Senecio racemosus subsp. kirghisicus (Candolle) Calvo

Calvo, Joel, Álvarez, Inés & Aedo, Carlos, 2015, Systematics of Senecio section Crociseris (Compositae, Senecioneae), Phytotaxa 211 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

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Felipe (2024-09-03 08:16:57, last updated 2024-09-03 09:43:30)

scientific name

Senecio racemosus subsp. kirghisicus (Candolle) Calvo


21b. Senecio racemosus subsp. kirghisicus (Candolle) Calvo View in CoL in Calvo et al. (2014: 141). Cineraria glabrata Ledebour (1829 : tab. 94), nom. illeg. ( McNeill et al. 2012, ICN Art. 53.1), replaced name, non Swartz (1806: 1354). Senecio kirghisicus Candolle (1838a: 362) , replacement name, non Senecio glabratus Hooker & Arnott (1830: 32) . Senecio doria subsp. kirghisicus (Candolle) Chater in Heywood (1974: 276). Jacobaea kirghisica (Candolle) Wiebe (2000: 62) . TYPE: Kazakhstan, [Kara-su stream according ind. loc.], C.F. Ledebour s.n. (lectotype, designated by Calvo et al. (2014: 141), LE!).

Synflorescence racemose or narrowly paniculate. Achenes with trichomes along ribs. Chromosome number: unknown. Figure 27 View FIGURE 27 .

Iconography: — Ledebour (1829: 22, tab. 94, sub C. glabrata ); Wissjulina (1962: 376, fig. 71, sub S. paucifolius ); Konechnaya (1994: 61, pl. 5, fig. 1, sub S. paucifolius ).

Distribution and habitat: — Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia; meadows, steppes, on solonchak and solonetz soils; elevations of 20–700 m ( Figure 29 View FIGURE 29 ).

Phenology: — Flowering from June to September.

Discussion: — The epithet kirghisicus refers to the “deserti Kirghisorum ” ( Kazakhstan), cited in the protologue of Cineraria glabrata by Ledebour, and subsequently repeated by Candolle in the protologue of S. kirghisicus . For details on the lectotypification of C. glabrata and nomenclatural explanation see Calvo et al. (2014).

The populations of S. racemosus subsp. kirghisicus represent the eastern limit of the Crociseris distribution, at eastern Kazakhstan.

Selected specimens examined. KAZAKHSTAN. Akmola: mouth of the Baypak river , 50º53’N, 72º9’E, 10 Aug 1955, T GoogleMaps . I GoogleMaps . Isachenko , G .D. Samarina & G. N . Tsvetova 3551 ( LE) . Aktobe: Aktyubinsk governorate, Khobda river basin, near Ilenskoe village , 49º58’N, 56º22’E, 11 July 1926, M GoogleMaps . M GoogleMaps . Iljin & M . N . Avramchik 288 ( LE) ; Karagandy: inter mont Karkaraly et Bajanaul , 50º12’N, 75º26’E, July 1843, A GoogleMaps . G GoogleMaps . Schrenk 136 ( LE, UPS) . Kostanay: desertum trans fluv. Ural, Urkatsch-plateau , 51º20’N, 62º19’E, 21 Aug 1857, E GoogleMaps . Borszczow 270 ( LE) . Pavlodar: Bayanaul rayon, Kartal ravine 3 km to the west of Bayanaul , 50º48’N, 75º46’E, 1 Aug 1955, N GoogleMaps . N GoogleMaps . Tzvelev et al. 1553 ( LE, MO) . RUSSIA. Bashkortostan: Ufa, Chishmy station , 54º34’N, 55º22’E, 18 July 1915, I GoogleMaps . V. Novopokrovskiy & V.N. Yakovlev 1240 ( LE, S) . Chelyabinsk: Ploskoe Zaymishche tract, to the south-west of Verkhnyaya village , 54º43’N, 59º14’E, 15 Aug 1916, N GoogleMaps . I GoogleMaps . Kuznetsow 254 ( LE) . Orenburg: Kvarkenskiy rayon, in Sukhaya Kamenka ravine, 52º12’N, 59º18’E, 24 July 1930, K GoogleMaps . S GoogleMaps . Afanasiev 476 ( LE) . Rostov: Terra cosacorum Tanaiticorum, pr. Milerowo , 48º54’N, 40º24’E, 19 Aug 1889, D. I GoogleMaps . Litvinov s.n. ( LE) . Samara: prov. Samara ( Sergewsk ), 53º55’N, 51º9’E, 28 July 1848, R GoogleMaps . Pabo s.n. ( LE) . Saratov: Privolzhskiy rayon, 3 km away of Natal’ino village, in Malaya Maytuga track, 51º15’N, 49º12’E, 12 Oct 1932, I GoogleMaps . M GoogleMaps . Ermolaeva 608 ( LE) . Volgograd: on the Ilovlya river, near Kamenniy brod, 48º58’N, 44º34’E, 12 Sep 1957, M GoogleMaps . M GoogleMaps . Iljin et al. 663 ( LE) . Voronezh: 20 km to the south-west Novokhopersk village, near Tykhovo village , 51º1’N, 41º30’E, 14 Aug 1970, S GoogleMaps . S GoogleMaps . Ikonnikov & N . P . Litvinova 4128 ( LE) . UKRAINE. Dnipropetrovsk: Ekaterinoslav governorate, Pavlograd uyezd, Nikolaev khutor, near Ternovoe village , 48º30’N, 36º5’E, July 1894, F GoogleMaps . N GoogleMaps . Alexeenko s.n. ( LE) . Kharkiv: Gorelaya Dolina, 18–20 km south-east of Zmiev ( Gotval’dov ) near Komsomol’skaya station , 49º35’N, 36º30’E, 24 July 1982, N GoogleMaps . N GoogleMaps . Tsvelev 30 ( LE) . Kiev:

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circa Kiew, 50º28’N, 30º42’E, 1824, M GoogleMaps . Bieberstein s.n. ( LE). Luhansk: prov. Charkow, distr. Starobjelsk , 49º16’N, 38º56’E, I GoogleMaps . Schirajewsky s.n. ( LE). Mykolaiv: Podolia australis, pr. Olviopol , 48º2’N, 30º51’E, 14 Aug 1882, Scharolhowa s.n. ( LE). Poltava: Poltawa, 49º36’N, 34º35’E, A. S GoogleMaps . Rogowicz s.n. ( G, LE) .


Candolle, A. P. (1838 a) Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, vol. 6. Sumptibus Sociorum Treuttel et Wurtz, Paris, France, pp. [1] - 687.

Heywood, V. H. (1974) Flora Europaea: Notulae Systematicae ad Floram Europaeam spectantes No. 15. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 68 (4): 267 - 281. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1095 - 8339.1974. tb 01978. x

Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. (1830) Botany of Captain Beechey's Voyage, part 1. Henry G. Bohn, London, pp. [1] - 48.

Konechnaya, G. Yu. (1994) Senecio L. In: Tzvelev, N. N. (Ed.) Flora Evropeiskoi Chasti SSSR, vol. 7. Nauka, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 52 - 63.

Ledebour, C. F. (1829) Icones plantarum Centuria I. Apud I. Deubner, Rigae; Apud Treuttel et Wurtz, Londini, Parisiis et Argentorati; In Libraria Parisiensi, Bruxellae, pp. [1] - 24, plates 1 - 100.

McNeill, J., Barrie, F. R., Buck, W. R., Demoulin, V., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D., Herendeen, P. S., Knapp, S., Marhold, K., Prado, J., Prud'homme van Reine, W. F., Smith, G. F., Wiersema, J. H. & Turland, N. J. (2012) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants (Melbourne Code). Regnum Vegetabile 154: I - XXX.

Swartz, O. P. (1806) Flora Indiae Occidentalis, vol. 3. Svmtv Jo. Jacobi Palmii, Erlangae, pp. [1231] - 2018.

Wiebe, E. I. (2000) The annotated check-list of the tribe Senecioneae Cass. (Asteraceae) in Siberia. Turczaninowia 3: 58 - 63.

Wissjulina, E. D. (1962) Senecio L. In: Wissjulina, E. D. (Ed.) Flora URSR, vol. 11. Vydavnyctvo Akademii Nauk Ukrajinskiej RSR, Kiev, Ukraine, pp. 371 - 411.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 27. A–J. Senecio racemosus subsp. kirghisicus (Candolle) Calvo—a, b. Habit (drawn from Skvortsov s.n. 15 Sep 1980, MO).—c. Cauline leaf (drawn from Grebe s.n. 1942, B).—d. Capitulum (drawn from H-1441955).—e. Involucral bract (drawn from H-1441955).—f. Supplementary bract (drawn from H-1441955).—g. Ligulate floret (drawn from H- 1441955).—h. Tubular floret (drawn from H-1441955).—i. Achene (drawn from Ermolaeva 608, LE).—j. Indumentum of achene (drawn from Ermolaeva 608, LE). K–L. Senecio racemosus (Bieberstein) Candolle subsp. racemosus (drawn from Davis 32649 & Hedge, G)—k. Achene.—l. Indumentum of achene.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 29. Distribution map for Senecio racemosus subsp. kirghisicus (Candolle) Calvo (▲).


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