
Hentschel, Jörn, Konrat, Matt Von, Söderström, Lars, Hagborg, Anders, Larraín, Juan, Sukkharak, Phiangphak, Uribe, Jaime & Zhang, Li, 2015, Notes on Early Land Plants Today. 72. Infrageneric classification and new combinations, new names, new synonyms in Frullania (Marchantiophyta), Phytotaxa 220 (2), pp. 127-142 : 131-133

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.220.2.3

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scientific name



Frullania View in CoL (subg. Frullania ) sect. Frullania, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 15: 11, 1884 ( Spruce 1884).

Frullania View in CoL (subg. Frullania View in CoL ) sect. Irregulares E.A.Hodgs. ex S.Hatt., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 54: 143, 1983 ( Hattori 1983). Holotype ( Hattori 1983:143):— Frullania deplanata Mitten (1855: 161) View in CoL .

Note:—This section was originally proposed by Hodgson (1949), but was invalid because a Latin diagnosis was omitted. Later, Hattori (1983: 143) validated the section. Hodgson (1949) included only a single species, F. deplanata View in CoL . Frullania sect. Irregulares as currently circumscribed includes solely species from New Zealand ( Hentschel et al. 2009).

Frullania View in CoL (subg. Frullania View in CoL ) sect. Planae R.M.Schust., Phytologia 57: 372, 1985 ( Schuster 1985). Type (ICN Art. 22.6):— Frullania plana Sullivant (1849: 175) View in CoL .

Note:—This section is seemingly monotypic ( Schuster 1985, 1992). Schuster (1992) provided a detailed analysis comparing and distinguishing it from F. sect. Frullania View in CoL (as F. sect. Trachycolea).

Frullania subg. Homotropantha Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 15: 35, 1884 ( Spruce 1884). Lectotype ( Kamimura 1961: 57):— Frullania replicata ( Nees 1833: 369) Montagne (1840: 333) [= Frullania nodulosa ( Reinwardt et al. 1824: 217) Nees View in CoL in Gottsche et al. (1845: 433), cf. Kamimura 1961].

Note:—This subgenus was thoroughly revised by Hattori (1980b) and is here circumscribed to include three sections, F. sect. Remotilobae, F. sect. Fallaces and F. sect. Nodulosae. The latter two were incorporated in the molecular study of Hentschel et al. (2009) and resolved as monophyletic in a well supported sister relationship.

Frullania View in CoL (subg. Homotropantha ) sect. Fallaces Verd., Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 1: 112, 1928 ( Verdoorn 1928a). Type (ICN Art. 22.6):— Frullania fallax Gottsche View in CoL in Gottsche et al. (1845: 432).

Note:—The integrity of F. sect. Fallaces seems to be supported by both the morphological evidence described by

( Hattori 1980b) as well as the molecular analysis presented by Hentschel et al. (2009), although the type species has not yet been included in any molecular systematic study. Frullania fallax is regarded as most closely related to F. intermedia which is well known for its pronounced morphological plasticity ( Hattori 1980b) and is possibly represented by a species complex.

Frullania View in CoL (subg. Homotropantha ) sect. Nodulosae Verd., Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 1: 116, 1928 ( Verdoorn 1928a). Type (ICN Art. 22.6):— Frullania nodulosa ( Reinwardt et al. 1824: 217) Nees View in CoL in Gottsche et al. (1845: 433).

Note:— Hattori (1980b) has used the name F. sect. Homotropantha as a putative autonym of F. subg. Homotropantha and included F. sect. Nodulosae in its synonymy. However, the establishment of any subdivision of a genus under a subdivision that does not include the type of the genus, does not create an autonym (cf. ICN Art. 22.1). Thus the oldest available name must be used.

Frullania View in CoL (subg. Homotropantha ) sect. Remotilobae Verd., Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 1: 119, 1928 ( Verdoorn 1928a). Type (ICN Art. 22.6):— Frullania remotiloba Stephani (1894: 152) View in CoL .

Note:—This section was established by Verdoorn (1928a) to accommodate F. remotiloba View in CoL . Later Verdoorn (1930) added F. heteromorpha Schiffner (1890: 38) View in CoL . Some doubts were expressed by Hattori (1980b) regarding the sectional placement of F. heteromorpha View in CoL , because the species shows some similarities with members of F. sect. Fallaces. According to Hattori (1980b, 1982) F. remotiloba View in CoL may be considered as a ancestral species of F. subg. Homotropantha closely related to F. subg. Diastaloba. None of the respective species have been available for a molecular phylogenetic analysis yet.

Frullania subg. Mammillosae S.Hatt., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 60: 226, 1986 ( Hattori 1986a). Type (ICN Art. 22.6):— Frullania mammillosa Hattori (1977 View in CoL [ 1978]: 424).

Note:—Representatives of this subgenus exhibit a Diastaloba -like habit, but are otherwise characterized by the development of stem-leaves with apiculate or pilose apices ( Hattori 1986a). The phylogenetic affiliation of this subgenus remains unclear, because a taxonomic revision of F. subg. Diastaloba is still lacking. Until now, no species currently placed in F. subg. Mammillosae have been investigated by molecular methods.

Frullania subg. Meteoriopsis Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 15: 37, 1884 ( Spruce 1884). Lectotype ( Uribe & Gradstein 2003):— Frullania peruviana Gottsche View in CoL in Gottsche et al. (1846: 465).

Note:—The taxonomic history of this subgenus is fairly complicated and its current circumscription is strongly influenced by recent taxonomical efforts in F. subg. Diastaloba and F. subg. Thyopsiella. Spruce (1884) established F. subg. Thyopsiella to accommodate species with a prostrate to ascending habit while species with a pendent growth were assigned to F. subg. Meteoriopsis Spruce. Hattori (1972a) View in CoL doubted the taxonomic relevance of the habit and synonymized F. subg. Meteoriopsis View in CoL with F. subg. Thyopsiella (using the name F. subg. Frullania View in CoL , cf. above). Spruce’s (1884) treatment is supported by both the morphological evidence presented by Uribe (2008) as well as the molecular study by Hentschel et al. (2009) where the types of the two subgenera, F. peruviana View in CoL and F. tamarisci View in CoL , are located in different clades. In the present circumscription F. subg. Meteoriopsis View in CoL includes species with a pendent (F. sects. Intumescentes and Meteoriopsis View in CoL ), and a prostrate growth form (F. sect. Obtusilobae). Ongoing taxonomic studies have revealed that several taxa formerly assigned to F. subg. Meteoriopsis View in CoL as circumscribed here, are indeed members of the specious “ Diastaloba I”-clade of Hentschel et al. (2009) and closely related to F. apiculata ( Reinwardt et al. 1824: 222) Nees View in CoL in Gottsche et al. (1845: 452), F. serrata Gottsche View in CoL in Gottsche et al. (1845: 453) and F. subdentata Stephani (1911: 545) View in CoL . Currently no extra-neotropical member of F. sects. Intumescentes and Meteoriopsis View in CoL is known because most of the Asiatic species formerly placed in F. subg. Meteoriopsis View in CoL exclusive of F. sect. Obtusilobae are presumably more closely related to F. subg. Diastaloba.

Frullania View in CoL (subg. Meteoriopsis View in CoL ) sect. Meteoriopsis Uribe, von Konrat et Hentschel. View in CoL , sect. nov. Type:— Frullania peruviana Gottsche View in CoL in Gottsche et al. 1846: 465).

Plants with deeply cordate leaves, with two large auricles on both sides of the base, which are strongly convoluted around the stem.

Note:— Frullania sect. Meteoriopsis was formerly used as a putative autonym below F. subg. Meteoriopsis (e.g., Kamimura 1961, Hattori 1975b, Gradstein 1999). However, the establishment of any subdivision of a genus under a subdivision that does not include the type of the genus, does not create an autonym (cf. ICN Art. 22.1). Frullania sect. Vaginatae Verdoorn (1930: 141) was placed into synonymy of F. sect. Meteoriopsis by Kamimura (1961). However, representatives of F. sect. Vaginatae are assignable to the “ Diastaloba I”-clade of Hentschel et al. (2009) and therefore excluded from F. sect. Meteoriopsis . The section is circumscribed here to include solely the taxa enumerated by Uribe (2008) and the two characters used to describe the section above exclude taxa of F. sect. Intumescentes and F. sect. Obtusilobae.

Frullania View in CoL (subg. Meteoriopsis View in CoL ) sect. Intumescentes R.M.Schust., Phytologia 57: 370, 1985 ( Schuster 1985). Type (ICN Art. 22.6):— Frullania intumescens ( Lehmann 1834: 52) Lehm. et Lindenb. View in CoL in Gottsche et al. (1845: 460).

Frullania View in CoL (subg. Meteoriopsis View in CoL ) sect. Obtusilobae Verd., Ann. Bryol., Suppl. 1: 81, 1930 ( Verdoorn 1930). Lectotype ( Hattori 1986a: 205):— Frullania meyeniana Lindenb. View in CoL in Gottsche et al. (1845: 455).

Frullania subg. Microfrullania (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust., Hepat. Anthocerotae N. Amer. 5: 34, 1992. Basionym:— Neohattoria sect. Microfrullania R.M.Schust., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 33: 280, 1970 ( Schuster 1970). Type ( Schuster 1970: 280):— Neohattoria parhamii Schuster (1963: 243) (≡ Frullania parhamii (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust. ex von Konrat, L.Söderstr. et A.Hagborg View in CoL in Söderström et al. (2011: 407)].

Note:—This subgenus has been investigated by von Konrat et al. (e.g., 2006, 2010, 2011a, 2012, 2013). An even more comprehensive understanding might be expected when F. neocaledonica J.J.Engel in Engel & Smith Merrill (1999: 344) or the markedly polymorphous F. junghuhniana Gottsche View in CoL in Gottsche et al. (1845: 444), and F. rostrata ( Hooker & Taylor 1845: 87) Gottsche et al. (1845: 445) View in CoL also are included. We recognize the three sections below as belonging to this subgenus.













Hentschel, Jörn, Konrat, Matt Von, Söderström, Lars, Hagborg, Anders, Larraín, Juan, Sukkharak, Phiangphak, Uribe, Jaime & Zhang, Li 2015

Frullania subg. Homotropantha Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh

Kamimura, M. 1961: 57
Gottsche, C. M. & Lindenberg, J. B. G. & Nees von Esenbeck, C. G. 1845: 433
Nees von Esenbeck, C. G. 1840: 369
Reinwardt, C. G. C. & Blume, C. L. & Nees von Esenbeck, C. G. 1824: 217


Stephani, F. 1894: )


Sullivant, W. S. 1849: )

Frullania subg. Meteoriopsis Spruce, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh

Gottsche, C. M. & Lindenberg, J. B. W. & Nees von Esenbeck, C. G. 1846: 465


Gottsche, C. M. & Lindenberg, J. B. W. & Nees von Esenbeck, C. G. 1846: 465
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