Omorfia, Monné & Botero & Olivier & Santos-Silva, 2024

Monné, Miguel A., Botero, Juan Pablo, Olivier, Renan Da Silva & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2024, South American Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae): new species, synonymy, description of females, and notes, Zootaxa 5519 (3), pp. 345-383 : 357-359

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5519.3.2

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Omorfia gen. nov.

( Figs 32–38 View FIGURES 32–38 )

Type species: Nyssodrys geometrica Tippmann, 1960 View in CoL , here designated.

Etymology. Greek, ομορφιά (omorfiá), meaning “beauty;” alluding to the general appearance of the type species. Feminine gender.

Description. Small-sized; body slightly convex and slender ( Figs 32, 37 View FIGURES 32–38 ). Head elongated behind eyes ( Figs 32, 37 View FIGURES 32–38 ), not retractile ( Figs 33, 38 View FIGURES 32–38 ). Frons ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 32–38 ) transverse. Upper eye lobes narrow; distance between larger than three times width of one upper lobe ( Figs 32, 37 View FIGURES 32–38 ). Lower eye lobes ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 32–38 ) distinctly longer than genae. Antennae ( Figs 32, 37 View FIGURES 32–38 ) 11-segmented, distinctly longer than body in both sexes, but shorter than twice elytral length; scape subcylindrical, not reaching posterior margin of prothorax, without apical cicatrix or modifications; antennomeres III–XI cylindrical; without tuft of setae or modifications on some of them. Prothorax ( Figs 32, 37 View FIGURES 32–38 ) wider than long (including the lateral tubercles of prothorax); anterior constriction narrow, well marked; sides rounded close to anterior constriction, divergent toward lateral tubercles, distinctly narrowed between lateral tubercles and posterolateral angles; lateral tubercles ( Figs 32, 37 View FIGURES 32–38 ) located on posterior quarter, large, conical, with acute apex not or slightly directed backward. Pronotum ( Figs 32, 37 View FIGURES 32–38 ) not tuberculate, slightly convex, in lateral view slightly inclined toward posterior margin from anterior third; sides of posterior third depressed; abundantly, coarsely punctate, punctures close to posterior margin not following toward sides of prothorax. Prosternal process ( Figs 33, 38 View FIGURES 32–38 ) distinctly narrow centrally, with the narrowest area about 1/7 procoxal width. Mesoventral process parallel-sided from anterior third in male ( Fig. 33 View FIGURES 32–38 ), slightly convergent in female ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 32–38 ); apex truncate; apex about 1/3 mesocoxal width. Elytra without erect setae; humeri not projected, rounded; subparallel-sided on anterior half, slightly toward apex on posterior half; apex individually rounded; without centrobasal crest, distinct humeral carina, and dorsal carinae; somewhat abundantly and coarsely, punctures sparser form middle. Profemora fusiform; meso- and metafemora pedunculate-clavate; metafemoral club less swollen than mesofemoral club; apex of metafemora not reaching elytral apex. Protibiae with apical spurs; apical third of meso- and metatibiae ( Figs 32–34, 36–38 View FIGURES 32–38 ) excavated dorsally, more distinctly in lateral view; with dense fringe of moderately long, erect, thick setae on excavated area. Protarsomeres II–III distinctly widened ( Figs 32, 33, 38 View FIGURES 32–38 ); metatarsomere I ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 32–38 ) slightly longer than II–III together. Ventrite 5 in male strongly concave centrally ( Fig. 33 View FIGURES 32–38 ); in female ( Fig. 38 View FIGURES 32–38 ) V-shaped emarginate apically.

Included species. Omorfia geometrica (Tippmann, 1960) .

Material examined. BOLIVIA, El Beni: Yacuma , 1 male, 15.X.1988, Guerra leg. ( MZSP) . Santa Cruz: Buena Vista (Hotel Flora & Fauna), 1 male, 14–20.XI.2008, Galileo, Vanin & Martins leg. ( MZSP) ; 1 female, 23.XI.2008, Clarke leg. ( MZSP) .

Remarks. Omorfia gen. nov. is similar to Allocrus Santos-Silva & Monné, 2023 , but differs as follows: lateral tubercles of prothorax large; pronotum abundantly but not densely punctate; mesoventral process distinctly wider than mesoventral process; outer apical angle of elytra rounded; meso- and metatibiae not distinctly pedunculate; and tuft of erect setae on meso- and metatibiae not reaching apex. In Allocrus , the lateral tubercles of the prothorax are small, the pronotum is densely punctate, mesoventral process slightly wider than prosternal process, outer apical angle of elytra triangularly projected, meso- and metatibiae pedunculate-clavate, and the tuft of erect setae on meso- and metatibiae reaching apex. It differs from Pseudolepturges Gilmour, 1957 , by the large lateral tubercles of the prothorax (smaller in Pseudolepturges ), and by the punctures close to the posterior margin of the pronotum not following toward sides of the prothorax (following toward sides of the prothorax in Pseudolepturges ). The new genus differs from Eucharitolus by the antennae much shorter than twice the elytral length in both sexes (distinctly longer than twice the elytral length in Eucharitolus ), meso- and metatibiae are strongly excavated dorsally on apical third, and have dense fringe of thick setae on this area (only the mesotibiae are excavated dorsally, but this area is far from the apex, and only the mesotibiae have dense erect setae dorsally, but the setae are restricted to the short dorsal sulcus), and the metatarsomere I is much shorter and thicker (distinctly longer and slender in Eucharitolus ).

Omorfia gen. nov. can be included in the alternative of couplet “51” from Monné et al. (2020b), already including Allocrus :

51(49). Mesoventral process very narrow, usually narrower than 1/4 of the width of mesocoxal cavity......................51’

- Mesoventral process at least as wide as 1/3 the width of mesocoxal cavity...................................... 52

51’(51). Apical region of metatibiae not excavated and without fringe of erect setae dorsally……………...………………………... Lepturges (Lepturges) Bates, 1863 (part)

- Apical region of metatibiae excavated and with dense fringe of erect setae dorsally.............................. 51”

51”(51’). Lateral tubercles of prothorax small; protibiae without apical spurs.............. Allocrus Santos-Silva & Monné, 2023

- Lateral tubercles of prothorax large; protibiae with apical spurs.................................. Omorfia gen. nov.


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo











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