Hypogena tricornis ( Dalman, 1823 )

Grey, Luna & Smith, Aaron D., 2020, A matrix-based revision of the genus Hypogena Dejean, 1834 (Coleoptera Tenebrionidae), Zootaxa 4780 (2), pp. 201-258 : 249-252

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4780.2.1

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scientific name

Hypogena tricornis ( Dalman, 1823 )


Hypogena tricornis ( Dalman, 1823)

( Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 , 3 View FIGURE 3 , 4 View FIGURE 4 , 5 View FIGURE 5 , 36 View FIGURE 36 , 37 View FIGURE 37 )

Phaleria tricornis Dalman, 1823: 59 .

= Ulosonia tricornis Laporte, 1840: 220 . (Synonymy in Spilman 1973:42).

Type Material: LECTOTYPE (male) labeled: (a) “ Jamaica / Wellfelt ?”; (b) “ ♂ ”; (c) “NHRS-JLKB 000027279” ( NHRS), designated here . PARALECTOTYPE (female) labeled: (a) “ Jamaica / Wellfelt?”; (b) “ ♀ ”; (c) “NHRS- JLKB 000027280” ( NHRS), designated here. (See Fig. 36 View FIGURE 36 ). This image was taken by Dr. Johannes Bergsten at The Swedish Museum of Natural History .

Additional material examined: (3 unknowns, 137 females, 140 males, 5 sex unknowns): BELIZE: 1 female, 2 males. TB# 15354, 19634 ( NMNH); TB# 20281 View Materials ( BMNH) . COLOMBIA: 1 female, 1 male. TB# 20257-20258 ( BMNH) . COSTA RICA: 2 females, 5 males. TB# 15341, 19674, 19676-19677 ( NMNH); TB# 15319-15320 View Materials ( CASC); TB# 19683 ( EMEC) . COSTA RICA: Guanacaste: 1 male. TB# 15323 ( FSCA) . COSTA RICA: Heredia: 1 male. TB# 19675 ( NMNH) . CUBA: 2 females, 2 males. TB# 15359 ( NMNH); TB# 20861 View Materials , 20864-20865 View Materials ( NMPC) . ECUADOR: Guayas: 1 male. TB# 20235 ( KKIC) . EL SALVADOR: 2 females, 3 males. TB# 19643-19647 ( NMNH) . EL SALVADOR: San Salvador: 1 female, 2 males. TB# 19631, 19633, 19648 ( CASC) . GUATEMALA: 2 females, 1 male, 1 sex unknown. TB# 20863 ( NMNH); TB# 16884 View Materials , 20849 View Materials ( ADSC); TB# 20282 ( BMNH) . GUATEMALA: Escuintla: 1 male. TB# 15356 ( NHMB) . GUATEMALA: Petén: 1 female. TB# 20280 ( BMNH) . MEXICO: 15 females, 12 males. TB# 19658, 20209-20211 ( NMNH); TB# 20180-20184 View Materials , 20188 View Materials , 20236 View Materials , 20245 View Materials , 20284 View Materials ( NHMB); TB# 21363-21364 View Materials ( NMNH); TB# 20283 View Materials , 20862 View Materials , 20866-20868 View Materials , 20870 View Materials , 20872-20873 View Materials , 20876-20877 View Materials , 21335 View Materials ( BMNH); TB# 15313 ( EMEC) . MEXICO: Baja California Sur: 2 females. TB# 15317-15318 ( EMEC) . MEXICO: Chiapas: 3 males, 1 sex unknown. TB# 20172, 20296 ( CASC); TB# 15680 ( ADSC); TB# 19642 ( EMEC) . MEXICO: Nayarit: 1 female. TB# 19678 ( CASC) . MEXICO: Nuevo León: 2 females, 1 male. TB# 19616-19618 ( EMEC) . MEXICO: Oaxaca: 1 male. TB# 21336 ( BMNH) . MEXICO: Puebla: 2 females. TB# 20195-20196 ( EMEC) . MEXICO: San Luis Potosi: 5 females, 4 males. TB# 19681 ( CASC); TB# 15377 , 20189-20193 , 20286 , 20293 ( EMEC) . MEXICO: Sonora: 1 female. TB# 20279 ( BMNH) . MEXICO: Tamaulipas: 1 female, 3 males. TB# 19680 ( EMEC); TB# 15378 About EMEC , 20173-20174 About EMEC ( UCDC) . MEXICO: Veracruz: 27 females, 38 males. TB# 19655, 19659, 20168-20170, 20259-20261 ( NMNH); TB# 15379-15402 View Materials , 20163-20165 View Materials , 20227 View Materials ( NHMB); TB# 20262-20270 View Materials , 20278 View Materials ( BMNH); TB# 15314 , 20176-20179 , 20186-20187 , 20194 , 20197-20200 , 20285 , 20287-20291 ( EMEC); TB# 15324 About EMEC ( FSCA) . MEXICO: Yucatán: 1 unknown, 2 females. TB# 20272-20274 ( BMNH) . PANAMA: Panama: 1 male. TB# 15351 ( CASC) . TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: 1 female. TB# 20869 ( BMNH) . UNITED KINGDOM: Cayman Islands : 2 females, 1 male. TB# 15329-15331 ( FSCA) . USA: Florida: 1 female, 2 males. TB# 15375 ( NMNH); TB# 15355 View Materials ( NMNH); TB# 19684 View Materials ( FSCA) . USA: Florida: Dade Co.: 1 unknown, 2 females, 1 male. TB# 15337-15340 ( FSCA) . USA: Florida: St. Lucie Co.: 1 male. TB# 15328 ( FSCA) . USA: Texas: 4 females, 3 males. TB# 19641 ( CASC); TB# 19639-19640 , 20230-20231 ( NMNH); TB# 19632 View Materials (unknown); TB# 15332 ( FSCA) . USA: Texas: Austin Co.: 1 female. TB# 20239 ( ADSC) . USA: Texas: Bexar Co.: 5 females, 2 males. TB# 20237 ( TAMU); TB# 15348 , 15360 , 20223 , 20238 ( EMEC); TB# 15325-15326 About EMEC ( FSCA) . USA: Texas: Cameron Co.: 1 unknown, 10 females, 5 males. TB# 19635-19636, 20229, 20241 ( NMNH); TB# 15342-15346 View Materials , 20212-20213 View Materials , 20233 View Materials ( TAMU); TB# 15321-15322 , 19685-19686 ( FSCA) . USA: Texas: Comal Co.: 1 male. TB# 19638 ( RLAC) . USA: Texas: Hidalgo Co.: 12 females, 12 males, 3 sex unknowns. TB# 15357, 15361-15368, 15370-15374, 20218-20222, 20226, 20228, 20244, 20292 ( NMNH); TB# 20232 View Materials , 20234 View Materials ( TAMU); TB# 20216-20217 ( ADSC) . USA: Texas: San Patricio Co.: 1 female, 1 male. TB# 20224-20225 ( TAMU) . USA: Texas: Starr Co.: 1 female, 2 males. TB# 20240 ( NMNH); TB# 20214-20215 View Materials ( ADSC) . USA: Texas: Victoria Co.: 3 females, 1 male. TB# 19627, 20242-20243, 20295 ( NMNH) . VENEZUELA: Bolívar: 1 male. TB# 19679 ( RLAC) . VENEZUELA: Zulia: 1 female. TB# 19682 ( NMNH) . country not specified: 23 females, 24 males. TB# 20185 ( CASC); TB# 15316 , 15347 , 15349 , 15352 , 15358 , 15376 , 19610-19614 , 19626 , 19628 , 19637 , 20171 , 20175 , 20246-20250 , 29628 ( NMNH); TB# 19624-19625 View Materials (unknown); TB# 15350 ( NHMB); TB# 20874 View Materials ( NMNH); TB# 20251-20256 View Materials , 20271 View Materials , 20275-20277 View Materials , 20858-20860 View Materials , 20871 View Materials , 20875 View Materials , 21180 View Materials , 21337 View Materials ( BMNH); TB# 15315 , 20294 ( EMEC); TB# 15327 About EMEC ( FSCA) .

Diagnosis: The male of this species can be readily identified by the three long, thin, erect horns that are placed between the eyes and on the clypeus. The horns are equal in length and thickness. This species is also distinctive in the coarse punctures on the pronotum are almost always closely concentrated in the center of the disc. The female is similar in all respects, except that the horns are not present and the frons is more punctate ( Fig. 36 View FIGURE 36 ).

Redescription: Male. Size: 7—8 mm; 2—3 mm.

Head. Clypeal horn long, thin (4:1; 5:1); not emarginated (6:0); equal in thickness to one supraorbital horn (7:1); equal in length to supraorbital horns; produced perpendicular to head (8:1); not curved; finely punctate (9:1). Supraorbital horns long, thin (10:1; 11:1); bent slightly inwards (12:1); produced perpendicular to head (13:1); not curved forward (14:0); finely punctate (15:1). Antennae with stellate sensoria (22:0); third antennomere same size and fourth and more than 1.5 times size of second (18:0; 19:2). Vertex and frons of male almost smooth (26:0; 28:0). Anterior edge of clypeus flat with corners rounded (29:1). Mentum trapezoidal, flat, punctate and lightly setose

(40:0; 43:0; 42:1; 41:1). Labrum fully setose (39:1). Groove on mandible present, continuing to connection point to cranium (44:1).

Thorax. Pronotum with puncturing biordinal in size (54:1); coarse punctures concentrated primarily on disc (57:1). Lateral margins of pronotum subparallel (61:1). Marginal edges of pronotum expanded more than one coarse puncture’s diameter (62:2). Anterior edge of pronotum reaching middle of eye, but not past middle of eye (63:1). Short setae on prosternum arising from punctures (70:1); puncturing on prosternum smaller than one eye facet (67:1); prosternal punctures separated by less than one diameter (68:1). Hypomeron laterally rugulose (75:2). Mesepisternum punctate; punctures smaller than eye facets (71: 1); separated by more than one diameter (72:0); not setose (73:0). Row of cuticular teeth present on posterior edge of metasternum (77:1). Elytra striate and punctate (46:1; 47:1); punctures separated by less than one diameter (48:0). Elytral interstices convex and punctate (49:1); punctures larger than one fourth of strial puncture size (50:0); separated by more than one diameter (51:1).

Legs. Tarsi pubescent. Cuticular outgrowths present of proximal two protarsomeres (86:1). On lateral edge of protibia, seven or more socketed spines on distal third of protibial (81:1; 82:0). Medial edge of protibial with entire length (83:1). Apex of protibia bearing brush of setae (84:1).

Abdomen. First three visible abdominal segments laterally rugulose (89:1; 90:1; 91:1); fourth and fifth abdominal sternites punctate. All abdominal segments setose (94:3); setae arising from punctures.

Female. Similar to male, except as follows: Intraocular space raised and extending transversely inwards (23:2); intraocular space impinging on eye (24:1). Punctures of vertex and frons smaller than eye facet (25:2; 27:2). Clypeal punctures smaller than one eye facet spread evenly across clypeus (31;1; 32:2). Clypeus tumid (33:1).

Distribution ( Fig. 37 View FIGURE 37 ): Cuba, Trinidad, Mexico (Chiapas, Nuevo León, Yucatan, San Luis Potosi, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Sonora, Puebla, Baja California Sur, Oaxaca, Nayarit), Belize, Panama ( Panama), Venezuela (Bolivar, Zulia), Columbia, Ecuador (Guayas), Cayman Islands, Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Heredia), El Salvador (San Salvador), USA (Texas, Florida), Guatemala (Escuintla, Petén). The type material is from Jamaica.


Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Essig Museum of Entomology


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


National Museum Prague


Natural History Museum Bucharest


R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology


Texas A&M University














Hypogena tricornis ( Dalman, 1823 )

Grey, Luna & Smith, Aaron D. 2020

Phaleria tricornis

Dalman, J. W. 1823: 59
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