Alloxysta apteroidea Hellén, 1963: 23

Ferrer-Suay, Mar, Selfa, Jesús, Seco-Fernández, María Victoria & Pujade-Villar, Juli, 2017, Review of the brachypterous species of Alloxysta Förster, 1869 (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea: Figitidae: Charipinae) with a description of two new species, Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (3), pp. 424-435 : 425-430

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1512-61

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Alloxysta apteroidea Hellén, 1963: 23


Alloxysta apteroidea Hellén, 1963: 23 (type material examined).

Type material. Holotype: ♀, deposited in MZH with the following labels: “Runsala”, “Hellén”, “157”, “ apteroidea ” (handwritten), “Typus Alloxysta apteroidea Hellén ” (handwritten) (red label), “Mus. Zool. Helsinki, Loan No. HY 2012 - 1834” (yellow label), “ Alloxysta apteroidea Hellén, 1963 ♀ M. Ferrer-Suay det. 2012”.

Diagnosis. Alloxysta apteroidea is mainly characterized as being a brachypterous species without a visible radial cell, the forewing is practically absent, pronotal and propodeal carinae also absent, F1 shorter than pedicel, F1 longer than F2 and subequal to F3. It is similar to A. pedestris ( Curtis, 1838) , but they can be differentiated by the length of the forewing: very short, practically absent in A. apteroidea , while reaching the beginning of the metasoma in A. pedestris ; relation between F1 and pedicel: F1 shorter than pedicel in A. apteroidea , but F1 longer than pedicel in A. pedestris .

Distribution. Palearctic: only known from Finland ( Hellén, 1963: 23).

Alloxysta brachyptera ( Hartig, 1840)

Xystus brachypterus Hartig, 1840: 200 View in CoL (type material examined).

Allotria brachyptera : Giraud, 1860: 131.

Pezophycta brachyptera : Förster, 1869: 339.

Pezophycta brachyptera brachyptera : Dalla Torre & Kieffer, 1910: 292.

Alloxysta brachyptera : Hellén, 1931: 5.

Type material. Lectotype: ♂, designated by Evenhuis (1982), deposited in ZSM with the following labels: “210”, “ ♂ ”, “ lectotype H. H. Evenhuis ” (orange label), “ Xystus brachypterus Hartig det. H.H. Evenhuis 1980”, “ Alloxysta brachyptera (Hartig, 1841) ♂ M. Ferrer-Suay det. 2011” . Paralectotype: ♂, with the following labels: “In collection Hartig as Xystus brachypterus ”, “ Paralectotype Xystus brachypterus Hartig, 1840 ♂ ” (red label), “ Alloxysta brachyptera (Hartig, 1841) ♂ M. Ferrer-Suay det. 2011”. Also one nonconspecific paralectotype (see comments) .

Diagnosis. Alloxysta brachyptera , as a brachypterous species, is mainly characterized by the absence of pronotal carinae, presence of propodeal carinae, and F1 shorter than pedicel ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ). It is similar to A. pedestris , but they can be easily differentiated by the presence of propodeal carinae: present in A. brachyptera while absent in A. pedestris .

Distribution. Palearctic. Known from Austria ( Giraud, 1860: 131), Belgium ( Lameere, 1907), England ( Dalla Torre and Kieffer, 1910: 292; Fergusson, 1986: 18; Müller et al., 1999), Finland ( Hellén, 1931: 5), France ( Dalla Torre and Kieffer, 1910: 292), Germany ( Hartig, 1840: 200), Ireland ( Fergusson, 1986: 18), Romania ( Ionescu, 1969: 236), Scotland ( Fergusson, 1986: 18), and Sweden ( Thomson, 1862: 410).

Alloxysta curta Ferrer-Suay sp. nov. ( Figure 2 View Figure 2 )

Type material: Holotype ♂ deposited in UB with the following labels: “ 04/06/1996, Lleonart (Argentona), greenhouse, Macrosiphum euphorbiae on Solanum lycopersicum ”. “ Holotype Alloxysta curta Ferrer-Suay ♂, Design. M. Ferrer.Suay, 2014”, “ Alloxysta curta Ferrer-Suay ♂ M. Ferrer-Suay det. 2014” . Paratypes (5♂) deposited in UB with the following labels: “ 26/06/1995, Lleonart (Argentona), greenhouse on Solanum lycopersicum ,

FERRER-SUAY et al. / Turk J Zool

Paratype Alloxysta curta Ferrer-Suay ♂ ”,“ Alloxysta curta Ferrer-Suay ♂ M. Ferrer-Suay det. 2014”: 5♂ .

Diagnosis. Alloxysta curta , a brachypterous species ( Figure 2A View Figure 2 ), is very similar to A. glebaria Hellén, 1963 in having a small closed radial cell. However, A. curta can be differentiated by the presence of pronotal carinae: present in A. curta but absent in A. glebaria .


Length. Female unknown. Male: 0.7–1.0 mm.

Coloration. Head, mesosoma, and metasoma yellowish brown. Scape, pedicel, and F1–F3 yellow, F4– F12 yellowish brown. Legs yellow and veins yellowish brown.

Head. Transversally ovate, smooth and shiny, slightly wider than its height in frontal view. Few setae present below and between toruli, without setae above toruli. The area above the toruli, vertex with few scattered setae and face with many setae.

FERRER-SUAY et al. / Turk J Zool

Mesosoma. Pronotum covered by scattered setae, without setae at distolateral corners; two thick carinae clearly visible ( Figure 2B View Figure 2 ). Mesoscutum smooth and shiny, round in dorsal view with few scattered setae. Scutellum smooth and shiny with scattered setae, being more abundant on apex of scutellum. Propodeum completely covered by many setae; two carinae present forming a plate with straight sides ( Figure 2C View Figure 2 ).

Antenna. Female unknown. Male: 14-segmented, filiform. All antennomeres covered with sparse setae. F1– F4 smooth and thinner than remaining flagellomeres; F5– F11 with rhinaria and club-shaped. Antennal formula: 2.8 (1.5); 2.6 (1.1); 2.5 (1.2); 2.1 (1.0); 2.9 (1.2) ( Figure 2D View Figure 2 ).

Forewing. Shorter than body, reaching the end of the metasoma ( Figure 2E View Figure 2 ); marginal setae present. Radial cell closed, 1.5 times as long as wide. R1 and Rs short and slightly curved.

Metasoma. Proximal part with an incomplete ring of setae that is glabrous dorsally and wider laterally. Remainder of metasoma smooth and shiny with terga clearly visible.

Distribution. Palearctic: Spain.

Etymology. The new species is named based on the length of its forewings.

Alloxysta glebaria Hellén, 1963

Alloxysta glebaria Hellén, 1963: 22 (type material examined).

Type material. Holotype: ♀, deposited in MZH with the following labels: “Hammarland”, “Hellén”, “4622”, “Typus Alloxysta glebaria Hellén ” (handwritten) (red label), “Sp2”, the rest not understandable (handwritten), “ glebaria ” (handwritten), “Mus. Zool. Helsinki, Loan No. HY 2012 -1827” (yellow label), “ Alloxysta glebaria Hellén, 1963 ♀ M. Ferrer-Suay det. 2012”.

Diagnosis. Alloxysta glebaria as a brachypterous species is mainly characterized by the presence of the radial cell ( Figure 3 View Figure3 ). According to this feature, A. glebaria is very similar to brachypterous species of A. marshalliana ( Kieffer, 1900) , but they can be easily differentiated by the shape of the radial cell, closed in A. glebaria and completely open in A. marshalliana .

Distribution. Palearctic: known only from Finland ( Hellén, 1963: 22).

Alloxysta halterata ( Thomson, 1862)

Allotria halterata Thomson, 1862: 410 (type material examined).

Pezophycta halterata (Thomson) Kieffer, 1900: 114 .

Alloxysta halterata (Thomson) Hellén, 1963: 20 .

Pezophycta luteipes Ionescu, 1969: 232 . Synonymized by Ferrer-Suay et al. (2012c: 279).

Alloxysta luteipes (Ionescu) Ferrer-Suay et al. 2012a: 28 , non Alloxysta luteipes (Kieffer) .

Species was recently studied ( Ferrer-Suay et al., 2013a), where it was redescribed and illustrated.

Type material. Lectotype: ♂, designated in Ferrer-Suay et al. 2013a, deposited in MZLU with the following labels: “1969, 97” (green label), “1984, 408” (green label), “sintype A. halterata Thomson , det. N.D.M. Fergusson, 1984”, “ ZML 2000, 002” (green label), “ Lectotype Allotria halterata Thomson, 1862 ♂ desig. M. Ferrer-Suay 2011” (red label), “ Alloxysta halterata ( Thomson, 1862) ♂ M. Ferrer-Suay det. 2011”.

Diagnosis. Alloxysta halterata is easily differentiated from the other brachypterous Alloxysta species ( A. brachyptera , A. pedestris , and A. apteroidea ) by having pronotal carinae while the others have not ( Figure 4 View Figure 4 ).

Distribution. Palearctic. Known from England ( Hellén, 1963: 20; Müller et al., 1999: 346), Finland ( Hellén, 1963: 20), Germany ( Hübner et al., 2002: 507), Madeira ( Ferrer-Suay et al., 2012b: 11), Romania ( Ionescu, 1969: 233), Scotland ( Cameron, 1886: 88), and Sweden ( Thomson, 1862: 410).

Alloxysta marshalliana ( Kieffer, 1900)

Nephycta marshalliana Kieffer, 1900: 114 (type material examined).

Alloxysta marshalliana (Kieffer) Hellén, 1931: 5 .

Type material. Lectotype: ♂, designated by Quinlan, deposited in BMNH with the following labels: “ Lectotype ” (round label with blue in the margin), “ Nephycta marshalliana Kieffer = Alloxysta brachyptera ♂ (nec Hartig)” (handwritten, orange label), “Cameron 96-76 Clober Wa”, Lectotype Nephycta marshalliana K. ♂, det. J. Quinlan, 1977”, “ B.M. Type Hym 7.173”.

Diagnosis. Alloxysta marshalliana is mainly characterized being a brachypterous species with the radial cell present ( Figure 5 View Figure 5 ). According to these features, A. marshalliana is very similar to A. glebaria , but they can be easily differentiated by the shape of the radial cell, which is completely open in A. marshalliana ( Figure 5A View Figure 5 ) and closed in A. glebaria ( Figure 3E View Figure3 ).

Distribution. Palearctic. Known only from England ( Kieffer, 1900: 114) and Romania ( Ionescu, 1969: 236).

Alloxysta pedestris ( Curtis, 1838)

Cynips pedestris Curtis, 1838: 688 .

Allotria pedestris (Curtis) Cameron, 1886: 88 .

Nephycta pedestris (Curtis) Kieffer, 1900: 114 .

Alloxysta pedestris (Curtis) Hellén, 1963: 19 .

Species was recently studied ( Ferrer-Suay et al., 2013b), where it was redescribed and illustrated.

Type material. Lectotype: ♂, designated by Quinlan & Fergusson (1981: 255), deposited in MVM with the following labels: “ Lectotype ” (round label with blue in the margin), “ Holotype of Cynips pedestris Curt. det Fergusson & Quinlan 1980”, “ENT-936”, “ Alloxysta pedestris ( Curtis, 1838) ♂ M. Ferrer-Suay det. 2011” . Paralectotype: “ Paralectotype ” (round label with blue in the margin), “Type” (round label with red in the margin), “Type of Cynips pedestris Curt., G.J. Kerrich det. 1948, = Pezophycta p. ♀ ”, “MUS. VIC. ENTO 2011 -IIL” (green label), “ Alloxysta pedestris ( Curtis, 1838) ♀ M. Ferrer-Suay det. 2011” .

Diagnosis. Alloxysta pedestris as a brachypterous species is mainly characterized by the absence of the radial cell; pronotal and propodeal carinae also absent, F1 longer than pedicel and F2, F2 subequal to F3. It is similar to A. apteroidea but they can be differentiated by the following characters: forewing reaches the beginning of the metasoma in A. pedestris while they are very short, practically absent, in A. apteroidea ; the relation between F1/pedicel: F1 longer than pedicel in A. pedestris but F1 shorter than pedicel in A. apteroidea .

Distribution. Palearctic. Known from Austria ( Hellén, 1963: 19), Denmark ( Hellén, 1963: 19), England ( Curtis, 1838: 688), Finland ( Hellén, 1963: 19), Germany ( Hellén, 1963: 19), Ireland ( O’Connor and Nash, 1997; O’Connor, 2002: 122), Madeira ( Borges et al., 2008), Norway ( Hellén, 1966: 393), Romania ( Ionescu, 1969: 237), Scotland ( Cameron, 1886: 88), and Sweden ( Dalla Torre & Kieffer, 1910: 292).

FERRER-SUAY et al. / Turk J Zool


Finnish Museum of Natural History


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Laboratoire de Biostratigraphie


Lund University


St Petersburg State University














Alloxysta apteroidea Hellén, 1963: 23

Ferrer-Suay, Mar, Selfa, Jesús, Seco-Fernández, María Victoria & Pujade-Villar, Juli 2017

Alloxysta luteipes (Ionescu)

Ferrer-Suay M & Paretas-Martinez J & Selfa J & Pujade-Villar J 2012: 28

Pezophycta luteipes

Ferrer-Suay M & Selfa J & Pujade-Villar J 2012: 279
Ionescu MA 1969: 232

Alloxysta apteroidea Hellén, 1963: 23

Hellen W 1963: 23

Alloxysta glebaria Hellén, 1963: 22

Hellen W 1963: 22

Alloxysta halterata (Thomson) Hellén, 1963: 20

Hellen W 1963: 20

Alloxysta pedestris (Curtis) Hellén, 1963: 19

Hellen W 1963: 19

Alloxysta brachyptera

Hellen W 1931: 5

Alloxysta marshalliana (Kieffer) Hellén, 1931: 5

Hellen W 1931: 5

Pezophycta brachyptera brachyptera

Dalla Torre KW & Kieffer JJ 1910: 292

Pezophycta halterata (Thomson)

Kieffer JJ 1900: 114

Nephycta marshalliana

Kieffer JJ 1900: 114

Nephycta pedestris (Curtis)

Kieffer JJ 1900: 114

Allotria pedestris (Curtis)

Cameron P 1886: 88

Pezophycta brachyptera

Forster A 1869: 339

Allotria halterata

Thomson CG 1862: 410

Allotria brachyptera

Giraud J 1860: 131

Xystus brachypterus

Hartig T 1840: 200

Cynips pedestris

Curtis J 1838: 688
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