Dryinus sinicus Olmi, 1987
publication ID |
https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4323.2.7 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A79B1Bd2-7Cf2-4E5A-B034-06Bfe3B384Ba |
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5913886 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/E625FB46-FFAF-FF8F-FF6C-A48CFA1C291A |
treatment provided by |
Plazi |
scientific name |
Dryinus sinicus Olmi, 1987 |
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( FigS 2–4 View FIGURES 2 – 4 , 9 View FIGURES 9 – 10 )
Dryinus sinicus Olmi 1987: 425 . TYpE loCAlitY: HAiNAN, TiEN FoNg MoUNtAiNS ( CHiNA).
Description. ♂. Fully winged. Length 3.2–3.4 mm. Head black, except mandible testaceous; antenna testaceous to dark teStaceouS; meSoSoma black; metaSoma dark brown; legS teStaceouS, eXcept metacoXa baSally or entirely black.
Antenna filiform; antennomereS in following proportionS: 2.0: 1.7: 5.0: 3.5: 3.5: 3.5: 3.0: 2.8–3.0: 2.5: 3.0. Head ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 2 – 4 ) granulated; frontal line complete, reaching diStal apeX of clypeuS, occaSionally effaced on lower face; POL = 2.0; OL =0.8; OOL = 2.3; OPL = 0.3; TL = 0.5; temple ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 2 – 4 ) very Short, about half aS long aS greateSt breadth of poSterior ocelli, dorSally concealed by poSterior margin of eye; occipital carina complete, with itS dorSal part laterally not reaching eyeS. MeSoScutum granulated ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 2 – 4 ). Notauli incomplete, reaching 0.7–0.8 length of meSoScutum. MeSoScutellum granulated. Metanotum anteriorly granulated and reticulate rugoSe, poSteriorly Smooth. Metapectal-propodeal compleX reticulate rugoSe, without tranSverSe or longitudinal keelS. Forewing hyaline; diStal part of Stigmal vein longer than proXimal part (2:3). Tibial SpurS 1/1/2. Paramere ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9 – 10 ) with diStal margin weakly flattened, medial inner margin not eXpanded?
For deScription of ♀, See Xu & Olmi (2013).
Specimens examined. Japan, OgaSawara ISlS. [ Anijima ] 1♀, Mt. TSurugiyama, 23.VI.2013 (SW), T. Suguro leg., JWRC-OGA-INS-0180 ( ELKU) ; 1♂, same as above, but 4–28.VII.2013 (MT), JWRC-OGA-INS-0187 (ELKU); 1♀, same as above, but 27.VII.2013 (MT), A. Yamaki et al. leg., JWRC-OGA-INS-0050 (ELKU); 1♀, Minaminuma, 29.VII.2013 (MT), A. Yamaki leg., JWRC-OGA-INS-0178 (ELKU); 1♀, Mt. Tokenzan , 2- 28.VII.2014 (MT), JWRC leg., JWRC-OGA-INS-0179 ( ELKU) ; 1♀, Mt. Uomiyama , 11.IX.2015 (SW), H. Nagano leg., JWRC-OGA-INS-0182 ( ELKU) ; 1♀, nr. Mansakukaigan , 15.IX.2015, H. Nagano leg., JWRC-OGA- INS-0181 ( ELKU); [Hahajima] 6♂, Morinoki, 4.VII.2009 (MT), Japan Forest Technology Association leg. ( KPMNH).
Hosts. Unknown.
Distribution. China, Japan (OgaSawara ISlandS), LaoS, IndoneSia.
Remarks. ThiS iS the firSt record of Dryinus sinicus from Anijima. The SeX aSSociation iS baSed on diStributional data. DeSpite enormouS effortS for inveStigation, only the male deScribed here and D. sinicus have been found in Anijima and Hahajima. It SuggeStS that they are repreSentativeS of the Same SpecieS. Although it iS controverSial, thiS treatment haS been widely uSed for inSectS (Lelej et al. 2017; PittS & Sadler 2017). The morphology-baSed SeX aSSociation iS not realiStic for Aculeata Hymenoptera Showing great SeXual dimorphiSm without help of obServation of copulation, breeding or molecular work (Mita & MatSumoto 2012; Mita et al. 2012, 2013; Azevedo et al. 2016).
The male, newly deScribed herein, iS Similar to D. pyrillivorus Olmi, 1986 and D. nepalensis Olmi, 1984 , but Separable by longer OPL, aS long aS TL (OPL 0.5 × Shorter than TL in D. pyrillivorus ), metanotum reticulate rugoSe, without longitudinal fovea (with foveae in D. pyrillivorus ), meSoScutellum granulate, never reticulate rugoSe (partly reticulate in D. nepalensis ) and completely developed occipital carina which cloSely located but not reaching eye (occipital carina iS incomplete, laterally reaching eye in D. nepalensis ).
After finding the male of D. sinicus , the key to the maleS of Oriental Dryinus ( Xu & Olmi 2013) can be partly modified aS followS:
8. Mesoscutum granulated and reticulate rugose................................................ D. browni Ashmead - Mesoscutum granulated, but not reticulate rugose........................................................... 8’ 8’. Head granulated and reticulate rugose..................................................... D. pyrillivorus Olmi - Head granulated, but not reticulate rugose...................................................... D. sinicus Olmi
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Chrysidoidea |
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Dryinus sinicus Olmi, 1987
Olmi, Massimo 2017 |
Dryinus sinicus
Olmi 1987: 425 |