Phloeocharis baenai, Assing, 2006

Assing, V., 2006, Three new species of Staphylinidae from Spain, with a new synonymy (Insecta: Coleoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (2), pp. 1129-1137 : 1129-1137

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13319951

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Phloeocharis baenai

sp. nov.

Phloeocharis baenai View in CoL nov.sp. ( Figs 1-7 View Figs 1-7 ; Map 1 View Map 1 )

Holotype 3: E - Córdoba , Luque, Santa Lucía, 18.I.2003, leg. M. Baena / Holotypus 3 Phloeocharis baenai sp.n. det. V. Assing 2006 (cAss).

D e s c r i p t i o n: Measurements (in mm) and ratios: AL: 0.50; HW: 0.32; PW: 0.41; PL: 0.30; EL: 0.34; EW: 0.41; AW: 0.40; ML: 0.38; TL: 2.2; PW / HW: 1.26; PW / PL: 1.35; EL / PL: 1.13; EW/ PW: 1.00; AW/EW: 0.98.

Small species (see measurements); facies as in Fig. 1 View Figs 1-7 . Coloration: body brown, with the posterior margins of abdominal segments III-VII, and abdominal apex paler; legs light brown; antennae yellowish brown.

Head with distinct microreticulation and almost matt; puncturation extremely fine and sparse, barely noticeable; eyes not reduced, composed of numerous ommatidia ( Figs 2- 3 View Figs 1-7 ). Antenna with antennomere IV approximately as wide as long, V weakly transverse, V-IX increasingly transverse and of increasing width, IX twice as wide as long, X distinctly longer and less transverse than IX, and XI weakly oblong, somewhat longer than X, but shorter than the combined length of IX-X ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1-7 ).

Pronotum relatively slender, but wider than head and transverse (see ratios PW / HW, PW / PL, and Fig. 2 View Figs 1-7 ); maximum width about in the middle; lateral margins weakly convex in dorsal view; posterior angles obtuse, but well-marked; posterior margin straight; microsculpture and puncturation similar to those of head.

Elytra about as wide as and at suture longer than pronotum (see ratios EW / PW, EL / PL, and Fig. 2 View Figs 1-7 ); posterior margin weakly convex; microsculpture shallower than that of head and pronotum, surface consequently with more shine; puncturation fine, but more distinct than that of head and pronotum. Hind wings not examined.. Legs not distinctive.

Abdomen approximately as wide as combined width of elytra (see ratio AW / EW and Fig. 1 View Figs 1-7 ); individual segments less transverse than in P. subtilissima ; with distinct microreticulation and subdued shine; puncturation extremely fine and relatively sparse; posterior margin of tergite VII with narrow rudiment of a palisade fringe.

3: sternites VII and VIII unmodified; aedeagus as in Figs 5-7 View Figs 1-7 , without spines in internal sac.

E t y m o l o g y: The species is dedicated to Manuel Baena, Córdoba, who collected the holotype.

C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: From the widespread P. subtilissima MANNERHEIM , P. baenai is


distinguished by its distinctly smaller size and the more slender body (less transverse pronotum, elytra, and abdominal segments), the darker coloration of the elytra, the different morphology of the antennae (in P. subtilissima , antennomere V is not transverse, VI-IX are weakly transverse, and the club is formed by antennomeres IX-XI), the reduced palisade fringe at the posterior margin of tergite VIII, and by the smaller aedeagus.

Previously, only one endemic Phloeocharis species had become known from southern Spain: P. bermejae ASSING. From this species, P. baenai is separated by much darker coloration (body in P. bermejae uniformly dark yellowish), less bulging eyes, shorter antennae with much more transverse antennomeres V-IX, a more slender and less transverse pronotum with less convex lateral margins (dorsal view), distinctly longer and more slender elytra, a more slender abdomen, the presence of a rudiment of a palisade fringe at posterior margin of tergite VII (in P. bermejae absent), and a smaller aedeagus with a more slender ventral process (lateral view). For illustrations of external and sexual characters of P. bermejae see ASSING (2003).

D i s t r i b u t i o n a n d b i o n o m i c s: The type locality is situated some 10 km to the southeast of Baena, Córdoba ( Map 1 View Map 1 ). The reduced palisade fringe at the posterior margin of tergite VII is characteristic of species with reduced wings and wing muscles. This, as well as the absence of other records suggests that P. baenai may have a restricted distribution. The holotype was found under a stone at an altitude of approximately 800 m ( BAENA pers. comm.). Additional bionomic data are not available.


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