Pseudips yak Cognato and Smith, 2024

Cognato, Anthony I. & Smith, Sarah M., 2024, Taxonomic Review of Pseudips Cognato (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Ipini) Inferred from Morphology and a DNA-Based Phylogeny, The Coleopterists Bulletin 78 (2), pp. 239-254 : 248-251

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-78.2.239

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scientific name

Pseudips yak Cognato and Smith


Pseudips radiatae ( Hopkins, 1915) , status restored ( Figs. 19–26 View Figs )

Ips radiatae Hopkins 1915: 54 .

Pseudips radiatae (Hopkins) : Cognato 2000: 365 (as a synonym of P. mexicanus View in CoL ).

Type Material. Lectotype, female, NMNH, examined.

Other Specimens Examined. See Table 1.

New Records. None.

Diagnosis. Characters including coarse punctures, separated by the diameter of a puncture, on the basal portion of the pronotum, biserial punctures on the second elytral interstria beginning before middle of the elytral disc and continuing to the base of the elytral declivity, and an elytral subapical margin thickness equal to or less than the length of the first denticle differentiate this species from the remaining Pseudips species. In addition, the shared derived COI and CAD nucleotides that support clade B ( Fig. 2 View Fig ) found in a parsimonious phylogenetic analysis identify this species.

Host. Various Pinus spp.

Distribution. CANADA: Alberta, British Columbia; MEXICO: Baja California; USA: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.

Comments. The Baja California specimen was not available for study but the identity of the species was likely P. radiatae given the shared geological history of California and Baja California.

Pseudips yak Cognato and Smith , new species ( Figs. 27–36 View Figs )

Type Material. Holotype, male, CHINA: Qinghai Prov., MaiXiu Forest Preserve, 2900m ele., N35°16.304, E101°55.863. 21v2008. A. Cognato Col. ( IZAS) GoogleMaps . Allotype, CHINA: Qinghai Province MaiXiu Forest Preserve, N35°14.419’, E101°53.870’, Elev : 3166m, 21.V.2008. A. Cognato Col. lure trap ( IZAS) GoogleMaps . Paratypes, both sexes, CHINA: Qinghai Prov., Longzang, Tongren env., MaiXiu , 3200 m, N35°16.314, E101°55.890. 19. vii. 2006, M. Knížek lgt. Host plant: Picea crassifolia (9 MSUC, 2 NHM, 2 NHMW, 2 NMPC, 91 MK, 15 PZ) GoogleMaps ; CHINA: Qinghai Prov., Tongren env., MaiXiu , 16.v.2007, M. Knížek lgt., Host plant: Picea crassifolia (2 MK) ; as previous except 17. v. 2007 (53 MK) ; as previous except 18. v. 2007 (1 MK) ; as previous except 20. v. 2007 (1 MK) ; CHINA: Qinghai Province MaiXiu Forest Preserve, N35°14.419’, E101°53.870’, Elev: 3166m, 21.V.2008. A. Cognato Col. lure trap (2 MSUC) GoogleMaps ; CHINA: Qinghai Prov. MaiXiu Forest Preserve, 2900m ele., N35°16.304, E101°55.863. 21v2008. A. Cognato Col. (3 MSUC, dissected, male genitalia in vials, one with second label “DNA voucher SMS257A”; 26 MSUC in a cryotube with>90% ethanol at −20 °C) GoogleMaps .

Additional Material. CHINA: Sichuan Prov. Barkam, 21-VII-1955, Picea, Qui De-Xun (3 NMNH, designated as paratypes of P. orientalis in Wood and Yin 1986).

22) Declivital view. Female: 23) Habitus, dorsal view; 24) Habitus, lateral view; 25) Frontal view; 26) Declivital view.

Diagnosis. Characters including broadly conical, not subcapitate, denticles of the elytral declivital margin and a frontal medial longitudinal carina differentiate this species from the remaining Pseudips species.

Description, Male. Body. Length: mean = 4.4 mm (4.2–4.5 mm); 2.75 times as long as wide; vestiture of hair-like, acuminate setae. Head. Frons granulate, spherical, or lacrimiform, singular or connected; flat or shallow transverse sulcus above epistoma; epistoma lined with granules and medial dense fringe of setae; medial longitudinal carina of varied length, often extending from the epistoma to above the eyes. Vertex deeply punctured. Antenna with sensilla on the anterior face of the club divided by procurved sutures. Pronotum 1.06× longer than wide; summit located approximately on posterior two-fifths, coarse asperities with interspersed setae on anterior three-fifths; posterior two-fifths shiny and deeply, densely punctate, sparsely setose. Elytra 1.59× longer than wide, 1.5× longer than pronotum, strial punctures on disc impressed, distance between them less than their diameter; second interstrial punctures biserial, remainder of interstrial punctures uniserial, punctures near the apical margins more numerous and setose. Declivity steep, lateral margin of each elytron with three pairs of conical denticles; first denticle smallest, in line with stria 2; second denticle larger than first, in line with stria 3; third denticle largest and wider than second denticle, in line with fifth stria, remaining margin weakly explanate from the fifth interstria to declivital suture. Declivital face bisulcate with deep punctures approximately the size of strial punctures. Genitalia with seminal trough consisting of single rod, median struts broad, compressed, truncate and a divided internal sac.

Description, Female. Similar to male in most features, except body more setose, frontal medial longitudinal carina often short or broken, and size of elytral tubercles reduced.

Gallery System. Arcuate egg galleries with one egg per niche ( Fig. 37 View Figs ).

Host. Picea crassifolia Kom.

Distribution. CHINA: Sichuan; Qinghai, inAlpine steppe-desert and montane forest characterized by Picea crassifolia and Juniperus przewalskii Kom. ( Cupressaceae ) ( Yu et al. 2001).

Etymology. “Yak” from Tibetan གཡག་, g.yag, used as a noun in apposition. This name recognizes the domestic yaks ( Bos grunniens Linnaeus ; Artiodactyla : Bovidae ) that trampled through the type locality and the shared shagginess of the bovine and beetle.

Comments. This species was incorrectly identified as P. orientalis in the following publications: Zhang et al. (2009a, b, 2011); Knížek (2011); Cognato (2013).


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Institut Zoologii Akademii Nauk Ukraini - Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


University of Nottingham


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


National Museum Prague


National Museum of Kenya














Pseudips yak Cognato and Smith

Cognato, Anthony I. & Smith, Sarah M. 2024

Ips radiatae

Hopkins, A. D. 1915: 54
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF