Deinodryinus caxiuana Coelho, Aguiar et Engel, 2011

Coelho, Beatriz W., Aguiar, Alexandre P. & Engel, Michael S., 2011, A survey of Dryinidae (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea) from Caxiuanã, Amazon Basin, with three new taxa and keys to genera and species, Zootaxa 2907, pp. 1-21 : 4-7

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.201416


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scientific name

Deinodryinus caxiuana Coelho, Aguiar et Engel

sp. nov.

Deinodryinus caxiuana Coelho, Aguiar et Engel , sp. nov.

( Figs 1–5 View FIGURES 1, 2 View FIGURES 3 – 5 )

Diagnosis. The new species is similar to Deinodryinus incaicus Olmi 1984 but differs in that pronotum, mesoscutellum (in part), metanotum (in part), and metasoma are fully testaceous; notauli reach 0.5 length of mesoscutum, frons lacks keels and weakly rugose, OPL about 2 × OL (in D. incaicus OPL about 3 × OL), posterior surface of propodeum has transverse and irregular keels near petiole, and protarsomere 5 has approximately 10 lamellae (approximately 50–57 in D. incaicus ).

Description. FEMALE. Fully winged; total body length 4 mm; head testaceous with small dark brown stripe between antennal bases and orbital margin; mandible whitish; antenna, pronotum, and metasoma testaceous; mesoscutum black with central area testaceous; mesoscutellum and metanotum testaceous; propodeum black; mesopleura and metapleura black; legs testaceous with parts whitish, metafemur partly blackish. Antennal segments in following proportions: 17:8:25:14:12:10:10:10:10:14; head granulate with very sparsely scattered setae on vertex, more setose in frons, weakly rugose (without keels or areolae) near compound eyes; frontal line absent; occipital carina complete, strong, sculptured by longitudinal keels; POL=5; OL=5; OOL=16; OPL=11; pronotum with strong transverse anterior furrow, setose, with fading transverse keels on anterior impression; posterolateral angles of pronotum reaching tegulae; posterior surface of pronotum flat, weakly granulate, nearly smooth with very few setae, shorter than mesoscutum (5:7), approximately as long as broad; mesoscutum shiny, smooth; notauli approximately reaching 0.5 length of mesoscutum; mesoscutellum and metanotum shiny, smooth; propodeum with weak transverse keel between dorsal and posterior surfaces, dorsal surface with areolae; posterior surface reticulate rugose, setose, with some transverse, irregular keels near petiole; fore wing with two brown transverse bands; distal portion of Rs longer than proximal portion; tibial spur formula 1–1–2; protarsomeres in following proportions: 24:6:15:50:70; enlarged pretarsal claw with single short bristle located further distally than proximal prominence; protarsomere 5 with row of approximately 10 lamellae; distal apex with two lamellae of different size.

MALE. Unknown.

Material examined. BRAZIL: Holotype Ƥ ( MPEG), PA, Melgaço, Caxiuanã, trail at igarapé Curua, 20– 23.XI.2003, P05108A, YPT, A.P. Aguiar & J. Dias.

Distribution. The species is known from type locality only.

Etymology. The specific epithet is a noun in apposition and is the name of the forest reserve in which the species was captured.

Comments. Deinodryinus caxiuana sp. nov. shares with D. incaicus similar antennal segment proportions; posterior surface of pronotum flat and smooth; mesoscutum, mesoscutellum, and metanotum smooth; and propodeum reticulate rugose with areolae on dorsal surface. In Olmi’s (1991) key to females of Neotropical Deinodryinus , current species can be inserted at couplet 45, near D. incaicus , as follows:

45 Region of head behind posterior ocelli without two oblique keels connecting posterior ocelli to occipital carina......... 45’ - Region of head behind posterior ocelli with two oblique keels connecting posterior ocelli to occipital carina............ 46 45’ Notauli almost reaching posterior margin of mesoscutum; frons with keels in central area; OPL approximately 3 × OL; protar-

somere 5 with 52–57 lamellae............................................................... D. incaicus Olmi - Notauli reaching approximately 0.5 length of mesoscutum; frons without keels ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 3 – 5 ); OPL approximately 2 × OL; protar-

somere 5 with about 10 lamellae......................................................... D. caxiuana sp. nov.


Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi

















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