Artines angelica Medeiros, 2019

Medeiros, Adalberto Dantas De, Dolibaina, Diego Rodrigo, Carneiro, Eduardo, Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik & Casagrande, Mirna Martins, 2019, Taxonomic revision of Artines Godman, 1901 (Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae: Moncini) with the description of nine new species, Zootaxa 4614 (1), pp. 1-49 : 30-31

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Plazi (2019-06-07 08:42:12, last updated 2024-11-26 06:21:53)

scientific name

Artines angelica Medeiros

sp. nov.

Artines angelica Medeiros sp. nov.

Figs 15 View FIGURES 14–19 , 22 View FIGURES 21–26 , 37, 50, 62, 74, 80

Diagnosis. Artines angelica sp. nov. differs from the other species of the “ aquilina group” in the following combination of characters: ventral hind wing with postdiscal band limited distally by a not wavy dark-brown stripe; uncus with distal 1/2 pointed; ampulla protruding dorsally, not exceeding the dorsal margin of costa; ventral projection of the aedeagus with distal portion strongly trifid; cornutus with numerous short and pointed spines from base to distal end of vesica; lamella postvaginalis with proximal sclerotized plate wider than ostium.

Descripiton. Male ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 14–19 A–B). Head: antenna with nudum bearing 11 to 12 segments.

Forewing length: 12–14 mm.

Dorsal forewing ( Fig. 15A View FIGURES 14–19 ): as in A. aquilina ( Fig. 22A View FIGURES 21–26 ).

Ventral forewing ( Fig. 15B View FIGURES 14–19 ): four bluish apical spots, the spots in R 2 –R 3 and R 3 –R 4 elongated; discal spots as on dorsal surface; white, broad and diffuse spot in CuA 2 –2A.

Ventral hind wing ( Fig. 15B View FIGURES 14–19 ): apical portion of discal cell densely covered by orange to yellow scales; central black spot large, quadrate to rectangular; postdiscal band yellow, limited distally by a not wavy dark brown stripe.

Genitalia ( Figs 37 View FIGURES 36–37 A–M, 50): tegumen as long as wide, distally rounded ( Fig. 37C View FIGURES 36–37 ), in lateral view rectangular, dorsal margin slightly convex ( Fig. 37A View FIGURES 36–37 ). Saccus narrower on proximal 1/2, anterior portion wider than tegumen, proximal margin straight or slightly concave ( Fig. 37B View FIGURES 36–37 ). Uncus similar to A. aquilina differing in the longer and narrower distal portion ( Fig. 37A, C View FIGURES 36–37 ). Gnathos reaching distal 1/3 of uncus, arms parallel and weakly convergent at apex in ventral view ( Fig. 37D View FIGURES 36–37 ), in lateral view moderately curved dorsally toward distal end of uncus ( Fig. 37A View FIGURES 36–37 ). Valva two and a half times longer than wide; sacculus triangular, less than 1/2 length of valva, separated from harpe by short distance; costa narrow and triangular, projected inwards, separated from ampulla by distance larger than its length; harpe as long as 1/2 valva, uniformly narrow; ampulla as wide as 1/4 harpe, dorsally protruding and not exceeding dorsal margin of valva; distal projection of valva pointed, longer and less curved inwards than in A. aquilina ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 36–37 E–F). Aedeagus uniformly wide; opening of ejaculatory bulb as in A. aquilina ; ventral projection diverging ventrally at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, distal apex asymmetrically trifid, rarely quadrifid ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 36–37 G–J); cornutus as a stripe bearing numerous short spines, from base to apex of vesica ( Figs 37M View FIGURES 36–37 , 50 View FIGURES 49–53 ). Fultura inferior, in lateral view, uniformly narrow ( Fig. 37L View FIGURES 36–37 ).

Female ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 14–19 C–D). Forewing length: 12–14 mm. Similar to male.

Genitalia ( Figs 62 View FIGURES 61–65 A–B, 74): lamella antevaginalis wide; lamella postvaginalis with two sclerotized plates, one proximal wider than ostium, the other distal with median notches on apical and proximal margins, the latter shaped as an inverted “U”. Ostium situated on median portion of sterigma; ductus bursae with 1/4 basal sclerotized and wide.

Variation. Apical spots of dorsal forewing may be absent and only one female from Bolivia has three conspicuous apical spots. The spot in CuA 2 –2A of dorsal forewing may be absent in a few females.

Comments. Species similar to A. aquilina in the male and female genitalia (see comments in A. aquilina ), however, the color pattern is peculiar by the ventral hind wing without wavy marks, with orange discal area and a large central black spot.

Geographic distribution ( Fig. 80 View FIGURE 80 ). The species occurs from southeast to east of Amazon Rainforest, reaching to Atlantic Forest areas of the northeastern Brazil. BRAZIL— Pará: Paragominas. Maranhão: Santa Luzia. Acre: Mâncio Lima, Xapuri. Alagoas: Maceió. Mato Grosso: Sinop. PERU— Madre de Díos: Puerto Maldonado, Parque Nacional del Manu . BOLIVIA— La Paz: Caranavi.

Temporal distribution. This species occurs throughout the year being more abundant between August and January.

Host plant. Unknown.

Etymology. This species is dedicated to Angelica Faustino Alves, first author’s wife, in gratitude of her continuous support and incentive. The name is a noun in apposition.

Type material. Holotype male deposited at the DZUP with the following labels : / HOLOTYPUS / Água Azul, PA [rá], Paragominas , [ Brazil], 16.VIII.1974, Mielke leg. / gen. prep. A. Medeiros 2018 / DZ 41. 243 / Holotypus Artines angelica Medeiros det. 2018 /.

Allotype female deposited at the OM–DZUP with the following labels: / ALLOTYPUS / IV.1996, Kosñipata , Cuzco, Peru, 1500m, Büche leg. / gen. prep. A. Medeiros 2017 / OM 43.486 / Allotypus Artines angelica Medeiros det. 2018 /.

Paratypes: BRAZIL— Maranhão: Santa Luzia (Fazenda Terrasse, km 108 road Açailândia–Santa Luzia ), 1 male, 3.VIII.1974, O. Mielke leg., DZ 41.273 ( DZUP) . Acre: Mâncio Lima ( Rio Moa , Parque Nacional Serra do Divisor, Sede), 1 male, 1 female, 23–30.VIII.2014, O. Mielke, Casagrande, Carneiro, Dias, Dolibaina, Siewert & Salik leg., DZ 41.223, DZ 41.272 (DZUP); Xapuri (Seringal Esperança), 200m, 1 female, 6–7.IX.2004, O. Mielke & Casagrande leg., DZ 41.212 (DZUP). Alagoas: Maceió, 1 female, 3.I.1959, Cardoso leg., DZ 41.202 (DZUP). Mato Grosso: Sinop 1 male, 1 female, X.1974, Alvarenga leg., DZ 27.410, DZ 41.262 (DZUP). PERU— Madre de Díos: Puerto Maldonado, 100m, 3 females, 9.XI.1992, Tello leg., DZ 34.213 (DZUP), OM 34.117, OM 34.225 (OM), (Tambopata), 300m, 3 males, 1 female, 25.X.1991, 1 female, 27.X.1991, O. Mielke leg., DZ 41.193, DZ 41.263, DZ 41.253, DZ 41.232, DZ 41.242, 1 female, 25.X.1991, M. Casagrande leg., DZ 41.222 (DZUP); no mu- nicipality (Parque Nacional del Manu, Pakitza), 340m, 1 male, 17.X.1991, O. Mielke leg. (MUSM). BOLIVIA— La Paz: Caranavi, 1000m, 1 female, X.2004, 1 female XII.2004, Tello leg., OM 66.347, OM 66.542 (OM).

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FIGURE 80. Geographic distribution of the “aquilina group” and “bipunctata group” species. The symbols with white inferior half represent records from literature.

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FIGURES 14–19. Species of the “aquilina group” (14–18) and “bipunctata group” (19) in dorsal and ventral views. 14. Artines aquilina, A–B: male, Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil (DZ 41.321), C–D: female from same locality of male (DZ 41.220). 15. Artines angelica sp. nov., A–B: holotype male, C–D: allotype female. 16. Artines focus, A–B: male, Ilha de Maracá, Alto Alegre, Roraima, Brazil (DZ 41.233), C–D: female, Pacaraima, Roraima, Brazil (DZ 41.333). 17. Artines cofus sp. nov., A–B: holotype male, C–D: allotype female. 18. Artines donia sp. nov., A–B: holotype male. 19. Artines bipunctata, A–B: male, Jardim Zoológico, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil (DZ 30.961), C–D: female, Córrego Bananal, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil (DZ 41.224). Scale bar = 1cm.

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FIGURES 21–26. Male brands (no scales) on dorsal forewing of the “aquilina group” (21–25) and “bipunctata group” species (26). 21. Artines aquilina, Joinville, Santa catarina, Brazil, (DZ 41.341). 22. Artines angelica sp. nov., paratype, Fazenda Ter- rasse, Santa Luzia, Maranhão, Brazil (DZ 41.273) 23. Artines focus, Ilha de Maracá, Roraima, Brazil (DZ 41.233). 24. Artines cofus sp. nov., paratype, Santa Rosa do Purus, Acre, Brazil (DZ 41.303). 25. Artines donia sp. nov., paratype, Santa Rita do Araguaia, Goiás, Brazil (OM 66.000). 26. Artines bipunctata, Ponte Funda, Vianópilis, Goiás, Brazil (DZ 41.264). Scale bar = 1 mm.

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FIGURES 36–37. Male genitalia of the “aquilina group” species. 36. Artines aquilina, Caminho da Lagoinha, Cachoeiras de Macacú, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (DZ 41.196). 37. Artines angelica sp. nov., holotype. M) dorsal view of vesica showing the cornuti. For reference of the letters see legend of the figure 27. Scale bar = 1 mm.

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FIGURES 49–53. Ventral view of vesica and cornutus of the “aquilina group” species. 49. Artines aquilina. 50. Artines angelica sp. nov.. 51. Artines focus. 52. Artines cofus sp. nov.. 53. Artines donia sp. nov.. Scale bar = 0,2 mm.

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FIGURES 61–65. Female genitalia of the “aquilina group” and “bipunctata group” species. 61. Artines aquilina, Cananéia, São Paulo, Brazil (OM 49.831). 62. Artines angelica sp. nov., paratype, Tambopata, Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Díos, Peru (DZ 41.222) 63. Artines focus, Pacaraima, Roraima, Brazil (DZ 41.333). 64. Artines cofus sp. nov. paratype, Tambopata, Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Díos, Peru (DZ 41. 293). 65. Artines bipunctata, Reserva IBGE, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil (DZ 41.165). For reference of the letters see legend of the figure 54. Scale bar = 1 mm.


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure













