Libnotes (Libnotes) puella Alexander, 1925

Podenas, Sigitas, Byun, Hye-Woo & Kim, Sam-Kyu, 2015, Limoniinae crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) new to Korea, Journal of Species Research 4 (2), pp. 61-96 : 88-89

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2015.4.2.061

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scientific name

Libnotes (Libnotes) puella Alexander, 1925


Libnotes (Libnotes) puella Alexander, 1925 View in CoL

Libnotes puella Alexander, 1925: 434 View in CoL .

General coloration light brown. Lateral surface of thorax pale with three distinct narrow dark brown longitudinal stripes. Body length of male 8.0 mm, female 7.5 mm. Wing length of male 9.5 mm, female 8.4 mm.

Head light grayish brown, slightly darkened dorsally, covered with gray pruinosity. Area along eye margin light gray. Sparse erect setae brownish frontally, whitish posteriorly. Anterior vertex very narrow, slightly rised between eyes, covered with yellowish pruinosity. Eyes large, ventrally nearly reaching each other. Length of male antennae 1.70 mm, if bent backwards, ending far from wing base. Antenna of female 1.45 mm long. Scape elongate, nearly cylindrical, obscure yellow, dorsally covered with sparse erect brownish setae. Pedicel short, narrower at base wider at apex, dark brown, covered with few short brown setae. Flagellum 12­segmented, dark brown to black. Basal segments of flagellum oval with short apical pedicels, distal segments elongate. Apical flagellomere elongate, longer but narrower than preceding segment. Verticils nearly 1.5 times as long as respective segments. Pubescence, covering segments, very short, grayish, uniformly dense on all sides of flagellum. Rostrum light brown, covered with sparse grayish pruinosity. Palpus obscure yellow, covered with erect brown setae. Mouth parts same color as rostrum.

Thorax grayish light brown. Cervical sclerites grayish light brown. Pronotum elongate, grayish brown frontally and laterally, yellowish posteriorly. Mesonotal prescutum grayish light brown, with three brown stripes. Median stripe wide and separated longitudinally by narrow light line, which is visible depending on angle. Lateral stripe darker before the suture, confluent with median stripe frontally and distinctly separated from it posteriorly by yellowish area. Area between median and lateral stripes bears few erect brown setae, which are slightly longer above pseudosutural fovea. Distinct narrow dark brown line extends along lateral margin of prescutum. Central part of scutal lobe brown, margins pale. Scutellum entirely pale. Mediotergite with pale longitudinal line, which is very wide frontally and narrow posteriorly. Sides of mediotergite dark brown. Pleura frontally greenish light brown, posteriorly pale, whitish. Two distinct narrow dark brown lines extend longitudinally. Dorsal line extends from cervical sclerites to posterior margin of anepimeron. It is right above frontal coxae. Ventral line extends along middle of fore coxae through dorsal margin of katepisternum, dorsal angle of middle coxae and reaches abdomen right above posterior coxae. Middle coxae on the middle of frontal face has brown spot. Generally thorax in lateral view has three distinct longitudinal lines, dorsal, that extends along lateral margin of presctum and two ventral on pleura. Wing ( Fig. 7G View Fig ) pale grayish­yellowish, patterned with lots of small brown and gray spots. Brown spots are at both ends of Rs, on cord, tip of Sc and R. They surround only branching points of veins, but not extend into lines. Lots of small gray dots are on all veins, they are especially dense beyond cord, and in all cells. Veins yellow, but brown in darkened areas. Venation similar in both sexes: Sc long, Sc 1 reaching wing margin far beyond branching point of Rs, Sc 2 close to Sc 1 tip. Rs very short, straight and transverse. Vein R 1 short, nearly transverse; R 2 nearly transverse, it ends approximately at same level as R 1 in both sexes. Both branches of Rs very long, parallel to each other and distinctly arcuated towards posterior wing margin, thus cell r 1 very wide at wing margin. Cross­vein r­m distinct, at base of discal cell. Discal cell long and narrow, slightly less than 3.5 times as long as wide. Longitudinal veins issuing from it distinctly turned towards posterior wing margin. Basal deflection of CuA 1 its own length beyond branching point of M. A 1 long and nearly straight, A 2 shortened and slightly sinuous. Cell a 1 very wide at wing margin. Anal angle small, medium wide. Halter elongate. Length of male halter 1.15 mm, that of female 1.25 mm. Stem pale, base yellowish, knob infuscated, blackish. Ground color of frontal coxae greenish­grayish yellow, middle and posterior coxae yellow. Frontal and middle coxae marked with brown as mentioned above. Frontal troxanter darkened, middle and posterior obscure yellow. Distal margin of trochanter narrowly blackened. Femur yellow with rather broad but indistinct subterminal brown ring. Apex of femur yellow, but yellow area narrower than brown ring. Tibia obscure yellow with narrowly darkened distal end. Two basal tarsomeres obscure yellow with narrowly darkened distal ends, remaining three segments dark brown. Legs cover­ ed with short blackish setae. Male femur I: 7.7 mm long, II: 8.6 mm, III: 9.3 mm; tibiae I: 9.4 mm, II: 8.3 mm, III: 9.3 mm; tarsus I: 8.2 mm, II: 8.5 mm, III: 7.2 mm long. Female femur I: 5.9 mm long, II: 6.2 mm, III: 7.1 mm; tibiae I: 7.0 mm, II: 6.1 mm, III: 6.6 mm; tarsus I: 7.5 mm, II: 6.0 mm, III: 5.6 mm long. Claw black with big spine at middle and few small subbasal spines.

Abdomen generally obscure brownish yellow. First abdominal tergite dark brown, second and third tergites brownish. Basal sternite dark brown. Remaining tergites and setrnites obscure yellow. Lateral margins of all tergites and sternites with narrow dark brown line. Male genitalia ( Fig. 8D View Fig ) brownish. Ninth tergite simple, transverse, posterior margin widely rounded with small median emargination. Gonocoxite elongate, bearing wide, nearly rounded setose ventro­median lobe. Outer gonostylus strongly sclerotised, darkened, long and narrow, arched and rod­like. Inner gonostylus rounded with long and narrow rostral prolongation armed with two subbasal spines on posterior margin. Spines arising from same tubercle. Additional lobe posteriorly to rostral prolongation, bearing few long setae on apex. Paramere long, wide at base, narrow at apex, distal end hook­like. Penis long, apex composed of two rounded lobes. Ovipositor ( Fig. 8J View Fig ) comparatively short. Cercus straight and narrow, dark brown, without subapical branch. Hypovalvae dark brown at base, yellow at middle, tip infuscated. It is wide at base, turning narrower towards apex, reaching to about middle of cercus.

Elevation range in Korea. Specimens were found only at altitude close to 500 m.

Period of activity. Adults were collected only in late August. Specimen found by the author in spider web in May, most probably, remained there since previous fall.

Habitats. The species was collected by the author in back­yard of small hotel surrounded by mixed forest and shrubs on steep slope to medium­sized mountainous stream.

General distribution. The species was known only from Japan.

Examined materials ( Fig. 10N View Fig ): 1 specimen of unclear sex (in ethanol), S. Korea, Jeollanam­do, Gurye­gun, Toji­myeon, Jirisan National Park , Piagol valley , N35.26590, E127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2013.05.11, S. Podenas (collected from spider web) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, 1$(pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam­do, Gurye­gun, Toji­myeon, Jirisan National Park , Piagol valley , N35.26590, E127.58096, alt. 446 m, 2014. 08.25, S. Podenas GoogleMaps .














Libnotes (Libnotes) puella Alexander, 1925

Podenas, Sigitas, Byun, Hye-Woo & Kim, Sam-Kyu 2015

Libnotes puella

Alexander, C. P. 1925: 434
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF