Orobanche alba Stephan ex Willdenow (1800: 350)

Piwowarczyk, Renata, Pedraja, Óscar Sánchez, Moral, Gonzalo Moreno, Fayvush, George, Zakaryan, Narine, Kartashyan, Nune & Aleksanyan, Alla, 2019, Holoparasitic Orobanchaceae (Cistanche, Diphelypaea, Orobanche, Phelipanche) in Armenia: distribution, habitats, host range and taxonomic problems, Phytotaxa 386 (1), pp. 1-106 : 67

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.386.1.1

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scientific name

Orobanche alba Stephan ex Willdenow (1800: 350)


10. Orobanche alba Stephan ex Willdenow (1800: 350) View in CoL . Type:— RUSSIA (lectotype designated here): 1. “ Or. alba 3 [in Sibiria versus Mare Caspium (Caspian Sea, North Caucasian Federal District)], Rchb. fil.”. ‒ 2. “Rchb. Icones ... Me judice hic est Typus vera O. alba ex ... Willdenowianii [m. Reichenbach f.]”. ‒ 3. “ Orob alba Steph. An ab auctore? … Or albae Steph. ... det. Dr. G. Beck [m. Beck]”. – 4. “214 W”.(B-W 11600 -03 0!). Heterotypic synonyms:— Orobanche epithymum DC. in Lamarck & Candolle (1805: 490); Orobanche grigorjevii Novopokrovskij (1950: 326) . Fig. 45C View FIGURE 45 .

Notes: — The species was described by Willdenow based on the Caspian material sent by Stephan. The lectotype we chose fits well with the Willdenow’s description of this species as it was previously indicated by Reichenbach f. (1862: 101). Willdenow’s sheet also contains a copy of the drawing made by Reichenbach f. (1862: t. 215( I) f. 1‒7) of this specimen. In addition, here, we cite the lectotype of the referenced synonym, on materials cited by the author of this name .

Orobanche epithymum DC. in Lamarck & Candolle (1805: 490). Type :— FRANCE (lectotype designated here): env. de Paris [Fontainebleau], croît toujours sur les radice thym [ Thymus ] (P-00358187-hb. Lamarck!).

Distribution: —Scattered localities in almost all regions of the country ( Fig. 46).

General distribution: —It is widely distributed, from Europe and eastwards to Asia Minor, the Caucasus, central Asia and the Himalayas.

Habitat: —Rocky slopes, subalpine meadows, edges of forests and shrubs, mixed forests, roadsides, juniper open forests, steppe communities, ruderal communities, edges of orchards, even in the crater of a volcano (Vayots Mt) on volcanic slag, usually (700)1500‒2200(2600) m.

Hosts: —Only on Lamiaceae , usually on Thymus sp. , less commonly on Ziziphora sp. , rarely Origanum sp. [in Tavush province] and Satureja sp. [Syunik prov.], like T. transcaucasicus Ronn. , T. kotschyanus subsp. migricus (Klok. & Shost.) Menitsky , T. kotschyanus Boiss. & Hohen. subsp. kotschyanus , T. sipyleus Boiss. [ T. rariflorus K. Koch ], T. fedtschenkoi Ronn. , Z. clinopodioides Lam. , Z. clinopodioides subsp. rigida (Boiss.) Rech. f. [ Z. rigida (Boiss.) Heinr. Braun ], O. vulgare L.

Phenology: —Flowering (May) June to July, fruiting July–August.

Conservation status: —Least Concern (LC). The species has rather wide distribution in Armenia (all floristic regions).

Notes: —It is a very polymorphic species, varying in morphometric traits, colour, phenological periods, and preferred hosts. It is subdivided into many subordinate taxa, which differ in morphometric characteristics, colour, hosts, etc. (e.g., Beck 1890, 1922, 1930, Rätzel & Uhlich 2004).

Specimens examined:— ARMENIA. Aragatsotn prov.: Aragats Mt., area of Amberd, rocky slopes near the road, 40°24’05”N, 44°13’47”E, 2230 m, 40°23’54”N, 44°13’55”E, 2230 m, 8 July 2015, 21 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); Byurakan x Amberd, 1 July 1968, A. Melikyan (ERCB) [as O. reticulata by T. Tsaturyan]; Byurakan – Amberd, 1 July 1968, S. Grigoryan (ERCB) [as O. major by T. Tsaturyan]; Byurakan – Amberd, 1 July 1968, S. Grigoryan (ERE) [as O. grigorjevii by T. Tsaturyan]; Amberd, 2200 m, 27 June 1966, A. Osipyan (ERE); Mt. Aragats – Amberd, 40.41779 -44.22128, 2018, phot. Ans Den Haan; between Ashtarak and Abovyan, S of Nor Erznka, slopes near the main road, 40°18’08”N, 44°24’37”E, 1280 m, 8 June 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); SE of Tatul, rocky slopes, 40°23’00”N, 43°49’39”E, 1580 m, 11 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); SE slope of Arteni Mt., near Tatul, rocky slope, 40°22’14”N, 43°47’53”E, 1625 m, 11 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); Arteni Mt., NW slope, 13 July 1986, E. Gabrielyan, K. Tamanyan & G. Fayvush (ERE); between Lernavan and Lernapar, Pambaki range, rocky slope, 40°45’59”N, 44°09’24”E, 2045 m, 21 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); Aparan distr., Kuchak, steppe, 15 July 1957, Ja. Mulkidjanjan & V. Avietisiyan (ERCB) [as O. grigorjevii by T. Tsaturyan]; Ararat prov.: N of Urtsardzor, rocky slopes, 39°56’47”N, 44°48’12”E, 1140 m, 12 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); between Shaghap and Lanjanist, loamy slope near the road, 39°51’38”N, 44°56’35”E, 1645 m, 13 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); E of Lusashogh, Urts Mt., rocky slopes near St. Hovhannes Karapet monastery, 39°50’39”N, 44°54’21”E, 1845 m, 13 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC);Vedi distr.,Azizkend, A. Takhtajan,Ja.Mulkidjanjan & E. Gabrielyan (ERCB) [as O. grigorjevii by T. Tsaturyan]; Vedi distr., right shore of Vedi river, Azizkend x Dagna, phrygana, 27 May 1961, Ja. Mulkidjanjan (ERCB) [as O. grigorjevii by T. Tsaturyan]; Azizkend x Akhs [between Dashtakar and Urtsadzor villages], juniper open forest, [39°55’23”N, 44°47’54”E], 1 June 1947, A. Takhtajan & Ja. Mulkidjanyan (ERE); NE slope Ketuz Mt., 16 km N of Dashtakar, 1500‒2100 m, 15 June 1977, B. Arevshatyan (ERE) [as O. grigorjevii by S. Grigoryan]; Vedi distr., Azizkend, 27 May 1960, A. Takhtajan, Ja. Mulkidjanjan & E. Gabrielyan (ERE) [as O. grigorjevii by T. Tsaturyan]; NE slope of Ketuz Mt., 16 km N of Dashtakar, 1500–2100 m, 15 June 1977, A. Pogosyan (ERE); Dashtakar, 8 June 2018, N. Zakaryan & N. Kartashyan (ERCB); Urts range, Asni, 22 July 1967, E. Gabrielyan, V. Avietisyan, P. Gambaryan & A. Pogosyan (ERE); Ararat distr., Erah range, ESE of Kaghtsrahen, road to Vedi, 39°57’54”N, 44°40’35”E, 1179 m, 11 June 2004, E. Vitek, K. Tamanyan, G. Fayvush & A. Ter-Voskanian (ERE); Armavir prov.: area of Oktemberyan [Armavir], T. Tsaturyan (ERCB) [as O. grigorjevii ); Gegharkunik prov.: SEE of Tsovagyugh, rocky slope of Lake Sevan, 40°37’56”N, 44°58’54”E, 1945 m, 9 July 2015, 7 June 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); NE and E of Norabak, steppe slope, rocky slope, roadsides, 40°09’41”N, 45°51’50”E, 2095 m, 40°09’33”N, 45°52’12”E, 2100 m, 25 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); N of Areguni, rocky, dry slope, 40°20’53”N, 45°36’13”E, 2150 m, 25 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); NW of Semyonovka, slopes, 40°39’53”N, 44°53’17”E, 2100 m, 26 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); S of Vardenik, steppe slopes, 40°06’36”N, 45°26’21”E, 2130 m, 28 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); SE of Artsvanist, rocky slope, roadside, 40°08’42”N, 45°31’24”E, 2060 m, 28 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); Dprabak SE, in direction to Barepat, slope on the edges of forest, on Origanum , 40°41’00”N, 45°08’19”E, 1340 m, 29 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); between Aghberk and Vahan, E of Karmir Pass, rocky, loamy slope near the road, 40°34’06”N, 45°18’43”E, 2060 m, 29 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); Noratus, 30 June 1974, Dildaryan & Grigoryan (ERCB); Distr. Novo-Bajazet [Gavar], prope pagum Satanachatsh [Areguni vil.], 6500’, [40°20’08”N, 45°36’27”E], 16 July 1923, A. Grossheim (ERE); National Park “Sevan”, opposite of Sevan peninsula, [40°33’57”N, 44°59’45”E], 10 July 1981, P. Gambaryan (ERE); Kotayk prov.: NNW of Meghradzor in direction to Thezh Mt., rocky slope, 40°39’24”N, 44°37’47”E, 2375 m, 27 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); between Artavaz and Hankavan, N slope of the water reservoir, roadsides, 40°37’46”N, 44°32’17”E, 1930 m, 27 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); N of Hankavan, in direction to Dzithanits Mt., rocky slope, 40°38’20”N, 44°28’50”E, 1980 m, 40°40’28”N, 44°28’25”E, 2145 m, 27 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); Garni, rocky, dry slopes, 21 June 1952, T. Tsaturyan (ERCB) [as O. raddeana ]; Kotayk distr., Garni, rocky, dry slopes, 11 June 1952, M. Sarkisyan (ERCB) [as O. raddeana by T. Tsaturyan]; Abovyan distr., Arzakan, 8 July 1957, M. Sarkisyan (ERCB) [as O. reticulata by T. Tsaturyan]; Arzakan, wheat field, 19 June 1952, M. Sarkisyan (ERCB) [as O. gracilis by T. Tsaturyan]; Arzakan, wheat field, 18 June 1952, Zh. Avietyan (ERCB) [as O. grigorjevii by T. Tsaturyan]; Kotayk distr., Garni, dry, rocky slopes, 21 June 1952, Zh. Avietyan (ERCB) [as O. grigorjevii by T. Tsaturyan]; “Erebuni” State reserve, more close to Vokhchaberd village, on yellow clays, [40°09’12”N, 44°36’51”E], 11 June 2008, Zh. Akopian (ERE); Jrvezh dendropark, southern slope, 1 June 1997, V. Manakyan (ERE); Hrazadn distr., Pambaki range, Kerogli Mt., rocky, southern slope, on the side Takarlu [Pyunik], 2200‒2500 m, 27 July 1982, N.S. Khandjian (ERE) [as O. elatior by S. Grigoryan]; Hrazdan distr., Aghavnadzor, dry slope, 1 August 1985, N.S. Khandjian (ERE) [as O. grigorjevii by S. Grigoryan]; Takarlu [Pyunik], left shore of Mishana [Marmarik] river, southern, rocky slope, 8 July 1955, Ja. Mukidjanjan (ERE); Mishana [Hankavan], forest near the hot springs, 6 July 1960, B. Bramyan (ERE); Takarlu [Pyunik], slope opposite base, 11 July 1974, Melikyan et al. (ERE) [as O. grigorjevii by S. Grigoryan]; Hankavan, forest, 3 July 1975, S. Dallakyan (ERCB) [as O. grigorjevii by S. Grigoryan]; Lori prov.: SW of Gargar, side road W of Puskhin Pass, W of Stepanavan’s tunel, rocky slope, 40°54’14”N, 44°25’17”E, 1785 m, 10 July 2015, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); between Lusaghbyur and Pass, rocky slope near the road to Gyumri, 40°51’54”N, 44°00’30”E, 1915 m, 11 July 2015, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); NW of Lusaghbyur, 40.873, 43.994, 7 July 2018, phot. M. Hospers; Spitak distr., Geghasar,Astvanasar Mt., 14 June 1989, A. Pogosyan (ERCB) [as O. serratocalyx by K. Avakyan]; Kirovakan [Vanadzor], forest (beech and hornbeam), 17 July 1956, M. Hagaryan (ERCB) [as O. reticulata by T. Tsaturyan]; ArmSSR [Lori marz], Stepanavan distr., vicinity of Shakhnazar village [Metsavan vil.], Karmirsar Mt., Kharaba locality, grass-forbs meadow near spring [41°13’24”N, 44°14’08”E], 9 July 1971, Ja. Mulkidjanyan & V. Manakyan (ERE) [as O. grigorjevii by S. Grigoryan]; vicinity of Kirovakan [Vanadzor] city, Dimats [now part of the city], Sarum-Sakhla mountains [40°50’45”N, 44°29’26”E], 14 June 1977, E. Gabrielyan (ERE); Shirak prov.: border of Shirak and Lori provinces, NE of Shirakamut, NE of Dzorashen, NE of Trchkan fall, in direction to Karegah Mt., Bazumi range, rocky slope, 40°56’47”N, 44°07’31”E, 2130 m, 40°57’22”N, 44°07’43”E, 2250 m, 23 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); N of Musayelyan, rocky slope near main road, 41°00’19”N, 43°56’21”E, 2080 m, 23 July 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); Akhuryan distr., Shirak range, N rocky slope, Keti, 2000 m, 21 June 1960, N. Tzvelev & S. Cherepanov (LE); near Arpi Lake, W of Zorakert, 41.095, 43.643, July 2018, phot. A. Hos; Syunik prov.: NE part of Arevis, rocky slope, 39°24’18”N, 45°54’09”E, 1890 m, 30 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); between Kajaran and Tashtun Pass, rocky, loamy slope near main road, 39°08’18”N, 46°10’39”E, 2145 m, 39°08’12”N, 46°11’00”E, 2005 m, 3 June 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); between Nerkin Giratagh and Verin Giratagh, rocky slope, 39°13’38”N, 46°16’01”E, 1495 m, 39°13’43”N, 46°15’57”E, 1515 m, 15 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); 15 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); S of Verin Giratagh, rocky slope, 39°14’10”N, 46°15’45”E, 1590 m, 15 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); between Getishen and Karut, rocky slope, 39°13’50”N, 46°08’27”E, 1625 m, 39°14’13”N, 46°08’34”E, 1650 m, 15 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); between Lernadzor and Baghajur, rocky slope near main road, 39°10’41”N, 46°13’52”E, 1470 m, 16 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); SE of Lernadzor, in direction to Pukhrut, rocky slope, 39°09’21”N, 46°12’30”E, 1610 m, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); between Lernadzor and Pukhrut, E of Katnarat, rocky slope, 39°08’16”N, 46°12’51”E, 1840 m, 39°08’14”N, 46°12’59”E, 1920 m, 16 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); SSE of Kajaran, between Tashtun and Meghri Passes, rocky, loamy slope near main road, 39°07’19”N, 46°10’29”E, 2340 m, 16 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); between Lichk and Vank, road to Chgnavor Mt., rocky, loamy slope, 39°02’34”N, 46°13’59”E, 1810 m, 17 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); E of Tsav, rocky slope, 39°03’08”N, 46°27’59”E, 1050 m, 18 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); N of Ishkhanasar, steppe slope, roadsides, 39°34’36”N, 46°02’11”E, 1895 m, 19 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); Kajaran, S slope, ore field, 2200 m, 3 June 1966, Della-Rossa (ERCB); Kapan distr., opposite Davit Bek, on the hill, 29 May 1975, M. Oganesian, G. Fayvush & H. Aslanyan (ERCB) [as O. vulgaris by S. Grigoryan]; Sisian distr., Arevis, rocky slope on the left shore of the river Djamal, 2600 m, 5 July 1966, V. Avietisyan & E. Gabrielyan (ERCB) [as O. grigorjevii by T. Tsaturyan]; ArmSSR, Goris distr., vicinity of Svarants vil., Aramazd Mt., slopes of Mamasani-jurd locality, S slopes, subalpine meadows, 2000‒2200 m, [39°21’33”N, 46°11’53”E], 5 July 1977, G. Torosyan & M. Oganesian (ERE) (as O. reticulata by S. Grigoryan]; ArmSSR, Sisian distr., v. Bazarchaj [Sisian], [39°31’38”N, 46°01’03”E], 19 July 1959, A. Elenevsky (ERE) [as O. grigorjevii by S. Grigoryan]; [Armenia, Syunik marz] south-west Zangezur, Megri distr., left slope of Vagravar-chaj river gorge, in oak-hornbeam forest, on east slope, [38°57’02”N, 46°10’59”E], 25 May 1947, Sh. Aslanyan (ERE); Goris distr., between Tatev x Anapat monastery, right shore of the Vorotan river, 700‒1000 m, 13 July 1967, V. Manakyan (ERE) [as O. elatior by S. Grigoryan]; Kapan distr., Srashen, beech curtain, 1200‒1400 m, 24 July 1959, Ja. Mulkidjanjan (ERE); besides main road Echegnadzor to Goris, ca. 8 km ENE from Sisian, remarkable hill of volcanic slag, steppe, 39°42’16”N, 45°41’12”E, 1880 m, 9 July 2003, G. Fayvush, K. Tamanyan, H. Ter-Voskanian & E. Vitek (ERE, W); Meghri distr., left shore of the Meghri river, Lichk, edge of forest, 1700‒2200 m, SE slope, 14 July 1958, Ja. Mulkidjanjan & R. Karapetyan (ERCB) [as O. grigorjevii by T. Tsaturyan]; N of Verishen, rocky, grassy slope, 39°32’49”N, 46°18’42”E, 1740 m, 19 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); rocky slope in the valley of the Vagravar-chai, Vagravar [Vahravar], on Satureja , 1 July 1956, T. V. Egorova, N.N. Tzvelev & S.K. Cherepanov (LE); Tavush prov.: W part of Dilijan, road to Juhgtnavank (Jukhtakvank) church, edges of forest, roadsides, on Origanum , 40°44’59”N, 44°48’33”E, 1390 m, 9 June 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); NEE of Gosh, edges of forest on slope, on Origanum , 40°44’09”N, 45°00’57”E, 1040 m, 9 June 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); NWW of Yenokavan, road to Lastiver cave, edges of forest, slopes, on Origanum , 40°54’59”N, 45°05’39”E, 1230 m, 9 June 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); Golovino- Papanino [Dilijan S], 9 July 1968, S. Grigoryan (ERCB) [as O. raddeana by T. Tsaturyan]; Golovino x Papanino [Dilijan S], 9 July 1968, S. Grigoryan (ERCB) [as O. reticulata by T. Tsaturyan]; Dilijan distr., Golovino, forest, slope, 2 July 1968, A. Melikyan (ERCB) [as O. reticulata by T. Tsaturyan]; Dilijan, 10 July 1965, A. Osipyan (ERCB) [as O. reticulata by T. Tsaturyan]; Dilijan, forest (beech and hornbeam), S slope, [on Origanum ], 4 June 1960, T. Tsaturyan (ERCB) [as O. gracilis ]; Dilijan, forest, 25 June 1967, A. Melikyan (ERCB) [as O. gracilis by T. Tsaturyan]; Dilijan distr., Bldan-chai, forest glade, camp, 18 June 1976, K. Avakyan (ERCB) [as O. reticulata by T. Tsaturyan]; Dilijan, Golovino, on the rock, 2 July 1968, A. Melikyan (ERE) [as O. reticulata by T. Tsaturyan]; Idjevan region, Verin Aiedara, field, 15 June 1960, B. Bramyan (ERCB) [as O. gracilis by T. Tsaturyan]; Vayots Dzor prov.: NW of Artavan, rocky slope, 39°40’36”N, 45°34’14”E, 1470 m, 39°40’22”N, 45°35’36”E, 1710 m, 27 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); SE of Vernashen, rocky, dry slopes, 39°46’59”N, 45°23’26”E, 1625 m, 28 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); SSE of Areni, rocky slopes near the road, 39°42’47”N, 45°11’31”E, 1170 m, 29 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); N of Khachik, rocky slopes near the road, 39°39’14”N, 45°12’23”E, 1980 m, 29 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); S of Agarakadzor, rocky slope, 39°43’09”N, 45°21’10”E, 1230 m, 29 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); NE of Zedea, rocky slope, 39°42’17”N, 45°24’48”E, 1360 m, 31 May 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); between Yeghegnadzor and Malishka, the slope near the road at the edge of the apricot orchard, 39°45’18”N, 45°21’10”E, 1220 m, 14 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); E of Saralanj, slope near main road, 39°42’31”N, 45°40’24”E, 1940 m, 39°42’27”N, 45°40’34”E, 1980 m, 14 June 2017, 19 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); between Goghtanik and Karmrashen, steppe slope, 39°50’30”N, 45°29’10”E, 2110 m, 20 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); inside crater of volcano Vayots Mt., SW of Karmrashen, slope, 39°47’47”N, 45°29’43”E, 2500 m, 20 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); E part of Gndevaz, rocky slope near W road, 39°45’22”N, 45°36’36”E, 1515 m, 39°45’46”N, 45°36’34”E, 1525 m, 22 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); S of Gndevaz, rocky slope near E road, 39°43’31”N, 45°35’54”E, 1560 m, 22 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); SE of Gndevaz, slope near E road, 39°45’11”N, 45°37’11”E, 1780 m, 22 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); NE of Gndevaz, rocky slope, 39°46’05”N, 45°37’38”E, 1890 m, 39°46’12”N, 45°37’43”E, 1910 m, 22 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); ArmSSR, Azizbekov distr. [Vayots Dzor marz, Vayk distr.], gorge of Terpchaj river [Terp river], south dry stony slope, [39°41’38”N, 45°34’02”E], 22 June 1957, E. Gabrielyan, R. Karapetyan, Sh. Aslanyan & V. Avetisyan (ERE) [as O. grigorjevii by S. Grigoryan]; Mikoyan distr. [Vayots Dzor marz, Yeghegnadzor distr.], Khachik vil., [39°37’18”N, 45°12’23”E], 24 July 1950, Sh. Aslanyan & R. Karapetyan (ERE); Yeghegnadzor distr., Khachik, Karmir Sahel Mt., 2100–2400 m, 12 July 1972, V. Manakyan & K. Tamanyan (ERE) [as O. grigorjevii by S. Grigoryan]; Khachik x Gnishik, steppe, 2200 m, SW slope, 4 August 1955, Ja. Mulkidjanjan (ERE); Yeghegnadzor distr., between Khachik and Gnishik, grassy slope, 2400–2500 m, 9 July 1976, B. Areviatyan & T. Terasyan (ERE); Yerevan.: vicinity of Yerevan, 1952, T. Tsaturyan (ERCB) [as O. grigorjevii ].


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University

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