Neoalbatrellus odorus Yuan Y. Chen & B.K. Cui, 2017

Chen, Yuan-Yuan, Wang, Min, Zhang, Bo & Cui, Bao-Kai, 2017, Neoalbatrellus odorus sp. nov. (Albatrellaceae, Russulales) from Southwest China, Phytotaxa 309 (3), pp. 217-228 : 222-225

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.309.3.2

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scientific name

Neoalbatrellus odorus Yuan Y. Chen & B.K. Cui

sp. nov.

Neoalbatrellus odorus Yuan Y. Chen & B.K. Cui View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figs. 3a–b View FIGURE 3 , 4 View FIGURE 4 )

MycoBank no.: MB 819439

Diagnosis.—Basidiomata with deep violet to dark violet pileal surface, white pore surface and light violet to bluish violet color stipe. Hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae simple-septate, IKI–, CB–. Basidiospores broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, thick-walled, IKI–, CB–.

Type. — CHINA. Yunnan Province, Nanhua County, Sapiwu, on ground in mixed forest, 10 August 2016, Cui 14226 (Holotype, BJFC 022527!).

Etymology.— odorus (Lat.) : referring to the species with a sweet odor when fresh.

Fruitbody. —Basidiomata annual, terrestrial, centrally stipitate, pilei fused to form compound cluster, fleshy and watery, with special sweet odor when fresh, becoming fragile upon drying. Pileus more or less circular, irregularly plane or depressed, 2–7 cm in diam, and up to 0.75 cm thick at centre. Pileal surface deep violet to dark violet (18 D8-F8), viscid and smooth when fresh, becoming blackish blue (19 E8-F8), glossy and wrinkled upon drying; margin sharp, concolorous with pileal surface or slightly paler. Pore surface white when fresh, becoming cinnamon buff (5 B4-B6) upon drying; pores angular, 2–4 per mm, dissepiment thin, entire to slightly lacerate. Context white, fleshy and watery when fresh, becoming yellowish white to pale yellow (4 A2-A3), fragile to brittle upon drying, up to 0.6 cm thick. Tubes concolorous with pore surface, soft corky when fresh, becoming brittle when dry, up to 1.5 mm long. Stipe cylindrical, solid, decurrent, light violet to bluish violet (18 A4-B6), watery and fleshy when fresh, becoming brownish grey to dark brown (8 E2-F7), wrinkled and brittle upon drying, up to 4.5 cm long and 1.5 cm in diam.

Hyphal structure. —Hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae simple septate, IKI–, CB–; tissues unchanged in KOH.

Context.— Contextual hyphae colorless, thin-walled, simple septate, occasionally branched, interwoven, 3–11 μm in diam; gloeoplerous hyphae absent; hyphae at stipe similar to contextual hyphae, sometimes slightly thick-walled.

Tubes.— Tramal hyphae colorless, thin- to slightly thick-walled, simple septate, frequently branched, more or less straight and subparallel along the tubes, 3–5 μm in diam. Cystidia and cystidioles absent. Basidia clavate, with four sterigmata and a basal simple septum, 12.5–27 × 6.5–7.5 μm; basidioles in shape similar to basidia, but slightly smaller.

Spores.— Basidiospores broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, colorless, thick-walled, smooth, IKI–, CB–, (4–)4.2–5(– 5.5) × 3.5–4.2(–4.5) μm, L = 4.64 μm, W = 3.89 μm, Q = 1.19–1.2 (n = 60/2).

Other specimen examined.— CHINA. Yunnan Province, Nanhua County, Sapiwu, on ground in mixed forest, 10 August 2016, Cui 14227 (paratype, BJFC 022528!).

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