Vitruvius insignis Distant, 1901

Roca-Cusachs, Marcos, Rider, David A., Kment, Petr & Jung, Sunghoon, 2024, Revision of Vitruvius (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) with the description of a new species from Cambodia and Thailand, Zootaxa 5486 (3), pp. 419-434 : 422-426

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5486.3.5

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scientific name

Vitruvius insignis Distant, 1901


Vitruvius insignis Distant, 1901

( Figures 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2A, 2B, 2C & 2E View FIGURE 2 )

Vitruvius insignis Distant, 1901: 112 (original description). Syntype (s): ‘ Burma, Rangoon’ (MCSN).

Vitruvius insignis : Distant (1902): 278 –279 (redescription, figures); Bergroth (1908): 186 (catalogue); Kirkaldy (1909): 353 (catalogue); Distant (1921): 164 (listed from Indo-China, no exact locality); Hoffmann (1931): 144 (distribution, plant association); Hoffmann (1932a): 10 (checklist); Hoffmann (1932b): 139 (distribution, plant association); Hoffmann (1932c): 1016 (distribution, plant association); Hoffmann (1932d): 470, pl. 8: figs 1–4 (larval morphology, habitus drawings of adult and larva, plant association, distribution); Cheo (1935): 31 (plant association, distribution); Hoffmann (1935a): 132, 177 (catalogue, distribution); Hoffmann (1935b): 61 –62 (catalogue, distribution); Wu (1933): 225 (catalogue, distribution); Tang (1935): 366 (catalogue, distribution); Blöte (1945): 299 (distribution); Kumar & Ghauri (1970): 25: figs 96–100, 26, 28: fig. 117 (description and drawings of male and female genitalia); Hsiao & Zheng (1977): 66, pl. 7: fig. 110 (diagnosis, habitus photograph, distribution); Chen (1982): 133 (distribution); Zheng & Zou (1982): 113 (plant association, distribution); Chen (1985): 117 (distribution); Zhang (1985): 49–50, pl. XLVI: fig. 155 (redescription, habitus drawing, plant association, distribution); Zhang et al. (1985): 10 (distribution); Schaefer & Ahmad (1987): 27 (plant association); Zhang & Chen (1988): 290 (distribution); Chen (1989): 59 (plant association, distribution); Hua (1989): 45 (species list); Zhang & Lin (1990): 2 (distribution); Zheng (1994): 92 (plant association); Hua (2000): 170 (catalogue, plant association, distribution); Rider et al. (2002): 146 (checklist, distribution); Zheng & Chen (2002): 256 (identification key); Liu & Wang (2004): 189 (distribution); Rider (2006): 376 (catalogue); Fan (2011): 521, 522: fig. 2.275, 523 (redescription, drawings of male and female genitalia, genitalia), 609: figs 578–579, 610 (habitus photographs); Rider et al. (2018): 110, 193: fig. 2.24H (habitus photograph).

Vitruvinus [sic!] insignis: He et al. (2011): 59 (plant association, distribution).

Type material. Lectotype (here designated): ♀ ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ), “g, XII 1888 ” [darkend, mostly illegible, interpreted by comparison with other locality labels from Fea] // “Typus” [printed in orange] // Vitruvius / insignis / Dist. / Typus! [handwritten in black ink, orange label] // “ Vitruvius / insignis / Dist.” [handwritten in black ink, white label, Distant’s handwritting] // “insignis Dist. ” [white handwritten label in black ink] // “ LECTOTYPUS / VITRUVIUS / INSIGNIS / Distant, 1901 / des. M. Roca-Cuschachs et al. 2024” [printed, red label].

It is impossible to tell from the original description how many specimens Distant (1901) had when he described this species (though provided measurements suggests probably only single one) so any type specimens must be regarded as syntypes (cf. ICZN 1999: Recommendation 73F; Rider 2006). One female syntype was located in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova ( MCSN), and has been examined by means of high quality images made available by Maria Tavano ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). That, along with the illustration provided by Distant (1902), which is also a female specimen, leaves little doubt about the identity of this species. However, for the purpose of nomenclatural stability, we herein designate this specimen as the lectotype. The specimen has with five labels preserved with it. In the original description ( Distant 1901), the type locality was given as “ Burma, Rangoon ”, currently Yangon in Myanmar.

Additional material examined. LAOS: Sayabouri prov., Sayaboury , 2 March 1966, native collector (1♂ Bishop Museum, in DARC) . THAILAND: Khao yai, 21 September 1963, Vitruvius insignis [in a big, folded, handwritten label] (1♀ DARC) ; Um Phang, Mae Kok river, Dr. W. Ullrich leg., Bambusa spec. Schreb. , 14 August 1997, Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich collection (1♂ MRCB) ; Siam, Pres. By H.R.H. Prince of Chumphon (unprecise locality and no date of collection); [in a small, printed label] (1♀ BMNH) .

Diagnosis. Very similar to V. dobby described herein, differing externally in having colouration generally less contrasted, somewhat larger head, the pronotal humeri slightly more protruding laterad, with the apical angles slightly wider, and the anterolateral margins of pronotum are nearly in right angle to the body axis ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 2A View FIGURE 2 ). The genital capsule ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ) is wider apically (two times wider than base over dorsal rim insertion), posterolateral angles extremely broad at apices, with rhomboid outline in ventral view, somewhat spatulate, flat. Posterior rim ventrally broadly U-shaped, deeply concave, bearing a tuft of dense setae projecting ventro-medially. Posterior rim dorsally broadly U-shaped, with flat base.

Redescription. Male genitalia. Genital capsule ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ) apically two times wider than base over dorsal rim insertion, posterolateral angles very broad at apices, rhomboid in outline, somewhat spatulate, flat. Ventral posterior rim broadly U-shaped, deeply concave, bearing a tuft of dense setae projecting ventro-medially. Posterior rim dorsally broadly U-shaped, with flat base. Proctiger robust, quadrangular in shape. Phallus ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ) with exterior pair of conjunctival processes semi-triangular, broad at base. Internal conjunctival processes with hook-like apical portion shallowly sclerotized. Parameres ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ) with finger-like process apically, projecting caudad, apical lobe clearly much wider at base, somewhat triangular, robust.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Valvifers VIII greatly reduced, partially covered by abdominal segment VII, semicircular, with mesial margins contacting each other. Valvifers IX fused, elongate trapezoid, mesially with projection on each posteromesial angle. Laterotergites IX rectangular, elongate, slightly surpassing apices of laterotergites VIII, quadrate at apices. Sternite X quadrate. Laterotergites VIII somewhat triangular with rounded angles, sinuous at base. Internal genitalia as in generic description.

Measurements (♂, n = 1 / ♀, n = 1). Total body length: 18.30/23.86; abdominal width at hemelytral base: 10.72/13.94; maximum abdominal width: 11.70/14.40; head length: 2.04–/2.40; width of head (including eyes): 4.10/4.94; anterior head width: 2.86/3.44; interocular distance: 2.42/3.02; pronotal length: 3.74/4.34; maximum pronotal width: 12.38/15.32; scutellar length: 8.02/11.22; scutellar width at base: 7.00/8.74

Larva. For description see Hoffmann (1932d).

Variation. There is a considerable size variation between individuals of the two sexes; females are considerably larger than males.

Etymology. The species epithet is the Latin adjective insignis , meaning e.g. conspicuous, eminent, famous, or outstanding.

Biology. Hoffmann (1931, 1932b,c,d) was the first to record this species feeding and breeding on terminal branches of bamboo in Hainan Island, being classified as its minor pest. It was recorded from unidentified bamboo also by Cheo (1935), Zheng & Zou (1982), Zhang (1985), Chen (1989) and He et al. (2011). Additionally, according to the label data from one of the examined specimens, this species has been found on a species of Bambusa ( Poaceae : Bambusoideae ). It was also recorded from Melia azaderach ( Meliaceae ) without any details ( Hua 2000), however, this record represents probably a sitting record.

Distribution. China!: Guangdong ( Cheo 1935; Hoffmann 1935a; Chen 1982, 1989; Hua 2000), Guangxi ( Hsiao & Zheng 1977, Zhang et al. 1994, Hua 2000, Rider et al. 2002, Liu & Wang 2004, Fan 2011), Hainan ( Hoffmann 1931, 1932b,c,d, 1935a; Hsiao & Zheng 1977; Zhang et al. 1985; Hua 2000; Rider et al. 2002), Yunnan ( Zheng & Zou 1982, Zhang & Lin 1990, Hua 2000, Rider et al. 2002, Fan 2011, He et al. 2011), Zhejiang ( Chen 1985, Zhang & Chen 1988);? Indonesia: Java (Blöte 1945); Laos! (new record), Myanmar! ( Distant 1901, 1902); Taiwan ( Hoffmann 1935b); Thailand! (new record);? Vietnam (Blöte 1945).

Remarks. Fan (2011) provided a redescription and illustrations of the male and female genitalia of a Chinese specimens identified as V. insignis . Her illustrations of the genitalia correspond with the species we recognize as V. insignis ; therefore, we can verify her identifications from Guangxi and Yunnan ( China). We were not able to verify the records from Vietnam and Indonesia: Java by Blöte (1945). The genus is present in Indonesia throughout pictures uploaded to iNaturalist, but many of them probably belong to an undescribed species, therefore the precise distribution of this species requires further studies.


Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Verona












Vitruvius insignis Distant, 1901

Roca-Cusachs, Marcos, Rider, David A., Kment, Petr & Jung, Sunghoon 2024

Vitruvius insignis

Rider, D. A. & Schwertner, C. F. & Vilimova, J. & Redei, D. & Kment, P. & Thomas, D. B. 2018: 110
Fan, Z. - H. 2011: 521
Rider, D. A. 2006: 376
Liu, G. - Q. & Wang, H. - J. 2004: 189
Rider, D. A. & Zheng, L. Y. & Kerzhner, I. M. 2002: 146
Zheng, L. - Y. & Chen, C. 2002: 256
Hua, L. - Z. 2000: 170
Zheng, L. - Y. 1994: 92
Zhang, S. - M. & Lin, Y. - J. 1990: 2
Chen, Z. - Y. 1989: 59
Hua, L. - Z. 1989: 45
Zhang, S. - M. & Chen, Q. - H. 1988: 290
Schaefer, C. W. & Ahmad, I. 1987: 27
Chen, Q. - H. 1985: 117
Zhang, S. - M. & Lin, Y. - J. & Chen, Z. - Q. 1985: 10
Chen, Z. - Y. 1982: 133
Zheng, L. - Y. & Zou, H. - G. 1982: 113
Hsiao, T. - Y. & Zheng, L. - Y. 1977: 66
Kumar, R. & Ghauri, M. S. K. 1970: 25
Cheo, M. - T. 1935: 31
Hoffmann, W. E. 1935: 132
Hoffmann, W. E. 1935: 61
Tang, T. - H. 1935: 366
Wu, C. F. 1933: 225
Hoffmann, W. E. 1932: 10
Hoffmann, W. E. 1932: 139
Hoffmann, W. E. 1932: 1016
Hoffmann, W. E. 1932: 470
Hoffmann, W. E. 1931: 144
Distant, W. L. 1921: 164
Kirkaldy, G. W. 1909: 353
Bergroth, E. 1908: 186
Distant, W. L. 1902: 278

Vitruvius insignis

Distant, W. L. 1901: 112
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