Mastigimas colombianus Burckhardt, Queiroz & Drohojowska, 2013

Rendón-Mera, Diana Isabel, Burckhardt, Daniel, Durán, Juliana, Ocampo, Valentina & Vargas-Fonseca, Sergio Andrés, 2024, The jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) in Urban Green Spaces of Bogotá (Colombia), with descriptions of two new species and redescription of Mastigimas colombianus Burckhardt, Queiroz and Drohojowska, ZooKeys 1209, pp. 199-230 : 199-230

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1209.117368

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Mastigimas colombianus Burckhardt, Queiroz & Drohojowska, 2013


Mastigimas colombianus Burckhardt, Queiroz & Drohojowska, 2013

Fig. 3 A – G View Figure 3

Material examined.

Chapinero: • 17 ♂, 17 ♀; Parque El Virrey ; 4.6728, – 74.0533; 2581 m; 28. iii. 2017; J. Duran leg.; Cedrela montana ( Meliaceae ); MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps 2 ♂, 2 ♀; same but NMHB GoogleMaps 2 ♂, 2 ♀; same but slide mounted; NMHB GoogleMaps . Santa Fe: • 1 ♂; Parque Ilarco ; 4.7008, – 74.0657; 2569 m; 23. iii. 2017; J. Duran leg.; Croton coriaceus ( Euphorbiaceae ); MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps . Suba: • 9 ♂, 6 ♀; Parque Canal Molinos ; 4.6976, – 74.0637; 2575 m; 10. vii. 2017; J. Duran leg.; Cedrela montana ( Meliaceae ); MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same but 03. x. 2017; MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps . Usaquén: • 1 ♀; Parque Cabañas del Norte ; 4.7358, – 74.0315; 2578 m; 16. iii. 2018; V. Ocampo leg.; Lafoensia acuminata ( Lythraceae ); MPUJ_ENT GoogleMaps .


Colouration. Male (Fig. 3 A View Figure 3 ) dark yellow with dark brown markings. Vertex with pale brown longitudinal stripe along lateral and anterior margins on either side; discal foveae with dark brown spot; margin of toruli brown. Genal processes and clypeus whitish. Antennal segments 1 and 2 yellow, segment 3 yellow basally, gradually darkening to dark brown apex, segments 4–10 dark brown. Pronotum whitish with lateral sutures brown. Mesopraescutum pale yellow along posterior margins. Mesoscutum with two dark yellow longitudinal stripes on either side, the outer one black posteriorly. Mesoscutellum and metascutellum whitish. Metapostnotum with dark brown spots medially and laterally. Pleura whitish, propleurites black dorsally. Mesosternum brown. Forewing colourless, with black spot at base of C + Sc and basally on anal cell; veins and pterostigma brown. Fore and mid legs with femur dark yellow, tibia and tarsi brown; hind leg with femur dark brown, tibia and tarsi pale yellow. Abdomen brown with yellow spot medially, narrowing to apex; intersegmental membrane straw-coloured. Terminalia dark brown, parameres black, subgenital plate pale yellow dorsally. — Female (Fig. 3 B View Figure 3 ) yellow with only a few black markings. Discal foveae dark yellow. Pronotum with lateral indentations dark yellow. Meso- and metanotum as in male but markings dark yellow, with outermost stripes on mesoscutum black posteriorly. Forewing as in male but pterostigma colourless. Pleura as in male. Fore and mid legs with femora pale yellow, tibiae dark yellow, and tarsi brown, hind leg pale yellow. Terminalia yellow, apex of proctiger black.

Structure. Antenna 4.0–4.1 × as long as head width; segment 3 1.3–1.4 × as long as segment 4. Forewing (Fig. 3 G View Figure 3 ) 4.5–5.3 × as long as head width, and 2.6 × as long as wide, pterostigma long and narrow, ratio a / b 0.9–1.0, cell cu 1 long and flat, length / height ratio 3.3.

Terminalia. Male. Paramere (Fig. 3 C, D View Figure 3 ) bifid, clavate, outer lobe rounded anteriorly and angular posteriorly. Apical dilatation of aedeagus with small blunt apico-ventral hook (Fig. 3 E View Figure 3 ), 1.2 × as long as paramere. — Female (Fig. 3 F View Figure 3 ). Terminalia short and cuneate, dorsal outline of proctiger slightly concave; proctiger as long as head width, and 2.4 × as long as subgenital plate.

Measurements (in mm). BL 2 ♂ 3.6–5.0 (4.36 ± 0.74), 2 ♀ 5.3–5.4 (5.31 ± 0.08); HW ♂ 0.85, ♀ 0.82; AL ♂ 3.44, ♀ 3.39; FL ♂ 3.8, ♀ 4.36; FW ♂ 1.47, ♀ 1.67; PL ♂ 0.24; DL ♂ 0.28; FP ♀ 0.8; FS ♀ 0.34.


Colombia: Bogotá ( Burckhardt et al. 2013).

Host plant.

Most adults (types and material at hand) were collected on Cedrela montana Turcz. ( Meliaceae ). Mastigimas species develop, as far as known, on Cedrela , suggesting that C. montana is a host.


Mastigimas colombianus was described from two males and two females collected in Bogotá ( Burckhardt et al. 2013). As more material is available from this study, a redescription of the species is provided here. The females in the material at hand fit the original description perfectly but the male paramere is slightly variable with respect to the shape of the outer lobe. As in the two type specimens, the paramere in the material at hand is strongly sclerotised which seems characteristic for the species.











