Gyrocheilos taishanense G.T. Wang, Yu Q. Chen & R.J. Wang, 2021

Wang, Gang-Tao, Liu, Fang-Pu, Jiang, Guo-Bin, Zhang, Ying, Chen, Yu-Qiang & Wang, Rui-Jiang, 2021, Gyrocheilos taishanense: A new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangdong, China, Phytotaxa 478 (2), pp. 216-224 : 219-222

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.478.2.3

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scientific name

Gyrocheilos taishanense G.T. Wang, Yu Q. Chen & R.J. Wang

sp. nov.

Gyrocheilos taishanense G.T. Wang, Yu Q. Chen & R.J. Wang View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ).

Type: — CHINA. Guangdong: Jiangmen City, Taishan , 21°55’26”N, 112°56’22”E, elev. ca. 560 m, 1 May 2018, flowering, Gang-Tao Wang et al. 669 (holotype IBSC 0855721 About IBSC ; isotypes IBSC0855722 About IBSC , KUN1347954 About KUN , PE02331416 ) GoogleMaps .

Gyrocheilos taishanense is morphologically similar to G. microtrichum W.T. Wang (1981: 32) , but is distinguished by its glabrous or sparsely hairy pedicels (vs. glabrous in G. microtrichum ), zygomorphic (vs. actinomorphic) calyx with hairs in unequal (vs. equal) length, and slightly bilobed (vs. entire) adaxial corolla lips ( Table 2).

Rosulate herb, rosulate, rhizomatous. Petioles 4.5–13.7 cm long, with 0.2–0.5 mm long hispid hairs. Leaf blade 7.5– 13.1 × 8.5–12.4 cm, orbicular, rounded at apex, cordate at base, nearly glabrous and green adaxially, densely pubescent along the midribs abaxially and ferruginous when dry; margin irregularly serrate to crenate; secondary veins 7–9 at each side. Inflorescence a lax cyme, axillary, 7.5–13.5 cm long, 4–36 flowers; peduncle 7.2–19.1 cm long, with uneven and 0.2–0.5 mm long hairs; bracts 2, opposite, 6–7 × 3–4 mm, lanceolate, acute at apex, slightly cordate at base, midrib and margins with short and dense hairs; bracteoles narrowly lanceolate, with short hairs at apex. Flowering pedicels 7–28 mm long, glabrous or with sparsely hairs unequally in length; calyx campanulate, zygomorphic; lobes 5, divided to half or deeply to base, unequal, two abaxial lobes 1.8–2.2 × ca. 1 mm, oblong, three adaxial lobes ca. 1 mm × ca. 1 mm, broadly triangular, acute to acuminate at apex, sparsely hispid abaxially. Corolla rose-pink, zygomorphic, ca. 1.2 cm long, tube ca. 8 mm long, broadly tubular; adaxial lip 3–5 × 6–7 mm, slightly bilobed, lobes broadly triangular, recurved; abaxial lip 3-lobed, 4–6 × 2–3 mm, lobes oblong to elliptic. Stamens 2, included; filaments adnate to the corolla base and free at upper part, ca. 3 mm long, slightly curved, glabrous; anthers ca. 0.8 × 1.9 mm, spheroid, glabrous, cohering by adaxial surfaces; staminodes 2, adnate to adaxial side at ca. 3 mm from base of corolla tube. Ovary ca. 7 mm long, linear, glabrous, 1-loculed, placentas 2, parietal, intrusive, bifid, recurved. Styles ca. 4 mm long, glabrous, strongly deflected off center to the left or right; stigma capitate; ovules many. Capsule 15–32 × ca. 3 mm, straight, linear, loculicidal dehiscing to base, valves 2, not twisted. Seeds many, ca. 0.3 × 0.1 mm, ovoid or ellipsoid, without appendage, brown.

Phenology: —Flowering from April to May; fruiting from May to July. Etymology: —The specific epithet refers to the type locality of this species. Distribution and habitat: — Gyrocheilos taishanense is currently only found on Mt. Nanfengshan, Taishan,

Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China. It grows in secondary broad-leaf forests on mountain slopes with 60–

70% canopy density and in mountain valleys. Associated plants mainly include Castanopsis fissa (Champ. ex Benth.)

Rehder & E. H.Wilson, Psychotria serpens L. and Conchidium pusillum Griff.

Additional specimens examined for taxa in this study

Gyrocheilos chorisepalum W.T.Wang :— CHINA. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Nanning City , Wuming County, Mus . Guangxi 381 (holotype IBSC0097119 About IBSC ), Xie Guanggan et al. 2-72 (paratype PE00154195 ) ; Shanglin County, Cai Canxing 5149 (paratypes IBK00191640 About IBK , IBSC0004893 About IBSC ) .

Gyrocheilos chorisepalum var. synsepalum W.T. Wang (1982: 135) :— CHINA. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Yulin City, Beiliu , Beiliu Exped. 8-4031 (holotype GXMI050706 About GXMI ), Fabrica Med. Pingzheng 6761 (paratype GXMI050707 About GXMI ) ; Guangdong Province: Nanzhidi 4099 (paratype IBSC0549587 About IBSC ) .

Gyrocheilos lasiocalyx W.T.Wang View in CoL :— CHINA. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Guigang City, Guiping , Guiping Exped. 8-327 (holotype GXMI050708 About GXMI ), Liang Naikuan 10757 (paratype IBSC0549589 About IBSC ).

Gyrocheilos microtrichum W.T.Wang :— CHINA. Guangdong Province: Maoming City, Xinyi , C. Wang 32143 (holotype IBSC0004893 About IBSC ; isotypes IBK00054510 About IBK , IBK00054512 About IBK ), C . Wang 38118 (paratypes IBSC0549591 About IBSC , IBK00054511 About IBK ) .

Gyrocheilos orbiculatum D.J.Middleton :— VIETNAM. Petelot s.n. (holotype E00697919 ; isotypes P 04021810, P 04021811).

Gyrocheilos retrotrichum W.T.Wang :— CHINA. Guangdong Province: Maoming City, Xinyi, S. P. Kao 51222 (holotype IBSC0649582 About IBSC ; isotypes IBK00191641 About IBK , IBSC0004871 About IBSC , IBSC0004872 About IBSC , IBSC0004894 About IBSC , PE00030815 , PE00154201 , PE00030815 ).

Gyrocheilos retrotrichum var. oligolobum W.T.Wang :— CHINA. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Liuzhou City, Rongshui , Chen Shaoqing 8902 (holotype IBSC0004895 About IBSC ; isotype IBK00191642 About IBK ); T.Chen 16 (paratypes IBK00191643 About IBK , IBSC0549607 About IBSC ); Chen Shaoqing 14122 (paratypes IBK00054514 About IBK , IBSC0549606 About IBSC ) .


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Gyrocheilos taishanense G.T. Wang, Yu Q. Chen & R.J. Wang

Wang, Gang-Tao, Liu, Fang-Pu, Jiang, Guo-Bin, Zhang, Ying, Chen, Yu-Qiang & Wang, Rui-Jiang 2021

Gyrocheilos chorisepalum var. synsepalum W.T. Wang (1982: 135)

Wang, W. T. & Pan, K. Y. 1982: )
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