Senecio racemosus subsp. racemosus

Calvo, Joel, Álvarez, Inés & Aedo, Carlos, 2015, Systematics of Senecio section Crociseris (Compositae, Senecioneae), Phytotaxa 211 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.211.1.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Senecio racemosus subsp. racemosus


21a. Senecio racemosus subsp. racemosus View in CoL

Senecio racemosus var. glaber Candolle (1838a: 358) View in CoL . TYPE: Perse [ Iran], 1832, C.P. Bélanger 688 (lectotype, designated here, G-DC-204956 image!).

Senecio cyri Koch (1851: 362) View in CoL . TYPE: Turkey, Artahan [Ardahan, 41ºN 42ºE], K.H.E. Koch s.n. (not found).

Senecio thyrsophorus Koch (1851: 362) View in CoL . TYPE: Armenia, Daratschitschak , 13 July 1829, A.J. Szovits s.n. (not found).

Senecio racemosus var. araxina Trautvetter (1873: 550) . TYPE: Armenia, Araxem   GoogleMaps , Dawalu, [40º25’N 44º24’E], G.F. Radde s.n. (TB?, not found).

Senecio racemosus var. latronum Boissier (1875: 402) View in CoL . TYPE: Turkey, Diyarbakir, Devegetschid   GoogleMaps , [38º07'N 39º58'E], 23 Oct 1865, H.C. Haussknecht s.n. (lectotype, designated here, G-150324 image!; isolectotypes JE-6949 image!, JE-6950!, JE-6951 image!, JE-6952!, LE!, P-3729808 image!, W-32015 image!, W-Rchb-101002 image!).

Senecio racemosus var. schelkovnikovii Grossheim View in CoL in Grossheim & Schischkin (1924: 44) [ “shelkovnikovi View in CoL ”]. TYPE: Georgia, Shida Kartli, Transcaucasia, pr. Tiflis dist. Gori, in jugo Tzchra-Tzkaro   GoogleMaps , [41º52'N 44º55'E], 17 July 1923, W. Kozlowsky 173 (lectotype, designated here, LE!; isolectotypes, B-10-0325010!, G-162795!, LE!, NY!, P-4121567 image!, S!, Z-65113!).

Senecio delbesianus Arènes (1951: 197) View in CoL . TYPE: Syria, Dayrik, lit d'un ruisseau au S. de Derik (“ Bec de Canard   GoogleMaps ”), [37º07'N 42º08'E], Sep 1939, P. Delbès 168 (holotype, G-177895 image!; isotypes, G-177894 image!, G-177896 image!).

Senecio latronum Boissier & Haussknecht View in CoL , nom. nud., in sched. ( McNeill et al. 2012, ICN Art. 38.1) (G-150324 image!, JE-6949 image!, JE-6950!, JE-6951 image!, JE-6952!, LE!, P-3729808 image!, W-32015 image!, W-Rchb-101002 image!).

Synflorescence racemose or broadly paniculate. Achenes glabrous or with trichomes near the top. Chromosome number: n =20 ( Afzelius 1951: 68); 2 n =40 ( Altınordu et al. 2014: 2208). Figure 27 View FIGURE 27 .

Iconography: — Arènes (1951: 195, pl. 3, fig. 4–5); Schischkin (1961: 737, tab. 34, fig. 1); Nordenstam (1989b: tab. 41); Avetisyan (1995: 474, tab. 184).

Distribution and habitat: — Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq *, Syria, Turkey; meadows, mountain steppes, rocky places, damp banks, cereal fields, rubble slopes; elevations of 1400–2500 m ( Figure 28 View FIGURE 28 ).

Phenology: — Flowering from June to September.

Discussion: — According to Nordenstam (1989b), the specimen Kotschy 669 from southwestern Iran, although with unusual pubescent leaves, seems to belong to S. racemosus subsp. racemosus . Nonetheless, it has not been included in the distribution map because the synflorescence and capitula are not well developed in the studied duplicates (H, LE, P, WU). More collections are required to accurately identify it.

The species S. delbesianus was described from northern Syria by Arènes. Its racemose-paniculate synflorescence, obconical involucre, and semiamplexicaul cauline leaves lead us to consider it the same entity that S. racemosus subsp. racemosus . It has to be noted that the size of the achenes (ca. 1 mm long) described in the protologue corresponds to immature achenes.

Lotfi et al. (2010) reported S. racemosus (as S. thyrsophorus ) from the Kurdistan Province ( Iran). Likewise, Qaisi (in litt.) and Rechinger (1964) recorded this species from northern Iraq, along the Tigris river nearby Mosul (Handel-Mazzetti 1259, Low 409; herbaria unknown). Unfortunately, none of these vouchers have been revised by us, thus, the presence of this taxon in Iraq appears indicated above by an asterisk.

Selected specimens examined. ARMENIA. Aragatsotn: ad Araxen in Armenia , 40º25’N, 44º24’E, 21 Sep 1828, A. J GoogleMaps . Szovits 29 ( G, H, K, LE) . Gegharkunik: circ. lac. Gokca, in mont. prope Taskend, 40º14’N, 45º5’E, 20 Aug 1927, A. B GoogleMaps . Schelkovnikov & E . Kara-Murza s.n. ( LE) . Lori: Transcaucas, Trialethi pr. Lori, 41º0’N, 44º30’E, 1843, Wittmann 280 ( LE). AZERBAIJAN. Daghlig Shirvan : Transcaucasia , Azerbajdzhan , distr. Chizy , prope p. Altyagatsch , 40º51’N, 48º56’E, 13 Aug 1938, V GoogleMaps . Petrov & M . Shevljakov s.n. ( LE). Nakhchivan: Nakitschiwan , rarior in montibus altioribus Alagez, 39º32’N, 45º41’E, 13 July 1829, A. J GoogleMaps . Szovits 523 ( G, K, LE). GEORGIA. Samtskhe-Javakheti: Javakheti, mount Samsar , 41º31’N, 43º38’E, 2 Sep 1964, R GoogleMaps . Gagnidze s.n. ( LE). Shida Kartli : Caucasus, Zalka, 42º20’N, 43º58’E, Frick 344 ( BR, G, LE, S, US, WU) GoogleMaps . IRAN. Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari: Perse, KousKezerd [Kuhzerd] et Imamzadeh, 32º20’N, 50º10’E, 1829, C. P GoogleMaps . Bélanger s.n. ( P) . SYRIA.


Phytotaxa 211 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 71 Al-Hasakah: vallée au S . de Deirik, Bec de Canard , près de l'eau, 37º7’N, 42º8’E, 25 June 1956, H GoogleMaps . Pabot 753 ( G). TURKEY. Bayburt: ad Caracoche prope Baibout , 40º15’N, 40º14’E, 24 July 1862, E GoogleMaps . Bourgeau 128 ( K, LE, UPS, WU). Erzincan: Armenia turcica, Sipikordagh , 39º52’N, 39º35’E, 26 July 1890, P GoogleMaps . Sintenis & Hedge 3273 ( B, G, LE, S, WU). Erzurum: 29 km from Hinis to Pasinler , 39º35’N, 41º45’E, 12 July 1966, P GoogleMaps . H GoogleMaps . Davis 46408 ( E, K); Palandöken Da., 20–23 km from Çat to Erzurum , 39º51’N, 41º16’E, 27 July 1966, P GoogleMaps . H GoogleMaps . Davis 47347 ( C, K). Iğdır: Igdir, Exp. Farm, Karasu stream, 39º54’N, 44º6’E, 10 Sep 1960, K GoogleMaps . M GoogleMaps . Guichard s.n. ( K). Kars: Kars-Susuz, 8 km. from Kars , 40º40’N, 43º9’E, 5 July 1957, P GoogleMaps . H GoogleMaps . Davis 30623 ( E, K); Ardahan-Ardanuç , 7 km W Ardahan, 41º5’N, 42º37’E, 28 July 1979, M GoogleMaps . Nydegger 14682 ( G). Muş: prov. Musch ad radices australes Bimgoell montis ad Gumgum in districtu Warto , ad lacum Gestemert , 39º7’N, 41º43’E, 15 Aug 1859, T GoogleMaps . Kotschy 296 ( G, K, L, LE, NY, S, UPS); prov. Musch ad radices australes Bimgoell montis ad Gumgum in districtu Warto , vallis Tscharbor Su , 39º7’N, 41º25’E, 29 Aug 1859, T GoogleMaps . Kotschy 428 ( G, K, L, LE, S, UPS). Tunceli: Pülümür-Selepur , 39º31’N, 39º53’E, 23 July 1957, P GoogleMaps . H GoogleMaps . Davis 31584 ( K). Van: Havasor-Hosap , 38º22’N, 43º35’E, 30 July 1954, P GoogleMaps . H GoogleMaps . Davis & O . Polunin 23304 ( K); 6 km SE Bashkale , 38º0’N, 44º3’E, 23 July 1974, K GoogleMaps . H GoogleMaps . Rechinger 49889 ( G) .


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


University of the Witwatersrand


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


University of Helsinki


Royal Botanic Gardens


Servico de Microbiologia e Imunologia


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Wayland University


University of Copenhagen


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Uppsala University, Museum of Evolution, Botany Section (Fytoteket)


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo














Senecio racemosus subsp. racemosus

Calvo, Joel, Álvarez, Inés & Aedo, Carlos 2015

Senecio delbesianus Arènes (1951: 197)

Arenes, J. 1951: )

Senecio racemosus var. schelkovnikovii

Grossheim, A. A. & Schischkin, B. K. 1924: 44

Senecio racemosus var. latronum

Boissier, E. 1875: )

Senecio racemosus var. araxina

Trautvetter, E. R. 1873: )

Senecio cyri

Koch, K. 1851: )

Senecio thyrsophorus

Koch, K. 1851: )

Senecio racemosus var. glaber

Candolle, A. P. 1838: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF