Glyphidops (Glyphidops) bullatus (Enderlein)

Sepúlveda, Tatiana A., Wolff, Marta I. & De Carvalho, Claudio J. B., 2014, Revision of the New World genus Glyphidops Enderlein (Diptera: Neriidae), Zootaxa 3785 (2), pp. 139-174 : 142-144

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3785.2.2

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scientific name

Glyphidops (Glyphidops) bullatus (Enderlein)


1. Glyphidops (Glyphidops) bullatus (Enderlein) View in CoL

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 A–G, 14A, 17A)

Chaetomeristes bullatus Enderlein, 1922: 151 View in CoL . Type locality: Ecuador, Napo, Archidonia. HT ♂ [ZMHB]. Glyphidops bullatus View in CoL ; Hennig, 1937: 259.

Glyphidops (Glyphidops) bullatus View in CoL ; Aczél, 1961: 305.

Chaetomeristes peruanus Enderlein, 1922: 152 View in CoL . Type locality: Peru. HT ♀ [ZMHB]. New synonymy. Glyphidops peruanus View in CoL ; Hennig, 1937: 259.

Glyphidops (Glyphidops) peruanus View in CoL ; Aczél, 1961: 314.

Diagnosis. First flagellomere elliptic; arista apical, white pubescent on basal half and brown bare on distal half. Posterior notopleural and scutellar setae inserted on cylindrical tubercles, half as long as the setae. Katatergite elongate, length more than twice height. Legs brown to dark brown, slightly yellowish on distal portion. Lateral margins of abdomen not yellow nor differentiated, same color as the dorsum. Tergite 6 yellow on male and partly yellow on female.

Male. Body length 7.7–9.8 mm. Wing length 7.4–8.8 mm and width 2.1–2.6 mm. Blackish brown with head partly yellow ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 A).

Head. Moderately elongate in lateral view; dorsal length 1.5–2.1 mm and width 1.1–1.4 mm. Frontal vitta mostly black, except for short yellowish-brown anteromedial stripe and two darker, narrower stripes on lateral margins between anterior and posterior fronto-orbital setae ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 C); fronto-orbital plate black with dense white pruinescence and fronto-orbital setae same size. Postocellar spine-like seta erect; length 1.5 times transverse diameter of ocellar tubercle; inner vertical seta spine-like, slightly convergent and longer than postocellar seta; outer vertical seta spine-like, divergent and same length as inner vertical seta. Genal seta spine-like and half length of postocellar seta. Postgena narrowing towards posterior margin; ventral margin straight. Occiput black; height 1.5–2.2 times length ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 D). Antennal base black. Antenna length 60% of head length. Scape blackish brown; 0.2 mm long. Pedicel yellowish-brown and darkened on dorsal margin; 0.2–0.3 mm long; inner process of pedicel elongate, finger-like with pointed apex. First flagellomere elliptic; 0.6–0.7 mm long; length 2.0–2.3 times width. Arista apical with dense white pubescence on proximal half and brown bare on distal half.

Thorax. Pleuron blackish-brown with inconspicuous bluish reflections; thoracic setae spine-like and short. Anterior notopleural seta inconspicuous to absent. Posterior notopleural and scutellar setae equal and inserted on cylindrical tubercles half as long as the seta. Supra-alar seta subequal to postalar seta. Dorsocentral seta, half of scutellar seta length. Scutellar median yellow stripe inconspicuous or absent;scutellar seta straight, half length of scutellum and inserted on cylindrical tubercle half as long as the seta. Proepisternum with one anteroventral short seta. Katepisternal seta inserted on very small tubercle; length 60% length of scutellar seta. Katatergite length 2.3 times height. Metepimeron yellow with dorsal black spot.

Legs. Mid coxa with two lateral setae on cylindrical tubercles. Femora subshiny brown to blackish brown with apex paler to almost yellow; mid femur anteriorly with three median setae.

Wing ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 E). Basicosta with dorsal seta. Halter whitish with knob slightly darker.

Abdomen. Blackish with bluish reflections; lateral margins not yellow or differentiated, same color as the rest of the abdomen. Tergite 6 yellow. Syntergite 7+8 subshiny yellow. Epandrium yellowish-brown and dorso-apically darker and velvety ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 G, 1H).

Female. Similar to male, differs as follows: body length 7.2 mm ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 B). Wing length 7.1 mm and width 2.0 mm. Katerpisternal seta very short or absent. Fore coxa with one anterolateral small spine-like seta; lateral setae on mid and hind coxae not inserted on tubercles. Abdomen same color as male to yellowish brown. Tergite 6 yellow posteriorly. Oviscape yellow; length 1.8 times maximum width.

Comments. Chaetomeristes bullatus was described by Enderlein (1922), as the type species for the genus based on one dark male specimen from Ecuador, and C. peruanus , on the basis of only one pale female specimen from Peru. These two were considered to be different species, based on the color pattern, as well as the size and number of setae on anterior femur. In this study, new material from Colombia was examined, finding that females from Colombia share the same color pattern as male described by Enderlein (1922), with very little variation. Female from Peru share the same morphology that those females from Colombia with evident paler coloration, which along with the differences due to sexual dimorphism, may have led other authors to consider this female as a different species. That is why upon examination of type material of the two species and additional material, we conclude that C. peruanus is a junior synonym of C. bullatus , with the differences mostly due to sexual dimorphism.

Material examined. Type material. Holotype: Chaetomeristes bullatus Enderlein, 1922 (♂) ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 A). Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, R. Haensch S./ Chaetomeristes bullatus , Type, Enderlein, ♂, Dr. Enderlein det. 1921 [ ZMHB] (without left mid leg).

Holotype: Chaetomeristes peruanus Enderlein, 1922 (♀) ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 B). Peru, Coll. H. Loew/ Chaetomeristes peruanus , Type, Enderlein, ♀, Dr. Enderlein det. 1921 [ ZMHB] (without left mid leg)

Other material. COLOMBIA: 1 ♀, Risaralda, SFF Otún Quimbaya, Cuchilla camino, 4°44´N, 76°35´W, 1960m, Malaise, 11.viii-26.ix.2001, G. López (IAvH); 2 ♀, Huila, PNN Cueva de los Guacharos, Alto del mirador, 1°38´N, 76°8´W, 1800m, Malaise, 21.iii-5.iv.2002, J. Fonseca (IAvH); 2 ♂ 1 ♀, Nariño, RN La Planada, Via Hondón, 1°15´N, 78°15´W, 1930m, Malaise, 16.iv.2001, G. Oliva (IAvH).

Distribution. Colombia *, Ecuador, Peru ( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 A).
















Glyphidops (Glyphidops) bullatus (Enderlein)

Sepúlveda, Tatiana A., Wolff, Marta I. & De Carvalho, Claudio J. B. 2014

Glyphidops (Glyphidops) bullatus

Aczel 1961: 305

Glyphidops (Glyphidops) peruanus

Aczel 1961: 314

Chaetomeristes bullatus

Hennig 1937: 259
Enderlein 1922: 151

Chaetomeristes peruanus

Hennig 1937: 259
Enderlein 1922: 152
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