Senecio doronicum subsp. orientalis Calvo, 2015

Calvo, Joel, Álvarez, Inés & Aedo, Carlos, 2015, Systematics of Senecio section Crociseris (Compositae, Senecioneae), Phytotaxa 211 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.211.1.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Senecio doronicum subsp. orientalis Calvo

subsp. nov.

2c. Senecio doronicum subsp. orientalis Calvo View in CoL , subsp. nov.; Calvo in Calvo   GoogleMaps et al. (2014: 140), nom. inval. (Art. 40.6, see also Note 3 under Art. 41.7). TYPE: Italy, Lazio, Rieti, Accumoli, M. di Accumoli, [42º43'N 13º11'E], A. Orsini s.n. (holotype, NAP image!).

Senecio doronicum var. angustifolius Visiani (1847: 71) View in CoL [ “angustifolia View in CoL ”]. TYPE: Croatia, elatiore montium Dinara   GoogleMaps , [44º03'N 16º23'E], R. Visiani s.n. (lectotype, designated here, PAD image!).

Senecio julicus Kerner , nom. nud., in sched. ( McNeill et al. 2012, ICN Art. 38.1) (M-152064 image!).

Stem glabrescent to covered with scattered scabrid-arachnoid trichomes. Leaves glabrescent on both faces, rarely with scattered scabrid-arachnoid trichomes beneath. Capitula (1–)2–4(–9); involucral bracts (18–)28–32(–34), glabrescent to covered with scattered scabrid-arachnoid trichomes; supplementary bracts (9–)14–18(–24), 8.6–17 mm long, usually as long as the involucral ones, often slightly longer, with scattered arachnoid trichomes. Ligulate florets usually yellow. Chromosome number: unknown. Figure 7 View FIGURE 7 .

Distribution and habitat: — Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Slovenia; alpine meadows, montane pastures, screes, on calcareous and siliceous soils; elevations of 800–2500 m ( Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 ).

Phenology: —Flowering from June to September.

Discussion: — Senecio doronicum subsp. orientalis is an amphi-Adriatic taxon present also in eastern Alps. In some localities of this region, S. doronicum subsp. orientalis overlaps with S. doronicum subsp. doronicum , e.g., as in Monte Baldo (Veneto, Italy) where most of the studied collections belong to S. doronicum subsp. orientalis .

In the original description of this taxon (Calvo et al. 2014) we wrongly attributed the illegitimate name S. orientalis Willdenow (1803: 2006) [non Miller (1768: n.º 10)] to Tenore (1820), and we proposed a replacement name re-using the final epithet under the ICN Art. 58.1 ( McNeill et al. 2012). Actually, Tenore referred to Willdenow’s taxon that occurs in Anatolia and is currently accepted under the name S. pseudoorientalis . However, the description and the indication of localities in Tenore (1820) match with the amphi-Adriatic taxon. For this reason, we designated a specimen associated with Tenore as lectotype (now properly termed holotype) in order to follow his species concept (Calvo et al. 2014). This specimen is part of Orsini’s collection from Monti di Accumoli, currently at Lazio but belonging to Abruzzi during the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and therefore is in accord with Tenore’s indication.

Senecio apenninus , described from Apennine Mountains without precise locality, is likely similar to S. doronicum subsp. orientalis . Unfortunately, the original material of S. apenninus could not have been located. However, three collections identified under the mentioned name, which match with the Tausch’s protologue, have been studied. The specimens were collected at Monte Terminillo, Rieti (Lazio), Monte Vulture (Abruzzo), and Corno alle Scale (Emilia-Romagna). The presence of long pedicels, small capitula, and specially the short supplementary bracts—a quarter to a half as long as the involucral ones—is quite remarkable. Further field work is needed to clarify the variability of these populations and their taxonomic position. Until then, this name is placed under “Doubtful or excluded names”.

Selected specimens examined. AUSTRIA. Carinthia: Kärnten, Gurktaler Alpen, Ebene Reichenau, 46º53’N, 13º56’E, 16 Sep 1978, M. A GoogleMaps . Fischer s.n. ( WU) . Salzburg: Lungau, Silbereck, 47º5’N, 13º26’E, Sep 1921, F GoogleMaps . Vierhapper s.n. ( WU) . Tyrol: Osttirol, Venedigergruppe, am Naturlehrpfad I von Bichl über Katin zur Sajat Hütte, 47º2’N, 12º21’E, 29 July 1985, E GoogleMaps . Albertshofer s.n. ( M) . BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA. Dalmatien, Dinarische Alpen, Südostabhänge der Dinara, 43º59’N, 16º22’E, 8 July 1907, E GoogleMaps . Janchen & B . Watzl s.n. ( WU); Dinarische Alpen, Nord und Nordostabhänge des Gnjat oberhalb der Waldgrenze, 43º56’N, 16º35’E, 6 July 1907, E GoogleMaps . Janchen & B . Watzl s.n. ( WU) . CROATIA. Berg Klek bei Ogulin, über Musulinski-Potok, 45º15’N, 15º8’E, 15 July 1890, R GoogleMaps . Beyer s.n. ( B); montis Crno-gredo prope Brussane, T . Pichler 1800 ( H); Pljesivica , 44º47’N, 15º45’E, J. C GoogleMaps . Schlosser s.n. ( WU) . GERMANY. Bavaria: Alpes calcaires près de Berchtesgaden, 47º33’N, 12º56’E, 1 Sep 1850, A GoogleMaps . Einsele 877 ( L) . ITALY. Abruzzo: Montis Cavallo, Majella, 42º7’N, 14º6’E, Aug 1875, H GoogleMaps . Groves s.n. ( K) . Friuli-Venezia Giulia: Cregnedul, 46º24’N, 13º28’E, 29 Aug 1907, V GoogleMaps . Engelhardt s.n. ( B) . Lazio: Rieti, NE Monte Terminillo, 42º28’N, 13º0’E, 4 Aug 1973, H GoogleMaps . Merxmüller & J . Grau 20731 ( M) . Trentino-Alto Adige / Südtirol: N . side of Fedaia lake at the foothills of Marmolada, 46º27’N, 11º51’E, 20 July 1965, K GoogleMaps . Larsen 20965 ( US). Veneto: Monte Serva, 46º12’N, 12º13’E, 4 July 1871, G. C GoogleMaps . Spreitzenhofer s.n. ( B) . SLOVENIA.: Čičarija, Weg von der Ortschaft Prešnica auf den Berg Slavnik, 45º32’N, 13º58’E, 7 June 1976, M. A GoogleMaps . Fischer s.n. ( WU); Nanos-vuori , 45º47’N, 14º3’E, 4 July 1985, V GoogleMaps . Kolari 2342 ( H) .

22 • Phytotaxa 211 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press



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Senecio doronicum subsp. orientalis Calvo

Calvo, Joel, Álvarez, Inés & Aedo, Carlos 2015

Senecio doronicum var. angustifolius

Visiani, R. 1847: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF