Acanthocreagris ruffoi ( Lazzeroni, 1969 )

Gardini, Giulio, 2022, Two new species of Acanthocreagris from Corsica and mainland France, and notes on some congeneric species (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae), Fragmenta entomologica (Frag. Entomol., Roma) 54 (1), pp. 119-132 : 127-129

publication ID 10.13133/2284-4880/765

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Acanthocreagris ruffoi ( Lazzeroni, 1969 )


Acanthocreagris ruffoi ( Lazzeroni, 1969) View in CoL

Material examined. ITALY: Abruzzo: L’Aquila Prov.: 5♂ 6♀, Barrea, 1100 m, 3 Jul 1999, G. Osella leg., under Corylus avellana ; 1♂ 3♀, Capestrano, Macchiozze di San Vito, 900 m, 19 Oct 1996, G. Osella leg., Quercus wood; 2♀, near Capestrano (42°15’31”N 13°46’31”E), 470 m, 21 Maj 2019, P. Gardini leg.; 1♂ 4♀, Collarmele, Forca Caruso, 1100 m, 9 Maj 1999, G. Osella leg., mixed wood. Abruzzo: Chieti Prov.: 1♂, Lama dei Peligni, 668 m, 5 Sep 2003, A. Pesce & A. Trotta leg. Abruzzo: Pescara Prov.: 5♂ 4♀ 1 T, Carpineto della Nora, road to Voltigno, 1000 m, 29 Maj 1999, M. Zuppa leg., Ostrya carpinifolia wood; 2♂ 1♀, Carpineto della Nora, 6 Nov 1999, G. Osella leg.; 1♀, Carpineto della Nora, 600 m, 17 Apr 1999, G. Osella leg., Ostrya carpinifolia wood; 1♂ 2♀, Carpineto della Nora, 600 m, 24 Apr 1999, G. Osella & A. Zuppa leg., Ostrya carpinifolia wood; 1♂ 4♀, Civitella Casanova, 500 m, 28 Nov 1999, G. Osella leg., Quercus wood; 3♂, Capo Pescara, 19 and 29 Aug 1991, M. Riti leg.; 3♂ 2♀, Popoli, Capo Pescara, 17 Oct 1991, M. Riti leg.; 1♀, Popoli, 19 Apr 1991, M. Riti leg. Abruzzo: Teramo Prov.: 7♂ 6♀, Valle Castellana, near Macchia da Sole (42°45’41”N 13°33’36”E), 1150 m, 18 Jul 2014, S. Zoia leg., beech wood. Campania: Caserta Prov.: 2♂ 4♀ 1 T, Caserta, Monte Pranzaturo (41°24’42”N 14°21’06”E), 1170 m, 8 Jul 2018, S. Zoia leg.; 1♀, Letino, Grotta dei Diavoli 600 Cp/CE, 17 Jul 2017, P. Magrini leg.; 4♂ 3♀, Letino, Grotta dei Diavoli 600 Cp/CE, 28 Jul 2019, P. Magrini leg.; 6♂ 5♀, San Gregorio Matese, Inghiottitoio Campo Braca 45 Cp/CE, 1000 m, 31 Aug 2018, P. Magrini leg. Marche: Ancona Prov.: 1♀, Genga, San Vittore, 19 Apr 2019, P. Magrini leg. Molise: Isernia Prov.: 11♂ 7♀, Collemeluc- cio, 850 m, 15 Sep 1993, G. Osella leg., mixed wood. Sicily: Catania Prov.: 1♂, Adrano, Grotta del Santo 1032 Si/CT, 1043 m, 4 Jun 2018, G. Nicolosi leg.; 1 T, Grotta Nuovalucello 18 Si/CT, 10 Oct 1974, S. Brisolese & D. Caruso leg. Sicily: Enna Prov.: 1♂, 1♀, Sicily, Enna Prov., Agira, Riserva Vallone Piano della Corte, 6 Maj 2020, G. Nicolosi leg. Sicily: Messina Prov.: 1♂, 1♀, Graniti, Posto Leone (37°52’46”N 15°12’12”E), 340 m, 11 Mar 2011, C. Baviera leg., under Olea and Quercus ; 1♀, Messina, Orto Botanico (38°11’32”N 15°32’47”E), 40 m, 25 Feb 2014, C. Baviera leg., under Phytolacca americana . Sicily: Palermo Prov.: 1♂, Isnello, Piano Zucchi (37°54’01”N 13°59’58”E), 1100 m, 18 Maj 2013, C. Baviera leg., un- der Quercus ilex . Sicily: Ragusa Prov.: 1♂, Giarratana, Lago di Santa Rosalia (36°57’59”N 14°46’13”E), 386 m, 2 Mar 2012, C. Baviera leg., under Olea . Sicily: Syracuse Prov.: 1♀, Buscemi (37°05’07”N 14°52’05”E), 655 m, C. Baviera leg., under Olea and Quercus ; 4♂ 6♀, Noto, Fiume Anapo, Area Martin Pescatore (36°59’17”N 15°01’39”E), 400 m, 4 Maj 2014, C. Baviera leg., under Quercus ilex ; 3♀, Pantalica, Valle dell’Anapo, 430 m, 6 Apr 2011, P. Magrini leg.; 1♀, Sortino, Sorgente Santa Sofia (37°09’03”N 15°01’01”E), 300 m, 26 Apr 2016, C. Baviera leg., under Rubus and Hedera .

Description of adults from Sicily (♂: Isnello, Piano Zucchi and Noto, Fiume Anapo; ♀: Pantalica, Valle Anapo and Noto, Fiume Anapo). Carapace 1.4–1.6 (♂ ♀) times as long as broad, with four refractive eyes, the anterior ones with flat lens, the posterior ones often reduced to eye-spots, all eyes with tapetum; anterior margin slightly prominent, without a distinct epistome (Fig. 27); 22 macrosetae, anterior and posterior rows with 4 and 6 macrosetae, respectively. Chaetotaxy of tergites I–X 6–8:8– 9:10:10–11:11:11:11:10–11:11–12:7–8. Chaetotaxy of sternites II–X (♂): 16–19:11 (of which 2+2 setae on tubercles along the genital opening): 8:11:16:14:15:13:10; genital atrium with 2+2 or 2+3 setae; median genital sac reaching sternite VI; chaetotaxy of sternites II–XI (♀) 11:14:12:10:10:12:12:12:12:9; sternites III and IV (♂ ♀) each with 3 microsetae in front on each stigma, sternites VI-VIII with 2 discal setae; anal cone with 2+2 setae. Chelicera (Figs 28–30) 1.8–1.85 (♂ ♀) times as long as broad, palm with 6 setae; fixed finger with 11–14 subequal teeth and few distal denticles; movable finger with 8–10 teeth, the distal ones more prominent; gs ratio 0.68–0.69, galea squat, rounded, more prominent in female (Figs 28–30); rallum with 8 blades, the two-three distal ones laterally pinnate, followed by one serrate blade, the fourfive proximal ones apparently smooth, the first proximal blade shorter; serrulae interior and exterior respectively with about 11 and 22 blades. Manducatory process with 3 setae. Coxal setae: pedipalp 6 or 7, I 4, II 6, III 5, IV 7 or 8; anterolateral process of coxa I pointed (Fig. 31). Pedipalp (Figs 32–36): trochanter with granular surface, 2.15–2.35 (♂) or 2.2–2.35 (♀) times as long as broad,with 4 (rarely 5) spiniform setae with simple and acuminate tips; femur stocky, at the base with evident peduncle, 3.35–3.5 (♂) or 3.2–3.35 (♀) times as long as broad, with granular surface as in fig. 32; patella 2.45–2.55 (♂) or 2.4–2.5 (♀) times as long as broad, club slightly granular on disto-paraxial face, pedicel slightly granular, ratio between club and pedicel 2.05–2.2 (♂) or 2.0–2.3 (♀), ratio X/Y = 0.36–0.45 (♂) or 0.37–0.46 (♀); chela with pedicel 3.3–3.6 (♂) or 3.3–3.35 (♀) times as long as broad; hand of chela with pedicel 1.6–1.7 (♂) or 1.4–1.6 (♀) times as long as broad, granular surface as in figs 33–34; fixed chelal finger with 50–56 (♂) or 50–60 (♀) contiguous teeth with dental canals (Figs 34–36), venom duct short, nodus ramosus subterminal, subterminal sensillum as in fig. 36; movable chelal finger with 48 (♂) 50–57 (♀) contiguous teeth with dental canals (Figs 34–36), of which 20 between the trichobothrium t and the finger tip; movable chelal finger with four sensilla, two of which subterminal (Fig. 36), the others just proximad or just distad to trichobothrium sb (Fig. 35); trichobothria as in Figs 33–34, relative position of trichobothria along chelal axis (♀): et 0.18–0.21/ it 0.27/ est 0.35–0.36/ ist 0.44–0.46/ isb 0.59–0.66/ ib 0.71–0.77/ esb 0.83–0.88/ eb 0.89–0.93/ t 0.33–0.36/ st 0.45–0.46/ sb 0.67– 0.67/ b 0.84–0.86; ratio between movable finger and hand of chela with pedicel 1.1–1.3 (♂) or 1.2–1.35 (♀); ratio between pedipalpal femur and movable finger 1.0 (♂ ♀); ratio between pedipalpal femur and carapace 0.9–1.1 (♂) or 0.9–0.95 (♀). Leg IV: femur + patella 2.75 (♂) or 2.9 (♀) times as long as deep, tibia 4.1 (♂) or 4.0 (♀) times, basitarsus 2.5 (♂) or 2.2 (♀) times, telotarsus 4.0 (♂) or 3.9 (♀) times as long as deep, tactile seta in the proximal half (TS = 0.26–0.27), ratio between basitarsus and telotarsus 0.62 (♂) 0.66 (♀); subterminal seta furcate, slightly dentate, claws with a very small dorsal tooth.

Measurements (mm). Body length 1.8–1.9 (♂) or 2.2– 2.5 (♀). Carapace 0.50–0.54 × 0.32–0.35 anteriorly (♂) or 0.575–0.63 × 0.35–0.39 anteriorly (♀). Chelicera 0.275– 0.29 × 0.15–0.155 (♂) or 0.30–0.32 × 0.16–0.175 (♀); movable finger length 0.18–0.20 (♂) or 0.205 –0.215 (♀). Pedipalp: trochanter 0.29–0.32 × 0.135 (♂) or 0.315–0.34 × 0.135 –0.155 (♀); femur 0.505–0.54 × 0.15–0.155 (♂) or 0.53–0.605 × 0.165–0.18 (♀); patella 0.415–0.45 × 0.17– 0.175 (♂) or 0.43–0.50 × 0.18–0.20 (♀); chela with pedicel 0.865–0.94 × 0.26 (0.24–0.25 depth) (♂) or 0.935–1.06 × 0.28–0.315 (depth 0.245–0.28) (♀); hand with pedicel length 0.42–0.44 (♂) or 0.44–0.45 (♀); movable finger length 0.495–0.54 (♂) or 0.54–0.595 (♀). Leg IV: femur + patella 0.43 × 0.155 (♂) or 0.44 × 0.15 (♀); tibia 0.37 × 0.09 (♂) or 0.38 × 0.095 (♀); basitarsus 0.15 × 0.06 (♂) or 0.155 × 0.07; telotarsus 0.24 × 0.06 (♂ ♀).

Remarks. Epigean species known from central-southern Italy and Sicily ( Fig. 37 View Fig ), A. ruffoi is newly recorded from Marche and Umbria.

The examined Sicilian specimens share most of the characters with the central and southern Apennines populations described by Lazzeroni (1969) and Gardini (1998), except for the shape of the patella, which in the former has a slender club: patella 2.45–2.55 (♂) or 2.4–2.5 (♀) times as long as broad in Sicilian specimens, 2.15–2.4 (♂) or 2.05–2.3 (♀) in mainland Italian specimens. The populations of Sicily are however considered conspecific to the apenninic ones, while the presence of Acanthocreagris ruffoi in Malta ( Mahnert 1975, under A. italica ) is probable, but to be confirmed.

The key to adults of the Acanthocreagris species from Italy proposed by Gardini (2018) must be modified as follows in the dichotomy relating to A. ruffoi :

Smaller: pedipalpal femur length 0.45–0.54 (♂) 0.47– 0.605 (♀) mm, chela with pedicel 0.80–0.94 (♂) 0.83– 1.06 (♀) mm, movable finger 0.43–0.54 (♂) 0.46–0.60 (♀) mm; pedipalp less slender: femur 2.8–3.5 times as long as broad, patellal club more globular, ratio between movable finger and hand with pedicel 1.0–1.35; median genital sac reaching sternite VI. (Marche, Umbria, Latium, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily; epigean species) ....... .................................................. A. ruffoi ( Lazzeroni, 1969)


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute

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