Stachys inanis Hausskn. & Bornm., Repert., 2020

Akçiçek, Ekrem, 2020, Taxonomic revision of Stachys sect. Olisia (Lamiaceae: Lamioideae) in Turkey, Phytotaxa 449 (2), pp. 109-148 : 137-138

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Felipe (2024-10-02 00:01:45, last updated 2024-10-02 01:33:37)

scientific name

Stachys inanis Hausskn. & Bornm., Repert.

sp. nov.

10. Stachys inanis Hausskn. & Bornm., Repert. View in CoL Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 22: 188 (1925) ( Figs. 2D View FIGURE 2 , 24, 27 View FIGURES 27 ).

Type:― TURKEY. B7 Erzincan: Mesopotamia: Egin ( Kemaliye ), Pasch-Tasch ( Bağiştaş ) Gebirge , 26 June 1889, Sintenis 948 (lecto designated by Krestovskaya 2016: JE 00002238 [photo!]; isolecto: E!, LE, S, W!; syn: Egin , Salachlü ( Salihli village ), in collibus nudis, 25 June 1890, Sintenis 2756 (JE-00002236 [photo!], LD!).

Description:―Plant biennial, erect, with basal rosettes of leaves on flowering shoots. Flowering axis slender, laxly paniculate, 25‒50 cm, puberulent, pruinose-glandular. Basal leaves forming rosettes, orbicular or broadly ovate, 1‒4 × 0.8‒3.7 cm, crenate to subentire at margin, obtuse or rounded at apex, cordate to cuneate at base, puberulent, prominently veined; petiole 0.6‒5.5 cm. Cauline and floral leaves ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, 2‒13 × 0.5‒4 mm, subentire to entire at margin, obtuse at apex, short-petiolate (4 mm) to sessile, puberulent, spreading, gradually passing from larger to smaller size. Verticillasters 5‒15, remote, 0.4‒5.5 mm apart, 2-flowered, sometimes unilaterally 1- flowered, ebracteolate. Pedicels 1‒4 mm. Calyx ± regular, subcampanulate, 4‒5.5 mm, puberulent with scarcely sessile glands, mouth hairy; teeth ± equal, subindurate, triangular to triangular-lanceolate, 1.2‒2 mm, slightly recurved in fruit, about half to one third the length of tube, shortly mucronate (mucro ca. 0.2 mm). Corolla white, with purple markings, 8‒14 mm, tube subexserted, annulate; limb bilabiate, short hairy outside, upper lip 1.5‒3 mm, shorter than lower, emarginate, lower lip 3-lobed, middle lobe largest, rounded, 3‒4.5 mm. Stamens 4, slightly exserted from corolla tube. Nutlets oblong-elliptic, faintly trigonous, slightly winged near base, 2‒2.2 × 1.2‒1.5 mm, smooth on surface, black.

Phenology: ―Flowering between June and July.

Distribution and ecology: ―Endemic to Turkey (East Anatolia). Irano-Turanian element. Limestone screes, steppes. 1100‒1570 m elevation.

Conservation status: ―EN [Criteria B2ab(i,ii,iv)] ( IUCN 2017). It It is known from a few localities with a limited number of individuals, with an area of occupancy smaller than 500 km ².

Remarks: ― Stachys inanis resembles S. munzurdagensis in habit, but it can be distinguished by the basal rosettes of leaves on flowering shoots, verticillasters 2-flowered, and nutlets smaller, oblong-elliptic, black.

IUCN (2017) Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 13. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee. Available from: http: // www. iucnredlist. org (accessed 15 May 2018)

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FIGURE 2. A. Stachys annua subsp. annua (Akçiçek 5559); B. S. distans var. cilicica (Akçiçek 5527); C. S. diversifolia (Akçiçek 5595); D. S. inanis (Akçiçek 5630); E. S. maritima (Akçiçek 5624); F. S. distans var. distans (Akçiçek 5807); G. S. munzurdagensis (Akçiçek 5332).

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FIGURES 27. Distribution map of Stachys diversifolia (▲), S. inanis (▃) and S. munzurdagensis (●) in Turkey.











