Eurhaphidophora pawangkhananti Dawwrueng, Gorochov & Suwannapoom, 2020

Zhu, Qidi & Shi, Fuming, 2024, Further notes on the genus Eurhaphidophora Gorochov, 1999 (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae) with description of a new species from China, ZooKeys 1211, pp. 17-28 : 17-28

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1211.128308

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scientific name

Eurhaphidophora pawangkhananti Dawwrueng, Gorochov & Suwannapoom, 2020


Eurhaphidophora pawangkhananti Dawwrueng, Gorochov & Suwannapoom, 2020 View in CoL

Figs 4 View Figure 4 , 5 View Figure 5 , 6 A, B View Figure 6

Eurhaphidophora pawangkhananti Dawwrueng, Gorochov & Suwannapoom, 2020. In: Dawwrueng, Gorochov, Tanomtong and Suwannapoom 2020: 242. View in CoL

Eurhaphidophora curvata Lu, Huang & Bian, 2022 View in CoL , syn. nov.

Material examined.

China: • Yunnan Province, 1 ♂ 1 ♀, Puer City, Meizihu Park , 22.7594 ° N, 100.9963 ° E, alt. 1302 m, 20. VIII. 2019, Qidi Zhu leg. GoogleMaps ; • 4 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀, Puer City, Yixiang Town , 22.7487 ° N, 101.0563 ° E, alt. 1470 m, 22. VIII. 2019, Qidi Zhu leg. GoogleMaps ; • 12 ♂♂ 20 ♀♀, Puer City, Meizihu Park , 22.7594 ° N, 100.9963 ° E, alt. 1302 m, 19. VIII. 2023, Jie Su leg. GoogleMaps


Male. Body medium-sized. Fastigium verticis with rostral tubercles, pressed to each other and divided by a narrow and deep furrow, pointing forwards. Eyes ovoid, protruding forwards; lateral ocelli large and circular, occupying basal 2 / 3 of lateral surface of rostral tubercles; median ocellus slightly smaller, oval, located between antennal sockets. Pronotum long, anterior margin straight, posterior margin arcuate; lateral lobe longer than high, ventral margin arc-shaped. Mesonotum and metanotum short, posterior margin of mesonotum arcuate, posterior margin of metanotum straight. Fore coxa with one small spine. Internal genicular lobe of fore femur with one long spine; internal and external genicular lobes of mid femur each with one long spine; internal genicular lobe of hind femur with one small spine. Tibia and hind basitarsus with following armament – ve, (vi), ve, v 2 a / d ~ 2, d 2 a, ve, ve, v 2 a / d 18 e – 18 i (d 20 e – 19 i), d 2 sa, 6 a / d 1 c (d 4 c), dac. Posterior margin of eighth abdominal tergite angularly projecting. Ninth abdominal tergite long and wide, strongly curved downwards, basal half with a short dorso-median ridge, apex nearly truncate. Epiproct cup-shaped, basal half wide, nearly semicircular, apical process narrow, curved downwards and forwards. Cercus slender, conical, apex acute. Subgenital plate transverse and broad, posterior margin straight. Stylus cylindrical, apex rounded, inserted on posterolateral area of subgenital plate. Genitalia membranous. Female. Posterior margin of ninth abdominal tergite with small projection. Epiproct lingulate. Ovipositor slightly curved upwards, apical area of ventral margin denticulate. Subgenital plate nearly triangular, apex acute.

Coloration. Body light brown. Eyes black, ocelli pale.

Measurements (mm). Body length: ♂ 25.50–26.8, ♀ 24.68–25.40; length of pronotum: ♂ 6.54–6.90, ♀ 6.58–6.60; length of fore femur: ♂ 7.52–7.80, ♀ 7.50–7.76; length of hind femur: ♂ 17.06–17.66, ♀ 17.38–17.96; length of hind tibia: ♂ 15.58–15.90, ♀ 15.02–15.50; length of hind basitarsus: ♂ 3.22–3.26, ♀ 2.96–3.20; length of ovipositor: 12.02–12.80.


China (Yunnan); Thailand.


Dawwrueng et al. (2020) described E. pawangkhananti from Thailand. Then, Lu et al. (2022) published E. curvata from China and thought it was close to E. ampla Gorochov, 2010 and E. orlovi Gorochov, 2010 . Dawwrueng et al. (2023) compared E. curvata to E. pawangkhananti , which is very similar to E. curvata . The two species can be distinguished by the characteristics of the male epiproct and the subgenital plate. However, the male epiproct of E. curvata is also greatly similar to that of E. pawangkhananti , which is cup-shaped, broad and rather short with an apical process that is very narrow and slightly curved forward in lateral view (Fig. 5 View Figure 5 ). When the apical part is not fully exposed, the posterior margin of the epiproct appears to be widely rounded (Fig. 4 F View Figure 4 ). Moreover, it is not obvious whether the posterior margin of the male subgenital plate between its styli is convex or almost straight, so it cannot be used as the main distinguishing character. Therefore, we consider E. curvata Lu, Huang & Bian, 2022 , syn. nov. to be a new synonym of E. pawangkhananti Dawwrueng, Gorochov & Suwannapoom, 2020 .














Eurhaphidophora pawangkhananti Dawwrueng, Gorochov & Suwannapoom, 2020

Zhu, Qidi & Shi, Fuming 2024

Eurhaphidophora pawangkhananti

Dawwrueng P & Gorochov AV & Tanomtong A & Suwannapoom C 2020: 242
Eurhaphidophora pawangkhananti Dawwrueng, Gorochov & Suwannapoom, 2020 . In: Dawwrueng, Gorochov, Tanomtong and Suwannapoom 2020: 242 .

Eurhaphidophora curvata

Eurhaphidophora curvata Lu, Huang & Bian, 2022