Orthognathina Lacordaire, 1866

Morrone, Juan J. & Cuevas, Perla I., 2009, On the status of the tribes Orthognathini and Rhinostomini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Dryophthorinae), Zootaxa 2216 (1), pp. 57-63 : 60

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.2216.1.5



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scientific name

Orthognathina Lacordaire


Subtribe Orthognathina Lacordaire

Sipalina; Champion, 1910: 171 (not available, based on homonymic genus name).

Hyposipalina Voss, 1954: 338 (type genus: Hyposipalus Voss, 1940 ) (not available, based on unavailable genus name). Orthognathina ; Voss, 1958: 128.

Diagnosis. Members of the subtribe Orthognathina are easily recognised by the pronotum having welldeveloped postocular lobes and by tarsite 3 being narrow, linear and subequal in width to tarsite 2.

Taxa included. Three genera are assigned to the pantropical subtribe Orthognathina : Sipalinus Marshall, 1943 with seven species, five from tropical Africa and two from eastern Asia and Australia ( Vaurie 1971), Mesocordylus Lacordaire, 1866 with 27 Neotropical species, ranged from Mexico to north-eastern Argentina ( Vaurie 1970b, 1973, Anderson 2002) and Orthognathus Schönherr, 1838 with three Neotropical species, ranging from the southwestern USA to Bolivia ( Vaurie 1970b).

Host plants. Sipalinus : Bombacaceae , Fabaceae , Moraceae , Myrtaceae and Pinaceae ; Mesocordylus : Arecaceae and Fabaceae ; Orthognathus : unknown.

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