 1992, S.A. Renvoize 5409 ( US); About 20 kilometers southeast of villavicencio, llanos, 500 m, 17 March 1939, E.P. Killip 34321 ( US); Sabanas, s.d., H.G. Baniga 4993 ( US). Vichada: San José de Ocuné, dry llanos along the río Vichada at bopimi, ca. 14 km NW San José de Ocuné, 100 m, 24 January 1944, F.J. Hermann 11089 ( US); Dry llanos along the rio Vichada at bopimi, ca. 14 km NW San José de Ocuné, 100 m, 24 January 1944, F.J. Hermann 11089 ( US); Dry llanos along the rio Vichada at bopimi, ca. 14 km NW San José de Ocuné, 100 m, 24 January 1944, F.J. Hermann 11089 ( US). Vichada Gualandayas, 100 m, 30 December 1983, Wood 4201 ( US). No province identified: Popayán, 1600–1800 m, January 1901, Colector? s.n. ( US 1129829); San Martin, May 1927, E.W. Shaw s.n. ( US); 20 km. SE of Villavicencio, open grassland, 17 March 1939, A.H.G. Alston 7589 ( US); Near Orocue, open llanos, 140 m, 27 March 1939, O. Haught 2709 ( US); Without additional data, February 1937, H.G. Barriga 4980 ( US); s.d., J.C. Mutis 5453 (US). COSTA RICA. Guanacaste: Guanacaste, Parque Nacional Guanacaste, Volcan Cacao, 800 m. s.m., 30 July 1987, J.F. Smith 413 et al. (RB). Puntarenas: Buenos Aires, open savannas around the first pond below the Carretera Interamericana, 450 m, 30 May 1980, H.W. Pohl 13922 (MO); Buenos Aires, Sabanas Terraba, Quebrada Cabuya, 800 m, 25 April 2004, J.F. Morales 10480 (MO). San Jose: Quebrada Meseta, Cantón de Acosta, Fila Bustamante, La Meseta, entre Quebrada Meseta y Jocotal, 5 June 1995, J.F. Morales 4395 (MEXU). EL SALVADOR. Chalatenango: El Paraíso, 6 km N of El Paraíso, curatella savanna on a steep pumice hill, 11 June 1970, H.W. Pohl 11882 & G. Davidse (MO). Morazán: La Hermita, Joateca, A.N.P. La Hermita, sendero piedra pacha-quebrada el zope, bosque de pino, 1063 m, 14 June 2011, D. Rodríguez 2384 et al. (MO). GUYANA. No province identified, Mount Roraima, s.d., Colector? s.n. (US 1539484). HONDURAS. Camayagua: Siquatepeque, Above road (Hond. 1), ca. 8 km SE of Siguatepeque Recently burned pineland, 1000 m, 25 May 1972, D. Burch 6205 (MO). Gracias a Dios: Puerto Lempira, La Mosquitia, orilla del Río Dursuna, Pinares, lluvioso tropical, 70 m, 14 February 1979, C.H. Nelsol 5038 & E. Vargas (MO). Olancho: Dulce Nombre de Culmi, 6 km SW of Dulce Nombre de Culmí, along highway 3, open pine savanna, moist area, 550 m, 23 July 1970, H.W. Pohl 12442 & G. Davidse (MO). MEXICO. Chiapas: Palenque, 2–4 km N of La Victoria and 7–9 km NWN of Palenque, 17 May 1982, G. Davidse 20544 (MEXU, MO). Oaxaca: Asunción Ixtaltepec, 4 Km al NE de Lázaro Cárdenas, hacia Sta. María Chimalapa, 26 May 1974, R.T. Colín 5170 (MEXU). San Juan Lalana, Santiago Jalahuí, 500 m, 23 June 1991, J.I. Calzada 17051 & M. Aranda (MEXU). Tabasco: Huimanguillo, Km 64 rumbo Huimanguillo-Fco Rueda al O de Huimanguillo Km 8 al O de El Guanal, 4 September 1978, F. Hill 1548 (MEXU); Huimanguillo, 1 January 1964, F.D. Barlow 30/23C (MEXU); Huimanguillo, 1 January 1964, F.D. Barlow 30/72D (MEXU); Huimanguillo, 180 m de la carretera hacia CNEP 113, km 44 Huimanguillo a Francisco Rueda, 20 November 1978, J.M. Tirado 1741 (MEXU). Veracruz: Coatzacoalcos, without additional data, s.d., J.M. León 80 (MEXU); Without additional data, July 1962, J.M. León 98 (MEXU). Las Choapas, a 11 km del entronque Las Choapas con la carretera Cárdenas–Coatzacoalcos, s.d., A.D.L. Orozco 182 (MEXU). NICARAGUA. Atlántico Norte: No municipality identified, 5 km S of Bilwaskarma on road to Puerto Cabezas, open pine savanna, 100 m, 19 July 1970, H.W. Pohl 12276 & G. Davidse (MO); Between Waspam and Ulwás, brushy area along a creek, 30 m, 18 July 1970, H.W. Pohl 12292 & G. Davidse (MO); Near Caño Alamikamba, 26.5 km SE of El Empalme by road to Limbaika, 20 m, 5 July 1982, R. Kral 69245 (MO). Chontales: Juigalpa, 15 km SE of Juigalpa along Hwy 7, dry, hilly, rocky Curatella savanna, 250 m, 18 July 1970, H.W. Pohl 12361 & G. Davidse (MO). PANAMA. Chiquirí: Alto Boquete, Savanna, 1125 m, 23 January 1969, M. Partch 69–59 (MO). San Jose: San Juan, Entre San José y San Juan, carretera a Santa Fé, 100–400 m, 1 March 1984, L.G. Carrasquilla 1942 (MO). PARAGUAY. Canindeyú: No municipality identified, Mbaracayú Natural Reserve administered by Fundación Moisés Bertoni: Aguará Ñú, cerrado scrub on red sandy soil, 22 September 1999, E.M. Zardini 51117 & B. Ramírez (MO). PERU. Madre de Dios: Tambopata, Parque Nacional Bahuaja-Sonone, Parque Nacional “Bahuaja-Sonere”, Ex Santuario Nacional “Pampa de Heath”, Bosque circundante a las “Pampas” del Heath, formación de “Pampa”, asociación de Poaceae , 30 October 1997, C. Díaz 9325 & H. Ramirez (MO); Parque Nacional Bahuaja-Sonone, Parque Nacional “Bahuaja-Sonere”, Ex Santuario Nacional “Pampa de Heath” Formación de “Pampa,” incluyendo “aguajales” a islotes de Tierra firme, 9 October 1997, C. Díaz 9420 & H. Ramirez (MO). SURINAME. Without additional data, 3 December 1935, Rombouds 308 (US). VENEZUELA. Bolívar: Bolívar, Pasture southwest of La Vergarana, south of ciudad Bolívar, 3 December 1953, J. Alba s.n. (US 2433977); Gran Sabana, between Kun and waterffal at Ruemerú (tributary of Rio Kukenán), south of Mount Roraima, 1065 m, 2 October 1944, J.A. Steyermark s.n. ( US 1869597). No province identified: Rodovia BR–174 à 7 km de Santa Helena, quadrícula NA–20–ZD, campo, 1000 m, 21–24 November 1974, J.M. Pires 14551-14569 et al. ( US); Rodovia BR–174 à 7 km de Santa Helena, quadrícula NA–20– ZD, campo, 1000 m, 21 June 1974, J.M. Pires s.n. ( US 2820027).














Paspalum lanciflorum Trinius (1830: 286)

Delfini, Carolina, Souza, Vinicius Castro & Zuloaga, Fernando Omar 2017

Paspalum aureolatum

Swallen, J. R. 1951: )

Paspalum piligerum

Swallen, J. R. 1951: )

Paspalum echinotrichum

Judziewicz, E. J. 1990: 485
Mez, C. C. 1921: )

Paspalum contractum

Pilger, R. K. F. 1898: )
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