Xerosoma nannospinus, Engelking & Ghirotto & Crispino & Büscher & Heleodoro & Neves & Bispo, 2023

Engelking, Phillip Watzke, Ghirotto, Victor Morais, Crispino, Edgar Blois, Büscher, Thies H., Heleodoro, Raphael Aquino, Neves, Pedro Alvaro Barbosa Aguiar & Bispo, Pitágoras da Conceição, 2023, Fig. 23. Saiva formosana Kato, 1929, male genitalia. A in Lanternflies (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) of Taiwan., Zoological Studies 62 (31), pp. 1-59 : 11-16

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.6620/ZS.2023.62-31

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Xerosoma nannospinus

sp. nov.

Xerosoma nannospinus View in CoL sp. nov. Engelking and

Ghirotto 2022 ( Figs. 7–15 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig ) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:###

Examined material: Holotype ñ ( MZUSP 1440 View Materials ): Brasil, Sergipe, Areia Branca, Parque Nacional de Itabaiana , 10°46'02.6"S, 37°20'14.6"W, 01.V.2022, P. H. Martins, M.D.F. Magalhães & Gonzalez-Filho H.M.O GoogleMaps , Paratypes 3ò ( MZUSP 1441, 1442, 1443): same collection data as for holotype; ñ ( MZUSP 1830): Brasil, Alagoas, Passo do Camaragibe, Mata a beira de pista, 9°16'57.0"S, 35°31'28.1"W, 18.iii.2023, V.M. Ghirotto, P.W. Engelking, E.W. Engelking col.; ñ ( MZUSP 1831): Brasil, Alagoas, Rio Largo, Cedro do Itu, Mata Atlântica, 9°31'07.4"S, 35°53'34.6"W, 19.iii.2023, V.M. Ghirotto, P.W. Engelking, E.W. Engelking col.; ñ ( MZUSP 1832): Brasil, Sergipe, Santa Luzia do Itanhy, Mata Atântica à beira da pista, 11°22'32.1"S, 37°25'18.2"W, 21.iii.2023, V.M. Ghirotto, P.W. Engelking, E.W. Engelking col. Additional material: ñ nymph ( MZUSP 1444): fourth instar, same collection data as for holotype; 4 eggs.

Remarks: Known only from a few individuals from a few populations. As this species shares similarities with X. canaliculatum , the description is concise and is compared to that of X. canaliculatum . Mouthparts were not examined.

Diagnosis: Xerosoma nannospinus sp. nov. differs from X. michaelis by the fully developed hindwings and the reduced number of serrations on femora I–II in females, the only sex known for the latter. Both sexes of X. nannospinus differ from X. canaliculatum by the more pointed vertex, the smaller eyes, the smaller spines on pronotum, the smaller and rounder tegmina, the shorter wings, and the less pronounced lateral tergal projections. Females can be further differentiated from those of X. canaliculatum by the presence of only two apical projections in the posterior margin of tergum X (instead of three) and the enlarged gonapophysis, while males can be further differentiated by the narrower edge of tergum X, the shorter cerci, the more triangular, wider and thinner vomer and the wider base and shorter length of the dorsal sclerite. X. nannospinus can also be distinguished from X. canaliculatum by the shorter and rounder eggs.

Comments on the etymology: “ nannospinus ” is a junction of the Greek word “ nánnos ” = small, reduced, diminutive, and the Latin word “ spinus ” = spines, in allusion to the smaller spines at the base of the pronotum in comparison with the other two Xerosoma species.

Description: Female ( Figs. 8–10 View Fig View Fig View Fig ). Total body size of 55.4 mm, winged. Measurements are given in table 3. Description in comparison with X. canaliculatum .

Head with prominent vertex forming a pointed apex, less pronounced tubercles, presenting a marked longitudinal blackened line but without forming sulci. Head slightly broader, width about 1.4× the length. Eyes slightly elongated, about 0.37 of the length of the head. Antennae slightly shorter, reaching tergum II.

Pro- and mesothorax slightly broader. Prothorax about 1.7× longer than wide, bearing a pair of pointed dorsal spines near the posterior margin, accompanied by smaller spines dorsally; all spines less pronounced. Small granules scattered on the dorsal surface and along the dorsolateral carinae of the pronotum. Mesothorax, metathorax and median segment as in X. canaliculatum .

Tegmina shorter and rounder, about 2× longer than wide, reaching the median segment, with less pronounced shoulder pads. Hindwings slightly shorter, just reaching tergum V. The venation of tegmina and hindwings are fairly similar to that of X. canaliculatum , also presenting Rs subdivided into Rs1 and Rs2, reaching the apical costal area of the tegmina.

Femora and tibiae with about the same proportions as those of X. canaliculatum . Femora III slightly more serrated in the ventral-posterior carinae.

Abdomen 1.3× longer than the combined length of the head, thorax and median segment. Terga in the same proportion and smoother than in X. canaliculatum . Terga with less pronounced carinae. Lateral terga keels in the posterior region less pronounced. Apical posterior terga projections less pronounced. Sternum VIII (subgenital plate) not reaching the median length of IX, broader. Epiproct, paraprocta and cerci as in X. canaliculatum . Praeopercular organ wide, short, less pronounced. Gonapophyses VIII slightly longer and gonapophyses IX slightly broader.

Color: Body mostly with irregular shades of brown, complemented by black and creamish stains. Most of the head and thorax spines dark brown basally and creamish apically. Posterior region of the head irregularly light brown with a creamish line just behind the eyes. Head with a well-marked dorsal longitudinal black line. Pro- and mesothorax mainly dark brown, lighter dorsally. Abdomen similar to thorax, darker dorsally in the first 5 segments covered by wings and brownish laterally; terga VII–VIII with lateral black spots. Antennae similar in color as the rest of the body, becoming lighter from the 7th antennomere. Costal area of tegmina irregularly brownish with lighter and darker spots, anal region with black spots, proximal ventral area reddish. Hindwings with costal area similar to the tegmina and including a red stain basally. Anal area with light, translucent cells centrally and near the costal area; area near veins brownish, veins dark brown to blackish. Legs in different shades of brown similar to the body, but with black spots, mainly on the anterior femora.

Eggs: ( Fig. 11). As for the genus. Rounder than those of X. canaliculatum , 1.5× longer than tall. Micropylar plate longer, micropylar cup less pronounced than in X. canaliculatum . Capsule with longer hairy setae.

Male: ( Figs. 12–14 View Fig View Fig View Fig ). Body size of 45.4–48.5 mm. Measurements are given in table 3.

Head broader, 1.2× longer than wide; eyes smaller, vertex more pointed, and height shorter basally; granulations less pronounced; longitudinal blackened line weaker. Ocelli present, reduced as in X. canaliculatum . Antennae shorter, reaching tergum VI.

Thorax fairly similar to that of X. canaliculatum , only slightly thinner, bearing a pair of pointed dorsal spines near the posterior margin, accompanied by smaller granules dorsally, all of these less pronounced. Mesothorax, metathorax and median segment as in X. canaliculatum .

Tegmina shorter and rounder, about 2× longer than wide, reaching tergum I with shoulder pads less pronounced. Hindwings as in X. canaliculatum , reaching tergum VIII. Venation of tegmina and hindwings fairly similar to that of X. canaliculatum .

Legs similar to those of the X. canaliculatum , except for slightly shorter anterior pair.

Abdomen 1.6× longer than the combined length of the head, thorax and median segment. Terga in the same proportions as in X. canaliculatum , lateral terga keels weakly projected to the posterior region, less pronounced. Apical posterior terga projections also weakly projected, less pronounced. Cerci shorter and broader. Tergum X with narrower projections and posterior ventral margin as in X canaliculatum . Epiproct and paraprocta as in X. canaliculatum . Poculum (posterior portion of sternum IX) dorsoventrally flattened, posterior margin slightly more truncated.

Color: Similar to that of X. canaliculatum , but less colorful, presenting only shades of brown, gray, cream, black, and white.

Nymph, fourth instar: Fairly similar in color to the female holotype, general structures partly developed.

Genitalia (phallic organ): ( Fig. 15 View Fig ). General composition and morphology of lobes similar to those of X. canaliculatum . Dorsal sclerite shorter and broader, bifurcated basally, irregularly fanning out to the membrane apically and slightly tilting to the right side. Apical dorsal surface with several circular sclerotized granules, larger than those in X. canaliculatum .


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