Gammabracon variipennis Quicke and Butcher, 2017

Quicke, Donald L. J., Hogan, James E., Bennett, Andrew M. R., Broad, Gavin R. & Butcher, Buntika A., 2017, Partial revision of the Indo-Australian braconine wasp genus Gammabracon Quicke (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) with descriptions of new species from Indonesia (Mollucas), Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand, Journal of Natural History 51 (21 - 22), pp. 1249-1294 : 1274-1276

publication ID 10.1080/00222933.2017.1324055

publication LSID

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scientific name

Gammabracon variipennis Quicke and Butcher

sp. nov.

Gammabracon variipennis Quicke and Butcher sp. nov.

( Figures 16, 17)

Material examined

HOLOTYPE: Female. THAILAND, Trang Province, Khao Chong, Forest Research Station , 7°33 ʹ 2 ʺ N, 99°47 ʹ 23 ʺ E, 75m, November 2005, D. Lohman. ( QSBG). GoogleMaps


Female: Length of body 14.0 mm, of forewing 14.0 mm, of antenna 13.0 mm, of exserted part of ovipositor 28.5 mm.

Head. Antenna with 73 flagellomeres; median flagellomeres quadrate; 1st flagellomere 1.6 × longer than 2nd and 3rd separately; width of head:width of face:height of eye = 2.1:1.1:1.0; intertentorial distance 1.4 × shortest distance between tentorial pit and eye; frons moderately and gradually impressed behind antennal sockets; shortest distance between posterior ocelli:transverse diameter of posterior ocellus:shortest distance between posterior ocellus and eye = 1.0:2.5:6.5; length of head behind eye 0.6 × length of eye in dorsal view.

Mesosoma. 1.75 × longer than high; scutellar sulcus narrow, irregularly foveate, anterior margin of scutellum with small median notch; midposterior margin of propodeum with sharply defined raised area.

Wings. Forewing vein 3RSb 1.6 and 5.1 × longer than 3RSa and rs-m, respectively; vein 1-M strongly expanding before junction with (Rs+M)a; forewing vein m-cu not especially thickened, weakly curved; forewing vein 1cu-a interstitial, anterior junction moderately swollen; base of hind wing with large glabrous area, not emarginate.

Legs. Foretibia with black long setae.

Metasoma. 1st tergite 1.5 × longer than apically wide, with long midlongitudinal carina, smooth; 2nd tergite 1.37 × wider than medially long, 1.1 × longer than 3rd tergite, with short midbasal triangular area, with posteriorly converging sublateral carinae sharply defined anteriorly; 3rd tergite largely strongly longitudinally striate, midlongitudinal carina formed from fusion of submedial pair of crenulae of transverse basal groove; ovipositor 2.0 × longer than body.

Colour. Head (including stemmaticum), scapus, mesosoma, fore and mid legs orange; flagellum, hind legs and metasoma black, although anterior corners of 2nd tergite cream; wing membrane extensively marked with brown on yellow background.


Named because of the extensively brown and yellow patterned wings.


The extensively brown patterned wings on a yellow background distinguish this species from all other described Gammabracon species ,













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