Calytriphylus, Schwartz & Weirauch & Schuh, 2018

Schwartz, Michael D., Weirauch, Christiane & Schuh, Randall T., 2018, New Genera And Species Of Myrtaceae-Feeding Phylinae From Australia, And The Description Of A New Species Of Restiophylus (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae) Michael D. Schwartz Christiane Weirauch, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2018 (424), pp. 1-161 : 69-71

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gen. nov.

Calytriphylus , new genus

TYPE SPECIES: Calytriphylus menzies , new species.

DIAGNOSIS: Primarily recognized by coloration including dark reddish-brown scutellum and femora; eyes relatively small; sexually dimorphic: male narrow and elongate, female shorter and costal margin curved. Narrower head, smaller eyes, and distinct endosoma of C. menzies will distinguish it from somewhat similarly colored Eucalyptophylus macrocarpae .

DESCRIPTION: MALE: Macropterous, total length 2.83–3.06, pronotum width 0.83–0.95. COLORATION (pl. 4): Practically unicolorous pale yellowish tan with darker orange tan or brown on head ventrad of middle of eyes, collum, antennal segments 3 and 4, and faintly on calli; darkest orange brown on mesoscutum and scutellum except apex; very faintly darkened on apices of corium and cuneus; dark brown on sternum, base of coxae, metafemora, venter, apical segment of labium, apex of tibiae, and tarsomeres; tibiae without black spots; hemelytral membrane faintly fumose. SUR- FACE AND VESTITURE: Dorsum weakly shining; dorsal vestiture with moderately sparse, curved silvery shining or golden setae; dark simple setae on darker colored region of cuneus; tibiae pale with pale spines (pl. 4). STRUCTURE: Head: Narrow, posterior margin of eyes separated from anterior margin of pronotum, eyes relatively small in dorsal view but reaching to buccula in lateral view; broadly emarginate near antennal fossa. Antenna: Segment 2 relatively narrow with length equal to width of pronotum. Labium: Reaching just beyond metacoxa. Thorax: Pronotum: Subquadrate, lateral margins nearly straight, calli weakly demarcated, posterior lobe flat, posterior margin straight; mesoscutum broadly exposed. Pretarsus: Claws small, delicate, gently curved; parempodia fleshy, lyriform, apices expanded and truncate; pulvilli absent (fig. 15). Hemelytron: Costal margin straight, elongate. GENITALIA (pl. 27A–G): Pygophore: Medium sized, broadly conical; paramere insertions without tubercles or discrete patches of bristles; posterior surface somewhat produced beyond right paramere. Endosoma: With one strap, J-shaped, without torsion; fusiform in ventral view, broadly pointed apex of strap terminating distad of secondary gonopore by 3× length of gonopore; nonsclerotized apical portion of endosoma covered with microspicules on dorsal surface; two short serrate processes (dorsal and ventral) present on left side of endosoma just distad to secondary gonopore. Secondary gonopore: Well formed, situated distad of middle of strap by 3× length of gonopore. Phallotheca: Relatively short, apically truncate with small flange, aperture wide, spanning anterior margin of phallotheca; right side of anterior surface with relatively long spine. Parameres: Left paramere: Typically phyline; region between posterior and anterior processes not produced; posterior process bent ventrad, apex chiselled. Right paramere: Short, broad, with short acuminate apex.

FEMALE (pl. 4): Coloration and structure similar to male, except posterior portion of hemelytron more intensely reddish brown, costal margin slightly more convex, and antennal segment 2 more slender and tapering proximally than in male, all femora dark; total length 2.54, pronotum width 0.88. GENITALIA (pl. 27H–N): Posterior margin of sternite 7: With broad, medial projection. Vestibular sclerites: Moderately large, strongly convoluted and sclerotized, not projecting beyond anterior edge of dorsal labiate plate in dorsal view. First gonapophyses: Strongly asymmetrical; left side larger than right side, folded to right and covering opening of vestibulum; right side smaller, strongly confluent with posterior medial plate; pair of large globular sclerites flanking aperture of vestibulum. Ventral labiate plate: Strongly sclerotized, anterior base asymmetrical; left side large and adjacent to tumid left interramal lobe. Dorsal labiate plate: Moderately large, shield shaped, long and concave longitudinally; posterior margin membranous. Sclerotized rings: Large, moderately separated, subovoid, relatively thick walled, medial angle pointed, medial angle of left ring folded and produced dorsad. Posteromedial region: Concave, surface undulate without apparent microstructure. Anterolateral region: Barely projecting anteriad of sclerotized rings. Intersegmental region: Thinly membranous anteriad near dorsal labiate plate, extending posteriad as pair of thick, tumid paramedial membranous lobes attached to dorsoposterior region of posterior wall. Posterior wall: Complex; posteromedial region with pair of paramedial tumid lobes, projecting anteriad into genital chamber, surface microspiculate. Interramal sclerites: Well sclerotized, spanning width of posterior wall, lateral margins pointed; midline knoblike moderately produced posteriad, abutting base of ovipositor. Interramal lobes: Present laterally, surface microspiculate, asymmetrical, left lobe tumid, right lobe flat.

ETYMOLOGY: A combination of the generic names Calytris and Phylus ; masculine.

DISCUSSION: The external appearance and coloration of the only known species of Calytriphylus is similar to species we place in Eucalyptophylus . However, the structure of the male and female genitalia is distinctive, which clearly suggests that Calytriphylus is a member of the Exocarpocorina and the resemblance to Eucalyptophylus is superficial.

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