Acrographinotus tariquiae, Acosta, 2024

Acosta, Luis E., 2024, The two southernmost species of the Andean genus Acrographinotus Holmgren (Arachnida, Opiliones, Gonyleptidae) described from Bolivia and Argentina, Zootaxa 5481 (5), pp. 547-562 : 552-555

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5481.5.4

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persistent identifier

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scientific name

Acrographinotus tariquiae

sp. nov.

Acrographinotus tariquiae sp. nov.

Figs. 3A–J View FIGURE 3 , 4A–C View FIGURE 4

Acrographinotus View in CoL [sp. from Tarija, S Bolivia] Acosta 2001: 58, 60.

Type series. BOLIVIA, Tarija Department. HOlOtYpe ♂ ( CBF), GoogleMaps 3 ♂, 3 ♀, 1 juv. paRatYpes ( CBF), GoogleMaps 1 ♂ paRatYpe ( MACN-AR 9597 ), GoogleMaps 1 ♀ paRatYpe ( MACN-AR 9598 ), GoogleMaps 2 ♂ paRatYpes ( CDA 000.914 ): Subida de La EscaleRa, TaRiquía Flora and Fauna National Reserve , 11–13 December 1995, P. Goloboff leg.— GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀ paRatYpes ( CBF): AbRa de La Hondura [ca. 21°59.492’S 64°37.296’W], 2700 m a.s.l., 10 December 1995, P. Goloboff leg. GoogleMaps

Type locality. Subida de La Escalera (ca. 22°0.969’S 64°34.690’W, ~ 2000–2300 m), Tariquía Flora and Fauna National Reserve, Tarija Department, Bolivia GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The name tariquiae is formed as the feminine genitive of the Bolivian protected area where the type locality is placed (Tariquía Reserve).

Description. Measurements and meristics. DS length: males 5.9–7.2 mm (mean 6.4 mm, n=8), females 6.3–7.4 mm (mean 6.8 mm, n=5). FeIV/DS ratio (males): 0.86–1.15 (mean 1.02, n=8); in 5/ 8 males this ratio is above 1, in 7/8 above 0.9 ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Detailed measurements of the holotype male and a female paratype: Table 1 View TABLE 1 . Tarsal formula: males 5–6:8–10:7:7 (holotype with 5/6:9:7:7), females 6:7–9:7:7.

Coloration in ethanol 70%. General color uniform dark hazel, with chelicera, pedipalps, legs I–III and metatarsus IV yellowish; weak pigment reticles insinuate on DS and appendages.

Males (α): Dorsum. DS tYpe λ (lambda, cOda shORt, caRapace with subpaRallel sides; Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ), unaRmed, granulation feeble. Anterior border of carapace smooth, frontal hump negligible. Ocular mound low, with a small median apophysis ( Fig. 3F View FIGURE 3 ); in some specimens the ocular mound is completely unarmed or has a median notch. DS area I divided, areas I–IV entire; practically smooth except for sparse small granules insinuating a row on areas I–IV and lateral areas, better defined on area V and free tergites I–II. FT-III with a strong median apophysis, slightly sigmoid in lateral view, and a row of small inconspicuous granules each side.

Venter. Posterior margin of stigmatic segment gently concave; free sternites nearly smooth, with row of minute granules. VAP armed by two strong apophyses that flank a ‘shelf-like’ projection in between; the anus is thereby ‘armored’ by three apophyses, one dorsal (FT-III) and two ventral ( Figs. 3B–D View FIGURE 3 ).

Chelicerae. Tegument tenuously rugose, bulla unarmed.

Pedipalps. Weak, dorsal tegument finely rugous; blunt ventral setigerous tubercles on trochanter and femur; no medial subapical spine on femur. Pedipalp spination: LAT: Ti i_[Ii•], Ta IiIi – MED: Ti IiIi, Ta IIi.

Legs I–III. Unarmed, all segments with tegument finely granulous.

Leg IV. Coxa IV smooth, dilated and with a short, blunt prolateral apophysis, diagonal, and a small retrolateral one, better discernible from ventral. Coxa-trochanter joint slightly oblique in ventral view ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ).

Trochanter IV wide, subtrapezoidal and asymmetric (retrolateral side larger than prolateral one), obliquely articulated to the sides; one blunt, tuberous prodorsal mound near the apical border, opposite to the coxal apophysis; distal margin with a pair of small acute retrodorsal apophyses.

Femur IV sub-straight, diagonally diverging by around 25° ( Figs. 3A–B View FIGURE 3 ), with subdistal narrowing and apical end slightly widened; longitudinal rows of granules to small apophyses, the most conspicuous being the retrodorsal row, formed by truncate tubercles, which, beyond the subdistal narrowing, ends in a large conic subapical apophysis and a small apical one ( Figs. 3A, E View FIGURE 3 ); dorsal row of spaced 8–9 tubercles, those in the middle larger; pro- and retrolateral rows of sparse rounded granules; pro- and retroventral incomplete rows of small acute granules ending in small unciform apophyses.

Patella IV granulous, with 2–3 acute ventral tubercles.

Tibia IV with rows of small acute granules, they are progressively larger on the retroventral row, ending distally as small apophyses.

Penis ( Figs. 4A–C View FIGURE 4 ). Distal end slightly higher than wide; front margin of VP almost straight, lateral sides gently concave. Basal macrosetae (A1–A3 + B) arranged in a transversal row, at about the same level of the truncus-glans joint. Stylus tip straight and slightly dilated; VPS with the generic ‘ibis head with crest’ shape, ‘beak-like’ process curved and subtle ‘veins’ perceptible through the translucid membranous expansion.

β males: TwO specimens (Out Of eight) shOw decided feminized featuRes and aRe cOnsideRed β males. In them, VAP armature is rudimentary: apophyses are replaced by button-like tubercles and there is no ‘shelf’ ( Figs. 3I–J View FIGURE 3 ). In addition, slenderness, granulation and curvature of FeIV look much like in females, and there is no subapical narrowing. Noteworthily, these males are not the smallest ones in the sample (both are above the mean DS length; Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). The best exteRnal featuRe tO disceRn them fROm females is the DS shape, which Remains λ- tYpe as in α-males. FOR additiOnal details On β males, see the cOmpaRisOn sectiOn Of A. calilegua sp. nov. below.

Females: DS tYpe α-K (alpha-keYhOle, cOda mOdeRatelY lOng with diveRgent sides), unaRmed, slightlY laRgeR than males ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ) and more slender than A. calilegua sp. nov. Granulation slightly more conspicuous and ocular mound higher than males. On free tergites granules are more acute, especially on FT-III, which also bears a small median apophysis, either horizontal or slightly oblique (inclination likely depends on the abdominal swelling). Margin of VAP bordered by small granules, no vestige of male armature. Coxa IV with small acute prolateral apophysis. Trochanter IV: one pair of acute retrolateral granules. FeIV slender, slightly curved at its base, then sub-straight, with rows of granules; retroapical apophysis very small, pointing backwards.

Variability. Except fOR β-tYpe specimens, VAP Of males alwaYs has a ‘shelf’, with laRge-acute apOphYses in 3/ 8 males, laRge-blunt in 2/8; in a single male (the smallest One, which OtheRwise dOes nOt have a decided β habitus) a quadrangular shelf-like projection with acute angles remains ( Figs. 3G–H View FIGURE 3 ). The apophysis on FT-III is sigmoid in lateral view in 5/ 8 males, straight or curved in the rest. The diagonal articulation of leg IV is more exaggerated in larger males. In both sexes the low apophysis on the ocular mound may vanish, leaving a plain mound, even with a median notch giving an odd paired appearance.

Comparisons and diagnosis. In general habitus and the armature of leg IV of male, A. tariquiae sp. nov. resembles the type species A. erectispina , the latter being larger (DS length 7.1–9.2 mm vs 5.9–7.2 mm in A. tariquiae sp. nov.); in some features (but not in the overall appearance), the new species can also be compared to A. niawpaq . Of the three, A. tariquiae sp. nov. has the most gracile look, with weaker development of apophyses and granulation. The presence of large grains—almost small tubercles—on the DS of A. erectispina is an easily observable difference (DS of A. tariquiae sp. nov. nearly smooth, with tiny granules in A. niawpaq ). VAP is armed in all three, but while the apophyses remain independent in A. erectispina , they delimit a kind of ventral ‘shelf’ in A. tariquiae and A. niawpaq ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 , see also Acosta 2001: figs. 2, 25). Further, the apophysis of FT-III is subhorizontal in Roewer’s species, sigmoid in A. tariquiae and A. niawpaq (much more developed in the latter). Acrographinotus erectispina bears one single large retroapical apophysis on trochanter IV, whilst in A. tariquiae sp. nov. and A. niawpaq there are two short apophyses; the bilobated prodorsal apophysis is peculiar to A. niawpaq (it is simple in the others). The retrodorsal row of truncate tubercles on FeIV is similar in A. erectispina and A. tariquiae , whereas in A. niawpaq the dorsal apophyses are larger, and the femur is thicker. The subdistal narrowing of FeIV is evident in A. tariquiae and A. niawpaq , not as much in A. erectispina (cf. Acosta 2001). As evident in the identification key, VAP enables an easy separation of A. tariquiae sp. nov. from other members of the genus: it is unarmed in the ‘spiny-looking’ species ( A. curvispina . A. mitmaj , A. ortizi ) and bears large divergent apophyses in A. ceratopygus . Differences with A. calilegua sp. nov. are addressed to in detail below.

Distribution and habitat. At the moment, the species is known from two sites in Tarija Department, southern Bolivia ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ). The type locality (Subida de La Escalera, ~ 2000–2300 m a.s.l.) is placed on the east-faced slope of the N-S oriented mountains that delimit the Tariquía Flora and Fauna National Reserve. This area is described as having an abrupt relief, with herbaceous vegetation on higher sectors, and shrub- or woodlands of Polylepis, Alnus or Podocarpus at lower elevation and in ravines, nearly rainforest-like formations further below ( Ayarde et al. 1999). The specimens were caught on the steep walls of a stream ravine, in a humid sector with impoverished montane forest that includes arborescent ferns (P. Goloboff in litt.). The second site (Abra de La Hondura, 2700 m a.s.l.), on the west slope of the same range, is more xeric than the former. It has a similar scabrous landscape and is dominated by grasslands, especially on elevated sites; small Polylepis woodlands develop in ravines and more xerophilous vegetation in lower slopes ( Ayarde et al. 1999; P. Goloboff in litt.).


Coleccion Boliviana de Fauna














Acrographinotus tariquiae

Acosta, Luis E. 2024


Acosta, L. E. 2001: 58
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