Darwinhydrus solidus Sharp, 1882

Alarie, Yves, Michat, Mariano C. & Challet, Gilbert L., 2017, Larval Description and Phylogenetic Placement of the South African Endemic Genera Coelhydrus Sharp and Darwinhydrus Sharp (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae: Hyphydrini), The Coleopterists Bulletin 71 (2), pp. 389-401 : 394-397

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Diego (2021-08-29 11:16:44, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 14:23:33)

scientific name

Darwinhydrus solidus Sharp


Darwinhydrus solidus Sharp View in CoL

Instar III

Description. Color: Head capsule predominantly dark brown; narrowly yellow along lateral margin of parietale and frontoclypeus ( Fig. 5 View Figs ); head appendages predominantly yellow except apically dark brown mandible; body predominantly dark brown, protergum with a large yellowish macula on each side; siphon yellow to pale brown apically; legs yellow to pale brown, slightly darker over coxae; urogomphus dark brown, pale yellow proximally. Head: Head capsule ( Fig. 5 View Figs ) pearshaped, tapering posteriorly, lacking a neck constriction; ecdysial suture well-developed, coronal suture short; frontoclypeus bluntly rounded, spatulate anteriorly, narrow and elongate, with several lateral notches well-visible in dorsal view; dorsal surface lacking egg bursters (ruptor ovi of Bertrand 1972); epicranial plates meeting ventrally; ocularium present, stemmata not visible ventrally and subdivided into 2 vertical series, stemmata of posterior row more widely spaced; tentorial pits visible medio-ventrally at about midlength. Antenna elongate, slightly shorter than HW; composed of 4 antennomeres, A2 and A3 longest, A4 shortest; A3’ relatively elongate, subequal in length to A4, A3 with a ventroapical spinula. Mandible prominent, falciform, distal half projecting inwards and upwards, apex sharp; mandibular channel present. Maxilla: stipes short and thick, incompletely sclerotized ventrally; cardo fused to stipes; galea and lacinia absent; MP elongate, subequal in length to antenna, composed of 3 palpomeres; MP1 and MP2 longest, subequal in length, MP3 shortest. Labium: prementum subrectangular, much longer than broad, lacking marginal spinulae; LP elongate, distinctly shorter than MP; composed of 2 palpomeres, LP2 subfusiform, slightly shorter than LP1. Thorax: Terga convex, pronotum slightly shorter than meso- and metanota combined, meso- and metanota subequal; protergite subrectangular to subovate, more developed than meso- and metatergites; meso- and metatergites transverse, with anterotransverse carina; sagittal line well-visible on 3 tergites; sterna membranous; spiracles present on mesothorax. Legs: Long ( Figs. 7–8 View Figs ), composed of 6 articles (sensu Lawrence 1991); L1 shortest, L3 longest; CO robust, elongate, TR divided into 2 parts by an annulus, FE, TI, and TA slender, subcylindrical, PT with 2 long, slender, slightly curved claws; posterior claw shorter than anterior claw on L1 and L2, posterior claw longer than anterior claw on L3; ventral surface of TI and TA lacking elongate spinulae. Abdomen: 8-segmented ( Fig. 6 View Figs ); segments I–II sclerotized dorsally, membranous ventrally; segments III–V sclerotized dorsally, with a ventral plate, segments VI–VIII completely sclerotized, ring-like; all tergites lacking sagittal line, with anterotransverse carina; spiracles present lateroventrally on segments I–VII; segment VIII longest and narrowest ( Fig. 6 View Figs ), projecting backwards into more or less elongate subconical siphon, wellconstricted at point of insertion of urogomphi. Urogomphus very long, composed of 2 urogomphomeres; U1 long, much longer than segment VIII; U2 narrower, setiform, much shorter than U1. Chaetotaxy: Head capsule with numerous secondary setae; lateroventral margin of PA with several secondary spine-like setae; anteroventral margin of nasale with half circle of about 60 lamellae clypeales of different lengths, directed downwards; AN, MX, and LA lacking secondary setae; MN with 1 hair-like secondary seta on basoexternal margin; thoracic and abdominal sclerites I–VIII with numerous secondary (00) Nasale 0 - broad, subtriangular

1 - narrow, more or less parallel sided

(01) Apex of nasale 0 - not spatulate

1 - spatulate

(02) Frontoclypeus 0 - lateral processes lacking, if present then barely visible in dorsal view

1 - with one lateral process well-visible in dorsal view

2 - with several short lateral processes well-visible in dorsal view

(03) Epicranial plates 0 - separate at the ventral midline

1 - meet on the ventral midline

(04) Seta FR7 0 - spine-like

1 - hair-like

(05) Primary seta FR13 0 - absent

1 - present

(06) Pore FRb 0 - present

1 - absent

(07) Seta PA3 0 - inserted contiguously to setae PA1 and PA2

1 - inserted far from setae PA1 and PA2

(08) Pore PAc 0 - not inserted anteriorly to stemmata

1 - inserted anteriorly to stemmata

(09) Pore PAe 0 - present

1 - absent

(10) Pore PAj 0 - present

1 - absent

(11) Secondary spine-like setae on 0 - present

lateral margin of parietals 1 - absent

(12) Antennomere II 0 - longer than antennomere I

1 - subequal in length to antennomere I

(13) Antennomere III 0 - longer than antennomere I

1 - subequal in length to antennomere I

(14) Antennomere III 0 - spinula absent

1 - spinula present

(15) Seta AN3 0 - inserted distally

1 - inserted submedially

(16) Primary pore ANf 0 - present

1 - absent

(17) Primary pore ANh 0 - present

1 - absent

(18) Cardo 0 - not fused to stipes

1 - fused to stipes

(19) Setae MX 4. MX 5 and MX 6 0 - present

1 - absent

(20) Setae MX 8 and MX 9 0 - present

1 - absent

(21) Pore MXh 0 - inserted on the galea

1 - inserted on the stipes

2 - absent

(22) Prementum 0 - broader than long

1 - as broad as long

2 - longer than broad

(23) Labial palpomere 2 0 - narrow, subcylindrical, narrowing to apex

1 - robust, broadest at midlength

(24) Primary setae LA3, LA4, LA5 0 - articulated distally

1 - articulated proximally

(25) Seta LA6 0 - inserted distally

1 - inserted submedially

(26) Primary seta LA10 0 - articulated medially

1 - articulated distally

(27) Pore LAb 0 - present

1 - absent

Continued on next page

(28) Prementum 0 - lacking secondary setae

1 - with one secondary seta

2 - with several secondary setae

(29) Primary seta TR2 0 - present

1 - absent

(30) Primary pore FEa 0 - present

1 - absent

(31) Dorsal mesofemoral natatory setae 0 - absent

1 - present

(32) Dorsal metafemoral natatory setae 0 - absent

1 - present

(33) Ventral femoral natatory setae 0 - absent

1 - present

(34) Seta TI7 0 - short, spine-like

1 - long, hair-like

(35) Primary pore TIa 0 - present

1 - absent

(36) Natatory posterodorsal setae on tibia 0 - absent

1 - present

(37) Dorsal tarsal natatory setae 0 - absent

1 - present

(38) Ventral surface of abdominal 0 - membranous

segment II 1 - sclerotized

(39) Ventral surface of abdominal 0 - membranous

segment III 1 - sclerotized

(40) Ventral surface of abdominal 0 - membranous

segments IV–V 1 - sclerotized

(41) Ventral surface of abdominal 0 - membranous

segment VI 1 - sclerotized

(42) Siphon 0 - not constricted at point of insertion of urogomphi

1 - strongly constricted at point of insertion of urogomphi (43) Setae AB6 and AB7 0 - short

1 - elongate

(44) Primary pore ABa 0 - present

1 - absent

(45) Siphon 0 - lacking secondary setae ventrally

1 - with secondary setae ventrally

(46) Seta UR5 0 - long, hair-like

1 - short, spine-like

(47) Seta UR8 0 - inserted apically on urogomphomere 2

1 - inserted submedially on urogomphomere 2

2 - inserted proximally on urogomphomere 2

(48) Urogomphomere I 0 - lacking secondary setae

1 - with secondary setae

setae, mainly on posterior half; natatory setae present on dorsal margin of femora, tibiae, and tarsi; secondary leg setation detailed in Table 2 and Figs. 7–8 View Figs ; U with secondary setae ( Fig. 6 View Figs ).

Distribution. Endemic to the Republic of South Africa.

Bertrand, H. 1972. Larves et Nymphes des Coleopteres Aquatiques du globe. F. Paillart, France.

Lawrence, J. F. 1991. Order Coleoptera [pp. 144 - 658]. In: Immature Insects, Volume 2 (F. W. Stehr, editor). Kendall Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, IA.

Gallery Image

Figs. 5–6. Darwinhydrus solidus, instar III. 5) Head capsule, dorsal view; 6) Abdominal segment VIII and proximal portion of urogomphi, dorsal view. Scale bars = 0.50 mm.

Gallery Image

Figs. 7–8. Darwinhydrus solidus, instar III, metathoracic leg. 7) Anterior surface; 8) Posterior surface. Scale bar = 0.50 mm.











