Heteropogon allionii (Lam. & DC.) Roemer & Schultes (1817: 835)

Drisya, Valiyaparambil & Pradeep, Ayilliath Kuttiyeri, 2020, On reinstating Heteropogon allionii (Poaceae: Panicoideae), Phytotaxa 429 (2), pp. 157-166 : 158

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.429.2.6



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scientific name

Heteropogon allionii (Lam. & DC.) Roemer & Schultes (1817: 835)


Heteropogon allionii (Lam. & DC.) Roemer & Schultes (1817: 835) View in CoL . ( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 & 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Andropogon allionii Lamarck & Candolle (1805: 97) View in CoL , based on “ Andropogon contortum All. Ped. n. 2277. t. 91. f. 4. excl. syn.” Andropogon contortum Allioni (1785: 260) , nom. illeg. hom. non Andropogon contortus Linnaeus (1753: 1045) View in CoL .

Heteropogon glaber Persoon (1807: 533) View in CoL , nom. illeg. superfl; based on Andropogon allionii Lamarck & de Candolle (1805: 97) View in CoL . Holotype:— Andropogon contortum Allioni (1785: Tab. 91. f. 4).

Perennial, 60–80 cm high. Lower nodes glabrous, younger ones villous; internodes 2–5.5 cm long. Leaf sheath 3–6 cm long, greenish, covers more than one internodes (usually 2), longer than internodes; blade 18–24 × 0.3–0.6 cm, adaxial surface scabridulous-papillose, abaxial surface papillose. Ligule membranous. Inflorescence 4–5 cm long, glabrous, 1–3 spikes arising from a spathe. Peduncle 6–10 cm long. Spikelets in the lower half male, 5–12 pairs. Lower sessile spikelet 9–9.5 × ca. 1 mm, elliptic-narrowly elliptic. Lower glume 8–9 × ca. 1 mm, narrowly elliptic, chartaceous, glabrous, rarely with few tubercle based hairs on dorsal surface near lateral keels, many nerved, nerves nearly 20 or more, faint. Upper glume 7–8 × ca. 1 mm, narrowly elliptic-cymbiform, membranous, 3-nerved. Florets 2, both epaleate; lower floret empty; upper floret male. Lower lemma 6–7 × 0.8–1 mm, narrowly elliptic-cymbiform, membranous, 1-nerved. Upper lemma 5.5–6 × 0.5–1 mm, narrowly elliptic-linear, membranous, apex acute, margins towards upper half infolded, 1-nerved. Stamens 3. Lodicules 2. Lower pedicelled spikelet, 7–10 × 1–2 mm. Pedicel 1–2 mm long. Lower glume 7–9 × 1–2 mm, elliptic-narrowly elliptic, chartaceous, glabrous, many nerved, nerves 12 or more, faint. Upper glume 7–9 × ca. 1 mm (when folded), narrowly elliptic, chartaceous, apex acuminate, glabrous except keel and margins, 3-nerved. Florets 2, both epaleate; lower floret empty; upper floret male. Lower lemma 6–7 × 0.8–1 mm, narrowly elliptic-cymbiform, membranous, 1-nerved. Upper lemma 5–6.5 × 0.5–1 mm, narrowly elliptic-cymbiform, membranous, apex acute-obtuse, 1-nerved. Stamens 3. Lodicules 2. Spikelets in the upper half 4–7 pairs. Callus pungent. Upper sessile spikelet 5–6 × ca. 1 mm, awned. Lower glume 5–6 × ca. 0.8 mm, narrowly ovate, coriaceous, dark brownish, dorsal surface densely scabrous-scabridulous, ventral surface glabrous, 4–5-nerved. Upper glume 5–6 × ca. 0.5 mm, oblong, cartilaginous, brownish, dorsal surface scabrous on median hump, ventral surface glabrous, margins incurved, pale brownish-hyaline, 4-nerved. Florets 2, both epaleate; lower floret empty; upper floret female. Lower lemma 3–4 × 0.5–1 mm, narrowly ovate-narrowly elliptic, membranous. Upper lemma reduced to hyaline base of the awn, 2–3.5 mm long. Awn 7–7.5 cm long, geniculate, brownish, scabrous. Ovary 1–1.5 × 0.4–0.8 mm, narrowly ovate; style 2, 1–4 mm long; stigma 2, 2–6 mm long, feathery. Stamens not seen. Upper pedicelled spikelet 10–13 × ca. 2 mm, male. Pedicel 1.5–2 mm long. Lower glume 10–10.5 × ca. 2 mm, narrowly ovate, coriaceous, greenish with a pinkish tinge, glabrous, 12–14-nerved. Upper glume 9–11 × ca. 1 mm, narrowly ovate-narrowly elliptic, cymbiform, chartaceous, glabrous, 3-nerved. Florets 2, both epaleate; lower floret empty; upper floret male. Lower lemma 6–7 × ca. 1 mm, narrowly elliptic-linear, membranous, glabrous, 1-nerved. Upper lemma 5– 6 × 0.5–1 mm, narrowly obovate-linear, membranous, glabrous, apex obtuse or aristate, arista small, hyaline, ca. 0.2 mm long, 1-nerved. Stamens 3. Lodicules 2. Caryopsis ca. 4 × ca. 0.8 mm, oblong, ventral surface 2-grooved, dorsal surface striated (formed by the foldings of glumes), stigma persistent.

Flowering and fruiting:— October–March

Distribution and habitat:— Distributed in Western Europe, South Africa, Mexico and India ( Roemer & Schultes 1817). In India, Western Ghats of South India. Collected from Shola grasslands of Eravikulam National Park, Kerala. It has not found growing along with H. contortus .

Specimens examined:— INDIA. Kerala: Idukki district, Munnar, Eravikulam National Park , Near Lakkam Kudi , 10.197916 ° N and 77.11514 ° E, 6 February 2018, V. Drisya & A. K. Pradeep 157833, Ibid., 1 January 2019, V. Drisya & A. K. Pradeep 168737 (CALI!) GoogleMaps ; Lakkam Kurisumala top, 1 January 2019, V. Drisya & A. K. Pradeep 168751 (CALI!) ; on the way to Bheemanoda , 6 January 2019, V. Drisya & A. K. Pradeep 170124 (CALI!) . ITALY. Palermo, Peregrino Monte , October, Todaro s.n. (CAL!) ; Palermo, Peregrino Monte, October , Todaro s.n. (CAL!) . SOUTH AFRICA. Central Karoo, District of Albert , Kraam Berg?, s.d., T. Cooper 1366 (CAL!) . SWITZERLAND. Friburgensi-Helvetia , August 1899, F. Castella s.n. (CAL!) .

Conservation status:— Least Concern (LC). Conservation status of H. allionii is given by a rapid assessment method using GeoCAT (2011).














Heteropogon allionii (Lam. & DC.) Roemer & Schultes (1817: 835)

Drisya, Valiyaparambil & Pradeep, Ayilliath Kuttiyeri 2020

Heteropogon allionii (Lam. & DC.)

Roemer, J. J. & Schultes, J. A. 1817: )

Heteropogon glaber

Persoon, C. H. 1807: )
Lamarck, J. B. A. P. de & de Candolle, A. P. 1805: )

Andropogon allionii Lamarck & Candolle (1805: 97)

Lamarck, J. B. A. P. de & de Candolle, A. P. 1805: )
Linnaeus, C. 1753: )
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