Xenochrophis trianguligerus (Boie, 1827)

Mulcahy, Daniel G., Lee, Justin L., Miller, Aryeh H., Chand, Mia, Thura, Myint Kyaw & Zug, George R., 2018, Filling the BINs of life: Report of an amphibian and reptile survey of the Tanintharyi (Tenasserim) Region of Myanmar, with DNA barcode data, ZooKeys 757, pp. 85-152 : 85

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scientific name

Xenochrophis trianguligerus (Boie, 1827)


Xenochrophis trianguligerus (Boie, 1827) Red-sided Keelback (Fig. 5E)


Not sexed, juvenile specimen 245 mm SVL, 95 TailL; 225 ventrals, 96 subcaudals, 19-19-15 dorsals; single loreal rectangular, preocular single, 3 postoculars. Dorsum olive brown, dark rectangular blotches laterally with the anterior portion of the sides yellow and red, fading in coloration towards the midbody. Head hued with blue, dark sutures on some of the supralabials.

Natural history notes.

Discovered streamside in the primary forest.

General Distribution.

Northeast India to Southeast Asia through Malay Peninsula into Greater Sunda Islands.

Molecular Data.

There are currently no other COI nor 16S sequences available for X. trianguligerus with which to compare.


Earlier country-wide herpetofaunal surveys of Myanmar indicate that X. trianguligerus occurs only in Tanintharyi.

Specimens examined.

USNM 587045.

Red List status.