Gladiolus alanyensis H.Duman, Sağıroğlu, Tekşen, 2022
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Gladiolus alanyensis H.Duman, Sağıroğlu, Tekşen |
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sp. nov. |
Gladiolus alanyensis H.Duman, Sağıroğlu, Tekşen & Karaman sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 ).
Type: ― TURKEY. Antalya: Alanya, Alanya-TaŞkent, Elmalısu , dry stream bed, 1311 m elevation, 19 May 2017, H. Duman 10460 (holotype GAZI! ; isotypes SAKU!; GAZI!) .
Diagnosis: ― Gladiolus alanyensis is close to G. anatolicus by leaves, flower, and seed characteristics. It mainly differs from G. anatolicus by having corm tunics membranous with parallel fibres (versus papery with anastomosing fibres); leaves 3, near the cataphylls (versus 3–4, the lower one close to the cataphylls); perigone magenta-pink (versus mauve-purple), with tube straight (versus slightly curved), claw of longer upper perigone segments 5–7 mm long (versus 0–5 mm), claw of shorter lower perigone segments 6–8 mm long (versus 8–15 mm); stigma branches longer, 2–3 mm long (versus 1–2.5); capsule shorter, 8–10 × 5–7 mm (versus 13–18 × 10– 12 mm), obovoid (versus ellipsoid to oblong); seed ovoid-tetraquetrous (versus elipsoid-triquetrous), brown (versus dark brown).
Perennial, glabrous herb. Corm symmetrical, ovoid, 10–15 × 7–12 mm; tunics membranous, 2–3–layered, brownish with parallel fibres. Stem 12–25(–30) cm long, erect, 1–2 mm diameter at ground level. Cataphylls 1–2, pale purple membranous, obtuse. Lower two leaves near the upper cataphylls. Leaves 3, 9–17 cm × 1–2 mm, linear, acuminate, venation irregularly spaced, 4–6 nerved, not glaucous, leaves reach the spike. Bracts lanceolate, valves unequal, papery, membranous at margin, 0.5–1 mm wide; outer bracts 1.5–2.7 cm long, inners 0.9–2 cm long, acuminate. Inflorescence 1–3(–5) flowered, lax, spike distichous in flower and fruit, usually erect, 3–6 cm long. Perigone magenta pink; tube straight, posterior side 12–14 mm long, anterior side 15–18 mm long; upper segments, obtuse, with claw 5–7 mm long; upper median segment limb (UMS) 22–24 × 9–11 mm, broadly sphatulate; upper lateral segment (ULS) 19–21 × 8–10 mm, sphatulate; lower segments, sphatulate, obtuse, with claw 6–8 mm long; lower median segment (LMS) 22–31 × 4–8 mm; lower lateral segment 18–20 × 4–7 mm. Filaments 14–17 mm length, adnate to perigon tube, filiform, widened at the base; anthers 8–9.5 mm long, shorter than filaments, pale yellow, basifixed, included. Ovary 3-locular; style 25–36 mm long, filiform, pale pink, included; stigma with 3 equal sphatulate branches, pale pink, branches 2–3 mm long. Capsule 3-loculicidal, obovoid, 8–10 × 5–7 mm, 12–17-seeded. Seeds 1.47–3.01 × 1.20–2.85 mm, ovoidtetraquetrous, unwinged, brown ( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 , Table 1–2 View TABLE 1 View TABLE 2 ).
Distribution, habitat, and ecology: — Gladiolus alanyensis is a species endemic to Alanya, Antalya Province in southern Anatolia ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ). It grows along the limestone dry stream beds in Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold forest opennings and calcareous areas under maquis groves between 1100–1320 m elevation. It occurs with Scorzonera ulrichii Parolly & N.Kilian , Cyclotrichium origanifolium (Labill.) Manden. & Scheng. , Fritillaria elwesii Boiss. , Pinus nigra, Festuca valesiaca Schleich. ex Gaudin, Chrysophthalmum gueneri Aytac & Anderb. , Origanum saccatum P.H.Davis , Bunium ferulaceum Sm. , and Verbascum sp. pl. Its flowering period is late May to July, and fruiting period is July to August.
Species conservation assessment: — Gladiolus alanyensis is known from two localities with an extent of occurrence (EOO) estimated to be less than 100 km 2 and an area of occupancy (AOO) estimated to be less than 10 km 2. The population size of the species was noted as less than 100 mature individuals. We have noticed some threats to its existence such as broading road works, fire and habitat degradation. Due to continuing decline projected in the extent of occurrence, area of occupancy, extent and quality of habitat, and number of mature individuals, it should be classifed as Critically Endangered (CR) based on criteria B1ab (i,ii,v) + B2ab (i,ii,v) ( IUCN 2019).
Etymology: — The specific epithet ( alanyensis , – e) of the new species is derived from Alanya, where it was first discovered.
Common Turkish name of the new species:― Gladiolus species are called “Kılıçotu” in Turkish. The authors propose “Alanyakılıçotu” as a vernacular name for G. alanyensis , according to the guidelines of Menemen et al. (2016).
Additional specimens examined (paratypes):― TURKEY. Antalya: Alanya, Alanya-TaŞkent, Elmalısu , dry stream bed, 1311 m elevation, 13 June 2021, M . Sağıroğlu 7026 ( SAKU!, GAZI!); ibidem, 01 July 2021, M . Sağıroğlu 7034, M . Tekşen & S . Karaman Erkul ( SAKU!, GAZI!); ibidem, 22 August 2021, M . Sağıroğlu 7053 ( SAKU!, GAZI!); Alanya , Mahmutlar-TaŞkent, 17. km, 1120 m elevation, 08 June 2012, I . Eker 2896 ( SAKU!, AIBU!); ibidem, 06 June 2007, I . Eker 1890 ( SAKU!, AIBU!) .
Comparative seed micromorphology with close species: — In general terms, Gladiolus alanyensis , G. anatolicus , and G. humilis are akin to each other by their rugose and well-developed cuticle type, random cell arregement, polygonal, more or less isodiametric, angular testa epidermal cells shape, and concave periclinal cell walls ( Table 2 View TABLE 2 , Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ). Seeds of G. alanyensis are relatively smaller than those of both G. anatolicus and G. humilis . G. humilis has thinner seeds. Although reticulate structure is dominant in testa ornamentation as shown in all these three Gladiolus species, it is reticulate-cellulate in G. alanyensis , rugose-reticulate in G. anatolicus , and reticulate in G. humilis ( Table 2 View TABLE 2 , Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ).
More concretely, G. alanyensis differs from G. anatolicus by seed dimensions 1.47–3.01 × 1.20–2.85 × 0.66–1.37 mm (L × W × T) (versus 2.02–3.19 × 1.33–2.82 × 0.92–2.03 mm), L/W ratio 1.52, shape ovoid-tetraquetrous, colour brown (versus 1.49, ellipsoid-triquetrous, dark brown), ornamentation reticulate-cellulate (versus rugose-reticulate), epicuticular wax smooth or rarely with messy and minutely tiny platelets (versus smooth or rarely with messy and tiny platelets), testa epidermal cells shape polygonal, more or less isodiametric, angular (versus polygonal, more or less isodiametric, orbicular to oblong, angular), anticlinal cell walls conspicuous, regularly thickened, raised, sunken (versus conspicuous, uniformly thickened and rarely straight, raised), and periclinal cell walls concave to slightly flat (versus concave).
Similarly, G. alanyensis differs from G. humilis also by seed dimensions 1.47–2.76 × 1.20–1.89 × 0.66–1.37 mm (L × W × T) (versus 1.89–3.27 × 1.22–1.94 × 0.26–0.35 mm), L/W ratio 1.52 and shape ovoid-tetraquetrous (versus 1.44, ovoid-triquetrous), ornamentation reticulate-cellulate (versus reticulate), epicuticular wax smooth or rarely with messy and minutely tiny platelets (versus smooth or rarely with messy and tiny platelets), testa epidermal cells shape polygonal, more or less isodiametric, angular (versus polygonal, more or less isodiametric), anticlinal cell walls conspicuous, regularly thickened, raised, sunken (versus conspicuous, uniformly thickened, raised), periclinal cell walls concave to slightly flat (versus concave).
Taxonomic relationships:— Gladiolus specimens from the type locality (Elmalısu, Alanya, Antalya Province) collected in 2017 were initially identified as “ Gladiolus anatolicus ” due to the similarities of their leaves, flowers, and seed. Likewise, the samples collected in a neighbouring area (Mahmutlar-TaŞkent, Alanya) by I. Eker in 2007 and 2012 were also annotated “c.f. G. anatolicus ”. Indeed, G. anatolicus is an endemic species identified from Izmir, Turkey, which at first sight resembles G. alanyensis . However, differences between both species became clearer when we investigated in detail both flowering and fruit samples we collected in Alanya region.
Gladiolus alanyensis is similar to G. anatolicus , G. humilis and G. triphyllus in leaf size and number, flower number and curl condition of the flower tube and unwinged seeds, and compared morphologically with them. However, it is easily distinguished from them by having membranous, parallel fibrous corm, up to 9 mm outer bracts length, perigone colour, straight perigone tube, obovoid capsule, ovoid-tetraquetrous, and brown seeds. In this study, the newly described species was compared morphologically with G. anatolicus and G. humilis as the closest species, and with G. triphyllus due to habit similarity ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ). Gladiolus alanyensis is close to G. anatolicus by leaves, flower, and seed characteristics; to G. humilis by leaves and flower features; and to G. triphyllus by filament, capsule size, and unwinged seed characteristics.
More precisely, the closest morphological connectios of G. alanyensis are found with G. anatolicus , regarding leaf size and number; inflorescence distichous or not markedly secund; flower number and curl condition of the flower tube; upper and lower perigon segments size; filament and anther size; and unwinged seed characteristics. However, G. alanyensis is easily distinguished from G. anatolicus by its corm tunics membranous with parallel fibres (versus papery with anastomosing fibres); leaves 3, near the cataphylls (versus 3–4, the lower one close to the cataphylls); leaves venation distinctly 5–6-nerved (versus distinctly 3-nerved); inflorescense distichous (versus not markedly secund, distichous), 1–3(–5)-flowered (versus 3–4(–5)-flowered); perigone magenta-pink (versus mauve-purple); tube of perigone straight (versus slightly curved), with posterior tube length 12–14 mm (versus 8–12 mm); claw of upper perigone segments 5–7 mm long (versus 0–5 mm), claw of lower perigone segments 6–8 mm long (versus 8–15 mm); LMS limb 22–31 mm long (versus 12–21 mm); stigma branches 3–4 mm long (versus 1–2.5 mm); capsule 8–10 × 5–7 mm (versus 13–18 × 10–12 mm), obovoid (versus ellipsoid to oblong); and seed shape ovoid-tetraquetrous (versus ellipsoid-triquetrous) ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ).
Flowering and fruiting specimens in herbaria (AEF 17651, AEF14415, and ISTE 94730) collected from the type location (topotype) of Gladiolus humilis were examined. Although G. alanyensis resembles G. humilis by leaf size, lax and distichous inflorescence, upper and lower perigon segments size, anthers size, stigma branches length, and unwinged seed characteristics; it most differs from G. humilis by corm structure, inflorescence with more numeorus flowers, perigon colour, shorter posterior and anterior length of perigon tube, shorter upper and lower perigone segment claw, shorter filament, smaller capsule size, and seed shape and colour. Furthermore, G. alanyensis is also distinct from G. humilis because of its corm tunics membranous with parallel fibres (versus coriaceous, subparallel fibrous); leaf venation distinctly 5–6-nerved (versus distinctly 3–4-nerved); inflorescence 1–3(–5)-flowered (versus 3–5-flowered); outer bracts (2–)3–6(–9) mm long (versus 1.5–2 mm); perigone magenta-pink (versus purple or lower segments paler coloured); tube of perigone straight (versus narrowly and distinctly curved), with posterior tube length 12–14 mm (versus 10–12 mm), and anterior tube length 15–18 mm (versus 13–15 mm); claw of upper perigone segments 5–7 mm long (versus 0–2 mm); UMS limb 22–24 mm long (versus 23–37 mm); ULS limb 19–21 mm long (versus 20–30 mm); LLS limb 18–20 mm long (versus 21–30 mm); filament 14–17 mm long (versus 9–13 mm); capsule 8–10 × 5–7 mm (versus 6–7 × 3–4 mm), obovoid (versus ellipsoid); seed ovoid-tetraquetrous (versus ovoid-triquetrous).
Some of Gladiolus populations collected from Alanya are thought to be related to G. alanyensis and some to G. triphyllus , only confirmed from Cyprus so far. It is possible that some of the Gladiolus populations occurring in areas below 1000 m, especially in the east of Antalya Province, might actually correspond to G. triphyllus . Nonetheless, since most of the specimens in the herbaria are in early flowering period, there is no fruit available. Because mature fruit and seeds are important and strong characteristics for identification of these species, their lack makes it difficult to decide whether the samples belong to G. anatolicus or G. triphyllus . For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to collect samples with mature fruits. Relationships of these specimens to other species accepted in the Turkish flora are still in need of clarification. In Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 , the localities of G. anatolicus in the provinces close to the type locality are highlighted. The distribution of G. anatolicus was given in detail by Tekşen et al. (2021). Morphologically, G. alanyensis is akin to G. triphyllus by its filament, capsule size, and unwinged seed characteristics. However, it differs from G. triphyllus by its corm tunics membranous with parallel fibres (versus coarsely reticulate-fibrous); leaves 3, near the cataphylls (versus 3–4, the lower two close to the cataphylls), distinctly 5–6-nerved (versus distinctly 3–4-nerved), green (versus grey-green or dull green); outer bracts (2–)3–6(–9) mm long (versus 1.5–3 mm); inflorescense distichous (versus secund); perigone magenta-pink (versus pale or dark rose pink), with tube straight (versus narrowly infundibular); anthers 8–9.5 mm long (versus 6–8 mm); capsule obovoid (versus oblong-obovoid): seed ovoid-tetraquetrous (versus subglobose), brown (versus reddish-brown) ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ).
Differences are also found in distribution and ecology of all cited species. Gladiolus alanyensis is distributed in South Anatolia on limestone dry stream beds in forest opennings and maquis groves between 1100–1320 m elevation, flowering from May to July, while G. anatolicus is distributed in mostly Western Anatolia on limestone rocky, alpine, steppe, forest and scrub areas between 0–2000 m elevation, flowering from April to June. Gladiolus humilis is distributed in Eastern Anatolia, occurring in rocky areas between 1200–2400 m elevation, and flowering in June. Finally, G. triphyllus is only known to occur in southern Cyprus, in pine forest, garigue or maquis vegetation, on dry rocky limestone or igneous hillsides, between 0–1220 m elevation, and flowering from March to May ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 ).
Gladiolus alanyensis and G. izzet-baysalii Eker & Sağıroğlu (2021: 98) are found in close areas to each other. However, G. alanyensis occurs in the Mediterranean phytogeographic region, whereas G. izzet-baysalii grows in Karaman Province, within the Irano-Turanian phytogeographical region to the border of the Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Morphologically, G. alanyensis differs from G. izzet-baysalii by habit, flower and seed characteristics, and they grow in ecologically different areas (the latter is found along dry creek beds in meadows between 1650–1800 m elevation). Gladiolus izzet-baysalii is closer to G. illyricus W.D.Koch (1837: 699) . It distinctly differs from G. alanyensis by having coriaceous corm tunics; inflorescence a dense and second spike; flowers bicoloured and more numerous, with curved perigone tube; capsule more abundantly seeded; and triquetrous seeds. Furthermore, G. alanyensis produces smaller seeds with reticulate-cellulate testa ornamentation, whereas seed of G. izzet-baysalii are larger with reticulate-foveolate testa ornamentation.
Some of the Gladiolus populations collected from Alanya-Antalya region were named as G. illyricus in herbaria. However, seeds of G. illyricus are clearly winged, whereas they lack wings in G. anatolicus , which allows unequivocal dictinction. Missidentification of species in this group often occurs when dealing with incomplete (seedless) herbarium vouchers that are labelled based only on a few non-diagnostic vegetative characters, as mentioned above.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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