Orobanche colorata K. Koch (1844: 291)

Piwowarczyk, Renata, Pedraja, Óscar Sánchez, Moral, Gonzalo Moreno, Fayvush, George, Zakaryan, Narine, Kartashyan, Nune & Aleksanyan, Alla, 2019, Holoparasitic Orobanchaceae (Cistanche, Diphelypaea, Orobanche, Phelipanche) in Armenia: distribution, habitats, host range and taxonomic problems, Phytotaxa 386 (1), pp. 1-106 : 95-98

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.386.1.1

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scientific name

Orobanche colorata K. Koch (1844: 291)


18. Orobanche colorata K. Koch (1844: 291) View in CoL (TL-2: 194 n. 10744, 196). Type:—ARMENIA-GEORGIA: „In Armenia [Georgiam Armeniamque]”. (B [destroyed]) ( Novopokrovskij & Tzvelev 1958: 113). Misapplied names:— O. anatolica auct., non O. anatolica Boiss. & Reut. ex Reut. in Candolle (1847: 17). Fig. 45A View FIGURE 45 .

Taxonomic Note: —For some authors (e.g., Novopokrovskij & Tzvelev 1958: 113; Domina & Raab-Straube 2010 – Present), O. anatolica is a closely related species that can be distinguished by the whitish-woolly indument that covers a large part of the plant, especially the inflorescence. According to these authors, O. colorata only grows in the countries of the Caucasus area, being replaced in Turkey, Iran and Iraq by the O. anatolica s. str., although taxonomic and chorological limits corresponding to each taxon are not entirely clear. Nevertheless, in the sense of other authors ( Reuter 1847: 17, Boissier 1879: 504, Beck 1930: 275), this name includes both the species that we call O. colorata (glabrecescente) and O. anatolica (lanate). The reason for this mixture is that Reuter, when he described the new species, mentions materials from Anatolia (e.g., Caria [leg. Pinard 1843]) and from the Caucasus (e.g., Caucasian Georgia [leg. Hohenacker 1838]). The factor that prevents these two names from being synonymised is the typification of the Reuter name and this needs to be done on Anatolian material because it is the one that best fits Reuter’s description ( Reuter 1847: 17 “pilis niveis araneosis adpressis vestitus”) and preserves the current use of this name. In addition, because we think that the type of O. colorata was destroyed during World War II, we have chosen a neotype of the same region that serves as nomenclatural type according to the Koch protologue.

Orobanche anatolica Boiss. & Reut. ex Reut. in Candolle (1847: 17). Type :— TURKEY (lectotype designated here): „ Orobanche anatolica B. et R., Caria 1843, leg. C. Pinard (G-00383282! [the sheet contains two similar specimens clearly belonging to the same species and gathering]); isolectotype: (P-02982386! [the specimen on the right side of the sheet next to its label]).

Orobanche colorata K. Koch (1844: 291) . Type :— AZERBAIJAN (neotype designated here): In pratis ad radices montis Sarial [Gora Ziyarat, Khojavend District, formerly Elisabethpol Governorate], Georgia caucasica, Jun. , leg. Hohenacker [Unio itiner. 1838] (P-02982394!); isoneotype (P-02982393!).

Distribution: —Mainly in the southeastern (Syunik prov.) and northeastern parts (Tavush prov.) ( Fig. 64).

General distribution: —The Caucasus and surrounding areas of Turkey, Iran and Iraq.

Habitat: —Rocky, sandy, loamy slopes, roadsides, rarely meadows, edges of shrubs and forests, (800)1500‒ 1900(2200) m.

Hosts: — Salvia sp. ( Lamiaceae ), usually S. verticillata L., occasionally S. glutinosa L. (in herbarium materials).

Phenology: —Flowering May to June (July), fruiting (June) July–August.

Conservation status: —Least Concern (LC). The species has rather wide distribution in Armenia (4 floristic regions). Populations are varied from a few to few dozens of individuals.

Specimens examined: — ARMENIA. Gegharkunik prov.: Krasnoselsk distr. [Gegharkunik reg., Chambarak distr.], gorge above Kara-top vil. [now it is a part of Chambarak town], SE slope, 1600 m, 20 May 1962, N . Karapetyan ( ERCB); betweem Aygut and Martuni , rocky, sandy slope, 40°40’12”N, 45°13’52”E, 1520 m, 29 July 2017, R GoogleMaps . Piwowarczyk ( KTC) ; Syunik prov.: Kapan distr., Sananlu [it is ancient settlement near Tsav village], Mtnadzor river , 23 May 1960, M . Grigoryan ( ERCB); Sananlu, left bank of the Mtnadzor river , 23 May 1960, M . Grigoryan ( ERCB, ERE); W of Tsav , sandy slope, 39°03’18”N, 46°24’54”E, 1305 m, 18 June 2017, R GoogleMaps . Piwowarczyk ( ERCB, KTC); Goris – Khndzoresk , 18 June 1957, B . M . Bramyan ( ERCB); between Tandzatap and Aghvani , 1855 m, 1 June 2016, R . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); S of Bardzravan , 1610 m, 2 June 2016, R . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); few scattered populations, slopes and roadsides, between Kajaran and Tashtun pass, 2018 m, 2140 m, 3 June 2016, R . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); slopes and roadsides, E of Lichk , 1775 m, 3 June 2016, R . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); slopes and roadsides, NE of Tashtun , 1815 m, 3 June 2016, R . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); S of Meghri , slopes and roadsides, 800 m, 3 June 2016, R . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); SW of Tsav , roadsides and slopes, 1730 m, 4 June 2016, R . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); NE of Shvanidzor , roadsides, 1080 m, 4 June 2016, R . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); S of Karut , rocky and sandy slope, 39°14’13”N, 46°08’34”E, 1650 m, 39°15’27”N, 46°07’44”E, 1835 m, 15 June 2017, R GoogleMaps . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); between Lernadzor and Baghajur , sandy slope near the road, 39°09’52”N, 46°12’31”E, 1546 m, 16 June 2017, R GoogleMaps . Piwowarczyk ( ERC, KTC); NNW of Pukhrut , sandy, rocky slope, 39°08’14”N, 46°12’59”E, 1920 m, 16 June 2017, R GoogleMaps . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); NEE of Tashtun , slopes near sideroad, 39°04’20”N, 46°11’19”E, 1830 m, 17 June 2017, R GoogleMaps . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); rocky and sandy slope W of Vank , 39°02’23”N, 46°13’41”E, 1720 m, 39°02’34”N, 46°13’59”E, 1810 m, 39°02’33”N, 46°13’55”E, 1820 m, 17 June 2017, R GoogleMaps . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); NW of Vank , rocky and sandy slope, 39°03’02”N, 46°14’47”E, 1930 m, 17 June 2017, R GoogleMaps . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); between Vank and Kaler , rocky and sandy slopes, 39°03’28”N, 46°15’34”E, 2000 m, 17 June 2017, R GoogleMaps . Piwowarczyk ( ERCB, KTC); NNW of Kaler , sandy, rocky slope, 39°03’58”N, 46°16’24”E, 2165 m, 17 June 2017, R GoogleMaps . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); SEE of Shiskert , sandy, loamy slope, 39°04’10”N, 46°21’32”E, 1723 m, 18 June 2017, R GoogleMaps . Piwowarczyk ( KTC); N of Verishen , grassy slope, 39°32’49”N, 46°18’42”E, 1725 m, 19 June 2017, R GoogleMaps . Piwowarczyk ( ERCB, KTC) ; Tavush prov.: Shamshadin distr. [Tavush region], Norashen, meadow, on Salvia glutinosa , 12 June 1971, G . Sahakyan ( ERCB); Idjevan distr., Kholarker vil. [now it is a part of Idjevan town], 1954, N . Gevorkyan ( ERCB); area E of Berd, road from Berd to Aygedzor, between Ghrhi and Karmir aghbyur, 1220 m, 40°51’57”N, 45°26’41”E, 29 May 2006, M GoogleMaps . Oganesian, H . Ter-Voskanian & E . Vitek ( ERE) .

Identification key for Orobanche species of Armenia

1. Flowers usually blue-violet, bluish-brown, rarely whitish or yellowish. Corolla-tube cylindrical, inflated below insertion of the stames. Lower lip of corolla not ciliate. Stamens inserted at the middle or slightly below middle part of the corolla-tube. Stigma whitish or yellowish-white ................................................................................................................................................................ 2

+. Flowers usually brownish, orangish, pinkish, reddish, whitish-yellow or yellow. Corolla-tube broadly cylindrical to campanulate [bell-shaped] or infundibuliformis [funnel-shaped], expanded above insertion of the stames. Lower lip of corolla ciliate or not. Stamens inserted at lower third of the corolla-tube. Stigma (pinkish, reddish, yellow or yellowish-brown) not whitish or yellowish-white .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3

2. Leaves 10‒17(‒25) mm, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate. Inflorescence ± densely white arachnoid-villous. Calyx usually (8‒) 15‒17 mm, calyx-segments entire or divided to half with lobes narrowly lanceolate and ± densely white arachnoid-villous. Corolla arachnoid-villous ....................................................................................................................................................... O. coerulescens View in CoL

+. Leaves (5‒) 8‒13 mm, ovate to lanceolate. Inflorescence subglabrous to glandular-pubescent. Calyx usually (5‒)7‒12(‒15) mm, calyx-segments entire or ± deeply bidentate and subglabrous to glandular-pubescent. Corolla subglabrous to glandular-pubescent ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4

4. Leaves lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate. Bracts oval-lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate. Calyx segments 2-toothed or entire, teeth acuminate and ± filiform to apex. Dorsal line of the corolla is geniculate in the lower part and ± almost straight in the rest. Parasitic on Lactuca sp ...................................................................................................................................................... O. grenieri View in CoL

+. Leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate. Bracts ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acute or subulate. Calyx segments 2-toothed or entire, teeth acute or subulate. Dorsal line of the corolla is geniculate in the lower part and ± uniformly curved in the rest. Parasitic on wild and cultivated plants................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

5. Plant usually stout. Inflorescences usually dense, rarely lax at the base. Flowers at the distal part usually blue-violet, bluish-brown. Corolla tube cylindrical and relatively wide in relation to its length. Parasitic mainly on Artemisia sp ........................... O. cernua View in CoL










9. +. 11.








12. +.







Plant usually slender. Inflorescences usually lax, rarely dense at the apex. Flowers at the distal part usually bluish or pale-violet. Corolla tube cylindrical and relatively narrow in relation to its length. Parasitic on cultivated plants ( Nicotiana tabacum View in CoL ), more rarely on Artemisia sp ........................................................................................................................................................ O. cumana View in CoL Calyx-segments connate [cup-shaped], rarely not in adaxial side. Corolla galeate [helmet-shaped], usually dark-red or rarely brownish-red (black or nearly in dry state). Parasitic on Geranium sp ........................................................................... O. gamosepala View in CoL Calyx-segments free or slightly connate at the base (abaxial side). Corolla galeate or not, usually brownish, orangish, pinkish, reddish, whitish-yellow, yellowish or yellowish-brown (± clear brown or reddish in dry state) colour........................................... 7 Corolla galeate [helmet-shaped], ± infundibuliformis [funnel-shaped] ............................................................................................ 8 Corolla not galeate, tubular-campanulate, campanulate or infundibuliformis .................................................................................. 9 Plant (10–)15–17(–24) cm high (small). Calyx-segments narrow, entire. Corolla (11–)13–15(–17) mm (small size). Parasitic on Lamiaceae View in CoL ( Scutellaria sp. )......................................................................................................................................... O. zajaciorum Plant View in CoL (15–)20–55(–60) cm high (medium or large). Calyx-segments wide, bifid or entire. Corolla (15‒) 20‒36 mm (medium or large size). Parasitic on Fabaceae View in CoL or Rubiaceae View in CoL .............................................................................................................................. 10 Inflorescence usually dense and many-flowered. Corolla brownish-yellow, yellow or reddish; lower lip of corolla not ciliate. Stamens inserted 3‒5(‒6) mm from corolla base. Stigma yellow, rarely reddish. Parasitic on Fabaceae View in CoL (mainly Medicago sp. )...... ................................................................................................................................................................................................. O. lutea Inflorescence View in CoL usually lax and few flowered. Corolla pinkish or pale brownish, more rarely yellow; lower lip of corolla glandular-ciliate. Stamens inserted less than 3(‒4) mm above corolla base. Stigma red, rarely yellow. Parasitic on Rubiaceae View in CoL ( Galium sp. and Asperula sp. ).......................................................................................................................................................... O. caryophyllacea Stames View in CoL inserted 1‒3 mm above corolla base................................................................................................................................... 11 Stames inserted 3‒6 mm above corolla base................................................................................................................................... 12 Corolla with scattered more or less sessile dark glands (punctuated appearance), lower lip glandular-ciliate. Parasitic only on Lamiaceae View in CoL (mainly Thymus sp. ).............................................................................................................................................. O. alba Corolla View in CoL without sessile dark glands (without punctuated appearance), lower lip glandular-ciliate or not. Parasitic on other families ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Stem thick, entirely orangish to dark orangish-red and covered with numerous scales. Inflorescences always dense, many-flowered. Calyx-segments bidentate. Corolla orangish to dark orangish-red and ± concolorous (outside and inside) with ± dark red callous on folds. Stigma always yellow. Parasitic on Salvia sp. ( Lamiaceae View in CoL ).................................................................................... O. colorata Stem View in CoL ± slender, brownish, pinkish, reddish, yellowish or yellowish-brown and covered with a few scales. Inflorescences dense or lax, many-flowered or relatively few-flowered. Calyx-segments entire or bidentate. Corolla color ± similar to stem, without ± dark red callous on folds. Stigma dark pink, purple, reddish or yellow. Parasitic on other families ...................................................... 14 Inflorescence cylindrical to ovate, ± dense. Corolla 12‒18 mm long (medium size) with dorsal line evenly curved at the proximal and distal part, almost straight at the middle. Stigma yellow. Parasitic on Seseli sp. ( Apiaceae View in CoL ) .................................. O. bartlingii Inflorescence View in CoL cylindrical to short-cylindrical or ovate, ± lax. Corolla 15‒30 mm long (medium or large size) with dorsal line only slightly curved at the proximal part and almost straight at the rest. Stigma dark pink, purple, reddish, violet or more rarely orangish to yellowish. Parasitic on other families.......................................................................................................................................... 15 Inflorescence usually long to short cylindrical, rather lax, usually many-flowered. Calyx-segments entire or bidentate, rarely with 4 teeth. Corolla tubular-bell-shaped; purple, dark or light pink, rarely dirty yellow, light brown, inside more lightly coloured (yellowish). Stigma dark pink, purple, violet, rarely orange, pale to dark yellow. Parasitic on Betulaceae View in CoL , Oleaceae View in CoL , Fagaceae View in CoL (e.g., Fraxinus View in CoL , Fagus View in CoL , Carpinus View in CoL ) ........................................................................................................................................... O. laxissima Inflorescence View in CoL usually short-cylindrical to ovate, ± lax, usually few-flowered. Calyx-segments usually entire. Corolla bell-shaped; pale violet to purple, rarely cream, inside more lightly coloured (whitish or yellowish). Stigma reddish. Parasitic on Fabaceae View in CoL ( Trifolium sp. and Vicia sp. )............................................................................................................................................... O. owerini Plant always yellowish or whitish; upper lip ± porrect (continuing the dorsal line of the corolla tube) or flexed forwards........... 16 Plant usually more strongly pigmented, rarely yellowish-white; upper lip erect or recurved ......................................................... 17 Calyx (11–)13–14(–15) mm long, (2.5–)3.0–4.0 mm wide at the widest point. Corolla (22–)24–26(–28) mm long, (8–)9–10(–11) mm in diameter in the central part, pale ± pinkish-yellow, pinkish-white or yellowish-pink and usually evenly colored (not ± reddish at the apex). Parasitic on Psephellus pulcherrimus View in CoL ( Asteraceae View in CoL ) ............................................................................ O. arpica Calyx View in CoL (7–)8–9(–11) mm long, (1.0–)2.0–2.5(–3.0) mm wide at the widest point. Corolla (15–)18–19(–21) mm long, (5–)6–7(–8) mm in diameter in the central part, yellowish and frequently ± reddish at the apex (lobes). Parasitic on Lomelosia caucasica View in CoL ( Dipsacaceae ) and Stachys macrantha View in CoL ( Lamiaceae View in CoL ) .................................................................................................... O. javakhetica Stem View in CoL with relatively few scales. Inflorescence usually shorter than the remaining stem (rarely equal to or longer). Calyx segments appreciably connate on abaxial side. Corolla yellowish-brown. Parasitic on Cirsium sp. ( Asteraceae View in CoL ) .............. O. schelkovnikovii Stem View in CoL with very numerous scales. Inflorescence usually equal to or longer than the remaining stem (rarely shorter). Calyx segments free. Corolla pale pinkish-yellow, pale purplish, ± reddish or yellowish. Parasitic on other families ............................................. 18 Inflorescence usually ± dense (rarely ± lax). Bracts equal or longer, rarely shorter than the corolla. Corollas evenly colored in dry state. Stames inserted (2–) 3–4 mm above corolla base. On Cephalaria sp. ( Dipsacaceae )........................................ O. grossheimii Inflorescence View in CoL usually ± lax (rarely ± dense). Bracts equal or shorter, rarely longer to the corolla. Corolla lighter colored at the base in dry state. Stames inserted 4–6 mm above corolla base. On Prangos sp. ( Apiaceae View in CoL )..................................................... O. kurdica View in CoL

Mistakenly listed or unclear species from Armenia

Cistanche salsa (C.A. Mey.) Beck View in CoL , C. ambigua (Bunge) Beck View in CoL in Engler (1930: 40), C. fissa (C.A. Mey.) Beck View in CoL in Engler & Prantl (1895: 129) – confused with C. armena View in CoL ;

Diphelypaea helenae (Popl.) Tzvelev View in CoL in Fedorov (1981: 319) – it is probably only a color form of D. coccinea View in CoL ;

Phelipanche kelleri (Novopokr.) Soják (1972: 130) View in CoL – confused with P. cilicica View in CoL ;

P. serratocalyx (Beck) Soják (1972: 130) – confused with O. alba View in CoL ;

P. hirtiflora (Reut.) Soják (1972: 130) View in CoL – confused mainly with P. cilicica View in CoL ;

P. aegyptiaca (Pers.) Pomel (1874: 107) View in CoL – confused with P. ramosa View in CoL , some need further research;

P. hohenackeri Reut. View in CoL in Candolle (1847: 10) – synonym of P. heldreichii View in CoL ;

P. oxyloba (Reut.) Soják (1972: 130) View in CoL – confused with P. nana View in CoL , P. caesia View in CoL , etc.;

P. pulchella (C.A. Mey.) Soják (1972: 130) View in CoL – confused mainly with P. coelestis View in CoL ;

Orobanche camptolepis Boiss. & Reut. View in CoL in Boissier (1879: 515) – confused with badly preserved specimen of O. kurdica View in CoL ;

O. vitellina Novopokrovskij (1950: 288) View in CoL – confused with O. laxissima View in CoL / O. transcaucasica View in CoL ;

O. hymenocalyx Reut. View in CoL in Candolle (1847: 20) – probably doubtful species;

O. reticulata Wallroth (1825: 42) – confused with O. alba View in CoL ;

O. grigorjevii Novopokrovskij (1950: 326) View in CoL – doubtful species, confused with O. alba View in CoL ;

O. pubescens d’Urville (1822: 332) View in CoL – data mistake;

O. connata C. Koch (1849: 669) View in CoL – doubtful species ( Novopokrovskij & Tzvelev 1958);

O. rosea Tzvelev View in CoL in Komarov (1958: 687) – synonym of O. kurdica View in CoL ;

O. elatior Sutton (1798: 178) View in CoL – mistakenly listed, confused with O. kurdica View in CoL etc.;

O. flava Mart. ex F.W. Schultz (1829) View in CoL – confused with O. laxissima View in CoL / O. transcaucasica View in CoL ;

O. alsatica Kirschleger (1836: 109) View in CoL – we find O. bartlingii View in CoL in O. alsatica View in CoL aggr.;

O. longibracteata Schiman-Czeika View in CoL in Rechinger (1964: 17) – confused with O. kurdica View in CoL . Tsaturyan & Grigoryan (1987), Tsaturyan & Gevorgyan (2009), and Zare & Yildirmli (2012) reported O. longibracteata View in CoL from Armenia: Aparanskij Rajon [Kotayk province], Fontan [Fantan], but in our opinion this is O. kurdica View in CoL ; additionally in Fantan we observed in the years 2015‒2017 numerous populations of O. kurdica View in CoL . Moreover, O. colorata View in CoL ( O. anatolica View in CoL auct.) does not grow in this part of Armenia, which is confirmed by our field research as well as herbarium materials. This species is completely different from O. colorata View in CoL and species from subsect. Arcuatae;

O. gracilis Smith (1798: 172) – confused with O. alba View in CoL ;

O. crenata Forsskål (1775: 113) View in CoL – confused with O. owerini and O. laxissima View in CoL / O. transcaucasica View in CoL ;

O. picridis F.W. Schultz (1830: 504) View in CoL – probably confused with O. laxissima View in CoL / O. transcaucasica View in CoL .


Nanjing University


Yerevan State University


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Pedagogical University


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


University of New England


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


University of Helsinki














Orobanche colorata K. Koch (1844: 291)

Piwowarczyk, Renata, Pedraja, Óscar Sánchez, Moral, Gonzalo Moreno, Fayvush, George, Zakaryan, Narine, Kartashyan, Nune & Aleksanyan, Alla 2019

Phelipanche kelleri (Novopokr.) Soják (1972: 130)

Sojak, J. 1972: )

P. serratocalyx (Beck) Soják (1972: 130)

Sojak, J. 1972: )

P. hirtiflora (Reut.) Soják (1972: 130)

Sojak, J. 1972: )

P. oxyloba (Reut.) Soják (1972: 130)

Sojak, J. 1972: )

P. pulchella (C.A. Mey.) Soják (1972: 130)

Sojak, J. 1972: )

O. longibracteata

Rechinger, K. H. 1964: 17

O. rosea

Komarov, V. L. 1958: 687

O. vitellina

Novopokrovskij, I. V. 1950: )

O. grigorjevii

Novopokrovskij, I. V. 1950: )

Orobanche camptolepis

Boissier, P. E. 1879: 515

P. aegyptiaca (Pers.)

Pomel, A. N. 1874: )

O. connata C. Koch (1849: 669)

Koch, K. 1849: )

P. hohenackeri

De Candolle, A. 1847: 10

O. hymenocalyx

De Candolle, A. 1847: 20

O. alsatica

Kirschleger, F. 1836: )

O. picridis F.W. Schultz (1830: 504)

Schultz, F. W. 1830: )

O. reticulata

Wallroth, K. F. W. 1825: )

O. pubescens d’Urville (1822: 332)

Dumont d'Urville, J. S. C. 1822: )

O. elatior

Sutton, C. 1798: )

O. gracilis

Smith, J. E. 1798: )

O. crenata Forsskål (1775: 113)

Forsskal, P. 1775: )
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