Artines maya A. Warren & Dolibaina, 2015

Medeiros, Adalberto Dantas De, Dolibaina, Diego Rodrigo, Carneiro, Eduardo, Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik & Casagrande, Mirna Martins, 2019, Taxonomic revision of Artines Godman, 1901 (Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae: Moncini) with the description of nine new species, Zootaxa 4614 (1), pp. 1-49 : 14-15

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Plazi (2019-06-07 08:42:12, last updated 2024-11-26 06:21:53)

scientific name

Artines maya A. Warren & Dolibaina, 2015


Artines maya A. Warren & Dolibaina, 2015

Figs 9 View FIGURES 9–13 , 31 View FIGURES 30–32 , 78 View FIGURE 78

Artines aepitus (misid.); J. de la Maza E. & R. G. de la Maza E., 1985. Rev. Soc. Mex. Lep. 9: 43.—Llorente-Bousquets; Luis- Martínez & Vargas-Fernández, 1990. Publ. esp. Mus. Zool., México, 1: 35.—J. de la Maza E.; White & R. G. de la Maza E., 1991. Rev. Soc. Mex. Lep. 14: 29.—R. G. de la Maza E. & J. de la Maza E., 1993. Marip. Chiapas, p. 206.— Austin et al., 1999. Trop. Lep. 9, Suppl. 2: 13.—J. de la Maza & R. G. de la Maza, 2015, in Carabias; J. de la Maza & Cadena (eds.). Conserv. desarr. sust. Selva Lacandona, p. 648.

Artines maya A. Warren & Dolibaina, 2015 . Trop. Lep. Res. 25 (2): 52, figs 1-2 (male d, v), 21 (male gen.); holotype male, 4.III.1997, circa 5 Km W. Hill Bank, Orangewalk district, Belize, Valerie Giles leg.; MGCL.

Taxonomic history. Artines maya was originally treated as A. aepitus View in CoL in studies conducted in Central America (see catalog). The description of the species was based on three males, one each from Orangewalk, Belize; Lacantún, Chiapas, Mexico and Morales, Izabal, Guatemala.

Diagnosis. Artines maya is very similar to the other species of the “ aepitus group”, but its distribution is restricted to Central America where it is potentially sympatric with A. rica and A. panama sp. nov., and from which can be easily distinguished by being relatively smaller; discal area of ventral hind wing with the central black spot wider than long; harpe with ventral process triangular and shorter than tegumen and aedeagus longer than valva. These characters are only shared with A. litoralis sp. nov., from which it differs by the tegumen shorter than uncus; ampulla distally curved ventrally and ventral process of harpe shorter than dorsal. Besides that, A. litoralis sp. nov. occurs only on the Brazilian coast, from Paraíba to Espírito Santo.

Female. Unknown.

Variation. Not observed.

Comments. Artines maya is one of the smallest species of the genus. Although it shares great morphological similarity with A. litoralis sp. nov., these two species are widely separated geographically and after relatively intense sampling between their areas of occurrence, no intermediate form was found.

Geographic distribution ( Fig. 78 View FIGURE 78 ). The species is known from lowland forest of Central America ( Dolibaina et al. 2015). MEXICO— Chiapas: Lacantún. GUATEMALA— Izabal: Morales. BELIZE— Orangewalk.

Temporal distribution. This species occurs in March, May and September ( Dolibaina et al. 2015).

Host plant. Unknown.

Etymology. According to Dolibaina et al. (2015) this species was named in reference to the Maya people, former inhabitants of the region where the species occurs.

Type material. Holotype male deposited at the MGCL with the following labels : / HOLOTYPUS / Belize: Orangewalk dist[rict]., c[irc]a. 5 Km W. Hill Bank, Mar 4-1997 Valerie Giles [leg.] / Genitalia Vial #98-72 Andrew D. Warren / Holotypus Artines maya A. Warren & Dolibaina det. 2015 /.

Examined material. The holotype and the following two paratypes: MEXICO— Chiapas: Lacantún (Río Lacantún, Chajul), 148m, 1 male, 27.V.1981 ( MAZA). GUATEMALA— Izabal: Morales (Cayuga), 35m, 1 male, IX, Schaus & Barnes leg., ( USNM).

Austin, G. T., Mendez, C. & Launer, A. E. (1999) A preliminary checklist of Guatemalan butterflies: Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea). Tropical Lepidoptera, 9 (Supplement 2), 8 - 18.

Dolibaina, D. R., Warren, A. D., Carneiro, E. & Mielke, O. H. H. (2015) Three new species of Artines Godman, 1901 from Central and South America (Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae: Moncini). Tropical Lepidoptera Research, 25 (2), 52 - 59.

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FIGURE 78. Geographic distribution of the “aepitus group” species. The symbols with white inferior half represent records from literature.

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FIGURES 9–13. Species of the “aepitus group” in dorsal and ventral views. 9. Artines maya, A–B: holotype male. 10. Artines litoralis sp. nov., A–B: holotype male, C–D: allotype female. 11. Artines rica, A–B: male, Turrialba, Cartago, Costa Rica (DZ 41.890), C–D: female from same locality of male (DZ 41.840). 12. Artines liege sp. nov., A–B: holotype male, C–D: allotype female. 13. Artines bamba sp. nov., A–B: holotype male, C–D: tentative female, Moyobamba, San Martin, Peru (OM 79.413). Scale bar = 1cm.

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FIGURES 30–32. Male genitalia of the “aepitus group” species. 30. Artines delfos sp. nov., holotype. 31. Artines maya, holotype. 32. Artines litoralis sp. nov., paratype, Linhares, Espírito Santo, Brazil (DZ 41.215). For reference of the letters see legend of the figure 27. Scale bar = 1 mm.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History













