Hypogena depressa ( Champion, 1886 )

Grey, Luna & Smith, Aaron D., 2020, A matrix-based revision of the genus Hypogena Dejean, 1834 (Coleoptera Tenebrionidae), Zootaxa 4780 (2), pp. 201-258 : 235-238

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4780.2.1

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scientific name

Hypogena depressa ( Champion, 1886 )


Hypogena depressa ( Champion, 1886)

( Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 , 25 View FIGURE 25 , 26 View FIGURE 26 )

Ulosonia depressa Champion 1886: 164 .

Type Material: LECTOTYPE (male) labeled: (a) Cuernavaca (b) “ Mexico / Salle Coll.”; (c) “Godman-Salvin / Coll. Biol. / Centr.-Amer.”; (d) on grey paper “1899”; (e) “Ulosonia ♂ / depressa Ch. ”; (f) on blue paper “Tenebrionid Base / Aaron D. Smith / Catalog # 19609” (g) “ LECTOTYPE / Hypogena / depressa / Grey & Smith, 2020” Designated here. ( BMNH, Fig. 25 View FIGURE 25 ). Champion did not designate a holotype for this species, so in order to maintain the taxonomic concept for this species a lectotype is designated from Champion’s syntype series.

Additional material examined: (82 males, 99 females): BAHAMAS: 22 males, 28 females. TB# 17811- 17812, 19280-19282, 19313-19317, 19379-19380, 19387-19393, 19745-19756, 19773-19788; mx_id 47107 ( NMNH); TB# 21771-21772 View Materials ( NMNH) . BRAZIL: Pará: 1 female. TB# 21130 ( BMNH) . COSTA RICA: 3 males, 2 females. TB# 20132-20133 ( NMNH); TB# 20031 View Materials ( EMEC); TB# 20131 About EMEC , 20162 About EMEC ( CASC) . COSTA RICA: Guanacaste: 9 males, 8 females. TB# 19520-19522, 19525, 20028, 20065-20068, 20120 ( EMEC); TB# 20069 About EMEC , 20107 About EMEC , 20121-20122 About EMEC ( CASC); TB# 20304-20306 ( CAS) . COSTA RICA: San José: 2 males. TB# 20032, 21125 ( NMNH) . CUBA: 2 males, 8 females. TB# 19855-19857 ( NMNH); TB# 19758 View Materials , 21124 View Materials ( CASC); TB# 20928-20932 ( NMPC) . GUATEMALA: 1 male. TB# 21123 ( NMNH) . GUATEMALA: Zacapa: 1 female. TB# 15682 ( ADSC) . HONDU- RAS: 3 females. TB# 21122 ( EMEC); TB# 20029 About EMEC , 21119 About EMEC ( NMNH) . HONDURAS: Comayagua: 1 female. TB# 20030 ( EMEC) . JAMAICA: 1 male, 3 females. TB# 19757, 19858, 20130, 21117 ( NMNH) . MEXICO: 7 males, 11 females. TB# 19405, 19526 ( NMNH); TB# 19394 View Materials , 19863 View Materials ( EMEC); TB# 19403 About EMEC , 19527 About EMEC , 19759 About EMEC , 19862 About EMEC , 20127 About EMEC , 21120 About EMEC ( CASC); TB# 17956 , 19404 ( NHMB); TB# 17965 View Materials , 21775 View Materials ( CAS); TB# 21127 About CAS , 21129 About CAS , 21131 About CAS ( BMNH); TB# 21121 ( RLAC) . MEXICO: Baja California Norte : 4 females. TB# 20126 ( NMNH); TB# 20123-20125 View Materials ( NMNH) . MEXICO: Baja California Sur: 1 female. TB# 21309 ( CASC) . MEXICO: Nayarit: 7 males, 5 females. TB# 19524 ( NMNH); TB# 19523 View Materials , 19528 View Materials , 20027 View Materials , 20053-20057 View Materials , 20101 View Materials ( CASC); TB# 21776 ( EMEC); TB# 21126 About EMEC ( NABF) . MEXICO: Oaxaca: 3 males, 7 females. TB# 20129 ( CASC); TB# 21773 ( CAS); TB# 20058-20064 About CAS ( EMEC); TB# 21774 About EMEC (unknown) . MEXICO: Puebla: 3 males. TB# 19864 ( NMNH); TB# 19518-19519 View Materials ( TAMU) . MEXICO: Sinaloa: 3 males, 2 females. TB# 20102-20106 ( CASC) . MEXICO: Veracruz: 1 male. TB# 20128 ( EMEC) . USA: 1 male. TB# 21118 ( NABF) . USA: Arizona: 1 male. TB# 21315 ( NABF) . USA: New Mexico: Socorro Co.: 11 males, 10 females. TB# 19859-19860, 20026, 20033-20050 ( CASC) . USA: Texas: 1 female. TB# 19861 ( EMEC) . country not specified: 4 males, 3 females. TB# 19402, 19529 ( NMNH); TB# 19653 View Materials ( NHMB); TB# 18509 View Materials ( CASC); TB# 19608 , 21128 , 21132 ( BMNH) .

Diagnosis: This species is very similar to H. tricornis in size and form. The horns, while similar to those of H. tricornis but not as long. The puncturing on the pronotum in both the male and female are of two sizes. The coarse punctures are not concentrated only on the disc and can be found throughout the pronotum. The lateral portions of the pronotum are gradually raised to form the disc. The hypomeron is laterally rugulose, but not punctate. Most of the character states are the same in the female, except the presence of the horns ( Fig. 25 View FIGURE 25 ).

Redescription: Male. Size: 8—9 mm; 2—3 mm.

Head. Clypeal horn long; thin (4:1; 5:1); twice as thick as supraorbital horn (7:2); produced perpendicularly to head (8:1); finely punctate (9:1). Supraorbital horns long (10:1; 11:1); produced forward (13:0); bent slightly inwards (12:1). finely punctate 15:1). Anterior corners of clypeus rounded (29:1). Puncturing on vertex and frons smaller than eye facet (26:1; 28:1). Third antennomere same size as fourth and more than 1.5 times size of second (18:0; 19:2). Antennae with stellate sensoria (22:0). Gena not extending laterally past eye (36:0). Mentum trapezoidal and lightly setose (40:0;41:1). Labrum fully setose (39:1). Groove on mandible continuing to connection point on cranium (44:1).

Thorax. Pronotal puncturing biordinal in size (54:1); numerous coarse punctures scattered across pronotum (57:2). Lateral portions of pronotum gradually raised to form disc. From lateral view, pronotum not arched (58:0). Lateral margins of pronotum subparallel (61:1). Lateral edge of pronotum expanded wider than diameter of one coarse puncture (62:2). Pronotum narrowest anteriorly (59:1). Anterior portion of pronotum reaching middle of eye, but not past middle of eye (63:1). Hypomeron laterally rugulose and not punctate (75:2). Row of cuticular teeth present on posterior edge of metasternum (77:1). Mesepisternum punctate; punctures smaller than eye facets and less than one diameter from each other (71:1). Prosternum punctate; punctures smaller than eye facets (67:1); separated by more than one diameter (68:0); not bearing setae (66:0). Elytra striate (46:1); punctate (47:1); punctures farther than one diameter from each other (48:1). Elytral interstices convex and punctate (49:1); punctures larger than one fourth of strial puncture size (50:0); mostly more than one diameter from each other (51:1).

Legs. Tarsi pubescent. Protarsal outgrowths present on proximal two tarsomeres (86:1). Tibia bearing two apical spurs (85:1). More than seven socketed spines on distal half of lateral edge of protibial (81:1; 82:1). Medial marginal spines on tibia absent (83:0). Apex of tibiae bearing brush of setae (84:1).

Abdomen. First three abdominal sternites laterally rugulose (89:1; 90:1; 91:1), coarsely punctate with setae arising from punctures (94:2); remaining two abdominal sternites finely punctate.

Female. Similar to male, except as follows: Intraocular space raised and extending transversely inwards (23:2); intraocular space impinging on eye (24:1). Puncturing on vertex and frons as large or larger than eye facet (25:2; 27:2). Punctures on clypeus smaller than eye facet and spread evenly across clypeus (31:1; 32:2). Clypeus tumid (33:1).

Distribution ( Fig. 26 View FIGURE 26 ): Brazil (Pará), Guatemala (Zacapa), Honduras (Comayagua), USA (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona), Costa Rica (San José, Guanacaste), Jamaica, Bahamas, Cuba, Mexico (Baja California, Nayarit, Veracruz, Sinaloa, Oaxaca, Puebla).


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Hypogena depressa ( Champion, 1886 )

Grey, Luna & Smith, Aaron D. 2020


Champion, G. C. 1886: 164
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