Paracymbiomma carajas

Cizauskas, Igor, Brescovit, Antonio D., Rodrigues, Bruno V. B. & Rheims, Cristina A., 2024, Description of the female of P. pauferrense Rodrigues, Cizauskas & Rheims, 2018 and three new species of Paracymbiomma Rodrigues, Cizauskas & Rheims, 2018 (Araneae: Prodidomidae) from Brazil, Zootaxa 5474 (3), pp. 271-291 : 290

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5474.3.5

publication LSID

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Paracymbiomma carajas


Paracymbiomma carajas View in CoL Rodrigues, Cizauskas & Rheims, 2018.

Paracymbiomma carajas Rodrigues, Cizauskas & Rheims, 2018: 308, figs 4, 9-11, 18-30, 46-48, 57-60, 72, 80; Rodrigues & Rheims, 2020: 673, figs 10B, 12F, 13K, 18D, 20I, 26G, 27G, 29F (Holotype ♂ from Cave N5S-63/64/65 (06°06’12’’ S; 50°08’07’’ W), FLONA GoogleMaps Carajás, Parauapebas , Pará, Brazil, 14 March–4 April 2010, I. Cizauskas et al. leg., deposited in IBSP 174162 View Materials . Paratypes: 1♂, Cave N3-0031, (06°02’37’’ S; 50°13’09’’ W), 3–17 April 2013, Equipe Carst leg., IBSP 183736 View Materials GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Cave N4WS-61, (06°04’35’’ S; 50°11’38’’ W), 18 November–1 December 2010, C.A. R GoogleMaps . Souza et al. leg., IBSP 183740 View Materials ; 1♀, Cave N5S-74, (06°06’02’’ S; 50°08’05’’ W), 14 March–4 April 2010, I. Cizauskas et al. leg., IBSP 174163 View Materials GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Cave N3-0050, (06°02’38’’ S; 50°13’10’’ W), 2–23 July 2013, Equipe Carste leg., IBSP 183737 View Materials GoogleMaps , all examined).

Other material examined. BRAZIL, Pará: Parauapebas , FLONA de Carajás, Serra Norte, Cave N 4WS_0014 (GEM-1128) (06°03’54” S; 50°11’21” W), 1♀ ( IBSP 97749 View Materials ), 20 October-01 November 2006 GoogleMaps ; Cave N5S_0072 (GEM-1087) (06°01’16” S; 50°16’50” W), 1♀ ( IBSP 198222 View Materials ), 11 January 2018 GoogleMaps , all collected by R. Andrade et al. leg.; Cave N5S_0007 (GEM-1044) (06°06’22” S; 50°08’01” W), 1♂ ( IBSP 264686 View Materials ), Cave N 5 SM2 GoogleMaps _ 0016 (GEM-1734) (06°07’51” S; 50°08’05” W), 1♀ ( IBSP 264689 View Materials ), 14-23 October 2009 GoogleMaps ; Cave N5S_0021 (GEM-1018) (06°05’15” S; 50°07’34” W), 2♀ ( IBSP 264687 View Materials ), 25 August-03 November 2009 GoogleMaps ; Cave N5S_0063 (GEM-1078) (06°06’14” S; 50°08’09” W), 1♀ ( IBSP 264688 View Materials ), 15-21 September 2009 GoogleMaps , all collected by R. Andrade & I. Cizauskas et al.; Cave N 5 SM2 _ 0024 (GEM-1723) (06°08’08” S; 50°08’06” W), 1♂, 1♀ ( IBSP 264684 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Cave N5 SM2 _ 0052 (GEM-1647) (06°07’51” S; 50°08’05” W), 2♀ ( IBSP 264685 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Cave N5 SM2 _ 0058 (GEM-1682) (06°07’46” S; 50°08’05” W), 2♀ ( IBSP 264683 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Cave N5 SM2 _ 0071 (GEM-1737) (06°07’31” S; 50°07’55” W), 1♀ ( IBSP 264683 View Materials ), September 2011 GoogleMaps , all collected by R. Zampaulo; Curionópolis, Serra Leste, Cave SL_0001 (05°57’58” S; 49°38’58” W), 1♀ ( IBSP 190040 View Materials ), 04 July 2010 GoogleMaps ; Cave SL_0060 (05°58’46” S; 49°37’22” W), 1♂, 1♀ ( IBSP 190039 View Materials ), 10 June 2010 GoogleMaps , all collected by R. Zampaulo (Fig. 78B).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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