Orobanche kurdica Boiss. & Hausskn.

Piwowarczyk, Renata, Pedraja, Óscar Sánchez, Moral, Gonzalo Moreno, Fayvush, George, Zakaryan, Narine, Kartashyan, Nune & Aleksanyan, Alla, 2019, Holoparasitic Orobanchaceae (Cistanche, Diphelypaea, Orobanche, Phelipanche) in Armenia: distribution, habitats, host range and taxonomic problems, Phytotaxa 386 (1), pp. 1-106 : 84-89

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.386.1.1

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scientific name

Orobanche kurdica Boiss. & Hausskn.


15. Orobanche kurdica Boiss. & Hausskn. View in CoL in Boissier (1879: 505) ( Turland et al., 2018: Art. 46.2). Type:— IRAN (lectotype here designated): Montes Avroman [Auroman Mountains / Kut-e Owraman, Kurdistan Province] et Schahu [Kuh-e Shahu, Kurdistan Province], Jul. 1867, no.710 [Haussknecht It. Orient.] (G-00383283-hb. Reuter-Barbey!); isolectotypes: (JE-00003913!); (JE-00003914!); (BM-000997922!); (BM-000997923!); (LE s.n.!, Fig. 59 View FIGURE 59 ). All the sheets contain two or three similar specimens from the same gathering (Jul. 1867, no.710) ( Turland et al., 2018: Art. 8)]). Heterotypic synonyms:— Orobanche rosea Tzvelev in Komarov (1958: 687). Figs. 57–59 View FIGURE 57 View FIGURE 58 View FIGURE 59 .

Supplementary description: —Plant robust, dirty pink, reddish, rosaceous, pale yellow or brown. Stem simple and stout, very rarely slender, (25–)45–50(–60) cm × (6.0–)7.0–8.0(–9.0) mm in diameter in the upper part, 10–12(–15) mm in the middle, and (13–)15–16(–17) mm towards the base, this slightly widening or bulbous; slightly striate (clearly striate when dry); glandular pubescent usually on the whole part, more in the upper part, with whitish, pale orange glandular hairs 0.5–1.2 mm; stem reddish, rosaceous, dirty pink or pale yellow or yellow-brown (brown or cinnamon when dry). Basal leaves 20–25 mm × (6–)9–11(–12) mm at their base, broadly lanceolate-ovate to triangular, glabrous abaxially. Upper leaves 19–23(–30) mm × (4–)5–7(–8) mm, lanceolate, ± lanceolate-triangular, becoming more dense above, pale reddish-brown, pinkish-brown, changing early to brown when drying, especially at the top; glandular pubescent, with hairs 0.3–0.5 mm. Inflorescence (12–)20–28(–40) cm × (3.5–)4.5–5.0(–6.0) cm, subcylindrical to cylindrical, tapering to the apex, usually equal to or longer than the remaining stem, rarely shorter, (most of the stem is often underground); (17–)30–40(–70)-flowered, usually ± lax, and rarely ± dense. Flowers are ± erecto-patent and large sized. Bracts (18–)25–26(–30) mm × 5.0–6.0 mm, equal or shorter, rarely longer than the corolla, broad lanceolate, pale, yellow-brown or pinkish-brown, changing early to brown when drying, with dense pale yellow or orange glandular hairs, 0.2–0.5 mm long. Bracteoles absent. Calyx segments free or very rarely connate, asymmetrically ovate and unequally bidentate, (14–)19–20(–22) mm long, 6–7 mm wide at the widest point, with two long narrowly lanceolate calyx teeth (7–)10–14(–18) mm long and 1.5–2.5 mm wide, longer than half of the corolla tube; dirty pink, pale rosaceous or yellowish-pink (in dry form often whitish, pale yellow or cinnamon), with sparsely glandular-hairs, especially on the teeth, hairs ca. 0.2–0.3(–0.4) mm, whitish, orange or pale brown. Corolla (22–)28– 30(–32) mm long, (7–) 8–9 mm in diameter in the central part; tubular to narrowly campanulate (considerably widening towards the mouth); slightly inflated in the insertion of the stamen on the bract side; the dorsal line curved at base, then almost straight; externally glandular-pubescent with pale yellow (in dry form with orange glands), glandular hairs of 0.1–0.3(–0.4) mm, inside glabrous or sparsely hairy in the upper lip; corolla pale pinkish-yellow, pale rosaceous, yellowish-pink, pale yellowish, with dirty pale pink veins, (in dry form the whitish base of the corolla usually persists, and next rosaceous or cinnamon tube with cinnamon lips); upper lip sinuate, emarginate, porrect, with two broad lobes, these bent backward laterally, sparsely glandular hairy also in the inner part, hairs ca. 0.1–0.2 mm; lower lip with three suborbicular lobes, irregularly dentate on the margins, the middle lobe usually larger. Stamens obliquely inserted, adaxial at 4.5–5.0(–6.0) mm above the corolla base, and abaxial at 4.0–5.0 mm, all of them slightly widened at base. Filaments 16–20 mm long, 2.0 mm wide, pale pale pink to rosaceous, clearly geniculate, sparsely hairy in the lower half; hairs 0.2–0.4 mm long, not glandular, white or white-yellowish, upper part below anthers sparsely glandular-pubescent, usually ca. 0.1 mm long, short, white with orange glands. Anthers (2.2–)2.5–3.0 mm long, ca. 1.0 mm wide, oblongoid, mucronate, pale brown; short pubescent along sutures of thecae, especially in the ¾ part, hairs white, 0.1–0.2 mm long, rarely glabrous. Ovary (11–) 15–16 mm × 5–6 mm, glandular pubescent in upper part, hairs 0.1–0.3(–0.4) mm long, pale pink or rosaceous-yellowish; lateral opening by two longitudinal slots. Style (12–)13– 15(–16) mm long, pale rosaceous to pink, rarely yellowish-pink, glandular-pubescent, with short and glandular hairs (these ca. 0.1–0.3(–0.4) mm long on the whole part and more abundant, conspicuous and dense on the lower part). Stigma bilobed, lobes elongated-spherical to ovate and ± flattened, ca. 3.0– 3.5 mm wide, with numerous warts on the lobes, and yellow or bright yellow.

Distribution: —Mainly central (Kotayk, Ararat prov.), southern (Vayots Dzor prov.) and southeastern (Syunik prov.) parts, and only single localities in the remaining area ( Fig. 60).

General distribution: —Armenia-Kurdistan, Iran ( Novopokrovskij & Tzvelev 1958), Azerbaijan, Irak, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan?

Habitat: —Rocky slopes, from lower to upper mountain belts, subalpine meadows, forests with Quercus macranthera Fisch. & C.A. Mey. ex Hohen. , slopes of extinct volcanos, also on volcanic slag (e.g. Mt Vayots), phrygana, rocky places near ruins, fortresses, monasteries, (1200)1500‒2700(3200) m.

Hosts: — Prangos sp. ( Apiaceae ), usually P. ferulacea (L.) Lindl. and sporadically P. pabularia Lindl. [ P. lophoptera Boiss. ].

Phenology: —Flowering (May) June to July, fruiting July–August.

Conservation status: —Least Concern (LC). The species has rather wide distribution in Armenia (10 floristic regions). Populations are very diverse but usually numerous, from a few to several hundred individuals.

Notes: — Orobanche kurdica ( O. rosea ) is morphologically most similar to O. kochii F.W. Schultz (1847: 66) , which occurs mainly in central Europe to Crimea, while localities listed from Asia need to be confirmed ( Zázvorka 2010). However, O. kurdica differs very clearly from O. kochii in morphology (larger plant (25–)45–50(–70) vs. (20–)30–40(–60), respectively, longer leaves, numerous flowers and larger inflorescence (12–)20–28(–40) cm long, (35–)45–50(–60) mm in diameter vs. (5–)12–18(–20) cm long, 30–40 mm in diameter, longer calyx segments (14–)19–20(–22) mm vs. 12–16 mm, longer corolla (22–)28–30(–32) mm vs. (15–) 20–28 mm), as well as in host species ( Prangos ( Apiaceae ) vs. Centaurea , Psephellus , Echinops ( Asteraceae ) and geographical occurence ( Zázvorka 2010, Piwowarczyk & Krajewski 2015, Piwowarczyk et al. 2018d). In the Caucasus, there are also possible misidentifications with species occurring in similar habitats, as well as species which are difficult to identify in herbarium materials, i.e. O. grossheimii and O. schelkovnikovii . However, the morphological differences are clear, as are differences in the host species. For easier identification we compiled these differences in Table 1, as well as in the illustrations ( Figs. 40 View FIGURE 40 , 48 View FIGURE 48 , 58 View FIGURE 58 ) and photographs ( Figs. 39 View FIGURE 39 , 47 View FIGURE 47 , 57 View FIGURE 57 ) from the field.

Taxonomic Note: —After studying the types and other materials of Orobanche rosea and O. kurdica , we did not find any clear difference between these species. In the authors’ opinion, O. rosea is a synonym. Thus, O. kurdica is the correct name for this taxon.

Orobanche rosea Tzvelev in Komarov (1958: 687). Type :— NAKHICHEVAN (lectotype here designated): “peaks of low mountains 1.5‒2 km east of city of Ordubad, on Prangos ferulacea , 9 VI 1956, T. Egorova, N. Tzvelev & S. Cherepanov no. 365” (LE s.n.!). The sheet of LE contains two similar specimens with the host-plant from the same gathering (no. 365) and the Tzvelev label (29 September 1956) indicating that this is the type of the species ( Fig. 61 View FIGURE 61 ).

Specimens examined: — ARMENIA. Aragatsotn prov.: slopes of Aragats Mt., N and NE of Amberd fortress, 40°23’21”N, 44°13’32”N, 2160 m, 8 July 2015, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); slopes 1, 5 km NE of Amberd fortress, 40°24’12”N, 44°13’35”E, 2220 m, 8 July 2015, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); Amberd, 1900–2000 m, 26 July 1963, E. Gevorkyan (ERCB) [as O. alsatica var. heraclei by T. Tsaturyan]; Ararat prov.: Vedi distr., Azizkend, 27 May 1969, A. Takhtajan, E. Gabrielian et al. (ERE); Azizkend x Dagnaz, left bank Vedi r., 2000 m, 25 May 1960, A. Takhtajan et al. (ERCB); Urtskij hrebet [Urts Mt., W of Lanjar], „Karmir Kar”, 19 June 1963, E. Gabrielyan (ERCB); Vedinskij rayon [Vedi], Urtskij hrebet [Urts Mt., W of Lanjar], „Karmir Kar”, 9 June 1963, E. Gabrielyan (ERCB) [as O. major by T. Tsaturyan]; Ararat region, ridge Urts, 2000 m, 9 July 1986, E. Gabrielyan (ERE); Ararat region, Artashat subregion, Mount Eranos [Yeranos], phrygana, 1100‒1600 m, Takhtajan & Mulkidjanyan (ERCB); fluminis Garni prope montem Eranos [Yeranos], 18 May 1940, A. Fedorov (ERE) [as O. purpurea by Fedorov, O. kurdica by Tzvelev]; NE of Urtsadzor, Khosrov reserve, rocky and sandy slope, 39°56’50”N, 44°53’35”E, 1225 m, 13 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); Gegharkunik prov.: Distr. Novo-Bajazet [Gavar], Ajridzha, in monte Agmagan 7500–8000’, August 1928, A. Grossheim & O. Zedelmejer (ERE) [as O. kurdica by N. Tzvelev; cfr., bad preserved specimen]; SE slopes of Selim Pass, 14 June 1957, E. Gabrielian & V. Avietisyan (ERCB); Gegham range, near Sevsar mountain, alpine meadow, 2800–3000 m, 24 June 1960, Ja. Mulkidjanyan (ERE) [as O. grossheimii , bad preserved specimen]; Sevan Lake, Areguni shore, rocky slopes, 14 June 1974, E. Gabrielyan & K. Tamanyan (ERE); Drakhtik, 6 June 2014, V. Martirosyan [phot. https://www.flickr.com/photos/vahemart/29276227295]; Kotayk prov.: SW part of Garni, SW of old bridge and „symphony of stones”, 40°06’54,9”N, 44°44’34”E, 1370 m, 24 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); between Garni and Goght, rocky slopes of Azat river, roadsides, 40°07’34”N, 44°45’57”E, 1400 m, 24 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); SE of Garni, slopes around (0,5 km) Havuts Tar Monastery, 40°07’13”N, 44°45’51”E, 1560-1650 m, 25 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); Garni, 27 May 1945, A. Takhtajan (ERE) [as O. kurdica by N. Tzvelev]; Milli dara in Garni, 19 May 1957, E. Gabrielyan (ERCB) [as O. gracilis and O. major by T. Tsaturyan]; Garni, rocky slopes, 15 June 1965, M. Sarkisyan (ERCB) [as O. schelkovnikovii by T. Tsaturyan]; Garni reserve [“Khosrov forest” state reserve], path to Ahkend [now this village is destroyed and has no modern name], 30 May 1960, Z. Avakyan (ERCB, ERE) [as O. grossheimii by T. Tsaturyan]; Fantan, 26 June 1958, A. Mielikyan (ERE) [as O. alsatica var. heraclei by T. Tsaturyan]; Fantan, in the crops of wheat, 14 July 1976, E. Gabrielyan & T. Tomasyan (ERE) [as O. alsatica ]; NW and NE of Fantan, small hills, fallow fields, 40°24’24”N, 44°42’21”N, 1835 m, 6 June 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); between Fantan and Kaghsi, June 1963, A. Melikyan (ERCB) [as O. kurdica by T. Tsaturyan]; Fantan, 30 July 1974, Z. Akonyan (ERCB) [as O. kurdica by T. Tsaturyan; as O. major by S. Grigoryan]; between Fantan and Hrazdan, 19 June 1963, A. Melikyan (ERCB) [as O. kurdica by T. Tsaturyan]; Fantan, 16 June 1965, B. Dildaryan (ERCB); Fantan, 24 June 1968, 6 July 1968, S. Grigoryan (ERCB) [as O. alsatica by T. Tsaturyan]; Fantan, 25 June 1968, S. Charyan & L. Bazukyan (ERCB) [as O. longibracteata by T. Tsaturyan]; Fantan, 26 June 1968, L. Bazukyan (ERCB) [as O. longibracteata by T. Tsaturyan]; 24 June 1968, L. Bazukyan (ERCB) [as O. longibracteata by T. Tsaturyan]; Fantan, steppe, 26 June 1965, Gevorkyan (ERCB) [as O. major by T. Tsaturyan]; Fantan, 18 June 1966, A. Mielikyan & B. Dildaryan (ERCB) [as O. alsatica var. heraclei by T. Tsaturyan]; Fantan, 25 June 1976, S. Charyan et al. (ERCB); In declivitate occidentale montis Kethan-dagh [Kethan-dag is a mountain in the West part of Gegham range, more or less just opposite Charentsavan]. In steppa montana, 18 June 1930, A. Fedorov (ERE68687) [as O. schelkovnikovii by Tzvelev]; Tsakhkadzor, NE slope of Teghenis range, 27 June 1985, S. K. Alakan (ERCB); Arzakan, 18 June 1956, E. Bramyan (ERCB) [as O. vitellina by T. Tsaturyan]; Kyankyan [Hatis], N slope, mountain meadow, 14 June 1960, Ja. Mulkidjanjan (ERCB) [as O. grossheimii by N. Tzvelev]; Miskhana [Hankavan], forest 9 July 1964, I. Galetyan (ERCB); Miskhana [Hankavan], forest, 9 July 1964 (as O. krylowii by T. Tsaturyan]; near Gutanasar Mt., steppe, 27 May 2012, phot. V. Kuropatkin [http://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/166947.html, http://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/166946.html]; Shirak prov.: 8 km NE of Aghin, rocky slopes, 27 June 19??, T. Tsaturyan (ERCB); Artikskij rayon [Artik], Mantash, 23 July 1960, E. Gevorkyan (ERCB) [bad preserved specimen, as O. alsatica var. iranica by T. Tsaturyan]; Syunik prov.: between Shaki and Sisian, rocky slopes on both sides of the road, 39°33’01”N, 46°00’15”E, 1640–1670 m, 30 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); S of Shaki, rocky slopes near the road to Shaki fall, 39°33’02”N, 45°59’36”E, 1630–1680 m, 30 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); Mergijskij rayon [Meghri], left side of Meghri river, Lichk, 1700–2200 m, 14 July 1958, Ja. Mulkidjanjan et al. (ERCB); Goris, ‘pitomnik’, Khndzoresk, 18 June 1956, B. Bramyan (ERCB) [as O. schelkovnikovii by T. Tsaturyan]; Sisanskij rayon [Sisian], rocky slopes, around milk farm of the village Aravus, left side of the Sisian river, 2600 m, V. Alestisyan & E. Nazaravyan (ERCB) [as O. major by T. Tsaturyan]; rocky slope of the low hill, 1, 5 km N of Meghri, 28 June 1956, T.V. Egorova, N.N. Tzvelev & S.K. Czerepanov (LE); Syunik region, Megri subregion, Lichk x Agarak, bank of r. Meghriget, edge of forest with Quercus macranthera , 12 June 1958, Ja. Mulkidjanyan et al. [as O. alsatica var. iranica ]; SSE of Karut, 39°15’10”N, 46°08’04”E, 1780 m, 16 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); Tavush prov.: Idjevan distr., Uzuntala [Aygehovit], 1952, A. Oganyan (ERCB); Vayots Dzor prov.: Selim Pass x Akhkeng [Aghnjadzor], left side, W rocky slope, 3200 m, 30 August 1956, A. Mulkidjanyan (ERCB) [as O. camptolepis by T. Tsaturyan]; Selim Pass S, N of Aghnjadzor, 39°56’03”N, 45°13’59”E, 2150 m, 21 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); Mikoyan distr. [Vayots Dzor reg., Eghegnadzor distr.], SE macroslope of Selim pass, grassy slope, 14 June 1957, V. Avetisyan & Sh. Aslanyan (ERCB) [as O. grossheimii by T. Tsaturyan; bad preserved specimen]; SE slope of Selim pass, 14 June 1957, E. Gabrielyan et al. (ERCB) [as O. versicolor by T. Tsaturyan]; 5 km of Artavan, slopes, 39°40’36,7”N, 45°34’14,2”E, 1500 m, 27 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); 2‒3 km N of Zaritap, rocky slopes, 39°39’30”N, 45°30’32”E, 1420 m, 31 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); slopes of gorge 3 km SW of Zaritap, 39°36’37”N, 45°29’16”E, 1730 m, 31 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); 4 km E of Vayk, rocky slopes near main road, 39°40’56”N, 45°30’26”E, 1380 m, 31 May 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); rocky slopes between Vayk and Saravan, 39°41’40”N, 45°34’08”E, 1400 m, 5 June 2016, R. Piwowarczyk (KTC); Azizbekovskyj rayon [Vayk distr.], near Martiros, 2500–2600 m, 19 July 1972, V. Manyakan, T. Popova & K. Tamanyan (ERE) [as O. longibracteata and O. loricata by S. Grigoryan]; Mikojanovskij rayon [Yeghegnadzor], Gnishik, NE slope, 5 August 1955, (ERE) [as O. alsatica var. iranica by Tzvelev]; Gnishik, SE slope, 5 August 1955, Ja. Mulkidjanjan (ERE); Vernashen – Alajaz [Ehegis], 2750 m, 39°49’22,0”N, 45°24’28,9”E, 8 July 2011, A. Malkhasyan (ERE); between Kugulbilyak and Gerger [Herher], 29 July 1905, A. Schelkovnikov (LE) [as O. sp. novae? affinis by Novopokrovskij]; Eghegnadzor distr. [Vayots Dzor region, Eghegnadzor distr.], Aghavnadzor vil., south slopes of Ulgjur mountain, 2000‒2500 m, 17 July 1973, V. Manakyan & K. Tamanyan (ERE) [as O. flava by S. Grigoryan; cfr. bad preserved specimen similar also to O. grossheimii ]; between Karmrashen and Goghtanik, rocky slope, 39°50’44”N, 45°28’52”E, 2130 m, 39°51’00”N, 45°28’39”E, 2185 m, 20 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC); NEE of Karmrashen, 39°50’1,3”N, 45°34’7”E, 2270 m, July 2017, phot. E. Charter; SW of Karmrashen, Vayots Mt., slopes of extinct volcano, 39°47’52”N, 45°29’59”E, 2400–2570 m, 20 June 2017, R. Piwowarczyk (ERCB, KTC).

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