Pseudoeupolyphaga longiseta Han, Che & Wang, 2024

Han, Wei, Che, Yan-Li, Zhang, Pei-Jun & Wang, Zong-Qing, 2024, New species of Eupolyphaga Chopard, 1929 and Pseudoeupolyphaga Qiu & Che, 2024 (Blattodea, Corydioidea, Corydiinae), with notes on their female genitalia, ZooKeys 1211, pp. 151-191 : 151-191

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1211.128805

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scientific name

Pseudoeupolyphaga longiseta Han, Che & Wang

sp. nov.

Pseudoeupolyphaga longiseta Han, Che & Wang sp. nov.

Figs 10 A – L View Figure 10 , 15 B, K View Figure 15

Type material.

Holotype: China • male; Yunnan Province, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Deqin County, Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve ; 27 Jul. 2020; Wei Han, Xin-Xing Luo, Lin Guo leg. Paratypes: China • 1 female & 5 nymphs, same collection data as holotype .


The male of P. longiseta sp. nov. shares similarities with those of P. simila and P. pilosa , yet the markings on the tegmina of this new species are more densely patterned and darker than in the latter two, particularly near the base of the tegmina. Additionally, some maculae on the tegmina of the new species merged. Unlike males of P. similar and P. pilosa , which exhibit a yellowish longitudinal line and an interrupted longitudinal line on their abdomen, respectively, this new species lacks a longitudinal line on its abdomen. Additionally, black markings present on the female abdomen of P. similar are absent in the females of this new species. In addition, the ootheca of this species has weak serrated protuberances and bluntly rounded tips, which are distinctly different from P. pilosa .


Holotype. Measurements (mm). Overall length (including tegmen): 29.87; body length: 19.45; body width (tegmina not included): 10.38; tegmen length × width: 26.22 × 9.50; pronotum length × width: 7.23 × 4.10.

Coloration. Pronotum yellowish brown, covered with long yellowish setae, anterior margin white (Fig. 10 A, E View Figure 10 ). Tegmina pale gray, densely covered with black maculae. Hind wings subtransparent, with pale blackish brown maculae (Fig. 10 A View Figure 10 ). Eyes and space between ocelli black. Ocelli yellowish white. Antennae and labrum yellowish brown. Space between antennal sockets yellowish brown, middle with a black marking. Ante-clypeus, labial palpi and maxillary palpi yellowish white. Post-clypeus dark yellowish brown (Fig. 10 B, G View Figure 10 ). Legs yellowish brown, outside of tibia nearly blackish brown. Pulvilli and arolia white. Sterna nearly black (Fig. 10 B View Figure 10 ).

Body. Head: Sub-rounded, not completely hidden under pronotum. Eyes and ocelli developed. Ocelli ridge narrow, with a row of setae on the upper edge. Interocular space narrower than the distance between ocelli, the latter narrower than the distance between antennal sockets. Clypeus developed (Fig. 10 G View Figure 10 ). Pronotum: Transverse oval, widest near the anterior margin. Densely covered with long setae, central part with a symmetrical black stripe. Anterior whitish margin broad, clearly delineated from the yellowish-brown areas (Fig. 10 E View Figure 10 ). Tegmina and hind wings: Tegmina densely covered with maculae. The markings near the base of the tegmina unusually dense and continuous. Hind wing nearly transparent, with a few pale brown patches (Fig. 10 B View Figure 10 ). Legs: Slender, front femur type C 1, pulvilli and arolia present (Fig. 10 B View Figure 10 ). Abdomen: Supra-anal plate transverse, narrow and pubescent, posterior margin slightly protruded. Paraprocts simple. Margins of subgenital plate densely covered with setae, hind margin slightly concave in the middle. Styli long (Fig. 10 I, J View Figure 10 ). Genitalia: L 1 weakly sclerotized, the left protuberance sharp, two posterior lobes diverge widely. Genital hook (L 3) robust. L 4 M broad lamellate. Pda and paa developed, protrusions long. L 8 irregular, flaky. R 1 M with slightly flattened posterior margin. R 1 L elongate and banded. One of the two R 2 chunks more rounded, the other subtriangular. R 3 broadly concave, subhyaline (Fig. 10 K, L View Figure 10 ).

Female paratype. Body length: 20.27; body width: 12.22; pronotum length × width: 9.34 × 4.95.

Coloration. Terga yellowish brown to black (Fig. 10 C View Figure 10 ). Vertex, eyes, post-clypeus and space between ocelli nearly black. Antennae yellowish brown. Ocelli and antennal sockets yellowish white. Ante-clypeus as well as upper and lower margins of labrum pale gray. Middle of labrum yellowish brown (Fig. 10 H View Figure 10 ). Legs dark yellowish brown, tibia and spines dark yellowish brown to black. Sterna nearly black (Fig. 10 D View Figure 10 ).

Body. The widest point of pronotum near the hind margin, middle part with symmetrical black stripes, anterior whitish margin absent (Fig. 10 F View Figure 10 ). Ocelli degraded to two white spots. Interocular space almost equal to the distance between antennal sockets, both bigger than the distance between ocelli (Fig. 10 H View Figure 10 ). Front femur type C 1. Arolia and pulvilli absent. Posterior margin of supra-anal plate slightly convex, emarginated medially. Cerci short and robust, not exceeding the posterior margin of supra-anal plate. Posterior margin of subgenital plate protruded and emarginated medially (Suppl. material 1: fig. S 1 C).

Nymph. Similar to the female, just a little paler in color.

Ootheca. Yellowish brown. Surface with densely parallel longitudinal lines. Ridges of serrated protuberances densely arranged with semicircular tips. No respiratory canals (Fig. 15 B, K View Figure 15 ).


The species epithet is derived from the Latin words longi and seta, referring to the dense, long pubescence on the pronotum and head of the species.


The genetic distance between this species and the remainder of the genus ranges from 9.18 % to 18.74 %, supporting it being a new species. The collection site of this species is close to the distribution site of Epipolyphaga wukong Qiu, Che & Wang, 2019 , and there may be a sympatric distribution between them.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile