Dichotomius (Cephagonus) paschoali, Nunes & Vaz-de-Mello, 2019

Nunes, Rafael V. & Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z., 2019, Taxonomic revision of Dichotomius (Cephagonus) Luederwaldt 1929 and the taxonomic status of remaining Dichotomius Hope 1838 subgenera (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Dichotomiini), Journal of Natural History 53 (37), pp. 2231-2351 : 2325-2326

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scientific name

Dichotomius (Cephagonus) paschoali

sp. nov.

3.19.: Dichotomius (Cephagonus) paschoali View in CoL new species

( Figure 39 View Figure 39 (i-l))

Diagnosis. this species is separated from other in the group by the following combined characters: larger males pronotum with a single central lobe on anterior portion of disc; elytral striae and puncture deeply impressed; males paramera with sub-apical spine (as D. fissiceps ); paramera not narrowed posterior do sub-apical spine on dorsal view (as D. barbarae ) and paramera (lateral) view posterior margin with wide excavation near the junction with phalobasis – excavation taking half of posterior border length. Externallyı this species is very similar to D. reichei , D. fissiceps and mainly D. barbarae .

HOLOTYPE (male): BRASIL: Ceará. Ubajara. PARNA Ubajara ( Trilha Samambaia ). 03³50 ʹ 21 ” Sı 40³54 ʹ 02 ” W. Fezes humanas. 17-ii-2003. P Grossi & FZ Vaz-de-Mello [at CEMT] .

● PARATYPES: same data of holotype [13 ƋƋı 12 ♀♀ at CEMT].

Description (Holotypeı male). BL: 18 mmı PW: 10 mm. Colour: blackı shiny. Head: frontoclypeal surface smoothı getting striated towards genae. Interocular space with weakly impressed coarse punctures. Cephalic carina longer than wideı conical with rounded apex. Pronotum: disc shinyı having very fine punctures (viewed under 20x magnification) and having a central lobe on anterior portion of the disc. Region adjacent to eyes with coarse deeply impressed punctures. Posterior margin with 1 – 2 rows of ocellate punctures. Metasternum: sides and margins of anterior lobe covered by long hair. Anterior portion of anterior lobe glabrous and lacking puncturesı with chagrinated microsculpture. Setigerous punctures equally spaced at sides. Elytra: striae deeply impressed having fine punctures spaced by 1x their diameter. First interstriae (near elytral suture) convex in relation to other interstriae which are almost flat. Interstriae disc lacking microsculpture with very fine punctures (20 x). Abdomen: sides of each ventrite excavatedı glabrousı having concentrated ocellate punctures. ventrite 1 with 3 – 5 setae on each side. Punctures of each ventrite interrupted medially as well as groove along the posterior margin of sixth ventrite. Aedeagus ( Figure 39 View Figure 39 (i-l)): dorsallyı paramere apexes roundedı parallel; longitudinal excavation present taking the whole paramera length; basal-rounded excavation present; sub-apical spines presentı paramera not strongly narrowed towards apex posterior to sub-apical spines. Laterallyı subtle declivity from basis towards apex; having wide excavation. Posterior margin with wide excavation near to the junction with phalobasis. Ventrallyı basis with a single central tubercle; lateral-rounded excavations present; subgenital plate emarginated basallyı rounded apically.

Morphological variation. males BL: 13 – 18 mmı PW: 7 – 10 mm. Larger males (redescribed above) bear developed cephalic horn and pronotal anterior lobes. Smaller males have a bifurcated low cephalic carina and pronotum is simply convex. Both male phenotypes and females have similar puncture and hair distribution pattern. Females BL: 15 – 18 mmı PW: 9 mm. Distinguished from males as follows: Head: dorsal surface striated. Cephalic carina lowı rounded at apex. Pronotum: simply convexı lacking lobes. Elytra: striae deeply impressedı punctures separated by twice their diameter. Blue sheen present near basis. Abdomen: sixth ventrite three times larger than fifth.

Distribution. municipality of Ubajaraı state of Cearáı Brazil ( Figure 27 View Figure 27 ).

Etymology. named after our friend and entomologist Dr. Pachoal Coelho Grossi (Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambucoı Brasil)ı who collected the holotype.



















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