Stachys aleurites Boiss. & Heldr.

Akçiçek, Ekrem, 2020, Taxonomic revision of Stachys sect. Olisia (Lamiaceae: Lamioideae) in Turkey, Phytotaxa 449 (2), pp. 109-148 : 116

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Felipe (2024-10-02 00:01:45, last updated 2024-10-02 01:33:37)

scientific name

Stachys aleurites Boiss. & Heldr.


1. Stachys aleurites Boiss. & Heldr. View in CoL in Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. 12: 79 (1853) ( Figs. 1F View FIGURE 1 , 14, 18 View FIGURE 18 ).

= S. tengwalliana Rech.f., Öesterr. Bot. Z. View in CoL 99: 46 (1952)

Type:― TURKEY. C3 Antalya: in rupibus maritimis Pamphyliae ad Adalia, [5 May 1845,] Heldreich s.n. (holo: G!; iso: BM!, E!, K!) .

Description:―Suffrutescent perennial herbs. Flowering stems erect, 40‒70 cm, simple or branched, thinly arachnoid-canescent, ± glabrescent with age. Lower cauline leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 1.2‒4.5 × 1‒2 cm, crenate-serrate at margin, subcordate to rounded at base, mucronulate at tip, arachnoid-canescent, petiole 1‒3.5 cm, gradually passing into shorter subsessile to sessile, lanceolate, subentire, median cauline and floral leaves. Floral leaves as long as or longer than verticillasters, ± patent, 0.8‒3 cm, mucronate at tip. Verticillasters 2‒6, usually remote below, 1‒7.5 cm distant, uppermost 1‒2, ± approximate, rarely all remote, 6‒12(‒20)-flowered. Bracteoles herbaceous, lanceolate, numerous, 5‒15 mm, as long as or longer than calyx, mucronate at tip. Pedicels short, 0.2‒0.5 mm. Calyx subbilabiate, tubular to subcampanulate, 8‒12 mm, adpressed arachnoid-canescent; teeth subequal, lanceolate-subulate, recurved in fruit, about as long as tube, 2.5‒4(–5) mm, mucronate at tip, mucro 0.5‒1.5 mm. Corolla white with purple to pink streaks and spots inside, 12‒14 mm, tube subexserted, annulate; limb bilabiate, adpressed hairy outside, upper lip ca. 4 mm, slightly shorter than the lower, emarginate, lower lip 3-lobed, middle lobe largest, 5‒6 mm. Stamens 4, exserted more than half-way along upper corolla lip. Nutlets obovoid, faintly trigonous, slightly winged near base, ca. 2 × 1.2‒1.5 mm, minutely reticulate, blackish-brown.

Phenology: ―Flowering between April and July.

Distribution and ecology: ―Endemic to Turkey. East Mediterranean element. Calcareous rocks near the coast, crevices of sloping rocks, 10–1275 m elevation.

Conservation status: ―NT ( IUCN 2017). The conservation status of this species is regarded as nearly threatened by human activities (tourism) and urbanisation.

IUCN (2017) Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 13. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee. Available from: http: // www. iucnredlist. org (accessed 15 May 2018)

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FIGURE 1. A. Stachys recta subsp. subcrenata (Ö. Güner 2412); B. S. atherocalyx (Akçiçek 5637); C. S. iberica subsp. iberica var. iberica (Akçiçek 5588); D. S. hakkariensis (M. Fırat 32600); E. S. sparsipilosa (Akçiçek 5598); F. S. aleurites (Akçiçek 5601); G. S. bombycina (Akçiçek 5550). Photograph D by M. Fırat.

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FIGURE 18. Distribution map of Stachys aleurites (▃), S. bombycina (●), S. distans var. distans (▲) and S. distans var. cilicica (▼) in Turkey.











