Pison eurygnathos Pulawski, 2018

Pulawski, Wojciech J., 2018, A Revision of the Wasp Genus Pison Jurine, 1808 of Australia and New Zealand, New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 65, pp. 1-584 : 178-180

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13159946

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Pison eurygnathos Pulawski

sp. nov.

Pison eurygnathos Pulawski , species nova

Figures 380 View FIGURES -387.

Pison undescribed species: Pulawski, 2017:3.

NAME DERIVATION.– Eurygnathos is derived from two Greek words: ευρύς, broad, and γνάθΟς, a mandible; with reference to the unusually broad mandible of this species; a noun in apposition to the generic name.

RECOGNITION.– Pison eurygnathos has erect setae on tergum I ( Fig. 386 View FIGURES ). Unlike all other such species, its tergum I is elongate ( Fig. 385 View FIGURES , length about 1.2 × apical width), separated by a constriction from tergum II, and much narrower ( Fig. 384 View FIGURES ) than the latter (maximum width of tergum I equal to about 0.6-0.7 of that of tergum II). The female has a mandible unique in the genus: with the inner portion broadly expanded preapically and with two conspicuous, rounded preapical teeth ( Fig. 381 View FIGURES ), without acetabular groove and with a shallow, broadened condylar groove, with a conspicuous, sharp acetabular carina. The male is unknown.

DESCRIPTION.– Frons dull, finely punctate, punctures nearly contiguous. Occipital carina joining hypostomal carina. Labrum not emarginate. Anteromedian pronotal pit slightly transversely elongate, about as long as midocellar diameter. Scutum not foveate along flange, without longitudinal ridges adjacent to posterior margin; scutal punctures fine, no more than one diameter apart (many of them contiguous). Tegula enlarged, minutely punctate throughout ( Fig. 382 View FIGURES ). Mesopleurdinal carina separating side from dorsum and posterior surface and extending from gastral socket area toward spiracle; dorsum punctate ( Fig. 383 View FIGURES ), also with minute oblique ridges at least basolaterally; side punctate, punctures less than one diameter apart; posterior surface punctate, also finely, transversely ridged in ventral half. Tergum I slightly elongate: length about 1.1-1.2 × apical width ( Fig. 385 View FIGURES ), separated by constriction from tergum II ( Fig. 386 View FIGURES ); punctures about 1-2 diameters apart on horizontal part. Sternum II punctate throughout, punctures several diameters apart mesally.

Setae pale golden, erect on upper frons, scutum, and tergum I ( Fig. 386 View FIGURES ); on lower gena erect, sinuous, up to two midocellar diameters long; not concealing integument on clypeus. Apical depressions of terga with setal fasciae, but fascia inconspicuous on tergum II ( Fig. 384 View FIGURES ).

Head, thorax, propodeum, and gaster black, antenna ferruginous (two or three apical flagellomeres black), terga I and II with ferruginous preapical spot. Femora black except apically, tibiae, and tarsi ferruginous.

♀.– Upper interocular distance equal to 0.62-0.64 × lower interocular distance; ocellocular distance equal to 1.3-1.4 × hindocellar diameter, distance between hindocelli equal to 0.9 × hindocellar diameter; eye height equal to 0.92 × distance between eye notches. Free margin of clypeus angulate mesally, lamella absent ( Fig. 380 View FIGURES ). Dorsal length of flagellomere I 2.3 × apical width, of flagellomere IX 1.2-1.3 × apical width. Mandibular inner margin broadly expanded preapically ( Fig. 381 View FIGURES ), with two conspicuous, preapical teeth (basal one obtusely rounded, apical one subrectangular); acetabular grove absent, condylar groove shallow, broad; acetabular carina sharp, conspicuous. Length 11.1-12.5 mm; head width 3.1-3.2 mm.

♂.– Unknown.

RELATIONSHIP TO AULACOPHILINUS .– Pison eurygnathos resembles Aulacophilinus in two characters: the clypeal lamella is absent and the mandibular inner portion is broadly expanded preapically ( Fig. 381 View FIGURES ). It differs from Aulacophilinus by a number of characters: the mandible is impunctate and asetose on the inner surface and has two conspicuous, preapical teeth, the condylar groove is shallow, broadened, and the acetabular carina is sharp, conspicuous. Also, the setae of tergum, I are erect, whereas appressed in Aulacophilinus .


Souheastern New South Wales, northeastern



South Wales: Taree: Coocumbac Island Nature

Reserve, 1-8 Dec 1994, G. and T. Williams (ANIC).


same data as holotype except 10-21 Nov 1994 (1 ♀,

CAS). Queensland: Lamington National Park at

28.216°S 153.152°E, rainforest, 31 Jan 2007,

B. Morris and Sinclair (1 ♀, QMB); same locality,

Jan 2007, Becky Morris (1 ♀, CAS). FIGURE 387. Collecting localities of Pison eurygnathos Pulawski, sp. nov.













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