Maracarus pedroi, Durucan, 2024

Durucan, Furkan, 2024, The genus Maracarus (Acari: Halacaridae), description of three new species and one new record from Türkiye, Zootaxa 5486 (4), pp. 539-556 : 549-552

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5486.4.4

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scientific name

Maracarus pedroi

sp. nov.

Maracarus pedroi n. sp.

Figures 7 View FIGURE 7 , 8 View FIGURE 8 ; Table 3

Material examined. Holotype. Female (FDHAL-24/34) dissected and mounted into one slide, St. 2 (Antalya, Phaselis ), medium coarse sand sediment, 5 m depth, 36°31’29.4”N 30°33’12.2”E, 20 September 2020 GoogleMaps . Paratypes. Sample data as holotype. Two males (FDHAL-24/34), two males dissected and mounted into one slide. Male (FDHAL-24/35), dissected and mounted into one slide. Male (FDHAL-24/36), dissected and mounted into one slide GoogleMaps .

Description. Measurements presented in Table 3.

Etymology. The species is dedicated in honor of Prof. Dr. Pedro Martinez Arbizu (Senckenberg am Meer, Wilhelmshaven, Germany) for his support to the author’s halacarid research studies in Germany.

Female (holotype). Dorsal plates (AD, OC and PD) reticulate ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ). AD longer than wide, with anterior porose areolae 20 long, 20 wide, with eleven polygons and each posterior areolae 32 long, 15 wide, with 9–11 polygons. Pair of glp-1 at 0.30 of AD length, same level as ds-1 ( Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 ). Pair of ds-2 and ds-3 on membranous cuticle between AD and OC, and AD and PD, respectively. OC with two corneae and posteriorly tail like extending beyond leg IV insertions. Pair of glp-2 lateral to OC. OC with porose areola between gland pore and posterior cornea. Pore canaliculus immediately posterior to the porose areola and gland pore ( Fig. 7E View FIGURE 7 ).

PD wide, rounded anteriorly, with reticulate ornamentation, except for two pairs of narrow costae which carry porous areolae. Posterior half of plate with two pairs of cones each with a gland pore apically ( Fig. 7F View FIGURE 7 ). Pairs of glp-3 (0.71 level of PD) and glp-4 apical on protrusions raising from costae ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ). Pair of ds-4 at 0.4 of the total length of PD and ds-5 immediately posterior to pair of cones. Ds-6 on anal cone.

Ventral plates (AE, PE, GA) reticulate, with porose areolae as illustrated ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ). Posterior margin of AE and anterior margin of GA truncate. AE with 3 pairs of setae and a pair of large epimeral pores (7). PE with 2 dorsal and 3 ventral setae. Porose areolae anterior to insertions of leg III, middle of plate and anterior to insertions of leg IV. Distance between edges of GA and GO 96, equalling 1.7 times length of GO. Two pairs of longitudinal porose areolae (42 and 58 long) lateral to GO. GA with 6 pgs, genital sclerites with four sgs. GA widening posteriorly. Ovipositor (95) extending beyond anterior pair of pgs ( Fig. 7G View FIGURE 7 ).

Dorsal gnathosoma reticulate, tectum truncate ( Fig. 7J View FIGURE 7 ). Rostrum triangular, not extending beyond P-2. Rostral setae at tip of rostrum; Distal maxillary setae at about 0.41 level of rostrum; Basal maxillary setae at about 0.92 level of rostrum. Ventral gnathosomal base with pair of reticulate porose areolae 40 long, 25 wide. P1 as long as P3 (10). P4 as long as P2 (40) with 3 long setae in basal whorl. Chelicera with claw ( Fig. 7H View FIGURE 7 ).

All legs slender and shorter than idiosoma ( Figs. 8A–D View FIGURE 8 ). Leg I to leg IV lengths (without claws) 250, 205, 238, 265, respectively. Leg chaetotaxy from trochanter to tarsus (bipectinated setae between parentheses, parambulacral setae and solenidia excluded): leg I: 1, 2, 5, 4, 8, 6; leg II: 1, 2, 5, 4, 8(2), 4; leg III: 1, 2, 3, 3, 5(1), 4; leg IV: 0, 2, 3, 3, 5, 3. Tarsus I ( Fig. 8E View FIGURE 8 ) with 3 dorsal setae, 1 dorsolateral seta-like solenidion, 3 ventral setae and apically with pair of doubled pas. Tarsus II ( Fig. 8F View FIGURE 8 ) with 3 dorsal setae, a dorsomedial seta-like solenidion, 1 ventral setae, and pair of pas. Tarsi III and IV ( Figs. 8G,H View FIGURE 8 ) with 4 and 3 dorsal setae, respectively. Tibia I with four slender smooth ventral setae; tibia II with two sharply ending bipectinate ventromedial and two slender ventral setae. Ventromedial setae of tibia III bipectinate and blunt, ventrolateral seta long. Both ventral and ventrolateral seta of tibia IV smooth and long. Claws with accessory process. Claw pecten with delicate tines and a small bidentate median claw.

Male: Male is similar to female except for the genital plate and the porose areolae on GA combined vs split in female ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ). GO surrounded by 23–26 perigenital setae and five pairs of subgenital setae are present. GO 39 long, 25 wide. Distance between edges of GA and GO 85, equalling 2.1 of GO length. Spermatopositor large, 100 long, extending anterior margin of GO ( Fig. 7I View FIGURE 7 ).

Remarks. Maracarus pedroi n. sp. is resembles Maracarus terueae n. sp. Differences between two species has already been discussed (see above Remarks to M. terueae ).

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