Acalitus cracens, Flechtmann, Carlos H. W. & Etienne, Jean, 2005

Flechtmann, Carlos H. W. & Etienne, Jean, 2005, On plant mites from Guadeloupe, with descriptions of four new species of Eriophyidae, Zootaxa 1046, pp. 55-68 : 57-59

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scientific name

Acalitus cracens

sp. nov.

Acalitus cracens n.sp. ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 )

Diagnosis­ Empodium 6­rayed; prodorsal shield richly ornamented, with median, admedian and several broken submedian lines and lateral granulations; epigynum densily granular basally and granules running out into longitudinal dashes distally.

Female (n = 6) ­Body vermiform, 149(135–158), 43 (41–44) wide. Gnathosoma: basal seta 3 (3–4); antapical seta not seen. Prodorsal shield 22 (19–23), 31 (28–31) wide, with a small, rounded frontal lobe. Shield design consisting of complete median and admedian lines, several broken submedian lines and lateral granules. Shield tubercles on rear shield margin, 15 (15–17) apart, directing scapular seta (sc) backwards, slightly divergently; setae 18 (18–20) long, extending over 12–13 dorsoopisthosomal annuli. Legs: missing tibial and femoral seta I. Leg I 19 (18–20); femur 7 (6–7), with a ventral transverse line, extending half way around segment; genu 4(4), genual seta (l") 14 (12– 15); tibia shortened, 4 (4); tarsus 5 (5), dorsal seta (ft') 11 (7–11), lateral seta (ft") 13 (12– 16), unguinal seta (u') 3 (3), solenidion 5 (5–6), empodium 4 (4–5), 6­rayed. Leg II 17 (17– 18); femur 7 (6–7), with transverse line as in femur I, bv 6 (6–9); genu 3 (3), l" 5 (5–8); tibia 3 (3); tarsus 3 (3–4), ft' 5 (4–5), ft" 17 (14–17), u' 3 (3–4), solenidion 7 (7), empodium 4 (4–5), 6­rayed. Coxigenital area: coxae I granular, sternal line missing; coxae II anteriorly with a few granules, posteriorly smooth. Coxal seta I (1b) 7 (6–7), 6 (6) apart; coxal seta II (1a) 15 (11–15), 9 (9–10) apart; coxal seta III (2a) 22 (20–25), 16 (16–18) apart. Coxisternal area with 3 (3–4) annuli, microtuberculate near genitalia and anteriorly smooth. Genitalia 18 (17–19) wide, 11 (9–11) long; genital seta (3a) 6 (6–9). Epigynum basally granular and distally elongate granules resembling short dashes. Opisthosoma evenly arched in cross section. Lateral seta (c2) 14 (13–16), on annulus 5 (3–5) counting from genitalia rear margin. Ventral seta I (d) 28 (26–29), 33 (31–34) apart, on annulus 15 (14–15); ventral seta II (e) 24 (22–26), 18 (17–21) apart, on annulus 30 (28–31); ventral seta III (f) 13 (13–14), 11 (10–11) apart, on annulus 50 (46–51) or 6th from rear. Total ventral annuli 55 (51–56), microtuberculate; total dorsal annuli 63 (61–67), microtuberculate,the caudal 13 (13–16) dorsal annuli broader. Caudal seta (h2) 26 (26–30); accessory seta (h1) minute.

Male (n = 3)­Smaller than female, 118–150, 38–43 wide. Gnathosoma: basal seta 3, antapical seta not seen; chelicera 9–11. Prodorsal shield 18–22, 31–32 wide, sc 17–18, 14–16 apart. Legs: leg I 17–18; femur 5–7, bv missing; genu 3, l" 12–13; tibia 3, l' missing; tarsus 5, ft' 7–10, ft" 13–15, u' 3, solenidion 4–5, empodium 4–5, 6­rayed. Leg II 14–16; femur 4–6, bv 5–6; genu 3, l" 8; tibia 3; tarsus 4, ft' 4, ft" 14–15, u' 3, solenidion 6–7, empodium 4–5, 6­rayed. Coxigenital area: 1b 6–7, 6 apart; 1a 11–12, 8–9 apart; 2a 15–20, 15–16 apart; coxisternal area with 2 annuli. Genitalia 14–15 wide, 9–10 long, basally granular, distally smooth; 3a 5–7. Opisthosoma: c 2 12–13, on annulus 2; d 23–24, 26–28 apart, on annulus 11–14; e 18–20, 17–18 apart, on annulus 25–30; f 13–14, 10 apart, on annulus 44–51 or 6–7th from rear. Total ventral annuli 50–56; total dorsal annuli 60–61, the caudal dorsal 13–16 annuli broader; h 2 22–23; h1 minute.

Type material — female holotype, 37 female, 3 male paratypes, from Turnera subulata Smith , Turneraceae, Ravine Chaude, Lamentin , Guadeloupe, 19 Sept. 2004, coll. J. Etienne, on seven microscopic preparations.

Relation to host — Vagrant on leaves.

Etymology — The specific designation cracens, Latin , meaning neat, refers to the clear ornamentation of the prodorsal shield.

Remarks — The description of A. cracens n. sp. brings the number of Acalitus species from the French Antilles up to nine. It is easily distinguished by its 6­rayed empodium, a character shared only with A. macrosetosus Flechtmann & Etienne, 2003 , however, in the new species, femur I presents a ventral transverse line (no line in macrosetosus ) and the prodorsal shield ornamentation is conspicuous (only with a median line in macrosetosus ). A. capparidis Flechtmann, 1999 , A. amicorum Flechtmann, 1999 , A. comptus Flechtmann, 1999 , A. granulatus Flechtmann & Etienne, 2000 , A. simplex Flechtmann & Etienne, 2002 and A. maracai ( Boczek & Nuzzaci, 1988) (recorded from Guadeloupe by Flechtmann et al., 1999b, and from Marie Galante by Flechtmann & Etienne, 2003) all have 4­rayed empodia and A. amydros Flechtmann & Etienne, 2001 has a 5­rayed empodium.













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